You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 39 By: Danielle and Tee (C) by us too ******************** Even though Kevin and I had slept most of the day away, the short time we had been awake had been exhausting. Both of us had but everything on the line, risked it all, and it paid off. We were together. We were safe. We were alive. The rest after that was just icing. We slept soundly and nightmare free. Thank God. I didn't think I could take another nightmare like that last one. In the middle of that nightmare, I had just considered giving up and just letting it claim me body and soul. Thankfully, Kevin's sweet voice brought me back from the edge. Now my sleep was deep and dreamless, a smile on my face as I lay wrapped around Kevin and he wrapped around me. I woke up the next morning in confusion. Something soft was pressing against my eyelid, then the other one. When the presence left, I opened them in time to see Kevin kissing a trail across my cheeks and over the bridge of my nose. I smiled and raised my hand, reaching out my fingertips to touch his face. His hand came over and met mine, squeezing it before returning it to my side. I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing, but before I could make a sound, he pressed his fingertip to my lips to hush me. He didn't say a word, just leaned close again and his lips traced over my jaw, his tongue darting out every few kisses to lick softly at my skin. All I could do was whimper softly and close my eyes, trying to bite back noises that would rock the hotel to the lobby. He kept on in his assault of soft kisses over my skin, gently kissing me into greeting the day, part by part. When he had kissed every inch of my neck, sucking softly on my adam's apple and reeking havoc with my breathing, he moved lower, my collarbone his next target. I suddenly realized that I had a lot less clothes on than I fell asleep with. I down my body and saw that I was only wearing my boxer shorts and the rest of my clothes I could see neatly folded beside Kevin's on the chair that sat across the room. He must have gotten me undressed sometime in the night to make me more comfortable. I smiled at the fact that he fell right back into the role of watching out for me like he had never left, only to bite my lips together as his tongue brushed over one of my nipples and nibbled the pebble softly, making my head spin. For the next hour not a word passed between us as he kissed over every inch of my body from head to toe. He had pushed up the legs of my boxers to kiss and lick at the inside of my thighs, nearly making my eyes roll back in my head from how good it felt, but he hadn't taken them off. Instead he had moved down my legs, making me giggle when he kissed the back of my knees and placed my leg over his shoulder so he could lean down and kiss the back of my thigh, making the giggles be replaced by soft moans that I couldn't hold back anymore. He steadily worked his way down my legs, planting a kiss on the end of each toe, sending lightening racing up my body and setting my nerves on fire. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't move, I don't even think I could form a sentence to save my life. There were only two parts of my body that he hadn't touched, the painfully excited part that was not very well hidden by my tented boxers and my lips. He had kissed every other part of my face but there. My lips were tingling I wanted his kiss so badly. I writhed around with a moan as he nibbled the arch of my foot, making my body respond even more. I gasped and winced. Kevin rubbed my foot with his thumbs, thinking that he had nibbled too roughly. I shook my head and my hands tugged at the sides of my boxers, giving him the hint that he needed. He smiled softly and his hands traced up the outer edges of my legs and moved slowly upwards until he reached the waistband of my boxers, sliding his fingers underneath the elastic. He pulled slowly outwards and lifted the material from my body, the rush of cooler air making me stiffen even more, which caused a low moan from my mouth. He reached one hand up and caressed my face to soothe me then brought his hands back to their previous task. He very carefully edged the material down being careful not to catch anything sensitive with his hands accidentally. Meanwhile, I was praying for him to touch me. Even the side of his hand brushing against me would send me over the edge. God, I needed release from this torture so bad that I thought I was going to spontaneously combust. Kevin slowly moved the material downwards, chuckling softly when after a gasp of relief when the material cleared me, there was the slap of skin hitting skin as now that I was free, my cock slapped itself against my stomach. I looked at him, giving him my most pathetic look, begging him wordlessly to help me out here. He leaned down and kissed the skin on my stomach just above where my length ended and started trailing upwards. I groaned and shivered as he nuzzled into my neck, then kissed to my earlobe, sucking it into his mouth. I felt my hands balling the sheets as he treated my earlobe like I wished he would do to another part of my anatomy. I couldn't stand it any more, I raised my arms and tangled my fingers in his hair, holding him close to me, not wanting him to ever stop. All I could think about was how much I wanted his lips on mine. I felt his lips kissing over my jawline again, coming closer and closer to my mouth. The anticipation was driving me out of my mind. My entire body was on fire and I just snapped. I grabbed his head and bucked my entire body, throwing him off balance and rolling us over so I was looking down on him. Then, without a word, I kissed him as hard and as deep as I could, drilling my tongue in his mouth as far as it would go without choking him. I was like some sort of possessed animal, but I need relief so badly. When his arm came around me and held me against him and his other hand tangled in my hair and deepened the kiss even more, that was it for me. I groaned against his lips and felt my groin tighten painfully before the sweet release flowed between our bodies. The kiss kept going strong long after my orgasm had ebbed away. Oh God, I couldn't stop kissing him. I think he was having the same problem. I was sure our tongues were going to be tied in a knot any minute now, but I didn't care. All I cared about was that he just kept kissing me and holding me like this. That's all I wanted. When we both pulled away, we were breathless and more than a little stunned. He looked up at me and raised a hand to push the hair out of my face, "My little animal. You surprised the shit out of me." I grinned at him, "Well sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands, so to speak." He chuckled softly and kissed the tip of my nose, "I liked it." I smiled and looked at the sticky mess on both of our chests, "However, I am a little messy in my exuberance, aren't I?" He laughed softly and grabbed a washcloth from beside the bed, "I had a feeling that it would end this way if I woke you up like that." He slowly cleaned off my chest with long stokes of the wet cloth and then cleaned himself off. With another kiss, he got up from the bed and returned the cloth to the bathroom and came back with two clean pairs of boxers. I took the pair he offered me and lazily slipped them on still laying on the bed trying to catch my breath. I was not ready to go all way again with him, but what had just happened felt right. Technically all he had done was kissed me, just all over my body. I smiled and rolled on my side to see Kevin slipping his old boxers off and whistled as his bare behind was flashed at me. I could see his shoulders shake as he laughed and he wiggled his butt at me before the new boxers slid up and covered the flesh. He returned to lay on the bed beside me and before he could speak, the phone rang. I sighed and snuggled up to his chest as he reached over to answer it. He listened for a minute and then said "Yes." before hanging up. He kissed the top of my head quickly and let go of me as he stood up, "Two people from management are here to check up on you, when I told them you were sick they got worried. They are coming to see if you are going to be ok to go back on the press circuit tomorrow. " I groaned shook my head, "No. I'm not. Tell them I'm not." He smiled, "Well if you play your cards right, we can both get tomorrow off." He threw a pair of pajama pants at me and I put them on as he threw a shirt on over his jeans. I looked at him and knew without a word what he wanted me to do. This was classic BSB, but since "The Firm" were new, they weren't wise on us yet. I looked at myself in the mirror, hell I already looked just awful. My hair was all sweaty and stringy, hanging in my face. My face was flushed from the earth shattering orgasm I'd just had and I was still a little sweaty from it all. I messed my hair a little more and bit my lips together to make them a little redder. Perfect. I looked around the room, the blanket on the window that Kevin had put there last night was blocking a lot of the light and the bed was a mess. It looked like a good sick room. I pulled a pair of socks on my feet and smiled at my plan. I waited until I heard Kevin let them in and then waited another minute before stumbling out of the room, interrupting Kevin explaining that I had a fever and was a little out of it. "Mommy?" I looked around the room like I was looking for her and my eyes landed on Kevin. I stumbled over to him and fell to my knees beside him, wrapping my arms around his waist and looking up into his concerned face, "Mommy!" I wrapped my arms around him tighter and snuggled my face into his side, sing songing the word 'mommy' over and over happily. Kevin looked at the two PR guys with a sheepish smile, "Like I said, the fever has made him a little out of it. He thinks I'm his mother. No matter how many times I tell him I'm not his mother, five minutes later, I'm mommy again." He put a hand on my head and smiled down at me, "Yes sweetie? What can mommy do for you?" He looked at the shocked PR guys, "Sometimes it's just easier to play along. If I convince him I'm not his mommy, then he has a whole new batch of questions." They both nodded in wide eyed wonder. I looked up at Kevin with my most heartbroken face, "Mommy, I can't find my socks. I can't find them. Where are my socks? I need my socks!" I was practically wailing now and he looked behind me to where my feet were, "Sweetie, they are on your feet." I looked down and since I was kneeling, obviously my feet weren't going to be there. I let out a startled gasp and started feeling around the floor infront of me. "My feet! Who took my feet!?! OH MY GOD MY FEET ARE GONE!!!!" I was at a full out howl now and the two PR guys looked like they were going to shit themselves at one of their stars acting like a blathering idiot. It was taking all I had to keep from laughing. Kevin crouched down beside me and pushed me back so I was sitting and maneuvered my feet infront of me, "No one took your feet. See? You were kneeling. There are your feet and look! There are your socks!" I clasped my hands together and gasped in delight, then brought one of my feet up towards me, pulling off my sock, then doing the same with the other foot. I saw the corners of Kevin's mouth twitch when I hugged the socks to me and then put them on my hands, making sock puppets. I started making them talk in weird voices to each other and having a conversation with my two new friends. I couldn't even look at the PR guys, they were eating this up with a spoon! I saw Kevin go over to them and start conversing softly, all of them looking over at me talking away happily with my sock covered hands. Kevin shot me a signal that meant for me to do something that would get them to leave and give us a couple of days off while they were at it. I looked at my hands and had my two new friends start fighting with each other and then they got physical. I screeched, "Mommy!" at the top of my lungs and he turned to see my hands a blur of motion as went at each other, "They're fighting! Make them stop! Make them stop!" He came over in a rush and grabbed both my hands, stilling them. He got the PR guys to pull a sock of each of my hands and then stood as I let out a sigh of relief that the nasty socks were gone. Inside I was just rolling that these guys were falling for this. Kevin faced me and his mask of concern slipped when his back was to them and he shot me a look that almost made me crack, but I couldn't seeing as I was facing them. He reached down and somehow managed to pull me up into his arms so he was carrying me with my arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist and his arms crossed under my rear to hold me up, like you would hold a sleepy child. "Okay, Nicky. Time for a little boy to go to bed." I shook my head against his shoulder, actually enjoying being in his arms right infront of two people. "Not tired." He started to rock a little on his feet and let my head fall on his shoulder, "Yes, you are. Be a good boy. Time for a nap." I yawned and closed my eyes and snapped them open again like a kid that is trying to fight off sleep would do. "" I relaxed myself against him and watched as the two PR guys followed us to the bedroom as Kevin put me down on the bed and tucked me in. I peeked my eyes up over the blanket and Kevin gave me the best mom look I've ever seen from a guy, "Nickolas. Close those eyes." I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling his thumb rubbing over the spot just between my eyebrows. Damn him, he knew that put me to sleep in real life. I yawned a not entirely fake yawn and snuggled into the pillows, faking sleep. Once Kevin was sure I was "asleep" he walked the PR guys to the door and one of them looked at Kevin nervously, "Is he going to be alright?" Kevin nodded, suppressing a smile, "Yah, it's just a fever. He gets like this when he spikes a high one. It's only happened a couple of times, but it's exhausting for him and for whoever is taking care of him, that's why I had to come and relieve Brian, wore him out." They both nodded and the other put his hand on Kevin's arm, "Take two days and if you need time after that, call and we'll arrange that. Just do not let him leave this hotel room like that. We would have a hell of a time explaining it." Kevin nodded, mentally doing cartwheels. He hadn't dared hope for two days off! After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Kevin shut the door behind them and ran to the bedroom, excited to tell me the good news. "They bought it! You were a genius...." He stopped when he got to the door and laughed softly. Maybe I hadn't been entirely acting on the tired part. There I was, curled up on the bed, sound asleep. Kevin shook his head in amusement and stripped off his shirt and jeans, climbing in next to me and wrapping me in his arms before drifting back to sleep himself, still chuckling that the PR guys had fallen for it.