You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 60 By Tee and Danielle this part by Danielle (C) by us too ***************************************** There wasn't any conversation on the way to the airport, but the silence was comfortable, unlike last night. The flight? Well, it was a flight...and all flights are hell to me, so I'm a little biased. All of the guys had learned long ago not to sit on the side of me where their writing hand was NOT within crushing distance. Poor Howie couldn't write his name for a week the first, and only, time he had made that mistake. I looked over at Kevin and the closer we got to Orlando, the more relaxed he became. The phone call from his brothers had taken a weight off of both of us and I swear Kevin grew three inches in the span of the call. You could still see the betrayal of his mother turning him away in his eyes, the raw pain of it all, and it was going to take a lot of time for him to even start to get over it. I snuck in a phone call when Kevin charmed the flight attendant to let him into the cockpit. The female covering the first-class area was nearly drooling when Kevin flashed those green eyes at her, she was powerless. I knew the power of those eyes all too well. As soon as he was gone, I pulled the airphone from it's cradle on the back of the seat infront of me and called Sam to let her know we were on the way to Orlando. She squealed a little when I told her to open up the house, "You get to see what I've done! We just finished up yesterday!" I smiled at her enthusiasm, "I think I speak for both of us when I say that we can't wait." I could hear her smile on the other end of the phone line, "Speaking of both of is that?" I sat back in my seat and knew I had the goofy assed smile on my face, "Wonderful, beautiful, magical.... stop me now before I put you into sugar shock." She giggled, "Yup, you are so Melinda and I, three years ago." I grinned, that gave me a good feeling that we reminded her of them and they were going the distance. It made me feel like other people saw what we had was special, that it wasn't just me. "Sam, you haven't mentioned...." She cut me off before I could go any further, "That's because I want you to have the first reaction all to yourself, mine can wait." I smiled at her thoughtfulness. "Sam, we have a surprise for you when we get there. I don't want to say it on the plane." She bugged me, whining and bitching, trying to weedle it out of me, but I wasn't having any of it. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud. Every day she reminded me more and more of A.J. The phone was snatched out of my hand and I looked up to see Kevin standing in the aisleway and talking into the phone. His whole face lit up when he realized who was on the other end. They talked for a few minutes as Kevin settled himself next to me and I knew that Sam was trying to get Kev to spill the surprise when he said that I must have had a good reason, besides torture, not to tell her. I laughed when I heard the "YOU SUCK!!" from where I was sitting. Kevin started making static noises and telling her that she was breaking up before yelping goodbye and hanging up. I could hardly swallow my laughter, "That was mean." He just grinned at me, "I know. You are just upset I did it before you could torture her some more." I pouted, "Damn right." He just pulled my bottom lip and laughed. I slapped his hand away and punched him in the arm, "How was the cockpit?" He sighed happily like he always does when you ask him about flying,k "You know me, Nick. If I wasn't doing this, I would be up in the clouds, going mach 9, eighty percent of the time. " I nodded, "Well, if think about it, B. We are in the clouds eighty percent of the time these days. We just aren't going Mach 9 and you aren't driving, that's all. And whatever Mach we are going is fast enough for me. We don't need to turn this tin can of death into a speeding tin can of death." He rolled his eyes at me, "We have to get you over this whole flying thing." I shook my head, "Never happen, my friend." He leaned closer to me, his lips brushing my ear as he spoke and his hot breath was flowing over my ear with every word, making the tiny hairs on the rim of my ear stand up, "I'm sure I could fine *some* way to distract you." I gripped the arm rests of the chair more tightly and felt the shiver go from one end of me clear to the other. I flicked my eyes across the aisle to Brian and he was sound asleep. I looked into Kevin's eyes and totally unintentionally started leaning forward. It was like he was some magnetic force. I could hardly get myself to talk, I was so into the look in his eyes and the way he had just whispered in my ear, "I'm ready to be distracted any time you are." I jumped in surprise when I felt something hit my chest. I looked down to see Kevin's book clutched in his hand. Well, that wasn't exactly what I was hoping for. I sighed and grabbed it from his hand, muttering under my breath. The self satisfied smirk on his face said it all. Bugger. I opened the book and started reading. That amused me for all of twenty minutes. As good as that book was, the claustrophobic feelings I got in a plane were more powerful. I put the book down and looked out the window, not a good idea. I shut the blind and tapped my fingers on my tray. Then I grabbed my pencil and started tapping that on the tray. Then my leg started shaking. I couldn't sit still. I wanted out of this tin can and I wanted it now. The sound of my tapping pencil on the tray changed and I looked down seeing a notebook below my tapping eraser. I picked it up and Kevin's writing was on it. "I want to kiss you so bad" I swallowed and looked up at him, he was looking forward towards the front of the plane. The only thing that gave away what he had written in the note was the fact he was gripping the chair in a white knuckle hold to stop himself from doing what he wanted. I picked up my pencil and wrote back. "I want you to kiss me." I slid it back on his tray and looked towards the front of the cabin as he had. A minute later the notepad was slid back to me. "Think anyone would notice if I kissed you right now?" I smiled and wrote back, "Depends on what kind of kiss it is. What kind of kiss is it?" It went back to him as we continued the cat and mouse game. "You know the kind that start out soft and innocent, then as your body realizes that you are kissing your soulmate it becomes harder and deeper until your lungs are burning and you swear the room is spinning, your heartbeat is thundering in your ears and you just want to sink into the other person because you want to be so close to them that you want to share the same body? That kind." Suddenly my mouth was dry and it went up about 20 degrees in that plane. Jesus, I could actually feel my heart speeding up at the thought of him kissing me like that. "Jesus, Bumpkin. Don't do that to me. I don't think my heart can take it. If I think about it, even for a second, I can feel your body pressed up against me, my heart thundering in my ears, the room spinning, my lungs burning. I can feel myself falling into you. I want to feel your hands on me, where are your hands, Love?" "One of them is tangled in your hair. Can you feel it pulling a little and letting it bring you closer to me so I can deepen the kiss?" I was having trouble breathing, I could feel his hand tangled in my hair. I could feel the soft sting of the hair being pulled a little. Oh god, help me. "Yes, oh god I can feel it." I had to close my eyes or if I looked at him, I was going to totally attack him and let the consequences be damned. "My other hand is sliding down over your hip and across the back of your thigh. When my fingertips reach the inside, where you are very sensitive, I run them over the inside of your thigh, sometimes up and down, sometimes I trace circles or swirls. Where are your hands?" I had to bite my lips to keep from groaning as I had to imagine the kiss, to see it in my mind to know where my hands were. "One of them is wrapped around your waist to keep me from falling over from what you are doing, torturing me like this. The other is underneath your shirt, my fingers are tracing over your abs, one by one. Sometimes they go upwards and play with your nipples, but right now they are tracing over one square of your abs very slowly." I looked out of the corner of my eye as he read and I saw his stomach jump and his breath catch. I grinned and turned away before he could see the smug smile on my face. When I turned back around the notepad was there, "God help you the moment I get you alone. I am going to have you naked so fast it is going to make your head spin and then I'm going to make love to you in every room of our house, on every piece of furniture, until neither one of us can walk, talk, or even breathe. I will make you scream my name over and over again until your mind will believe it is the only word you know, the only word you need." I couldn't bit back the moan this time, but the crackle of the speaker covered it. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now approaching the Orlando International Airport. Please assure that your carry-ons are stowed in the overhead storage area or under the seat in front of you and that your laptop tray is in the fully upright and locked position in preparation for landing." I felt my face flush. I had a problem. My lap top was in it's fully upright and locked position alright. Only problem was, it wasn't the tray.