You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 72 By Tee and Danielle (C) by us ********************* Howie, Trey, AJ, Brian, Melinda, and Sam all met up in Mel and Sam's room the next morning to go over plans for the day. They drank coffee as Sam ran down the check list of who was suppose to do what. When she was done everyone said they understood what had to be done and were ready for *Operation Moby Dick*. Melinda handed out new cell phones to everyone and said, "These are for use for today only. Leave your regular cells and pagers off and in your hotel room. There will be no contact with management today. Brian you know what to do about management after Nick and Kev leave for their honeymoon, right?" Brian flashed a thumbs up sign and said, "Yep. I'd give anything to have a video phone so I could see their faces when I tell them. It's gonna be a kick in the pants." As they all moved towards the door to head out, Sam said, "Remember the most important thing. Keep Nick and Kevin away from one another. Be especially careful of Nick. He has those big puppy dog eyes and pouty lips and he's not afraid to use them." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outside of Kevin's room door Howie and Trey stood and prepared for the ordeal of trying to get Kevin awake. "This brings back the horror of all those years ago when Kev and I shared an apartment and I had to wake him up in the mornings. I got really good at dodging flying objects though," Trey said. Howie nodded his head in understanding. "Try traveling on a small bus with him for nearly 10 years. You wouldn't think someone who was practically comatose could pack such a punch." Howie rubbed his jaw remembering the couple of times he hadn't moved out of Kevin's reach fast enough when he was trying to wake him up. Trey put his hand up to knock but before he could the door swung open and there stood Kevin dressed in a pair of loose Dockers and a black tank top. His hair was still wet from his shower. He grinned from ear to ear and said, "Morning ya'll. Isn't it a beautiful day?" Trey and Howie cast a glance at one another. Howie said, "You are actually up, showered, and dressed before 11 am and no one got hurt in the process. Ok, who are you and what have you done with our friend, Kevin?" Kevin chuckled, "Howie, I must say your sense of humor is definitely one of your most endearing traits. Of course, I'm up and ready to go. It's the most important day of my life. I'm marrying Nick today." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` When AJ and Brian got to Nick's room they found his door open. "Nick?", AJ called as they walked in. I literally flew out of the bathroom at the sound of AJ's voice. I had just taken a shower and gotten dressed in a baggy pair of Dockers and a Nike t-shirt. "Hey Bone Daddy, what's shaking?! Good morning, Bri Bear. Don't you both look wonderful today!", I said as I sat down on the bed and started putting my shoes on. AJ and Brian glanced at each other and then back at me. I'm sure I looked like a grinning fool but I didn't care! Brian said, "You had m&m's for breakfast didn't you? You know you can't have the chocolate, Nick. It makes you too hyper." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. I got my shoes tied and stood up. I gave Brian a big kiss on the cheek and then decided I couldn't leave AJ out so he got a kiss on the cheek too. I grinned at them, "No, I didn't have m&m's for breakfast. I am hyper but it's from love! This is the best day of my life. I'm marrying Kevin today." Brian turned to AJ and said, "If Leighanne and I ever start acting this way, please shoot me." AJ replied, "Only if you promise to do the same with me and Amanda." "Deal." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The day passed by slow but it buzzed by in a blur at the same time. I took comfort in knowing that wherever Kevin was at that moment Trey and Howie had him going through the same routine that I was going through. I asked where Melinda and Sam were and was told they were at the scene of the wedding getting it all set up. My mom was helping them, leaving my sisters in charge of Dylan. There was the final fittings of the suits. A stop at the barber shop for a trim. Lunch was even fitted into the hectic afternoon. Finally, AJ and Brian looked at their watches and AJ pulled out his cell and made a phone call. Then he looked at me and asked, "You ready to go to the boat, Nick?" I said, "Is Kevin already there?" AJ nodded his head that he was. I grinned. "Let's go."