YDWYHTD Chap. 46 by: Tina & Danielle (c) 1999 by us! ***************** "Come on, Bumpkin. Wakie, wakie." I shook his shoulder, trying to get him awake. Kevin promptly brushed my hand aside and pulled the covers over his head. "Kevinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, you gotta get up. It's getting late.", I whined in the most annoying tone of voice that I could muster. Kevin groaned and I saw a green eye peek out at me from the cover. "Whining doesn't become you, Nickolas." I smirked, "Yeah, well, if you don't get your cute ass up out of bed, I'm really going to get annoying here. I promise you, Kev, it won't be pretty." He just stared at me. My buttom lip slowly came poking out in a pout. Kevin groaned and threw the covers back, throwing his legs over the side of the bed, and sat up. "That's not fair, Nick." "What's not fair, Kev?", I asked as I sat down on the chair that was in the corner and began putting on my sneakers. I had already showered and gotten dressed. It was going to take us an hour to get to my parents and I was anxious to go. "The pouty lip thing, Nick. And the big puppy dog eyes. You do those two things and it's just not fair we can't stay in this room all day so that I can ravage you." I grinned as he got up off the bed and went to the closet to find something to wear. He got his clothes, stopping back at the night stand to pull a pair of boxers and socks out and throwing them on the bed. The he headed towards me. He didn't say a word, just leaned down and captured my lips with his own. I felt his hand touch me on back of my neck and then his fingers tangled themselves in may hair. I moaned and attempted to slip my tongue in his mouth but Kevin pulled away and said, "I'm going to take my shower now and get dressed so we can get on the road since you're so impatient this morning." "Tease.", I muttered as I made a face at him. He chuckled, "Yep." Thirty minutes later we were in our rental car, me behind the wheel, and heading towards my parents. It was a beautiful, sunny day - well, as sunny as it can be in LA. Kevin cranked the radio up and we sang along when our favorite songs were played. Kev was looking out the window, taking in the view. I kept looking over at him, enjoying that particular view. I liked watching him. I think I had memorized his features by now. Every line on his face. The way his eyes got lighter when he was happy and how they got so dark, they were almost black when he was angry or sad. The way his eyes scrunched up when he laughed made my pulse race. "Nick, you need to keep your eyes on the road and not me." Kevin's voice kinda startled me. I realized he was staring back at me grinning. I blushed and turned my attention back to the road. "I love you, Kev." Those four words just came out. It was just important for him to know that especially right now. Kevin reached over and took my hand that I had laying on the seat in his and squeezed it. "Whatever happens with your parents, Nick, I'm by your side. Through thick or thin. Better or worse. We'll get through it somehow. And I love you too, baby." ************ Finally we pulled up in front of my parents huge house. It was a two story brick home surrounded by a fence around the 2 acres of land it sat on. My mother had done all the landscaping herself and the grounds were magnificant with flowers of all kinds, different colors and different sizes all over. Kevin looked around and whistled, "This place is phat, man. I still like our place better though." I grinned, "Yeah, me too." The car had barely stopped when the front door was flung open and my four younger siblings came running out. I loved my sisters dearly but I was looking for my little baby brother to come. My eyes widened when I realized that the blond haired figure that was taller than the three girls was indeed Aaron. Aaron flung himself in my arms. I grunted with his weight as I scooped him up in my arms. Angel, Leslie, and BJ all gathered around me, hugging me all at the same time covering my faces in kisses. I laughed and groaned as I shifted Aaron's weight in my arms so I wouldn't drop him. I said, "God, Aaron, when did you grow up? The last time I saw you, you were just a runt. Now, you're almost as tall as me!" Aaron laughed and said, "I don't know when I grew. I just woke up one morning and I was tall. Mama had to take me shopping for new clothes while we were on vacation. And I got my hair cut too. Just like yours was. Do you like it?" I had to put him down. My arms felt like they were going to break. I rubbed his head, making the hair on top stick up more than usual. "Yeah, I like it. I am due for another hair cut. I'll definitely have to go get my hair cut now so I can call you minnie me." My mother was by my side then. She kissed my cheek and pulled me into her arms, hugging me long and tight. "Oh, Nick, you look wonderful. I've missed you so much honey. Let me look at you." She kept a grip on my arms as she held me out from her so she could inspect me head to foot. "You're still skinny. Haven't you been eating since you got out of the hospital?" I rolled my eyes. Mothers were too smart sometimes I thought. Well, there was no sense in her knowing the truth about some things that had been going on in my life. "Yes, mom, I've been eating. I've been working out in the gym too so I think my metabolism is kinda outta wack." God, please forgive me for lying to my mother but it's necessary for this. If she knew I had practically been starving myself for the last month, she would lock me in the house here and throw away the key until I was at least as plump as a butterball. She looked over at Kevin and said, "They should have sent you out here with him instead of Brian in the first place. I know you would have made sure he was eating. I don' t think he's been eating. " "Jane, I promise you I feed him the biggest cheeseburger I could find just the other night. I promise you I'm gonna take good care of him." I looked at Kevin and he met my gaze dead on. He shyly grinned and winked at me. I smiled back. My mom wrapped her arms around my waist and I allowed her to lead me inside. The kids were around Kevin now and he let them lead him inside.