You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 53 By Danielle and Tee ********************** It was over. Finally. This damn press tour from hell. Finshed. Done. Over with at long last. Kev and I were going home but we were stopping over in Kentucky for a couple of days. It was time to face Mama Richardson. Yes, I was nervous about facing Kevin's mother. But I was so happy we were going home. Lexington, Kentucky was a hell of a lot closer to Orlando than Los Angeles was. In fact, I was so happy that I couldn't contain my happiness. As Kevin and I went down to the lobby to check out and then out to the limo that was waiting to take us to the airport, I kept stopping and doing the "Kevin turtle dance for joy." Kevin was not happy with my public displays of happiness. Or so he tried to act like. But I was more observant than what he thought. I saw the corners of that oh-so-cute little mouth of his twitch wanting to smile before he could turn his head away and get a grip on himself. The limo was waiting for us around back so we were able to go out and not get mobbed by a crazed group of fans. In fact it was a nice and quiet morning out. I loved it! I was majorly doing the butt wiggle thing while Kevin was getting into the back of the limo. He looked at me dancing like the fool that I was but didn't say a word. Finally, I said, "What?" He replied, "No more chocolate milk for you in the mornings, Nick." I looked at him horrifed and whined, "Oh, Kev, why?" "All that sugar is SO not good for you." I smirked and said, "Baby, that isn't the chocolate milk giving me the sugar rush. That's your sweet, sweet kisses making me high like this." Kevin turned red and just shook his head like he couldn't believe I had just said that out loud and to his face. I saw his shoulders shaking and I knew he was laughing. I slid in beside him and shut the door. The privacy partition was up so that the driver couldn't see us and vice versa. I leaned over and flicked my tongue out over his ear lobe and said, "Besides, Bumpkin, you know you like looking at me shaking my ass. It turns you on, don't it?" Kevin didn't succeed to well in stifling the moan that escaped his lips as I nibbled on his ear. He said, 'Aww, hell, Nick, you could just stand there not doing a damn thing but taking a deep breath and it would turn me on. Don't you know that by now?" I cupped his face in my hands and said, "Sweet talk will get you every where baby." Kevin just giggled and then we lost ourselves in the simplest of kisses. ********************* Howie and AJ looked around the airport for Brian. As soon as they had gotten there he'd disappeared. Their flight was now being called to board and they were waiting till last hoping Brian would show up. Howie said, "Finally. Here he comes." AJ turned to look at where Howie was pointing and they watched Brian approach them. AJ said, "Rok, man, where the hell have you been? We thought we were gonna have to go back to Orlando without you." Brian simply said, "You are." Howie and AJ said at the same time, "Excuse me?" Brian said, "I'm going to Kentucky to meet Nick and Kevin there." Howie and AJ exchanged a look and Howie said, "When Kevin called to say him and Nick were going to see his mom for a couple of days before coming home, he didn't say anything about you meeting there." "That's cause he doesn't know I will be there." Howie and AJ exchanged another look. Brian sighed and said, "I'm not gonna cause any more trouble, guys. I swear it. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to them for all the shit I dumped on them. I want to be there to support them when they tell Aunt Ann." AJ asked, "She's not gonna take it good is she, Bri?" He shook his head and said, "No, she's not, bone. I'm so glad that Nick's family was so cool about it because there certainly will NOT be a repeat performance of their reactions in the Richardson home." Brian heard his flight being called and said, "That's my flight guys. We all will be home in a couple of days. Say a prayer for Nick and Kev and we'll see you guys when we get home." AJ and Howie watched Brian head towards the gate where his flight was boarding. Then they turned to board their own flight. AJ said, "How bad do you think they are going to hurt him when they see him there?" Howie said, "Oh, it won't be too bad, Bone. Nothing that some stitches and an ice pack won't take care of." AJ started snickering, then he busted out laughing. Howie started laughing too. They were almost tempted to take their own flight to Lexington just to see Brian get what he had coming to him. ******************* The piolot came over the loudspeaker and announced we'd be landing in Lexington in another 25 minutes. I glanced over at Kevin and he was still looking out the windown. Pretty much what he had done for the entire flight. The closer we got to Kentucky the farther he seemed to withdraw in to himself. "Kev?" He didn't respond. I softly touched his arm and said, "Kevin?" He gasped and jerked around to look at me. "Oh, Nick. I'm sorry. Did you say something to me?" "Kev, you're a million miles away. Are you alright?" He sighed and looked down at his hands, playing with the ring on his thumb. "I'm fine, Nick. Just trying to rehearse things in my head before we get there." "You're really worried, aren't you? Kev, your mom is great. You're her baby. She worships you." He looked up at me and said, "I don't think that's going to matter too much, Nick. She was raised to believe homo-sexuality is a sin. I just don't know how she is gonna take this and dammit, I'm scared." He went back to looking out the window. I didn't know what to say to him. I'd felt the same way before telling my folks. Please let Ann be okay with this, I silently prayed to the big man upstairs. Kevin's father was dead. His mother was the only parent he had left. Kevin had been beaten, nearly bled to death, and just about had a nervous breakdown during the course of the last few months but he'd bounced back stronger than ever. But I wasn't too sure Kevin could cope if his mother turned her back on him just because of who he had fallen in love with.