You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 63 By Tee and Danielle You that saying about silence being deafening? Well I never knew what it meant until that moment. It was so quiet in there you could hear hair growing. Or maybe it was turning white from what Kevin had just said. I was in shock. Hell, we all were. None of us knew Kevin had....I thought about the past. In the early days of the group, we were making no money at all and practices took up all our time. Kevin always seemed to make his rent somehow. Now we all know just how he did it. No one was saying a word or making a sound and when Tyke woke up on Dylan's lap and let out a confused whimper at all the silent adults, it seemed to break the spell everyone was under and all hell broke loose. Some of the things coming out of the mouths in that room were not things Dylan should hear. Hell *I* was too young to hear it. Everyone was talking all at once and I got up from my chair and leaned down over Kevin. I kissed him just below the ear and whispered to him, "I love you. I know you just did what you needed to do to survive, but Dylan doesn't need to see all this. We're going for a walk. I love you." When I felt his hand squeeze mine, I knew he had heard me. I made sure to repeat that I loved him again before pulling away. I didn't want him to think that I was running from this. I crept out of the melee and crouched down before Dylan who was staring at everything going on around him with wide eyes. "Hey Dylan, let's say you and I have some man to man time." He looked at me and then down at Tyke who was looking right back up at him. I smiled, "You know what Tyke really likes?" He shook his head, his blond hair falling in his eyes, "Nooooo." I grinned, "Ice cream. Do you like ice cream too?" His eyes lit right up and he nodded so fast I thought his head was going to fall clean off his shoulders. "Yah-huh!" I held out my hand, "How about you and me take Tyke for a walk down the beach and I know there is an ice cream store not too far away. We can get lots of ice cream and make them all jealous when we get back. What do you say?" He nodded again and I pulled Tyke into my arm and took Dylan in the other. We got out of the house and on the back deck I put both of them down and the two of them took off running and playing in the sand. I walked behind them and grinned at Dylan running in circles with the dopey little dog running on his heels adoringly. I shrugged and figured if you can't beat them, join them. So I took off running after the both of them doing a great tickle monster impression. ******************* Kevin sat at the table rubbing his temples, listening to everyone yelling at him all at once. "STOP IT! SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!!!!" Silence fell in the room, seeing Kevin standing there breathing heavily, fists clenched and face red. "That's better." He sat back down and everyone else sat also. "Now, Melinda and Sam. Yes, I am biologically Dylan's father. I kind of thought I might be. He has my father's smile, it's very distinctive and the way he looks like when he's concentrating...that's all me. That's why I asked. Don't be afraid that I know I'm the donor that created him. When I started doing that, I read the contract very thoroughly. I have no rights whatsoever here. I signed all of them away, so you have nothing to fear. Even if I did have a shred of rights, I would never do anything to hurt Dylan and taking away from the two most loving and attentive mothers in the world,even for a minute, would do just that." They both looked very relieved. He turned to AJ, Howie and Brian, "What say do you have in any of this? It was years ago, when we were just starting out and I had to make the rent somehow. With our practice schedule, I didn't have time for a job and sleeping on the street wasn't an option. So I did what I could to survive." Brian shook his head, "What would your family say if they knew, Kev?" Kevin looked down at his hands, "Well, my mom isn't a problem anymore seeing as I'm not her son anymore...." He swallowed hard as Brian had the decency to look sorry for talking about family. "But as for what the rest of my family would think, it was Jerald who brought it up and encouraged me to do it if it meant that I could follow my dream. It was 500 bucks for 10 minutes of effort and believe me after rehearsal and recording, ten minutes is about all I had left." And then it was quiet in the room again. ***************** Dylan, Tyke and I had made it to the ice cream store and I was trying not to get ice cream up my nose as I laughed at Dylan's attempts to eat ice cream off a cone like a "big boy". He was getting more on his face than in his mouth, but he was having fun and that's all that mattered. Tyke even had his own little dish of vanilla, at Dylan's insistence. I looked at the little boy as he ate and with his blond hair cut in the bowl cut and the green eyes, he looked like a cross between Kevin and I. He was going to be tall, that much I could tell. And you could already tell he was smart as a whip. He had alot of Sam's spunk too. That must be a learned thing, unless Melinda was hiding the spunk in her genes. I just about got chocolate up my nose when I saw Dylan and pick Tyke up and put him on the table. They both had gobs of ice cream on their chins and noses. I saw a tourist with a Polaroid camera around his neck and I waved him over, "Could I borrow your camera and get you to take three pictures if I give you 20 dollars?" He looked at me a little strangely and then noticed the ice cream covered dog and kid and grinned, nodding his head. I grinned and tilted my cone up at my mouth and nose and gave myself the same ice cream goatee that they had going and sat with the two of them. The old man laughed and took three pictures for me and then refused to take the money, handing me the pictures. "No, I couldn't take your money. Just enjoy the time with your son while he's young. They grow up so fast." I was stunned. Before I could tell him that Dylan wasn't my son, he was walking away. I threw the remains of our ice cream away and worked on cleaning up my face, Tyke's and Dylan's. It nearly took a whole dispenser of napkins, but I finally had us all presentable again. I set Dylan down on the ground with Tyke and they both took off for the swing set that was just before the beach. We spent another twenty minutes there as I pushed Dylan higher and higher so he could 'touch the sky'. I watched him and had to wonder if Kevin was this spirited when he was a child, before the weight of the world started settling on his shoulders. Some moments I swear I saw the same expressions and wide eyed wonder in Kevin. Those were the moments Dylan reminded me most of Kevin. I shook myself out of it and got Dylan off the swing and called for Tyke to start the walk home. I took a shivering Tyke and put him inside my jacket, the poor thing was cold on the inside from the ice cream and on the outside from the wind coming off the water. I swung Dylan onto my shoulders and he held on to my head while I walked along the beach back to the house. The closer we got to the house, I could see everyone sitting on the back deck. Dylan was teaching me silly songs he'd learned at day care and we were singing them at the top of our lungs as we walked back home. Everyone was calm and smiling on the deck, so I figured it was safe to go back. I bounced Dylan as I was going up the steps, making him giggle so hard he nearly fell off my shoulders. I set him down and took Tyke out of my jacket and watching him scurry away to Brian. I gave Dylan two of the pictures and told them to give one to his moms and the other to Kevin. He ran up to Kevin and gave him a big hug and gave him one of the pictures and then he ran to his moms and gave them the other. I took the final one from my pocket and gave it to the other three and told them I wanted it back. Everyone was laughing at the goofy picture of us. Sam and Melinda came up and hugged me, "Thank you, Nick. In all the shock we totally forgot that a little boy was sitting in the room." I smiled and shrugged, "It's ok. Hell, some of the stuff that was flying around in there *I* was too young to hear!" Everyone laughed and listened to Dylan talk on and on about the great time he had with me. They heard about every single minute between the time we left the house until the minute we got back. He got his entire little body into it and was just so expressive about it, you would swear that kid was a Carter. Then again, when I looked at Sam, I figured she had something to do with that particular trait. I sat down beside Kevin and he shook his head. He situated us on the bench so he was sitting behind me and I was wrapped in his arms from behind. He kissed just below my hairline on the nape of my neck, "Thank you for everything you've done for me, Nickers. You were the only one in that room to think of what Dylan was seeing with all of us going nuts like that. Thank you for that picture too. I think I have a new favorite photograph for my bunk in the bus. My two favorite people in the whole world happy and covered in ice cream. It doesn't get any better than that." I grinned leaned back into him, "No, it certainly didn't get any better than that."