You Do What You Have To Do Chap. 54 by: Tee and Danielle (This part by Tee) (c) 1999 - steal and you die a slow and painful death ************************ Baseball caps in place. Sunshades on. We were set. We disembarked from the airplane and made our way through the airport. We picked up our bags and hit the car rental place. A big sigh of relief escaped our lips as we got into the black BMW and drove out of the parking lot. We hadn't been recognized. We hadn't been mobbed. Thank God. As I looked at Kevin as he drove, I don't think he would have been able to deal with any fans right now. I had been to Kevin's moms house a couple of times during the last 6 years. I couldn't have told someone how to get there but I felt like I could drive myself and get there with no problem. As I gazed out the window at the sceneary passing by I realized we weren't headed towards the Richardson home. Before I could ask Kevin where he was going he pulled into the Sheraton and parked the car. Oh shit, this was bad. I had figured we'd stay with his mom while we were in town. If Kevin had gotten us a hotel room instead, then he really was expecting her to turn us away once we told her. I placed my hand on his arm but he shrugged it off and said, "She's not expecting us until later this afternoon. We can shower and rest up here before going there." I knew he was scared. I could see it in his eyes. And he'd always hated showing his emotions so openly. I sighed. I honestly didn't know what to say to him to make all this okay. "I love you, Kevin." He turned and looked at me. A moment passed before he said, "I love you too, Nick." We got our bags and went inside to the front lobby. I just stood there looking around while Kevin took care of getting us checked in. The desk clerk handed him the key and said, "I hope you both enjoy your stay here with us. Your friend checked in earlier and I gave him a key as well. As a rule we only give out two keys to suites. I'm sorry about that since there is three of you staying in the suite." Kevin and I looked at each other. Our friend checked in earlier? Who the hell was this man talking about? Maybe he had mistaken us for someone else? Well, we would soon find out. We got to the room and heard the tv on inside. Kev unlocked the door and we went inside and stopped in our tracks. Kevin growled, "Brian, what the fuck are you doing here?"