You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 51 by Tee and Danielle (C) by us too Kevin turned over and yawned. The sunshine was warm and bright coming in through the window but he didn't want to open his eyes and face the day quiet yet. His arm reached across the bed to pull Nick to him but when his flesh failed to make contact with warm flesh, Kevin jerked awake and sat up in bed. He frowned as he looked down at Nick's side of the bed and realized it didn't look slept on. His gaze quickly swept across the room and landed on the two blond figures asleep on the sofa. Well, the big one was still fast asleep. The little one was obviously waking up as he began to squirm around. Kevin couldn't contain his smile at the sight. Nick was such a wonderful brother to his siblings but especially to Aaron. As much as Kevin and his two older brothers loved one another, their relationship was nothing compared to the one Nick and Aaron had. Kevin thought about his and Nick's life down the road from now, after they got married. Nick wanted kids. Kevin wanted kids. After growing up in a house full of boys, Kevin wanted a little girl. No doubt after being in a house full of girl, Nick would want a boy. Maybe they could adopt one of each? Oh hell, why not just get two of each? Kevin chuckled to himself at his daydream. He spotted his clothes on the chest at the end of the bed. He quickly got up and slipped his boxers and jeans on before Aaron got up and spotted him awake. He looked back over at Nick and Aaron when he got his jeans fastened and saw Aaron was indeed awake now and trying to untagle himself from his big brothers arms without waking him up. Kevin tip toed over and Aaron looked almost relieved to see him up and coming to this rescue. Kevin picked Aaron up with no effort at all and carried the little man away from the sofa before he sat him down on his feet. Aaron whispered, "Thanks, Kevin. What time is it?" Kevin looked at his watch and mentally groaned. It was a little after 6:30 in the morning. "Just a little bit after 6:30. Why? You got a big date planned or something?" Aarron giggled, "No, you duffo. It's cartoon time. I'm gonna go to my room and watch them. Do you wanna come?" Kevin glanced over at Nick and thought to himself Nick was gonna have one hell of a crick in his neck when he woke up cause he was laying in such a weird ass position. Kevin turned back to Aaron and said, "I think I'm gonna go back to sleep for awhile since you're lunk head of a brother is still alseep. We'll see you at breakfast and you can tell me all about the cartoons then, ok?" "Ok, Kev." Kevin was startled when Aaron wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him. "Nick said you're gonna be my brother too when you and him get married. That's gonna be so cool. Then we'll be even. 3 brothers and 3 sisters in the family. Bye, Kevin!" Before Kevin could even think of a response to what Aaron had said, Aaron was out the door and had disappeared into the main house. Well, Nick had undoubtly told Aaron the news and the kid was cool with it. Kevin wondered how the girls were gonna react? How was his own siblings and his mother gonna react? He sighed and went back over to the where Nick was half laying and half sitting on the sofa. Kevin brushed the hair back out of Nick's eyes and said, "Come on sleeping beauty and get up. Let's get you into bed where you'll be more comfortable." I heard Kevin talking but I couldn't make out the words at first. I smirked to myself thinking he was talking to himself. I wanted to make a comment about him being an old geezer but I didn't. As I felt myself being pulled to my feet I woke up enough to realize he had been telling me to come to the bed so I could be more comfortable and he was now leading me over to the bed . "Where's Aaron?", I asked still groggy. "He went back to his room so he could watch cartoons. We get to hear a full report of the cartoons over breakfast." I grinned, "Good. He's such a good brother." Kevin smiled, "Yeah, well, so are you." We stood beside the bed. Kevin undid my jeans and slid them down. "Forgot something.", I said as I hooked my thumbs in my boxers and slid them down as well. Kevin raised an eyebrow quizzically and I said, "I don't like having anything between your skin touching my skin." I turned my head as I went to reach for the sheet on the bed. "OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" My hand forgot about the sheet on the bed and flew to the right side of my neck. "Oh fuck that hurts.", I groaned as I rubbed the very knotted muscles. Kevin said, "I was afraid you'd have a crick from the way you was sleeping." His loving arms manauvered me into the bed so that I was laying on my side. "I don't think it's a crick, Kev. I think I'm just stiff for laying the same way for so long." Kevin snorted - yes he actually snorted! - and said, "God, Nicky, you are so blond sometimes. That is what a crick is you dumb ass." "I'm sorry but you have me confused with Howie. He's the dumb ass in this group." Kev chuckled, "Poor Howie will forever be known as dumb ass. You were quick on the draw that day baby." I grinned, "Why, thank you." Kevin got undressed himself and slid in to bed behind me. His breath was warm against my ear as he whispred, "Well, whatever the hell is wrong with your neck I'm gonna make right." His long fingers began kneading my sore mucles. I moaned partly in pleasure and partly in pain. But as he kept working his magic with his fingers the moans became all pleasure. I have no idea how long we lay there like that. Suddenly, Kevin's fingers stopped moving. "No, don't stop. Please.", I whined. No sooner had those words left my mouth when I felt his lips on the skin that he had been massaging just moments before. I sighed, "Oh hell yeah, baby, that feels good." Kevin snuggled up closer to my backside and I felt his very noticible arousal against my bottom. "That feels even better.", I said as I turned my head to face him. I grinned, "Hey, my neck doesn't hurt anymore. You have healing hands, Bumpkin." Kevin didn't say a word. His lips came down on mine. My hand snaked around behind his head and held him to me. He moaned against my mouth and I took the opportunity to let my tongue explore. Breathless, I looked into his green orbs and said, "I need you, Kev. I really need you. Now." We kissed again and then Kevin lifted my right leg and draped it back a bit so that it rested on top of his right leg. Kevin had pre-cum oozing from the slit of his swollen member. Using two fingers he rubbed the pre-cum over the tip of his length. I felt him press against my opening, trying to go slow. "Just do it, Kev. I want you in me so bad. I need you in me, baby." His mouth stifled the cry that escaped from me when he entered me fully, filling me completely. Oh, this was even better than the first time he made love to me. My body was pressed against his from head to foot. From the position I was in all I could do was run my fingers through his hair and stroke my hand over his hip as he thrusted into me. But Kevin's hands were all over my body as his lips never left mine and our tongues seemed emboiled in an never-ending battle. My nipples were pinched and rolled between his fingers. He lightly brushed his hand over my scar. His hands stroked the inside of my thighs. Finally, mercifully, his hands wrapped around my cock and my sac and began caressing them with his magic touch. Kevin began pumping into me faster. I managed to pull my lips away from his and gasped, "Oh fuck yeah. Harder, Kev. Harder." "Lord, have mercy. I'm cumming, Nickers. Oh shit, I'm cumming." He continued pumping my cock as he had such a violent climax I felt a tremor rock his whole body. As I felt myself ready to slip over the edge I managed to pull his hand off my meat and said, "No, stop I can't cum like this." "What? Why?", Kevin croaked, barely having the strength to speak. He removed his sofenting cock from inside me and I quickly got up and went to the bathroom where with just a couple of strokes of my own hand I achieved the release I was so desperate for. Kevin was still laying on his back, his breathing slowly calming down. I lay down beside him and loving gazed at him. "Why did you do that, Nick? I wanted to bring you pleasure." "My sweet Bumpkin baby, you did bring me pleasure. But this is my parents house. Um, cum stains on the sheet would not be a good thing." Kevin blushed and then chuckled, "Oh yeah, I guess you do have a point there. Sorry." I smiled and leaned down and kissed him. "I love you, Boo." "God damn, I love you too my own little Kaos."