You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 40 By: Danielle and Tee (C) by us too ******************** I woke up yawning and stretching this way and that way, grimacing as bones popped. "Geez, I'm getting old at 19," I muttered to myself, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I rolled over to find Kevin laying on his side, propped up on his elbow, looking at me witha big smile on his face. He said, "Morning, sleeping beauty." I smiled and said, "What are you looking at?" "The most beautiful, sexy, handsome, incredible, sweet, caring, kind man that God ever created." He kissed his finger tips and pressed them to my lips. I kissed them back and said, "You're gonna give me an ego, Bumpkin." "That's okay cause you'll be my lil ego man and noone elses. Did you sleep good?" I stifled another yawn and said, "Yeah, I did. I can't believe I went back to sleep. That's pretty wild. Haven't been able to sleep in forever and now I can't stay awake. Did you doze back off too?" "Yep, sure did. For about an hour. Then I've just been laying here watching you and thinking about what a damn lucky man I am. I think our bodies are both run down more than what we even realized, Nick. Sleep is a way for the body to rest and heal itself." I thought about what Kevin had just said. Where we finally after all this time starting the healing process? That was just kinda wow, ya know? Kevin's hand cupped my chin and made me look at him, "Hey, Nickers, where'd you go?" I smiled and shook my head, "No where actually. I just got lost in my thoughts there for a second. Are we finally healing, Kev?" I studied his face, his eyes. He looked happy again. There was color in his cheeks. His eyes were shinining and I swear they were even a deeper green than before. He looked alive. I wondered if I looked the same. I got up out of the bed so fast I think it kinda startled Kevin. I went into the bathroom and stood there standing in the mirror. Ok, who was this staring back at me in the mirror? "Nickolas Gene Carter, is that really you? Did you finally decide to join the land of the living again?" There was some color in the cheeks, not a lot since I'd always been a bit on the pale side anyhow. The eyes were blue. I never knew my eyes were that blue before. I ran my fingers through my hair. Ok, it was time for a haircut. I looked at the mirror and watched Kevin come into the bathroom and walk up behind me. He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me back against his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder and we looked at each other in the mirror. Kevin's hand softly stroked my stomach and he whispered against my ear, "Yeah, Nickers, we're healing. There's still a long road to go but at least we're on the road now. I think we've been stumbling around in the woods on some dirt trails up until now." I couldn't help but laugh at Kevin's all too correct assumption. God, I loved the way he could phrase the most deep thoughts and feelings in such goofy, southern, charming way. I reached my hand behind his head, and wove my fingers through his hair, "I wish I had known you when you were a kid, Kevin." He raised his eyebrows quizzically, "Why do you say that, Nick?" "I don't know. It's hard to explain. You're not as complex as most people think you are. But I'd like to have known you when you were so young and carefree - maybe not quite so serious as you are now. But I guess the main reason is I'd like to have seen you with your dad and witnessed all those good times you had and I know you hold so close to your heart now because he's what made you the incredible human being you are." Kevin nuzzled my neck and squeezed my tighter. "Oh, Nicky." I felt a wetness on my skin and I felt him slightly shaking against me. I was still stroking his hair at the back of his head, "It's alright, my country bumpkin. Just let it out." We stood there like that for a good 10 minutes I know. Kevin stopped crying and after a couple of sniffles he raised his head up and met my gaze in the mirror. "Love you, Nickers." "Love you, Bumpkin." I turned my head towards him and our lips met in the sofest kiss. We just relaxed against each other and enjoyed the kiss. There was no tongues searching, no hands groping. Just a sweet, simple kiss that made me feel like I was burning up with a fever of at least 110 degrees if not more. Our kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door. I grumbled, "We're surrounded by people with terrible timing, don't you think?" Kevin laughed, "Yeah, that thought has crossed my mind on more than one occassion. I'll go get it just in case it happens to be someone who doesn't need to know you're not really sick." "Ok, I'm gonna hop in the shower while you take care of whoever." *********** The bellhop was at the door when Kevin opened it. He said, "These were delivered for Mr. Richardson." Kevin grinned when he saw his two suitcases in the guys hands. "You are an angel, AJ, " he muttered under his breath. He took the suitcases from the guy and said, "Thank you so much. I was hoping these would come this morning." Kevin lay the suitcases on the bed and opened them up. AJ might have been an angel but he was a clothes and jewlrey hog. "AJ, if anything is missing, I'm gonna kick your nuts so far up your ass, Denise will have to legally change your name to Alexandria." After thoroughly inspecting both suitcases, unpacking his stuff and putting it up in the closet and chest of drawers along the way, Kevin was satisfied that AJ had sent everything that he had gone to New York with. Once he was done unpacking, he put the empty suitcases in the closet and picked up the cell phone from the night stand by the bed. He dialed his own cell number and AJ immediately answered, "Bone's Whore House. Bone speaking. How may I service you this fine day?" Kevin cracked up, "Jesus, Bone, for your sake I hope my mother hasn't called this number looking for me." "TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, IT'S DA TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin had to hold the phone away from his ear as AJ hollered and carried on for a second. Kevin laughed, "I love you too, Bone. Hey, thanks for sending my suitcases out. I appreciate it so much." He replied, "No, prob bob. So, how are things going out that way? Or should I not ask?" Kevin smiled to himself, thinking about Nick in the shower right now and suddenly having the incredible urge to join him. "AJ, things are fine. Nick and I have talked and cried and all that other stuff that couples do that I'm not about to tell you about. We're gonna be ok, AJ." Kevin could feel the warmth of AJ's smile through the phone, "Kev, that's awesome. I'm so glad. Oh yeah, Howie says hey. And aren't you and Nick suppose to be doing some press conference right now?" Kevin's mind was on Nick in the shower, being all wet and lathered up. He surpressed a groan and said to AJ, "Um, we have the next two days off. If anybody from the Firm happens to call you guys, Nick is sick and I'm taking care of him, okay?" AJ started laughing, "Did you guys pull the "mommy" and Nick running a high fever and being delusional scam?" Kevin chuckled, "You know those oldies but goodies still work like a charm." *************** I'd been in the shower for a bit now and I was wondering what the hell was taking Kevin so long. I didn't have to even wonder if he wanted to join me in the shower. I knew he did. I rinsed the soap out of my hair and got out of the shower, leaving the water running. I padded out to the bedroom, looking like a wet duck and not giving a damn about the water every where. Kevin was sitting on the edge of the bed talking on the phone. I stood there watching him laugh and talk. I gathered from his end of the conversation he was talking to the gang in NY. He didn't look up and notice me so I cleared my throat to get his attention. Kevin snapped his head up at the sound of Nick's voice and he hissed, "Shit!" I chuckled as the phone slipped from his grasp and he had to fumble to catch it before it hit the floor. His eyes returned to me. I leaned against the doorframe, lazily stretching my arms up above my head. My chest and other body parts sticking out. AJ said, "Kev, bro, you ok there? You sound like you got the wind knocked out of you or something?" "Man, if you only knew", Kevin muttered. "What's that, Kev? I didn't hear you. Our connection must be going bad." Kevin cleared his throat and said, "I'm ok, AJ. I just gotta go. Something just came up that needs my attention." I smirked at Kevin's choice of words. "Wait, Kev. I think Brian wants to talk to you." "No, AJ, I can't talk to him right now. I'll call him back later." "Oh, come on, Kev, don't hold a grudge against him. He honestly was trying to do the right thing. He knows he fucked up. He's happy for you and Nick." Kevin seemed to be having a hell of a hard time getting off the phone. I put one of my hands down and wouldn't you know that little booger had a mind of it's own? I looked down at my dick in my hand and wondered what my hand had in mind. When Kevin saw Nick start stroking himself he nearly came right then and there. AJ was still talking, pleading Brian's case. "AJ, I'm not holding a grudge against Brian. I have a naked, wet gergous blond in the shower waiting for me. Tell Brian I love him. I love you all. Good bye!" AJ chuckled, "Bye, Train. Hope that wet fuck you got waiting is Nick." Kevin rolled his eyes, "Well, DUH. Bye!" He clicked off before AJ could say anything else and threw the phone down. "It's about damn time, " I said. He started taking these menacing steps towards me, getting naked pretty damn quick. I could see how hard he was breathing and I cracked up. "Wonder if Superman gets changed in the phone booth as fast as you just got naked, Kev?" He said, "It's not funny. Do you know how hard it is to try and talk to someone on the phone when you're standing here wet, naked, with such an animalistic look in your eyes?" I shook my cock at him and smirked, "Um, yeah, I know all about how hard things are right now." Kevin smirked right back at me, "Your ass is so mine, Nickolas." I turned and ran back to the shower, hollering over my shoulder, "I sure fuckin hope so, Kevin." Kevin was right on my heels. It's a wonder we didn't bust our asses in the shower. Kevin jumped in after me. He was doing his best to grab me and tickle me and I was trying to stay out of his grasp. Finally, we collasped against each other giggling. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started sucking on the sensative skin along his collar bone. He sighed and I felt his hands stroking my back, working their way downwards. Suddenly, he cupped my ass in his hands and pulled me against him. My eyes rolled back in my head as his hardness rubbed against mine. "Oh Jesus, Kevin", I half moaned and half hissed between clenched teeth. Kevin began sucking on my earlobe. His breath was hot in my ear, "I want you, baby." As much as I wanted it - wanted him back inside me again, I just couldn't do it. At least not right now. Our love making before had been the most incredible, beautiful thing I had ever experienced. But the feeling of being used by Kevin was still kinda fresh. I knew he hadn't meant to hurt me but he had. It was just a little too soon to open myself up like that again. Don't get me wrong - I was going to make love to him again but it was going to be when the time was right. I sighed and pulled back from Kevin a bit. He looked at me kinda confused and asked, "What is it, Nick?" "I shouldn't have teased you like I did just now. Don't take this the wrong way, Kev. God, you have to know how much I love you and I want you but I can't make love with you again just yet. I'm just not ready to." I was holding my head down. I couldn't bear to look at him. I didn't want to see the confusion and hurt written on his own face. Kevin's big, strong hands griped the sides of my head and made me look at him. I had to smile when he kissed the tip of my nose. He said, "Nick, it's ok. Don't feel guilty or bad for what you're feeling. I should have realized it without you saying anything. I'm patient. I can wait for you for all eternity. You're damn well worth it." "Will you hold me, Kev?" He didn't answer. He just pulled me back into his arms and engulfed me in a big ol bear hug.