YDWYHTD Ch. 70 by: T and D you know the routine by now ************************************** Well, Max's sign proclaiming the dog house as his offically was done and it looked pretty darn good even if I do say so myself. Dyland got quiet for a second. I smiled as I watched his bottom lip poke out while he was thinking about whatever it was he was thinking about. Kev, Sam, and Mel got quiet as they watched him. I said, "Hey Dylan, what ya thinking about lil man? Wanna tell me?" His big green eyes peered at me and said, "Since Max's house isn't finished where is he gonna sleep? He can't sleep outside without being in his house. He'll be scared." I said, "Well, he can sleep inside the big house with me and your dad. We'll make sure he doesn't get scared." Dylan was still pouting. He obviously didn't feel like Kev and I could take proper care of Max. Kevin looked over at Melinda and Sam and they both nodded their heads. Kevin leaned down so he was eye level with Dylan and said, "How about you staying here tonight so you can make sure Max doesn't get scared? And first thing in the morning you can help me finish building Max's house." Dylan grinned and threw his arms around Kevin's neck. "Okay, Daddy." Then he hopped down and took off running, squealing with Max hot on his heels. We moved outside and Kevin got the grill going. Dylan ran around the yard with Max and played on the swing. Kevin wouldn't let me, Sam, or Mel do anything so we just sat there and watched him. Mel was going to run home and pack Dylan an overnight bag but Kevin said, "You don't have to. I picked up some clothes and toys for him today. The guest room right next to mine and Nick's room is all set for him." After a bit I said, "Sam, Mel, Kev and I have a business propersitition for you. Please hear us out and take a few days to think about it." Sam said, "Well, you've certainly got our attention, Nick. We're all ears." Kevin and I both took turns telling them about how we wanted them to come work for BSB so they could tour with us and Dylan could spend time with us. I worked the angle of laying a sort of guilt trip on them, telling them that since Kevin had missed so much of Dylan's growing up already it really wasn't fair to make him miss any more of it. Kevin worked the angle of them both being so talented and how that talent could best be used out on tour with us. We knew we had out done ourself when Sam and Melinda cracked up laughing. I looked over at Kevin and he looked at me. Neither one of us were sure if the laughter was a good sign or a bad one. Finally, Sam said, "You guys plead a good case. We have something we want the two of you to think seriously about as well. Well, it's especially for you Nick but I'm sure the two of you want to talk about it." Kevin said, "Well, now you have our attention. What's up?" Melinda said, "Now we're not saying we want to do this right now but it's something we want to happen in the next six months. We want to have another baby. We'll go back to the same clinic we used for Dylan but this time Sam will be the one to carry the baby. And we already have a sperm donor in mind. That is if you'll agree to it Nick." Whoa..what?? I wasn't sure I had heard right. I looked from Sam to Mel and to Kev. Mel and Sam looked hopeful. Kev looked as shocked as I was so I knew I had heard right. A baby? My own little Dylan running around? Or it could even be a girl. Oh that would be so perfect wouldn't it? A little girl to go with our son. "Nick?" I looked at Kevin and said, "Huh?" "You drifted away there and you have the goofiest grin on your face. You okay?" I grinned, "Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking about our daughter having your dark hair and my blue eyes." Kevin chuckled. Melinda and Sam jumped up, squealing and pulled me into their arms hugging me and kissing me. Sam said, "Oh hell, we'll come on tour with you guys. There ain't no way in hell we could stay home away from you guys for six months." Dinner was quite an affair that night. We all were talking about ninety miles an hour going over the tour plans, the baby plans, the wedding plans. Sam was all gung ho about planning the wedding. She pulled her notebook out of her purse and was already busily scribbling notes. Dylan couldn't leave Max alone long enough to eat so finally Kevin cut up a steak all for Max and sat it down on the floor for him. There sat our son and dog sitting side by side on the floor eating. In the words of my sister, BJ, that sight was MAJOR CUTENESS. By the time Sam and Mel left late that night Dylan had already fell alseep on the sofa with Max alseep on his stomach. Kevin picked them both up and carried them up to the guest room. I was already laying in bed when Kevin came in. He stripped down to this boxers and climbed into bed with me. I pulled him in my arms and his head lay on my chest. "This has been one hell of a day, hasn't it?", he asked. "Oh, yes indeed. Just full of surprises. I'm scared to be this happy, Kevin." "Why does this scare you baby?" "It seems too good to be true. I should be ashamed but I keep wondering when the ax is going to fall and something bad will happen." Kevin snuggled up closer to me and said, "We deserve this happiness, Nick. We worked hard for it. We nearly died for it. I love you baby. I love you so much." I kissed the top of his head. "I love you too, Bumpkin." We lay there most of the night awake. We didn't talk much but we just took comfort in being in one another's arms. It seemed we had just drifted off to sleep when Dylan's voice rang through the room. "Daddy, daddy get up. It's morning. We have to make Max's house!" Kevin mumbled something totally incoherent which caused Dylan to start shaking his arm and calling him, "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy...............WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Nick?" "Huh, Kev?" "Do I have to get up?" "Yep. You have a dog house to finish building." "Damn." "Daddy, don't say bad words. Just get up!!!!!!!!!!!! Max has to go piss. I'm gonna take him outside!" I cracked up laughing at Dylan's use of the word *piss*. "Kev, our son just ran out of here like a bat out of hell. He's going outside with the dog. You better get up." Kevin threw the cover back and hollered, "DYLAN, DON'T GO OUTSIDE! I'M COMING. I NEED TO PISS MORE THAN MAX DOES." "HURRY UP DADDY!!!!!!!!!" Kevin grumbled as he went to the bathroom. I lay in bed laughing my ass off.