You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 42 By: Tina and Danielle (C)by us too ************************************ As we walked through the hotel lobby, the concierge glanced up and raised his eyebrow questioningly. I smiled and gave him a big thumbs up. He returned the smile and nodded his head in approval. Up in our room we got out of our respective disguises. I playfully ruffled Kevin's hair and said, "You might wanna go wash that stuff out. I'd be afraid it might set in there like cement and not come out." Kevin chuckled, "Oh God forbid I get stuck with purple hair. I can see everyone freaking out majorly that Kevin Richardson must have had a nervous breakdown because he now has purple hair." I laughed, "I can hear a teeny bopper somewhere in America now typing up the petion already. *Sign this and pass it on to everyone you know. We love the Backstreet Boys but we don't like Kevin with purple hair. This is to let him know we won't buy any more of his posters if he doesn't get rid of the purple hair.* Kevin rolled his eyes and chuckled, "You would not pay me enough money to be 13 again. That is such an annoying age it's a miracle most manage to live to 14." I sat down on the bed and started taking off my sneakers and socks. I asked Kev, "Hey, you want me to order anything from room service for dinner?" Kevin rubbed his stomach and groaned, "Oh, God, no. After all that "stuff" you made me eat today, more food is the last thing I want to think about right now." Ok, time to have fun here. I gave Kevin a "mock" severe look and said, "It was not "stuff", Kevin. It was food. Special food with a special name. Come on and say it. Just once for me. I know you can." He stubbornly shook his head and said, "It was stuff, Nick. It was disgusting. I should be ashamed of eating such." "Kevin, please. It didn't kill you to eat it. It won't kill you to admit you ate it. Come on, make your baby boy here happy. Say it for me. On the count of three. 1, 2, 3!" At the top of his lungs Kevin screamed, "I ATE JUNK FOOD TODAY!! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I fell back on the bed rolling with laughter. Kevin tried to frown but the corners of his mouth were twitching. "I never want hot dogs, popcorn, or cotton candy again, Nick." "Bet if I batted my baby blues and wiggled my tush for you, you'd eat all that stuff again." He rolled his eyes, "Um, yeah, but that's besides the point. Ok, I'm going to take my shower. Be right back babe." He blew me a kiss and went into the bathroom. I stripped down to my boxers, grabbed the remote control off the top of the tv and stretched out on the bed. I started surfing through channels trying to find a chick flick to watch but there was nothing on. MTV was having a marathon of Road Rules. If it had been Real World, we would have had a winner. I finally settled on a the Cartoon Network, who was running a Scooby-Doo marathon. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed a number. When it was picked up I said, "Hey, Sam, how's it going?" "Nick, hey, it's going good. How's it going with you? Not that I need to ask. I feel the warmth of your smile coming through the phone. Things ok?" "Yeah, things are ok, Sam. We're working through it. Get this. We put on these disguises today and went to the zoo. TO THE ZOO, SAM! I don't think I've ever had so much fun before." Sam giggled, "Oh, Nick, that's great. I'm so happy for you two. You and Kevin are the only people I know that are as in love with each other other as Melinda and I are." "How is Melinda? And how is Dylan? I can't wait till we get home so Kev and I can hang with you guys. Oh, did you get the package I sent?" "Melinda is fine. She's here with me now. She sends here love. Dylan is good. He's got a bit of a cold. We took him to the doctor this morning and got him some medicine. And, yes, I got it! And it's already at the house. My God, Nick, it's the most incredible, beautiful, amazing thing I've ever seen. You are remarkable my dear friend." Ok, I couldn't help but smile. I liked having my ego stroked. "Thanks, Sam. Do you think Kev will like it?" "Oh, Nick, he is going to just about die when he walks in and sees it. There must be a zillion ways to say I love you but I'll be damn, Nick, if you didn't nail the top one out of the bunch. He's going to want to just sweep you up in his arms and take you to bed right then. I bet you anything he'll propose to you, Nick. I thought about it for a moment and said, "You'd loose that bet." "Oh really? And do tell, blondie, what makes you think that?" "Because I want to be the one to propose to him. Sam, you've done so much to help us already in getting the house all decorated while we've been gone but do you think you and Melinda could help me find a ring for Kev when we get back home?" I had to hold the phone away from my ear as Sam squealed. I could hear Melinda ask in the background what was going on. Sam told her and then Melinda's squeal sounded so loud I could have sworn she was right there in the room with me. I started laughing and Sam said, "Of course, we'll help you, Nick! OMFG, this is so great. Make sure you let me know exactly when you guys are coming home. Me and Melinda want to do something special to welcome you home. We've got the house completely done but you're first night back should be really, really, really special." "I promise, Sam, you'll be the first one I call as soon as I know when we're getting in." Kevin came out of the bathroom then. He was wearing a pair of baby blue boxers and his hair was wet and sticking up all over the place. "Holy fuckin wow," I mumbled. I didn't realize I had spoken outloud until Sam asked, "Nick, what is it?" "Um, Kev, just got out of the shower." She giggled, "Oh." I blushed as I watched him come towards me. His hips had a bit of swing to them. "Kev, baby, you got one hell of a swing going on there at your back pourch. Holy cheetos, batman." I heard Sam bust out laughing and Kevin just grinned. He took the phone from me and brought it up to his ear, "Sam, darling, Nick can't talk anymore right now. He seems really intrested in swinging on my back pourch." Sam chuckled, "Bye, Kev. Love you both." "We love you too, Sam. Bye." Kevin clicked off the phone and put it down on the nightstand. I grabbed him by the front of his boxers and gave a hard yank, pulling him down to the bed. He gasped, "What the ..." but shut up as I stradled his hips and pinned his hands up by his head. "Since you were a good sport in admitting you ate junk food today, I think you deserve a present, Mr. Richardson." He slowly started grinning, "Oh really? And what did you have in mind, Mr. Carter?" "Oh, I was thinking my tongue down your throat would be nice." His eyes widened but my mouth covered his before he could utter one word.