YDWYHTD Chap. 66 by: Tina & Danielle rated: R (c) 1999 = it's ours, our, ours! You steal and you die. ********************** We sat on the piano bench side by side, half-way turned to face one another. Our foreheads were pressed together, the tips of our noses touchings. Our hands found each others and our fingers laced together. Kevin kissed the tip of my nose and said, "Love you." "I love you too, Kev." "Nick, I want us to go ahead and get married. Soon. I don't want to wait any longer." "Kev, are you sure?" "I've never been more sure about anything." "Wow." I knew I wanted to marry him but we hadn't discussed details before. Now it really hit me full force that I was going to marry Kevin. Finally. I guess there was some part of me that didn't think we'd reach this point where we dicussed our wedding. If I was dreaming this, then it was one dream I didn't want to wake up from. "Nick, if you want to wait, we'll wait. I didn't mean to come off as pushy." I looked at him for a second wondering why the hell he was saying that when he'd just said he didn't want to wait to get married. Then I realized I hadn't really responded to what he had said about us getting married soon and he must have thought I was having some doubts or something. I put my fingers to his lips to quiet him. "No, no, I don't want to wait, Kev. We need to find somewhere that will legally perform a same sex wedding since Florida doesn't." "I've already did some research and found a few places. I've got a few ideas about things. Wanna hear?" "Of course I do. Play for me while we talk though." Kevin smiled and turned his attention to the piano keys. His fingers stroked the keys lovingly. I watched his face as he played. He looked so thoughtful and beautiful as he concentated it took my breath away. And I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the fact that he loved me. Me! Goofy, dingy, annoying, prank playing, Nintendo lovin' Nick. Who would've thought?! So many people go through their lives without ever finding their soulmate. Mine had been with me all along being my father, my big brother, my mentor, and my friend. Kevin had helped raise me. He helped mold and shape me into the person I was now. He had faith in me when I didn't believe in myself. He pushed me to do things when I just felt like being a lazy and didn't want to do them. He was always had a hug or a kick in thepants ready for me, whatever I was in need of at that particular moment. If it hadn't been for Kevin, there might have been an entirely different Nickolas Carter sitting before you right now. One who maybe wouldn't have did so well for himself and one who probably wouldn't have been too nice of a person. I closed my eyes for a moment and the let the music he was playing just embrace me. After a moment I felt soft lips kiss my eye lids and I opened my eyes. Kevin was staring intently at me. "You okay, Nickers? You have that big goofey ass grin thing going on." I smiled at him. "Oh yeah, baby. I'm fine. I just want to thank you, Kev." He arched an eyebrow and asked, "For what?" "For being you. Just for being you. Now keep playing and let's plan our wedding." Kevin just looked at me for a second before he started playing again. He knew me well enough to know I'd had some kind of startling emotional revelation right then but he wasnt' going to push me for details about it. By the time Kevin finally got tired of tickling the ivories, I had Mary Had A Little Lamb down pat. I was pretty darn proud of myself about it too. Kev and I moved from the paino over to the sofa and curled up together so we were spooning. I had my arms around Kevin's waist and was snuggled up as close as I could get to his back. We talked for waht seemed like hours. Hell, maybe it was hours. The sun was now shining brightly through the windows with promises of it being a beautiful day. As Kevin told me his ideas for our wedding, I began to see it so clearly in my mind and I began spitting out my own ideas. We batted our ideas back and forth. Finally, we were in agreement about everything. It was all planned out. Now all we had to do was make a bunch of telephone calls to put the plans into motion. I figured Sam would be more than willing to help out with that. Kevin said, "Speaking of Sam, I wonder what her and Melinda want to talk about?" "I'm sure about Dylan, of course." "I hope they still aren't afraid I'm gonna try and take him or something because I'm not. They both are wonderful mothers to him and I don't think there are enough words to describe how much they love him." "Kev, I don't think they are worried about you taking him away. But knowing you are his father is something they can't ignore with all of us being so close. I suspect they want to discuss you being a very active part of Dylan's life." "You think so?" "Yep, I do. You really haven't said anything about how you're feeling about finding out you have a son, Kev." He was quiet for a moment. Then he said, "It's the most amazing feeling, Nick. To look at that little boy and know that he is a part of me, that I helped create him........this has got to be a better high than any drug could produce. You know something? If it was physically possible for you and I to have a kid together, I'd have to say Dylan would be what our kid would look and act like." I had to laugh. "I have to agree with you there. When I was out with him yesterday I saw so much of you in him. But then he'd do something or say something and I was like damn he could easily be a Carter." Kevin chuckled but then got serious again. "Nick, how do you feel about me having a son?" I turned Kevin's face so I could look him in the eyes. "Are you kidding? It's great. I love Dylan. I look at him and see you. He is a part of you. That little kid has got me wrapped around his finger." Kevin and I softly kissed for the longest time. Then I said, "We should get him a dog. He has a cat at home. He liked Tyk....I mean Taco so much, he should have a dog when he comes here." "Oh what kind? Maybe a pug? I use to be pretty good with a hammer and some nails. I could make a dog house." We settled down making more plans, this time for a dog house for a dog we didn't even have yet. Did I mention how happy I am right now? Looking down at my soulmate in my arms and talking about "our" little boy, I am so very happy right now.