You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 44 by: Tee and Danielle (this part by Danielle) (C)by us too. ************************************************ Kevin and I danced a few more songs and then went back to our booth to rest for a while, watching the other couples swaying with each other. Kevin pulled me against him and wrapped his arms around me from behind, holding me close. I sighed softly and rested my hand on his thigh, "I wish it could be like this all the time." Kevin's sigh tickled my ear, "I know, Nickers. Someday when all the madness ends, it will be." I leaned my head back to look at him, "Promise?" He kissed my temple, "Promise." It was enough for me right now. We had been living in the madness for so long now, it almost seemed normal. I, for one, couldn't wait for this press junket to be over and it would just be the two of us in our house again. I missed our couch. I smiled at the fact I was missing furniture. I was losing my mind, Kevin seemed to bring that out in me. I leaned my head back again and caught his lips to mine, kissing him softly. He jumped a little, but then his hand came up from my chest and laid on the side of my head, pulling me a little closer. My hand came up and wrapped around the back of his neck, rubbing the sensitive skin and making him shiver. When we pulled away, I dipped my fingers in my soda and grabbed an ice cube, reaching it up and popping it in his mouth. Kevin smiled and kissed the end of my finger before I drew it away from him. I grinned at him and popped a piece of ice in my own mouth, kisses from Kevin tended to overheat me just a little. We watched Etta on the stage, mesmerized. After another hour of dancing and watching Etta, we decided it was time to head back to the hotel. We had a long day ahead of us with my family, least of which was telling them about us. We got up and I blew a kiss at Etta and we both waved. She smiled back at us while she sang and we went back out into the cool L.A. night. We were both nearly asleep on our feet as we got back to the hotel and leaned on each other in the elevator. We both went around the room getting ready for bed, stripping down to our boxers and clearing up the bed from the stuff that had been thrown there getting ready. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush to start on my teeth. When I had the brush loaded and in my mouth, I started wandering around the room, it was a habit I had, carryover from my hyper childhood, I never could just stand still infront of the mirror and brush my teeth. I wandered over to the window and looked at the lights of LA below us as I brushed away. I must have gotten caught up in my thoughts, because next thing I knew I had a mouth full of pepperminty foam and my tongue was stinging from the toothpaste. I trotted to the bathroom and skidded to a stop at the sink and spit. ooooooh shit. There leaning over the sink was a head. A head with dark hair. A head that had toothpaste goo that I had spit out running down the back of it's neck. I bit my lip and cringed, "Oooooh Bumpkin, I'm soooooo sorry!" I tried really hard not to laugh, really I did. I just couldn't help it. The head didn't move, a hand just reached up to the towel rack and pulled a towel down, then it wiped the goo off of itself. The head finally moved and a pair of green eyes peered up into mine. He calmly took the toothbrush out of his mouth and spit into the sink, "You have three seconds head start. One...Two..." I didn't need to think about it, I just took off, knowing I was about to get it and good! I ran out of the bathroom and was streaking across the bedroom when a pair of strong arms came around me and tossed me onto the bed like I was a rag doll. Kevin jumped on my legs and pinned me down. Oh god, I knew what was coming. I groaned when he cracked his knuckles. "Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. You know you are gonna pay for that, the question is where?" I wriggled around, trying to get away. "Come on, Kev! It was an accident!" He grinned wickedly at me and shook his head, "You are still going to pay! Why? I'm just mean that way!" I saw his hands coming for me and tried to slap them away, but he only took my hands and pinned them under his knees, making me completely helpless. He wiggled his fingers and I just busted out laughing and he hadn't even touched me yet. "Kev, please! Don't, man! I'll do whatever you want, just name it, just don't do this!" Kevin smiled at me wickedly, "Anything?" I grinned at him, pulling my hand from underneath his knee and running up his thigh slowly, "Anything." I saw the little shiver that went through him and he looked down at me, considering the offer, then his fingers dove at my stomach, "Naaaaahhh!" I bucked backwards trying to dodge his hands, but there was no escape. Every which way I wriggled, his hands were right there tickling the holy hell out of me. My face must have been bright red by that point and I was laughing so hard I couldn't even get my breath back before I laughed it out again. Kevin looked down at me and busted up laughing himself. He couldn't even keep tickling me he was laughing so hard. I grabbed his hands and pulled him down on top of me, the both of us laughing like idiots. We both were gasping for air by the time we were starting to laugh ourselves out and we were both laying on our sides. I looked at Kevin, his eyes sparkling with laughter, his cheeks flushed and his lips red and stretched out in laughter. He never looked more beautiful to me than that minute. Before, I think, either of us knew what was happening, my lips were against his and my tongue was reaching the depths of his mouth, sucking on his tongue. I tangled my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck and pressed my body as close to his as I could. I felt his arms come around me and his hand press against the small of my back, holding me close. I don't know how long we just laid there, kissing and holding one another. I know both of us wanted something more to happen, but I think we were both too afraid to make the first move. So we just kept kissing and our hands kept wandering over arms, backs, shoulders, necks and through hair. Somewhere along the line, the day caught up with us and we both drifted to sleep, tangled up in each other. ****** "Nickers?" I heard a soft moan and a rasping breath against my ear before the voice came back, "N....Nick." I groaned softly and opened my eyes, not wanting to leave the comfort of sleep. It couldn't be morning already. When I opened my eyes, I saw the room was still dark, but I could make out Kevin's chest in front of my eyes and my lips were curled around his nipple. What in the hell was I doing there? I went to pull away and realized my hand was curled around something. I looked down and found my hand around a rather worked up part of Kevin. He was trembling a little and his breath was coming in gasps, but not in a bad way, I could tell he was a breath away from a mind blowing orgasm. A throbbing between my legs told me that I was in pretty much the same boat. I looked up at him and he took a shuddering breath, "You were having one hell of a dream....I woke up and you were rubbing up against me and moaning my name....then your lips....your hands....god, they were everywhere....but you were still asleep....god I want this, Nick.....god how I want this....but not when you don't even know what you are doing....not when you are asleep." I knew I was blushing, I could feel my pulse in my ears. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what I was dreaming about. Flashes of Kevin and I in our bed back in Florida, hands and lips everywhere, skin against skin, lips kissing and licking and sucking everything they could. Feeling him around me as I moved inside him. I opened my eyes, my groin aching even more than before, "I'm awake now." I took my hand that was still wrapped around him and started to stroke him softly, feeling the stiffness that had started to wane coming back with renewed strength. His moan was music to my ears. I sunk my teeth into his nipple gently bringing a gasp from him and started kissing downwards over his sculpted torso. When I reached where my hand had slid under his boxers, I slid the fabric down and off of his legs, throwing the boxers somewhere behind me, revealing him in all his naked glory. My mouth descended on his abs as one of my hands reached up and found the hard pebble of his nipple, pinching and rolling it between my fingers, bringing a gasp from him. My mouth found it's prize and kissed every inch of his length, my tongue tracing the veins and the swollen head hearing him whimper and hiss as he tried to hold himself off of the edge. I smiled inwardly and opened my mouth over him and started to descend over the tip. "Nick! Wait!" I looked upwards, frozen less than an inch from my prize and waited for him to say why he stopped me. He gripped my shoulders and pulled me upwards slightly and maneuvered me around until I was on my hands and knees above him, my boxers sailing across the room, facing his feet and my mouth still hovering above him, this time with his mouth just below my tip so as I pleasured him he could do the same for me. His fingers slid up the inside of my thigh and I nearly fell over as my nerves jolted to life. I moaned softly, unable to even utter a word before my mouth descended and closed around him, wrenching a deep moan from him. Before I could make him cry out again, his mouth took me in, inch by inch, suckling like a newborn that had been deprived of his mother's milk. I moaned against him, sending the vibrations through his body, causing him to do the same to me. We both shuddered and our mouths worked feverishly, sucking, licking, nibbling, anything to make the other go out of his mind with the sensations that were shooting through them. It seemed like ages and yet too quickly that we were both crying out, muffled by flesh, but still loud enough to be heard as well as felt by the other. Not a drop of either of us was wasted as we drank down the nectar that was offered. I could feel my arms and legs wobbling as the exhaustion a mind blowing, earth shaking, my god it's been too long orgasm brings, set in. Kevin slid his mouth off of me and kissed the skin around the edge of the coarse,blond hair that his fingers were rubbing through, before letting me go and waiting for me to release him. When I did, he pulled me up on the pillows again to lay cuddled up close to him. I leaned in and our lips met, tongues invading each others mouth and mixing the taste of ourselves and the other on our tongues. Note to self: Dream that dream a hell of a lot more often.