You Do What You Have To Do Chap. 43 By: Tina and Danielle (c) by us too ********************** The world ceased to exist as I lay there kissing Kevin. It was just him and I. Nothing else mattered. The world outside could have been at it's end and we would have never know. Probably wouldn't have cared either. We were together and that's all that mattered. I kissed him deeply, passionately. My tongue licked over his teeth. Every time the tip of my tongue would touch the tip of his tongue, jolts of electricity shot through my entire body. This was "it." You know that once in a life time love that you read about in fairy tales as a kid and wanted to find when you grew up? This was it. I knew it. As I felt that electricity race through my veins I knew I was one of the lucky ones who had had his fairy tale come true. Needless to say, I made sure to touch his tongue pretty damn often. This feeling that kept washing over me in tidal waves was purely intoxicating. It seemed as though I couldn't kiss him deeply enough or press my body close enough against his. I wanted to be in his body. In his heart. In his soul. I wanted to share one heart beat with him. I wanted the blood that coursed through my veins to be the blood that coursed through his veins. The rush. The high. The exhilaration. This man had to be a drug. I'd never felt like this before until him. I could almost understand why people became drug addicts. To capture this indescribable feeling of being kind of the world, for lack of better terminology. If Kevin was my drug, then he was one addiction I never wanted to recover from. I still had Kevin's arms up above his head, my hands pinning his down on the soft sheets of the bed. He was pushing his hands up against mine, trying to get his hands free of my grip, but this only caused me to hold on tighter. Breathless, he did manage to pull his lips away from mine and huskily pleaded, "Oh baby, I want to touch you. Let my hands go. Please!" I didn't even answer him. My lips assaulted his again and we became so caught up in one another, it didn't register at first in my lust induced stupor that my cell phone was ringing. "Shit," I muttered as I finally got a grip and realized my phone was ringing and that it had been ringing for quite awhile now. Kevin whimpered in protest as I moved off of him and grabbed the phone. Whoever was calling must have wanted to talk to me awful bad as they had let the phone continue to ring for so long now. I nearly dropped the phone when Kevin's arms encircled my waist, pulling me back against him, and his mouth began sucking on the back of my neck at that one little spot that made me see shooting stars and hear violns playing. In a shaky voice I managed to answer the phone, "Hello." My eyes rolled back in my head as Kevin continued to suck the sensative skin. "Nick, honey, is that you? It's mom." "Mom?!", I cried out in surprise, sitting up in bed, knocking Kevin away from me in the process. "Sweetheart, are you okay? You sound like you're kinda out of it." "Um, yeah, I'm fine. I was just about asleep when the phone rang and it startled me I guess. How are you? How's everyone? When are you coing home?" I chanced a glance at Kevin, who was laying there looking at me with this look on his face. I couldn't really place it. Hurt? Disappointment? He turned on his side, his back to me. I realized then what I had done. I had pushed him away. Although I hadn't done it on purpose, I still had pushed him away. "God, Carter, you're such a blond sometimes.", I muttered to myself while trying to listen to my mother. "We're home, Nick. We got back early, early this morning. Everyone has just been resting up and getting unpacked today. How much longer are you in town for? How is Brian?" "I think we'll be here for a few more days. Brian went to NY. He wanted a taste of the big apple so him and Kevin switched places." "Why don't you and Kevin check out of the hotel and come stay here at the house for the rest of the time you're here? That'll give us all a chance to catch up on everything. It's been so long since we've seen you, Nick. I've missed you terribly." Still holding the phone to my ear, I stretched out on the bed beside Kevin. I slid an arm around his waist and began tracing little circles around his belly button while I moved my leg over his. I could feel how hard his heart was beating. My tongue darted inside his ear and he hissed, "Jesus, Nick." "I've missed all of you too, mama. But we've got so much to do I don't think it'd be a good idea for us to come out there and stay. Maybe if you guys were closer to the city it wouldn't be so bad. We'd spent half of our day trying to get back into the city to do what we need to do." Jane said, "Well, what about tommorrow? How's your schedule? Maybe you can come tommorrow and spend the day?" "I think our schedule is pretty light tommorrow, mama. Hold on and let me ask, Kev." I put my hand over the receiver so my mother couldn't hear and said, "She wanted us to check out of the hotel and come stay with them but as you heard I shot that idea down. How about going out tommorrow and spending the day at the house? If you don't want too, it's cool. I'll go out by myself and have dinner with them late tommorrow night." Kevin smiled, "It's fine, Nick. I'd love to go out to the house and spend the day with the Carter clan. You know I love your family as much as I love my own." He turned over on his back. I leaned down and softly kissed him, "I love you, Bumpkin." "I love you too, Nickers." I turned my attention back to the phone and said, "Great news, ma. Kev said what we had scheduled for tommorrow has been cancelled. We'll come out and spend the day and have supper with you guys. How does that sound?" "Nick, honey, that sounds great. I can't wait to see you. Hey, hold on. Your dad wants to talk to you." My dad got on the phone and we talked for a bit, exchanging pleasantries and so forth. Kevin looked so damn sexy laying there looking at me. I managed to lean feather soft little kisses across his collar bone while talking to my dad. Kevin gave a contented sigh and closed his eyes. My hand was stroking his chest, brushing across his nipples in the process. I was making little figure 8's with my fingers, burning a trail down his tan skin. Dad caught my attention when he said, "Nick, your brother and sisters want to talk to you." I sat back up and swung my feet over the side of the bed, putting them down on the floor. Kevin looked at me curiously. Before I could say anything to him, Aaron got on the phone. "Hey, Nick! I missed you!" Hearing my baby brother's voice just made me smile a smile the size of Texas. "Aaron, I've missed you too. How ya doing little man?" Three very distinctive female voices came across the line, "We're here too, Nick." They were my sisters Leslie, BJ, and Angel. I laughed, "Hey girls. It's great to hear your voices. I'm coming over tommorrow. Gonna spend the whole day with you." They all squealed and carried on for a bit. I glanced back at Kevin. He'd relaxed when he realized I was talking to my siblings and that's why I had sat up again so quick. He winked at me when he saw me looking and a moment later I had to smile when I saw him trying hard to stifle a yawn but not quite succeeding. It was almost an hour later before I was able to get off the phone with my family. It had always been kinda weird for me. At home I was the oldest of 5 yonger siblings and had to be the "daddy" to the younger ones. With my Backstreet family I was the youngest of 5 and got smothered by my big brothers. I hung up the phone and lay back beside Kevin. He was fast asleep. I brushed the hair back off his face and kissed his forehead. I lay my head on his shoulder and soon was asleep as well. **************** A couple of hours later I woke up when I had reached for Kevin to pull him closer to me and realized he wasn't there. I sat up and saw him sitting at the window, looking out. I slipped out of bed and went to him. Without a word, he sat me down in between his legs and lay me back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "What are you doing back up so soon, babe?", I asked him, absent mindedly stroking my fingers up and down his arm. "Got my little nap out I guess. Now, I've got my second wind. I didn't wake you up, did I?" "Yeah, you actually did. I reached for you and you weren't there. I'm sorry we got interrupted earlier, Kev." "No need to be sorry, babe. I know how much you love your family and how much you miss them. And it's probably for the best we had a distraction come up. You said you're not ready for us to go all the way again and I respect that. But I know it's hard to stop when we get to making out so hot and heavy. I don't want to make you feel like you have to do it just to make me happy." I turned my head back and kissed him gently. "I'm not going to be pushed into anything, Kev. And I'm not gonna do anything I'm not ready to do. Now, what else is bothering you? And don't tell me nothing because I know good and well there is something." "Nick, are you up to telling your parents about us tommorrow? This isn't exactly something you want to do over the phone and since we're all going to be together it seems like an opportune time don't you think?" I sighed and turned my attention back to the spectacular view we had from where we sat. I didn't want to tell my folks. Not that I was ashamed but I was scared. Would they hate me? Disown me from the family? Tell me I couldn't see my little brother and sisters again? Or would they continue to love me as unconditionally as they always had in the past? "Nick?" I looked back at him and saw him looking at me at concern. I realized I hadn't answered his question but instead had slipped off into my own thoughts. "Nick, we don't have to tell them right now. We can put it off for a bit longer. Make another trip out here to tell them when you feel up to it." I had to tell my family now. I was already going shopping for Kevin a ring as soon as we got back home. I had worked out how I was going to propose to him a million times in my head already. "Kev, no, we have to tell them tommorrow. No matter what happens I'll love them because they are family but you're my family too now. And if they can't accept you - accept us, then they can't accept me for who I really am." Kev kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter. We sat there for the longest time just watching the night sky, occassionaly turning to one another to kiss or to whisper "I love you" in each other's ears. Suddenly, I had an idea and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. I got up and said, "Get dressed. I just got my second wind and I got somewhere special I really want to take you to." I was already at the closet digging around for soemthing to wear. Kevin asked, "What kind of place is it that you want to show me, Nick?" I had to laugh. Kevin hated surprises. For him to go off somewhere and not know where he was going was just not his cup of tea. I grinned, "You're just gonna have to come with me to find out, Bumpkin. Now as much as I like looking at your cute ass in those boxers, get some clothes on so we can go." Kevin chuckled and shook his head but he quickly found something to wear and started getting dressed. Only Nick could get him to do stuff like this on such spur of the moment. Hell, only Nick could get him to do a lot of things he never dreamed about doing. "What about disguises, Nick? Are we going to need any? I certainly don't feel like getting all done up like we did for the zoo." I grinned, "Nope, no disguises. Just relax, Kev, and enjoy yourself." He laughed, "Okay, Okay. Your enthusaism is contagious, Nickers. Let's go."