You Do What You Have To Do Chap. 49 by: Tina and Danielle (This part by T) rated: R (c) 1999 ******************** My mother gently stroked a lock of hair that had fallen down into my face back out of my eyes. Her eyes searched my face as though she was searching for something. I could tell that my childhood was playing out before her eyes as she became lost in her memories. I took her small hand in both of mine and gently squeezed it. Her gaze met mine. I smiled and said, "Mama, I'm still that same little boy who use to sit out on the tree stump and sing to the flowers. You didn't loose him. I promise." She sadly smiled and said, "In a way I did, Nick. The sweet, innocent child you were is gone. You're a beautiful, kind, loving young man now. I feel like I just blinked and you were all grown up. I wish you could have stayed my little boy for just awhile longer." Mom looked between me and Kevin for a moment. She then said, "I just need time to get use to this. It really threw me for a loop. But I love you, Nicky. And Kevin, I've always loved you like another son. I love all you boys as if you were my own. Nothing could ever change that." I pulled her into my arms and we hugged each other for a long time. Kevin and my father looked on smiling. Finally, mama pulled out of my embrace and immediately put her arms around Kevin and held him close. Kev looked at me and then daddy, obviously taken back by mama's sudden outburst of emotion. I smiled and winked at him. He slid his arms around mama and hugged her back. A moment later the four of us were standing there looking at one another, not really sure what to do or say now. Daddy looked at his watch and said, "It's late. Why don't you guys stay the night? I don't like the idea of you making that long drive back at this time of night. You can stay in the guest cottage out back so you can have some privacy." Mama turned a scarlet red at dad's mention of our having privacy. I groaned, only imagining what she was thinking at that moment. I mean, what guy wants his mother to picture him having sex for pete's sake and I'm sure that's exactly what she pictured at that moment! She said, "Nick, I think you need to be the one to tell your brother and sisters. It would be better coming from you than if your father and I told them. We can have a nice breakfast in the morning and you can talk to them afterwards." It sounded good to me. I looked at Kevin and he nodded his head okay. I turned back to mama and said, "That sounds great. Thanks." Daddy bid me and Kevin good-night. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, "I love you, son." "Love you too, Dad." He then did the same to Kevin and said, "Love you too, Kevin." The smile that lit up Kevin's face just sent a warm fire spreading through my whole body. It hit me then that tonight would be the night. Kevin and I would really be back together as one tonight. Kevin said, "Thank you, sir......I mean, Bob. I love you too." Dad went upstairs to his room and we followed mom out to the guest cottage out by the pool. She turned on the light and we went inside. The cottage was basically just one big room. There was a small kitchen in one corner and a living room in another corner. The bathroom was a small room that was barely big enough for the shower, toilet and sink that it housed. The bed and the bedroom area took up the other side of the room. It was plain but it was nice. Decorated in bright pastel colors. Mama made sure that there was towels and stuff in the bathroom and she made sure there was enough cover on the bed to our liking. She gave us both a peck on the cheek and told us good-night. I walked her to the door and locked it behind her. When I turned back around, Kevin was standing at the window looking out. The moon was especially bright tonight and as it's rays filtered through the window and onto Kevin, I was almost hypnotized by the sight. He looked like an angel standing there. His hair so dark that it almost looked blue and his eyes so green they were like two emerald stones sparkling. Unconciously my hands covered my heart as I just stood there watching him. My heart was pounding. I don't know how Kevin could not have heard it from where he was standing. I didn't even realize I was crying. I heard a sob echo around the room and wondered who was there making such a terrible sound. Kevin was at my side, "Nick, what is it? Oh my God, is it your heart?" I realized I was still holding my hands over my heart and it had been me that made the sob. I shook my head and took a deep breath. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, Kev." I wiped the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hands. Kevin lifted my chin up to look at him. "Nick, you are crying. What is wrong?" I took his hand in mine and brought the palm of his hand up to my lips. I kissed the palm and held his hand against me. I looked up at him and smiled,"Nothing is wrong. I was just watching you stand at the window and I........oh hell, I don't know how to even explain it. Is it possible to love someone too much, Kev? Because I think I love you too much. I was just hit with the realization of how much I do in fact love you. I honestly think God made you for me and me for you. I ache with how much I love you, Kevin. Every muscle, every joint in my body feels it." Kevin now how his own tears streaking down his cheeks. I wiped them away and said, "Aww, baby, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry." He shook his head, "No, don't be sorry. I love you, Nick. Everything you just said to me, I swear to you I feel it too. I've never been good at showing my feelings. Sometimes I look at you and I just pray that you see how much I really do love you because I don't think I could ever acurately express to you how much I do." Our lips met in a searing kiss. We had always shared great kisses but this one was on a whole new level. It was slow and sweet and deep. I almost felt like we were moving in slow motion. My arms encircled his neck, my fingers curling themselves in his hair. I felt Kevin's arms encircle my waist and his hands stroking my lower back. Our tongues curled together wanting to taste and caress one another. "This is it.", I thought to myself. Forgotten was my plans to shop for a ring when we got home. Forgotten was my plans to purpose to Kev over some romantic dinner at our house, in front of our fireplace. This was it. I pulled away from him and both of us gasped for air. My chest was burning and my knees were weak. Oh, this was it. I pulled my gold ring I always wore off my middle finger on my right hand. It was just a plain gold band. Aaron and I had gotten matching rings years ago and wore them to remember each other by since we were apart so much. Kevin watched what I was doing and asked, "Nick, what......" I silenced him with a finger to his lips and told him to "Ssh." He knew I never took that ring off. I held the ring in my right hand and took Kevin's left hand in my left hand. I heard him gasp when I got down on one knee in front of him. "Oh my God.", he whispered as I looked up at him. "I was planning on doing this when we got home but when the moment is right sometimes you just have to threw the plans out the window. Kevin, I love you, I love you, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up in your arms every day. I want to kiss you and show you how much I love you every day. I want to grow old with you. Live in our house with you and a couple of dogs and a couple of kids. Will you marry me?" Kevin's jaw worked open and closed two or three times. He was breathing so hard and still felt like he couldn't breath. Was this a dream? He closed his eyes for a second and willed for Nick to still be there when he opened his eyes. Kevin opened his eyes and looked down into Nick's big blue eyes that were wide with expectation, love, and desire at the moment. I felt Kevin shaking. His whole body was shaking. I gripped his hand tighter. He opened his eyes and looked down at me. He would never have to tell me he loved me ever again. All he would have to do would be open those eyes and look at me and I would know and I would feel how deep his love for me ran. "Yes.", he barely whispered. "Oh yes, I'll marry you, Nickers." I smiled and slid the ring on his finger and it fit perfectly. I got to my feet to face him as he held his hand out and looked at the ring. He cupped my face in his hand and brought his mouth down to my hungry mouth. I felt hungry for this man. I wanted to make love to every inch of his body tonight and that's exactly what I planned to do. Clothes were tossed all over the room as they were disgarded. My shirt wound up on top of the tv. Kevin's shirt landed on the kitchen table. His boxers landed on the back of the sofa. Mine landed on the lamp that sat on the nightstand. I don't even remember us moving from the door to the bed but we now lay naked on the bed, Kevin on top of me. The heat from our bodies pressed so tightly together was searing. I felt the sweat begin to bead on my forehead. I licked a drop of sweat from Kevin's brow as it began to roll down his face. Oh, I had always loved kissing and mother of God, could Kevin kiss! His tongue teasing began flicking back and forth over the roof of my mouth. It kinda tickled at first but then it suddenly became erotic as hell. He started working his tongue faster in that back and forth motion but now he was using long strokes, running his tongue from the back of my throat all the way up to my front teeth and then back again. "Oh shit!", I moaned against his mouth as my hands clawed his back. If he kept doing that, I was going to cum and I didn't want to cum now. With a strength I wasn't sure I even possessed at that moment I rolled us over so that I now had him pinned beneath me, his hands up above his head. I lowered my head to his adam's apple and gripped the sensitive skin between my teeth. Kevin moaned and bent his head further back, allowing me full access to his sweet neck. I nibbled as gently as I could back and forth over the skin that covered his adam's apple. Then my lips firmly attached themselves to his skin and I sucked long and hard. Kevin moans grew louder and more frequent. I finally stopped that little bit of torture as I didn't want him to cum just yet either. I wasn't sure how much longer either one of us could hold out as I could feel the wetness between our legs from our oozing members pressing together. I giggled when I saw I had left a hickey on his neck. I said, "Oops, guess I sucked a little too hard. You have a hickey now, Bumpkin." He chuckled, "I'll let you explain the hickey to your parents in the morning." I groaned, "Ugh!" Oh well, my dad had offered us the cottage for privacy and wouldn't it have been rude not to take advantage of the privacy? I turned my attention back to Kevin, hell bent on kissing and touching every part of his body. Nibbles and kisses along his collar bone and down both arms. I brought both of hands up to my lips, sucking on each one of his fingers for a few seconds getting them all nice and wet. My lips made their way down his chest to his hard brown nubs. I took turns, going from one to the other, licking my tongue over the nipples and the small patch of brown skin that immediately surrounded them. Neither one of us talked as I made love to him with my mouth and tongue. Kevin's sighs and groans filled the silence of the night. I felt his fingers in my hair one moment and then I felt his fingers on my back, his fingers scraping the skin. I kissed my way down to this belly button, letting my tongue swirl along the small indention and along his appendectemy scar that ran along right below his belly button. "Nicky, please I need you. Please, baby. Now." I lifted my head and glanced at him, his face a mask of pleasure, pain, estacy all rolled up into one. I quickly kissed my way back up his body and softly kissed his lips. "Are you sure, Kev?" "Yes, Nick. YES!" I smiled and kissed him again, "Love you Bumpkin." "Love you Nickers. I want you inside me now. PLEASE! No more teasing!" I moved off of him and nestled in between his legs. His member was so swollen and so purple I thought it had to hurt like a bitch. I wanted to touch his length but I was afraid just one touch right now would send him over the edge. I lifted his legs up over him and said, "Hold your legs back like this, Kev." He did as I asked and that brought me face to face with his puckered hole. I didn't want to use my finger on him. No, that was what HE had done to my baby and I was not going to do that. This was going to be as perfect as I could possibly make it. My tongue flicked out and licked across the opening. I felt Kevin shudder at the the sensation. I kept pressing my tongue against him and all of a sudden the ring gave and I was inside. I began tongue fuckin his hole in much the same way as he had tongue fucked my mouth earlier. "OH SHITTTTTTTTTT!", Kevin cried as he gripped the sheets in his fist as he fought not to go over the edge and totally loose his mind so soon. I worked him and loosened him up. When he began grinding himself into my face I knew he was ready. I sat up and got on my knees, moving up against him. I took his legs and rested them on my shoulders as I pressed the tip of my member against his wet hole. "Just do it, Nick. Do it." I looked at him to be sure. I didn't want to hurt him. Not in the least. I'd slit my own wrist before I hurt him. But he pleaded with me, "FUCK ME, NICK!" I pushed all the way in and was amazed at how easily I slipped inside him and was buried all the way to the hilt. I stayed still letting him adjust to the feeling of me streatching him open. I actually felt lightheaded right then. He was so warm and tight. Just when I thought I had expereinced all the phyiscal pleasures that this man could give me I found something new with him to enjoy. His muscles contracted around me like a vise and now I groaned, "Oh sweet Jesus." I began moving in and out of him. I wanted to savor this moment but there was no way I could. My eyes stayed locked with Kevin's. Seeing how much he was enjoying this was too much for me. I thrusted faster and I barely cried out, "I'm cumming, Kev. Hang on, I'm cumming.", before I erupted inside him, spilling my seed. "Oh my word," I panted as I sagged down on my knees, sliding out of him. Kevin took his own aching length in his hands and began pumping it hard. I swatted his hands out of the way and quickly engulfed his member in my mouth sucking as hard as I could. "Nick, I.......oh, fuck. NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His seed spilled forth and I savored every drop of it and continued to suck him until I felt him relax against the bed. His hands were back in my hair and I felt myself being tugged upwards. I lay next to him as we kissed with the last of the strength both of us had in us before sleep came and overtook us.