You Do What You Have To Do:
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I awoke the next morning feeling like a brand new person. Honestly. It's hard to explain it actually. I felt happy. I felt rested. I felt satisfied. After 19 years of searching for who I really was, I felt like I had found me and I was pretty damn happy with who I was.

I rolled over stretching and groaning as my muscles came awake. I reached across the bed beside me, hoping to feel a warm, hard body. But instead my hand landed on the cool silk sheets beneath me. I opened my eyes and sat up in bed, grimmacing as the fact that I had a sore bottom registered with my still groggy brain.

"Oh, God," I groaned as I finally resorted to leaning to the side a bit, allowing all my weight to rest on one cheet. Ok, I had heard it was going to hurt like a mother the first time but I had heard nothing about being sore from it the day after. Did this happen to everyone or was I just weird? I hoped to hell once I got up and got to moving the soreness would start to ease up. With all the work we had to do in the next couple of days, I certainly didn't want to be seen walking around like I had a corn cobb stuck up my butt.

The sound of running water registered to my ears about that time and I grinned. Kevin was in the shower and a good, hot shower seemed like just the thing I needed.

Getting out of bed, I quietly made my way to the bathroom. Once there I had to stop and just admire the sillouhette of Kevin's body through the shower door. Oh my goodness - what more could I say about this man's body that I haven't said already?

Kevin was a work of art. It was as plain and simple as that. Like a good piece of artwork, I could sit and look at him all day and not get tired or bored. He was soothing to my eyes and brought a pleasure so deep to my soul that it made my toes curl.

Not wanting Kevin to suddenly get done with his shower before I had a chance to join him, I opened the shower door as softly as I could and stepped in, shutting it behind me. Without turning around and looking at me, Kevin said, "Morning, Nick."

I stepped up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him back against my chest. He moaned as I kissed the side of his neck and across the top of his shoulders. I said, "Morning sexy. How'd you now I was here?"

Kevin looked me in the eyes and simply said, "You're a part of me, Nick. When you're with me, I feel whole."

"Whoa," I muttered, taken by surprise by Kevin's words as they mirrored exactly how I felt and had been unable to adequately describe. Together we made one another whole. Seperately we were like a puzzle with a piece missing. That described us perfectly.

Kevin turned around to face me and asked, "What was the "whoa" for?"

I smiled sheepishly and said, "It just amazes me to think about how much I love you, Bumpkin."

He brushed his lips across mine and said, "I love you too, Nick. By the way, how do you physically feel today?"

I made a face and said, "My ass hurts."

I said that with my usual smart ass attitude and didn't think nothing of it but I caught the look on Kevin's face and he looked totally horrified that something he had done had left me in physical pain.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. I gently kissed his sweet lips and said, "It's ok, Kevin. It's a good kind of pain. Hell, it's not even pain. It's just a little "uncomfortable" down there."

I picked the soap up and said to him, "Turn around and let me wash your back." He did as I told him and I guided the bar of soap all over his broad shoulders an down his back, using long, deep strokes that caused more than one moan to escape from Kevin.

As I glanced at his body I thought other body parts needed washing as well. Couldn't have one part of his body jealous that another part was getting all the attention now could we?

I took my time caressing his body all over with the bar of soap. The inside of his thighs, the back of his calves, the length of his arms, and across his chisled chest.

I smirked when I got a glance of "lil' Kev" standing at full attention. "I take it you're fully awake now, Kevin?", I teased.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Haha, Nick. I love your lame attempt at humor."

I let the soap slip out of my hand and wrapped my fingers around "lil' Kev". I jerked him hard and fast a couple of times. Kevin's mocking laughter quickly died as he hissed through clenched teeth, "Damn, Nick, what you do to me is wicked."

Kevin let me continue to stroke him with my hand for a bit. But then he brushed my hand away and I looked at him quizzically, wondering why he wanted me to stop. Before I could ask, he took both mine and his throbbing members in his one big hand and began slidding his fist up and down them both at the same time. I yelped in surprise at the feeling of electricity that shot through my body as Kevin's sex pressed against my own. With his free hand he placed it behind my head and pulled me to his his waiting, hungry mouth.

My orgasm came with no warning. My hips bucked forward one time as stream after stream of my cum left my body, quickly joined by Kevin's own cum as his own climax struck at the same time.

We embraced one another afterwards. Actually, I think we were trying to hold one another up until we caught our breath and our knees got some stability about them.

Kevin raised his head off my shoulder and we kissed deeply - slowly this time. No rush or urgency about it. We just wanted to savor it and enjoy it.

Then Kevin turned me around so that my back was to him. He cupped my buttocks in his hands and squeezed. I couldn't control the moan that left my mouth right then. Kevin whispered against my ear, "Put one leg up on the facet."

I wanted to ask what he had in mind but my voice failed me. I lifted my left leg and rested my foot up on the facet, one hand braced up on the wall to keep my balance. Kevin hands roamed over my chest, fingering my nipples, as he sucked on my ear lobe. He said, "I'm sorry I hurt you last night, Nick. I wanna make you feel all better." Before I could tell him again that I was alright, I felt him slide down my body. My butt cheeks parted and I felt his tongue inside me. "Oh my fuckin God, Kevin!", I cried as my knees almost gave out on me right there.

Kevin worked his tongue in and out of the small hole. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt. Now, I kinda understood why girls liked to have guys go down on them so much. This time I closed my fist around my own cock and began stroking it. "I'm cuming, Kev," I managed to cry out this time as another orgasm rocked my body.

I lay my head against the cool, tile wall as I felt Kevin move away. He turned me around to face him and I grinned, "Oh, I feel so much better now, Bumpkin."

He kissed the tip of my nose and said, "Good. Now, we better get out of this water before "lil' Kev" and "lil' Nick" shrivel so far up it'll take a magnifying glass to find them again."

I gasped in mock horror and began pulling him out of the shower, "Oh the inhumanity! Tiny, itty bitty dicks. I'll save you man. Come with me!"

I pulled him out to the bathroom and we collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles. Finally we calmed down and lay there catching our breath. I lay my head over on Kev's chest and said, "Don't ever leave me, Kev."

Kevin's arms wrapped around me and said, "I won't, Nick. I promise.

TBC by me later on, proably tommorrow.....
