You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

This part written by: Tina

The day before we were to leave to go home I decided we didn't have to go back if we didn't want to. I had seriously gotten a map out and plotted a course for us to sail around the world and go to Australia. It would have taken us three weeks to get there with stops at various ports along the way.

It would have been perfect!

I was all jazzed about it and couldn't wait for Kevin to come to bed that night so I could tell him. But as I watched him when he came into the bedroom I knew I was only deluding myself in thinking we could seriously run off like that.

I lay down and pulled the sheet up over my head. I felt Kevin sit down on the bed next to me. Suddenly the sheet was pulled down over my face and his face loomed close to mine.

"Peek-a-boo. I see you Nick. Now come out of hiding and tell me why you went from beaming one second to looking totally lost the next."

God, why couldn't he be the dumb country hick everyone he thought he was sometimes and not be so observant, I thought as I sat up against the headboard.

I leaned over and pulled the map and my notes out of the top drawer of the nightstand and handed them to him without a word.

I watched him as his eyes scanned everything. Finally he looked at me and said, "Oh, Nick."

"I know, Kevin. I know. When you walked in a second ago I realized that this was never going to work so just forget about it, ok?"

I lay back down and pulled the sheet back over my head.

The sheet lifted up again and Kevin lay down beside me. He kissed the tip of my nose, then one cheek and the other one. His lips came to mine and I couldn't control the sigh that escaped my mouth as I kissed him back.

Kevin then stroked my cheek with his long fingers and said, "I'll make you a promise, Nick. Once we get our lives straight and all this mess is put behind us, I'll take you to Australia. We'll play tourist from one end of the contenient to the other and we'll make love like there is no tommorrow."

Did he just say make love, I asked myself. The thought of that made my stomach clench up. We'd kissed and cuddled but that had been it. But the thought of making love with Kevin send the blood in my veins racing.

I was the one who kissed him this time. My palms lay flat against his chest but as our kiss deepend and our tongues danced, I let my hands slowly slide down his chest. His abdomen was so hard and firm. His rippled mucles seemed to burn my hands as they stroked them.

I got brave and one hand rested on the waistband of Kev's boxers. Suddenly he grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away. He stared intently at me a moment before speaking.

"I love you, Nicky. This is new for both of us. I don't want to rush this.

You're still healing from your injuries. We have forever for this baby. When it happens I want it to be in our own house and in our own bed with candles and music. I want us both to be at 100% because I want to give you all I have to give." (no pun intended there folks!)

I nodded my head ok. I was so choked up right then I didn't trust myself to speak. I lay my head on his chest and hugged him tight. "Love you kev", I whispered as I drifted off to sleep.
