You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 48 By Tee and Danielle (C) by us too ********************************** We got down the stairs and I took another deep breath before walking into the living room where my parents were now seated after cleaning up the dinner mess. "All asleep?" I nodded, "Yah, they were all just bushed." Kevin and I went to a loveseat across from my parents and sat down. I looked at them and then at Kevin, sending up one last little prayer to the heavens before all this started. "What is it, Nick?" I turned my head to look at my mother. She was looking at me with a quizzical look on her face, "You've been looking like you've wanted to say something to us all day. What is it?" I nodded, it was now or never. "Mom, I'm in love." I saw her face light up and almost dreaded telling her the rest of it, knowing that light was going to go out. "I've never been so happy before. It's.....this is the once in a lifetime, I'm going to be with them forever kind of love. Mom, I mean it, I've never been so happy before in my life. I've never been so in love." She got up and came over to me, "That's wonderful! When do we get to meet this wonderful girl?" She went to hug me, but I flinched out of her grasp, "'s not a girl." Her hands dropped to her sides and her face just fell. The silence was just deafening. I tried to get my mouth to work, to say something more, but before I could get a sound out, my head was jerking to the side and the side of my face was on fire, the sound of impact ringing in my ears. "This is not funny, Nickolas." I put my hand to the throbbing side of my face and my eyesight blurred as my eyes filled with tears. My mother had never hit me before. Ever. I felt myself being pulled against something familiar. Something warm and comforting. Kevin. My Kevin. I closed my eyes and tried to will my heart to stop aching. I repeated Kevin's song verse that he had sung to me upstairs over and over in my head until I'd calmed down. I opened my eyes, "I'm not joking. Mom, I'm in love with Kevin and he's just as much in love with me. I've always been in love with him, I just wouldn't let myself face it." I just kept looking her straight in the eye, I could show no doubt at all, I had to look her right in the eye or she would pounce all over a shred of hesitation if I showed it. "Mom, you always told me that love came in all sorts of packages. I found love, it just happens to be in Kevin, not a girl." She looked at me and then at Kevin, "YOU!" She pointed at Kevin and came towards him. The both of us stiffened, expecting another blow. I brought my free hand down and found Kevin's, holding it and squeezing tightly, trying to give both of us strength. She was right in Kevin's face now. "You were supposed to watch out for him! You were to be there when I couldn't be on the road. You were supposed to be an older brother, NOT seduce him!" She paced in front of us and then stopped looking at Kevin with so much fire in her eyes, I nearly felt myself burned by it. "How long has this been going on? How many times have you raped my son? What did you do to him to turn him into this?!" Her hand went flying again and I just snapped. No one accuses my beautiful, loving, kind, Kevin of the things she just did. No one. My hand shot out and stopped hers in it's tracks on it's way to Kevin's face. Kevin's eyes opened when the impact he expected didn't come. My mother looked at me, I had every ounce of the fire in my eyes that she had in hers. I kept my grip on her wrist as I looked her right dead in the eye. "He has never raped me. EVER. He has been nothing but loving and kind and gentle with me every step of the way. He did nothing to make me this way, Mom. I just am. This is all new to us. Do you think we planned for this to happen to us? All I know is that Kevin makes me happier than I have been in a long, long time. I feel like for the first time I'm truly alive. The high I get from performing is nothing compared to the high I get knowing that he loves me. Mom, he loves me. He truly loves me. He even backed off, cutting himself off from me when he started asking himself the same things you asked just now. " I swallowed hard, trying to choke down the lump that was in my throat, I had to get this out, I just had to make her understand. "Momma, it nearly killed me. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't do anything but miss him so much that it felt like I was dying. Momma, you know how you said on the phone that I looked like death warmed over on that morning show interview and how you said I was too skinny and asked if I was eating?" I stopped and gave her time to think about it, continuing when she nodded. "Momma, that's what happens when you try to make yourself not love someone because you are afraid of what everyone will think. It kills you, Momma, little by little, from the inside out." I let go of her wrist, watching her arm drop to her side, "You always taught us not to judge the package that love comes in. That love comes in all kinds of places and all kinds of people. My love comes in Kevin. I would give my life for him and I know he would do the same for me in a heartbeat. Momma, please. I wouldn't have come to you and told you this unless I was sure this was real. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. This is the real thing. And I hope to God this is forever, because I don't think I could live without him." I took a shaky breath and looked up at Kevin, who was looking at me with tear-filled eyes. I turned back to face my mother after squeezing Kevin's hand for strength, "Momma, when Stefanie had me there in that church....she shot Kevin and I saw him fall. When the flames came, the only reason I screamed was because I knew Kevin was down there burning in them. I wanted to die in those moments. I wanted to be with him and if he wasn't going to walk out of there, neither was I, Momma. I would have gladly sacrificed myself to those flames if it meant I didn't have to live without him." I closed my eyes, remembering those awful moments in the church when I thought Kevin was dead and my screams had turned from screams for help to screams to the heavens to take me out of my misery and let the fire claim me. I never wanted to feel that hopeless again. I felt myself being held from behind and I knew it was Kevin, reassuring me that he was there. No matter what. I looked at my Dad for the first time, "Dad, please understand. It's bad enough were are going to have to hide from the whole world, please don't make me hide from my own family too. I can't be what I'm not, you know that." I stopped talking. I had nothing more to say. I just stood with Kevin, looking at my parents as they looked back at us. I couldn't read the expression on either of their faces. "Kevin?" It was my Dad. Kevin looked up and met his eyes, "Yes sir?" My dad looked directly at him, "Kevin, everything he you feel the same way?" I felt Kevin's arms tighten around me, "Yes sir. With all my heart and soul. Everything. When his screams stopped in that church....when I thought he was.....I died too, Sir. It may have not been physically, but everything inside of me just died. I love him and I would never, ever hurt him intentionally." My father nodded, "I know that, Kevin." He walked over and put a hand on Kevin's shoulder, "Just know that if you hurt my boy, you will have me to deal with. Is that understood?" Kevin nodded, "You have my word that I will never hurt him." He stuck out his hand and my father shook it. "That's good enough for me." He released Kevin's hand and looked at him, a small smile on his face, "And Kevin?" "Yes?" I felt the both of us tense up for whatever was coming. "If you call me sir ever again, I'm going to have to slap you upside the head. It's Bob. Is that understood?" I felt Kevin's smile, even though I couldn't see it. "Yes, Bob." I felt some of the tension leave me. My father was ok with this. Wow. That was something I never expected. Apparently neither did my mother. "Robert! What are you doing?!" My dad turned around and looked at her, "I'm seeing what you are choosing to ignore. Look at him, Jane." My mother looked at me and I looked back at her. My dad continued talking to her, "He's happy. He's happier than I've ever seen him before. All today there wasn't a moment that he wasn't laughing or smiling or that his eyes weren't lit right up. You saw him in that interview, Jane. He was miserable. He had no joy in his eyes. That was when Kevin was in New York and he was here. Now Kevin is here and so is the happiness in my son's eyes. Look at them, Jane. They do love each other. My god, they almost DIED for each other. When they each thought the other was dead, they didn't want to live any more." He went over to my mom and cupped her face in his hands, making her look at him, "That's love, Jane, and you know it is. It's the same way I feel about you. If you weren't here, I wouldn't want to live either. I would try for the sake of the kids, but inside everything that makes me who I am would leave with you." He turned her face towards us again, "Look at them, Jane. Really look at them." She looked at us, long and hard. My dad squeezed her shoulders reassuringly, "We only wanted to things for him his whole life. We wanted him to be happy and we wanted him to be loved. He has both with Kevin, who are we to make him hide the two things we've always wanted for him from us?" I saw my mother sigh softly and look up at my father. "I hate that." He looked down at her, "What?" She smiled a little, "When you are right."