YDWYHTD Chap. 63 by: Tina & Danielle rated: R (c) by us - If you have ideas of stealing, we have three words for you. Britney AND Hanson. ******************* While Melinda went to the kitchen to get lunch heated up and set out on the table, Sam took us through the house. The theme was blue and green. Both colors blended so well together. Just like Kevin and I. I can't even describe how beautiful the house was. It was cozy and charming. It definitely had a sense of me about it and a sense of Kevin. The only way I can really think of to describe it was to say it felt like home. I had noticed these little wood decorative boxes sitting on tables in all the rooms. I apparently wasn't the only one who had noticed them. Howie picked up one and asked, "What are these?", at the same time as he opend the lid to it. He blushed every known shade red there was and quickly closed the box and sat it back down. Sam grinned and said, "I remember how Melinda and I were when we moved into our house together. We had to "christen" every room. I just want to make sure our boys here are safe when they explore the house after everyone leaves today." AJ, Brian, and Kevin chuckled as they realized that there were condoms in the boxes. Being the smart person I was it took me a second to catch on. I said, "Oohhhhhhhhhhhhh." That caused them all to crack up laughing and it was now my turn to turn red. Kevin rubbed my hair and kissed the tip of my nose, "I do love you even if you are blond." I rolled my eyes but managed to pinch him on the ass so fast he never saw it coming. He jumped, startled, and I smirked at him, quickly making my way out of the room before he could retaliate. Thankfully, Melinda called out that the food was on the table right then and I hauled ass straight to the dining room. Melinda and Sam had really out done themselves on the meal. Pot roast, mash potatoes, gravy, assortment of veggies, salad, and a German Chocolate cake for dessert. Dylan was running around the room, playing with Tyke. Even though he'd already eaten he made the rounds going from plate to plate gobbling up any hand-outs he was given and anything he didn't want to eat Tyke wound up with. We all talked about anything and everything while we ate. I was really impressed with how well Howie, AJ, and Brian had taken to Melinda and Sam. And well we all fallen in love with Dylan. That went without saying. Howie had asked the ladies how they'd gone about having Dylan. Melinda explained they had gone to a sperm donor bank and she had been artifically inseminated. I noticed Kevin had stopped eating and he was sitting there like he was lost in thought. He looked kinda pale to me. I reached over and touched his arm. "Kev?" He jumped and looked at me. "What?" "You ok babe?" He shook his head and said, "I don't think so." He looked at Melinda and Sam and asked, "What donor bank did you use? That is if you don't mind me asking." Sam looked puzzled at his curosity but she said, "No, I don't mind. It was the Rathbone Center that is over by Orlando General." "Do you know anything about the donor?", Kevin asked. Ok, now Sam and Melinda weren't the only ones puzzled by his curosity. Melinda said, "Just his physical charaestics and his donor number. Green eyes and dark hair. We figure Dylan got the green eyes from his dad and his blond hair from me." Kevin looked even more paler now if that was possible. He rubbed his hands over his face a couple of times and sorta groaned. Noone was eating any more. Everyone's attention was turned to Kevin. I rubbed my hand up and down his back and said, "Kev, what's wrong? Tell me. Please." He said, "What's the donor number?" Sam seemed to realize then what was wrong with Kevin. I noticed the change in her demeaner immediately. She turned to Melinda and said, "Go get the number sweetie. Please." Melinda got up and went to get her purse that she'd left on the table in the hallway by the front door. Sam said, "We keep the number with us just in case something comes up with Dylan medically and we need to go to the clinic and locate the father." Melinda came back and moment later with a piece of paper in her hand. She read from it, "B72536-539. Why do you want to know, Kevin?" Kevin glanced over at Dylan, who was sitting on the floor petting Tyke, who had crawled up into his lap and fallen alseep. Then Kevin looked back to Sam and Melinda and said, "I don't know how to tell you this. I'm Dylan's father."