Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I smiled to myself as I watched Nick lean over the side of the boat and talk to the dolphin that had come from nowhere it seemed and decided to make friends with Nick. Nick was feeding the dolphin sardines in between him petting it and rubbing noses with it.

It had been a month now since the nightmare. Nick had been in the hospital for much of that time. He had some broke ribs that were healing up nicely. The slash down his stomach had been stitched up and it left a scar. The bruises were fading. The ones left were that sickly green/yellow color they turn before they fade away. He'd had a concussion as well. Bruised kidneys. Bruised liver.

But to look at him now you'd never know it. He was so happy to be alive that he didn't let on about any pain he felt. Every once in awhile though when he thought I wasn't looking that beautiful smile of his would fade and the light would go out of his eyes. But only for a moment or two then he'd shake himself out of it and go back to what he was doing. I could only imagine where he went to when he left me like that.

The doctors had recommened counselling for both of us but we knew we didn't need counselling. We just needed time and each other. We'd already gotten through the hard part. Hell, we were alive and that's all that mattered.

All the guys came home to Orlando as did Nick's family and they stayed at the hospital around the clock with Nick. We told our story to them. The press wanted our story as well but Nick nor I wanted to deal with the press so AJ told our story for us. His skin grafts had been successful and he was fine. Since he'd suffered physical pain with me and Nick AJ wanted to be the one to tell the story. He said it would help him deal with it so we didn't stop him.

I guess you are wondering what Stefaine's story is. There is no story for her. There was no abuse or neglect to make her do what she did. She was raised in a loving Catholic family. Her father worked as an accountant while her mother was a stay at home mom. Everyone was saying she was just mentally ill. But personally I don't think so. I think she was just evil - the spawn of Satan himself.

Howie was growing his hair back out and Nick had me go out and buy Brian another dog that was from both of us. It was what I called a "Taco Bell" dog as she looked like that annoying dog on the commercials for the Taco Bell Fast Food Chain. So appropriately enough Brian named her Taco.

Nick and I didn't get any time alone together while he was in the hospital. We needed time together. We wanted time together but we couldn't begrudge our family and friends for wanting to be with us all the time. I figured once they were sure we really were okay they'd see they didn't need to hover over us all the time.

A couple of nights before he was to be realeased I hung back as everyone was shuffling out of Nick's room as visiting hours were over. Nick took my hand and pulled me down to him, his lips brushing against mine softly. He then looked at me and said, "Get me out of here, Kev. Away from Orlando. Just for a little while. I need to be with you." My throat chocked up with the emotion I saw in his blue eyes. I couldn't speak. I just nodded my head ok and walked out.

I was back at 6am the morning he was realeased and picked him up. We left a letter at the nurses station for everyone explaining that we needed to be by ourselves for awhile and would be back in about a week.

When we pulled up at the boat marina Nick let out a squeal of delight. I carried our bags and led him aboard "Journey's Faith". Captain Tom Lang was our captain and his two sons, TJ and Danny, were his helpers. Nick asked where we were going. I said, "Up the east coast to Maine. I hear the fishing up there is wonderful this time of year."

So that's where we were at now. Anchored far off the coast of Maine. We'd been swimming, fishing, and just laying around soaking up the sun.

"Hey, Kev, come watch this."

Nick's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I walked over to him. "This is so cool, Kev. Watch this." Nick took a sardine and put the tail of it in his mouth. He leaned over and the dolphin ever so gently took it out of his mouth.

Nick was litterally beaming with happiness at that moment. "Isn't that cool, Kev?" I laughed, "Very cool, Nick. But now I don't know that I want to kiss you since you've been sucking face with a dolphin." Nick made a pouty face and blinked those big puppy dog eyes at me.

"No, fair, Nick! Not the puppy dog eyes!" He busted out laughing as I did also. Instinctively we leaned in towards one another and our lips met. I sighed against him and Nick slid his tongue inside, letting it explore. My arms encircled his waist pulling him against me as our kiss deepened.

Nick pulled away from the kiss but lay his head against my shoulder as we continued to hold one another. "Kev, I love you." "I know. And I love you too." After a moment Nick said, "You were wrong when you said before we wouldn't work and that I'd feel like I'd have to take care of you. I don't feel I'd have to do anything, Kev. I want to take care of you." "Oh, Nicky, I want to take care of you. But this is not an easy thing to do. Some people aren't going to understand it. And you're so young. What about girls? You've only had one serious girlfriend."

Nick looked up at me and said, "It doesn't matter. I don't know how or why but you're the one I fell in love with, Kev. Everything I ever dreamed I wanted in that one relationship that lasts a life time I have with you. I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."

I found myself stroking his silken locks as I struggled for the words to say. Then I thought to myself, "Kev, why are you struggling for all those big ass words to say. Just tell him what's in your heart." My eyes locked with his and I smiled, "I'm willing too, Nick."


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