You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 55 By Tee and Danielle (C) by us too This chapter by: Danielle **************************** Kevin threw his bag down and said, "Nick, call the front desk and tell them to get security up here. We have an intruder." Brian gasped, "What?" About the time I made four big steps over to where the phone sat, Kevin had gotten to Brian. He grabbed his younger cousin by his shirt collar and picked him up off the sofa. Brian's face turned red and he sounded like a pig as he squealed, "Kevin! Nick! Please. Oh God, please put me down Kev. I came to talk to you. To tell you I'm sorry. I'm here to beg your forgiveness. I'll do anything to make it up to you. Please, oh please." I slammed down the phone, more pissed than I have ever been. I think his betrayal was all just hitting me now. I could practically feel my blood boiling in my veins. All of the heartache and pain could be traced to one source lately. And that source was still squealing and begging not to have the shit beaten out of him by one very mad cousin. Kevin set him down, breathing deeply. I went over to him and pried his hands off of Brian. I knew why Kevin had set him down, he was so angry that he had to get away from Brian before he hurt him. I held his hands in mine and raised my head to look into his eyes. "Let me." I leaned close and kissed him, my tongue sliding over the tight, pressed together line of his lips. They loosened and soon my tongue was sliding into his mouth, making the tension start to ooze out of him slowly as he lost himself in the kiss. I didn't even care that Brian was standing there watching us kiss right in front of him. This was the only way I knew how to focus Kevin's attention onto me and calm down before he gave himself an aneurysm. When I pulled away he was breathing slow and deep, the vein on his forehead had stopped throbbing and he looked almost drugged. Damn, I was good. I sat Kevin down on the couch, "If it looks like I may actually kill him, please pull me away and return the favor, ok?" He smiled and cupped my face in his hands, kissing the tip of my nose, "Love you." I smiled, "Love you too." My face was considerably changed when my head whipped to look at Brian. I think it scared him. He gasped a little and stumbled back a few steps. I got right in his face, my eyes blazing, "You want me to forgive you?" He nodded his head, barely moving it. I think he was afraid if he moved too suddenly that I would knock his head clean off his shoulders. I laughed a sharp, humorless laugh. "I'll forgive you when you see your little brother with a gun in the back of his neck I'll forgive you when you are hanging in a church basement chained to a pipe while a man beats the shit out of you. I'll forgive you when you watch some getting shot in the head less than a foot in front of you I'll forgive you when you when you watch Satan run a knife over a flame and then rip open your side with it. I'll forgive you when you see the person you love more than anything being shot and there is nothing you can do to get to him because you are bound to a cross. I'll forgive you when you are burning, feeling your skin start to cook and blood start to boil from the heat of the fire that's swallowing you alive I'll forgive you when your best friend sneaks around behind you like the snake that he is and does things to tear you apart from the only other person who can understand what you went through, the person that is the only thing holding you together some moments. I'll forgive you when you feel like you are dying because you've been ripped from the person you love just when you should be spending every minute with them learning new reasons why you love them. I'll forgive you when you stop fucking playing GOD with other people's lives. You aren't God, Brian. Not even close. There is no fucking God. If there was, there would have been no Stefanie, there would have been no Frank raping Kevin, there wouldn't be the constant pain that I have to live with everyday. Fuck you, Brian! Just go fuck yourself!" By this point I was so incensed that I had him by the front of the shirt and was shaking him with every word. I felt Kevin behind me as he pried my hands off of Brian's shirt and wrapped his arms around me while still gripping my wrists so my arms were wrapped around myself. He dragged me backwards away from Brian and kissed over the back of my neck trying to calm me. He looked at Brian, "I think maybe it would be a good idea if you got another room." Brian hung his head and nodded. "I understand." Kevin dragged me into the room that Brian wasn't in and shut the door behind us, locking it. He spun me around in his arms and lifted me into his arms. He put me gently on the bed and crawled over top of me, starting at the top of my forehead and kissing every inch of it before kissing down my nose. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. "Wh..what are you..mmmm...doing." I could hardly think, his lips felt so good. He smiled, leaning his head down so his lips brushed against mine as he talked softly, "Returning the favor."