Full of Grace: Prolouge
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

"Oh, God, don't let me die." That's all I could think of as I crawled out of
the bathroom to the telephone in the bedroom. My arms didn't want to move.
I just knew I was gonna bleed to death from the gaping wounds on my wrists.
"Please God. Help me."

I was getting closer to the phone but my head was now swimming and my vision
was blurring. With a burst of strength that came from who knows where, I
pulled the phone down to the floor where I lay.

His was the only number I had been able to program into the phone. When he
answered I choked back sobs, "Nick, help me. I'm dying." I don't even
remember hearing him answer as I passed out then.
