You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 67 By Danielle and Tee (C) by us too ********************************** I looked out the window from my cushy little spot behind Kevin on the couch. I had a great idea, so I sat up and pushed him until he was sitting too, "Come on, I want to go for a walk." He sat there while I got to my feet and looked up at me, rubbing his eyes, "Now?" I nodded at him, "Now." He sighed to show me that he wasn't too happy about it, but he got up and took my hand as I practically dragged him out the kitchen sliding door and out onto the deck. I shook my head when he went to reach for his shoes and we walked along the beach as the sun finished coming up. When we got to the water's edge, we sat down in the cool sand and I leaned against him, feeling his arm curl around my shoulders and hold me tucked against his side. I laid my head on his shoulder and breathed in the scent of Kevin and the ocean. It was an intoxicating combination. I liked these moments the best, the ones where we didn't have to say a word. The moments where we were caught up in the beauty of something and we didn't have to put anything into words, it would have just ruined it. We just sat there in each other's company until the sun was well above the horizon. We were both yawning now. I pulled away from him and stood up, offering my hand to pull him to his feet also. He took it and with a grunt, I yanked him to his feet, only to fall on my ass when he stood up too fast. His grin told me he did it on purpose. Bugger. He leaned over and picked me up in his arms, his head lowering to mine and kissing me softly. I couldn't help sighing against his lips and tangling my fingers in his hair as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "I can walk, Kev." He shook his head, holding me tighter against him. "I know. I just like feeling you in my arms. It reminds me that this is real and not an incredibly realistic dream" I smirked and pinched his bicep, making him yelp, "Nope, definitely not a dream." He mock scowled at me, "You'll pay for that, Nickers." I smirked at him and leaned close to his ear, licking over the edge of it before whispering in it, "I certainly hope so." For good measure, I sucked his earlobe in my mouth and tugged on it with the suction from my mouth. When I heard him groan a little, I knew I'd done my job well. I laughed softly in his ear, "Aww, did that get lil Kevvy all excited?" He turned his head to look me in the eye with a scowl on his face, "You are a very mean man." I smiled and pecked him on the lips, "I know." He rolled his eyes, "Ok, you are going definitely needing some more sleep. You are more Dennis the menace than usual." I laid my head on his shoulder as he carried me into the house, "We'll get some sleep and when we wake up, we'll give Sam and Melinda a call ok?" Kevin smiled, "Sounds good to me." He stood in the middle of the front entryway, "Bed or couch?" I smiled, "Bed. More cuddle room." He grinned and set me down on my feet, "Sounds good to me." There was a spark of something in his eyes that I didn't entirely trust, "I like the way you think." Before I knew what was happening, he had me thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and was running up the stairs at top speed, bumping and shaking me all to hell as I yelped and cursed him the whole way up, unable to do anything but hang on for dear life. When we got to the room, he threw me down on the bed and jumped in after me, nuzzling his prickly goatee in my neck, tickling me. I was laughing so hard, all I could do was try to slap him away while trying to cover my neck from his ticklish advances. He couldn't get at my neck, so I decided to take a try at my stomach instead. He buried his face in it and I groaned as his bristles dragged across my skin, making a shiver race through one end of me to the other. Kevin laughed and I knew I had to get the bugger back. I waited until he thought I was just going to lay there and take it and when he least expected it, I bucked my body at him and by the time he reacted, he was on his back and I had him pinned down. "Thought you had me, didn't you?" He lifted his head up off the bed and smiled, "I do have you." I rolled my eyes, "Okay, true. I mean tickle torture wise." He just sleepily smiled at me again, "Nah, I just wanted you to do that buck and roll thing. What can I say? Aggression turns me on." I just looked down at him in shock, my mouth hanging open. He tried to keep a straight face, I will give him that. He did try. But there was no way he could hold it. Within a second he was curled in a ball laughing his ass off. I smacked him on the back of his head and rolled my eyes before I rolled on my side away from him and yanked all the covers away from him just for good measure. I made myself a Nick burrito so he couldn't yank them back and grinned evilly at the wall I was facing. I heard Kevin stop laughing and it was quiet as he was trying to figure out if I was really mad or just getting back at him. I decided to be easy on him and looked over my shoulder, "What are you waiting for?" "What?" I laid on my back and smiled, "Well are you going to sleep? If you are get your gorgeous ass over here." It took all I had not to snicker as I looked at confused expression on his face. He shot me a look and then grinned as he took his shorts off and crawled naked into the bed. "Do I get some covers?" I nodded and started wiggling around in my little burrito. When I was done, my pajama pants were balled in my hands and I threw them in the general vicinity of the laundry hamper. I unwrapped the blankets and Kevin scooted close before I put them back down around us and laid my head on his smooth chest with a sigh. One of his hands was raking his fingers through my hair while one of my hands was using a finger to trace around one of his abs. He sighed every bit as happily as I had, "I like this rule you have going, Nickers." I lifted my head a little so I could turn it to look at him, "Which one is that?" He smiled, "The no clothes in bed one." I grinned and put my head back down, snuggling closer to him, "Well, you know, I do have my moments of brilliance." I felt his chest rise and fall slowly in a yawn, "That you do." We both just laid there quietly and I couldn't tell you who fell asleep first, but within moments we were both out like a light. I woke up hours later and Kevin was still sleeping peacefully wrapped around me. I laughed silently at the tangled mass of arms and legs that we were. I leaned down and kissed him softly, feeling his breath tickle my lips. "Hmmmnnnn Nick." I smiled at Kevin moaning my name in his sleep. "Yeah Bumpkin?" He tossed a little I saw him smiled in his sleep, "Love you." I grinned kissed his ear before whispering in it, "I love you too. Even if you do have some hellacious morning breath." I knew he was really asleep when he didn't smack me for that remark. I grinned slowly untangled myself from Kevin and got up to brush my teeth and take care business. When I was finished I walked back into the bedroom and looked around, not really having taken in the room when I was in it before. It was done in soothing tones of blue and green with natural wood and wrought iron in the bed and furniture. She'd kept the wood floors in the room then there were the light curtains that were moving in the breeze that was coming from the open french doors that led out to the balcony we had that overlooked the beach. There was no two ways about it, this place was heaven. I went to the large cabinet that was directly across from the bed and opened the doors in the top part and had to clap my hand over my mouth to stop me from making a sound. There was a large tv hooked up to a dreamcast system and there were all my other system on shelves underneath that with the games put in drawers beside them. Oh damn that girl was good! I put a game in the dreamcast and turned on the tv, being careful to mute it. I took the controller and stretched it to the bed and sat on the end of it with my feet tucked under me as I sat indian style. We may have just moved in, but I wasn't entirely sure that the gremlins under the bed hadn't set up shop under there yet. I nearly jumped out of my skin a little later when a pair of arms came around me and a warm, sleepy body pressed against me from behind. "Well well. Naked video games. I certainly like your style there, Nickers." I could feel myself blushing and laughed a little, "Well you certainly seem to be enjoying it." I leaned against him and continued to play as Kevin put his chin on my shoulder and watched. I sighed happily when he started running his hand over my stomach, there was just something so comforting about it. He kissed over my shoulder and nipped over my jugular making me shudder. "Too bad that Sam didn't get another joystick so you could teach me how to play this game." I was concentrating on the game and grunted to let him know I heard him, "I'll tell Sam to get on that. And it's a controller, Kev. No one calls them Joysticks any moooooooohhhh god." My eyes nearly rolled back in my head. While I was saying that, his hand had slid down and was now wrapped around me and making me go from zero to hard as a rock in less than three seconds. His lips went to my ear and I could feel him breathing against my ear in the same rhythm as me, catches and soft moans and all, "Keep playing." I don't know how he expected me to concentrate on the game when his hand was sliding up my length and down again so brutally slow. When his fingers tugged on my pubic hair, I swear my toes curled. I managed to pay attention to the game a split second before my character on the screen ran into a wall. He was making it so hard, literally and figuratively, to not put every ounce of concentration on him. His breath was still in my ear, mimicking my whimpers of need and gasps every time his hand moved. "I think I like this joystick better than the one you have. But now I have to learn how to use it properly." His hand traveled from where it was nestled in the dark blonde hair at the base to the swollen, almost purple, head. "This must make you go forward." The hand went from the tip back down to the base very slowly, squeezing softly along the way, "And back." My head was now laying back on his shoulder and it was all I could do to breathe, the game forgotten. I saw a bright flash on the screen and knew my game had ended in fiery and sudden way. Just like Kevin's little game with me was about to. "I guess if I wanted to turn left I would have to do this..." I felt his other hand slide over the inside of my left thigh, bringing a trail of goosebumps behind him. "And to go right...." He turned his hand to lay on the inside of my right thigh and then curled his fingers so his fingernails lightly scraped over the skin, making my lips open and the moan that came out of them was probably enough to wake the neighbours if we had any. "And sooner or later I'm going to have to jump over an obstacle..." His hand jerked on me suddenly and it surprised me so much I literally did jump before I arched against him with another moan. My head was spinning at this point, I wasn't sure if it was from what he was doing to me, or from the way it was so hard to breathe because of what he was doing. I turned my face towards him and his turned towards me at the same time and our lips met in the middle in a long, slow, deep kiss. My tongue slid into his mouth and I coaxed a moan out of him too. My hand reached up and wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. When our lips finally parted, it seemed that Kevin had caught my breathing problem. I licked his taste off my lips before I spoke, "I....I've won this level. You get to go on to the next one." I shuddered when Kevin nuzzled my neck, "And what is that?" I could barely get the air in my lungs to talk, "Bedside table, in the drawer, either side." He leaned back to see what I was talking about and I couldn't stop the whimper of loss when his hand left me. He found what I was referring to in the drawer and took it into his hand and came back to me. He opened his hand and placed the condom and lube in my palm. I shook my head and placed it back into his hand, "No. Make love to me, Kevin. Please." He nodded and leaned down to kiss me, his teeth nibbling on my lips and making them tingle when he pulled away. He moved back away and returned a minute later kissing me on the back of my neck. He pulled me back onto the bed more and got me to kneel over his legs. All I could do was moan and try not to fall over as his fingers slid over my thighs and then found their way in-between my cheeks to the throbbing bud that lay inside. Kevin's fingers were slickened with the lube and they rimmed around the edge before sinking inside me, one at a time until he felt I was loosened enough to take him. By this time I could barely keep my balance and my lungs were burning from the way I was forgetting to breathe, I was so lost in the pleasure he was giving me. I felt myself being lowered back slowly and I groaned when I felt the hot, wet, throbbing tip of Kevin starting to slide inside of me. He held me still as my body stretched around him and then when he was sure I was ready, lowered me down further until I was sitting on his lap and his hands slid off of my hips and rested in my lap, stroking up the inside of my thighs. I took the rhythm of his hands sliding over my skin and used it as my rhythm as I slid up and down on Kevin, keeping the same slow, steady pace. I could hear Kevin moaning behind me as he pressed himself close to my back and kissed over my neck, his teeth digging into my flesh softly as he tried to hold himself back. His hands slid up my thighs again and then roamed higher, starting to stroke me in the same rhythm that I was moving, filling my body from both sides with incredible sensations. I bit my bottom lip to hold myself back, but Kevin made it that much harder to keep control when one of his hands started travelling upwards to pinch and roll my nipples in his fingers until I was squirming and then move even further upwards to sink two of his fingers into my mouth. I took them in and sucked on them like they were the oxygen that was keeping me alive, it was all I could do to keep me from going straight over the edge at the mind blowing pleasure he was giving me. When I felt Kevin shudder behind me and start to raise his hips to meet me on every downward stroke, driving himself further inside of me, I could hold back no longer. "Ooooh god. Keviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn oh god...oh .....oh god.....ooohhhhhh" My release came so quick and so violently, I felt kevin wrap his arms around me to stop me from falling over. I literally had no control over my body at that moment, the only think I could feel was the orgasm running wild through me. My heart was hammering in my ears and every muscle in my body felt like it had turned to jelly. "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiick. oh shit.....oh god.....Niiiiiick!" I felt his hot cum inside of me, filling me completely and then the only sound in the room was us trying to breathe normally again. Kevin fell backwards and I fell with him, then he rolled us both over on our sides, still joined together. With his strong arms wrapped around me and our warm, sweaty bodies pressed together, I couldn't think of a better place to be right at that moment. I doubted heaven itself would feel as wonderful as being here with him.