You Do What You Have To Do Chapter 74 by Danielle and Tee Kevin tugged at the tie on his tuxedo, trying to loosen it enough that he wasn't actually strangling him. When he could breathe again, he looked at himself in the mirror, appraising if everything was where it should be. He laughed to himself at how he wasn't nervous about the wedding, he was nervous about whether Nick would like how he looked, if his fly was open, whether he should do something different with his hair. 'I sound worse than a woman on her wedding day.' With one last up and down look at himself, he decided that it didn't get any better and anything more he did would only mess him up, he walked to the vanity counter and opened the box that was laying there. He held the cufflinks in his hand and felt them warm to his skin, the presence of his father comforting him. He felt the butterflies decrease in his stomach and a sense of calm and anticipation coming over him. Kevin opened his eyes and carefully put the cufflinks on and put his fingers in the box to grab the last thing in there. Nick's ring. We had both chosen the ring for the other one. He'd chosen an eternity band with three different metals, yellow gold, white gold and platinum, entwined to make the ring. On the inside he'd had "No Matter What" inscribed. Kevin had loved the ring the moment he'd seen it. To him it symbolized the three ways he had grown to love Nick, as a bandmate that he had to watch out for and protect, then as he grew up, he loved him as a brother, an equal. The last band symbolized to him the love that had grown out of those other two loves. The love that had brought the two of them here today, the love of finding the one person that is the other half of your soul. He held the ring in his hand and squeezed it, almost like he was trying to send all the love that was in him into that ring in his palm. ************************** "Nick!" I looked up as I got out of the car and saw Captain Tom Lang and his two sons Danny and TJ smiling at me and waving. I grinned and waved back, walking over to the gangplank to go meet them as they came down. Tom laughed as his two sons were hugging the crap out of me. I ruffled both of their hair and they screeched and ran from me, leaving room for their dad to come over to me, extending his hand. "You certainly look much better than the last time I saw you both." I nodded, "Those were rough weeks. That's why we needed to be somewhere alone and away from everything. We couldn't deal with what had happened with everyone hovering over us. You and your sons gave us our space and we were so grateful for that. We're also grateful for all the crap you put up with, it couldn't have been easy having us waking up at all hours of the night and more often than not, waking up with a yell." Tom waved off my statement, "I worried for you two boys like you were my own. A couple of nights I had to sit on my bed and force myself not to go in there and take you both in my arms and protect you from whatever was haunting you, like I would do with my boys when they had the night terrors." He reached up and mussed my hair a little, "I'm kinda proud that we were there for the start of this. I knew when I saw the way you two were with each other that you'd be doing this. Two peas in a pod, you are." I chuckled, "Thanks, Tom. The boat looks beautiful." He grinned, "That she does. That little whip of a woman you sent down here to decorate is a task master. For a wee thing, she sure is bossy!" I laughed, hard. "Oh that she is, but it's part of her charm." Tom shook his head with a chuckle, "Charm? Is that what they are calling it these days?" mumbled under his breath. I grinned and looked up at the boat. The deck had chairs set up on it with blue and green bows tied to the railing around the edge of the deck. The mast and sails were hung with white lights as was the outside edge of the deck. The ceremony was going to be held at dusk, just before the sunset out on the water. I heard a noise behind me and saw AJ standing there waiting impatiently. I rolled my eyes at Tom, "I better go get ready before my nanny gets all cranky and makes me go to bed with no wedding." Tom laughed and gave me a pat on the back, "It's great to see you again, son." I grinned and looked at AJ, "Alright, lets get this show on the road." AJ nodded and walked up behind me on the gangplank and we stepped onto the deck. **************************** Kevin stepped out of the bathroom to see Melinda, Trey and Howie looking at him. There were three new people in the room too. Kevin's brothers both whistled and clapped when he stepped out, so did Dylan, aping the moves of his two new uncles. Kevin grinned and went over to hug the life out of his two brothers. "Thank you.....I don't.....this means.....thank you." They both knew Kevin was thanking them not only for the cufflinks, but also for their acceptance and very presence at the wedding. It meant more to him than he could ever say. The two brothers fussed over the younger one, straightening lapels and the tie, smoothing wrinkles out of the suit. All the normal fussing he was used to on big occasions. When they were done, Kevin looked at Dylan. "I thought you were with Aunties BJ, Leslie and Angel?" Melinda smiled, "He wanted to see you. He gave me the Nick face and I couldn't refuse." Kevin grinned, they had named the super deluxe pouty/puppy dog face that Dylan had after the master of the art form. Nick. Dylan ran into his father's arms and hugged him tightly, "Daddy, you look Booooootiful!" Kevin laughed and Melinda chuckled, "Honey, men look handsome, it's only women that are beautiful." Dylan pursed his lips together and thought about it, "Ok Mama." Kevin put his forehead to his son's, "You can call me Bootiful. I like it coming from you. But only you, got that?" Dylan giggled, "Daddy read me a story!" Everyone started to argue and Kevin waved his hand to calm them down. "I think that's a good idea. Everyone is all excited and if we just sit here and stare at each other, we are going to nuts. Good idea, Dylan!" He clapped happily and ran to his mother to get some books and we sat down on the bunk and I started to read to everyone. ************************** "Incoming!" I looked at Brian like he was nuts. "What in the hell are you doing?" Brian grinned at me, "Letting them know you are in the area." I rolled my eyes and went below deck, shaking my head at all the trouble they were all going to just to keep us from seeing each other. Tom had let me know that he had me set up in the cabin that Kevin and I had used for the week we were on the boat, so I knew exactly where I was going. Brian and AJ followed me and shoved me in the bathroom to get changed, while they changed out in the main room. I pulled my tux out and made sure I had everything I needed and started changing. When I had the monkey suit on, I looked myself over in the mirror and made sure everything was buttoned and zipped where it should be. I turned around and looked over my shoulder at the back of me and made sure there wasn't a rip in the tux pants or anything. When I was satisfied I was put together, I started on my hair, just undoing the damage that was caused by being mussed good-naturedly by three people in the last hour. When I was done with that, I brushed my teeth like four times and gargled with scope and listermint and water. I wanted to make sure this kiss was going to be perfect. I was nearly dying from not kissing him for the last few days. While I was getting dressed, I could hear footfalls onto the deck above me and ten minutes later, the motion of the boat leaving dock as we set out on the water. That told me that we were truly going to do this, that it was all falling into place and within an hour I was going to be married. I couldn't wait. I came out of the bathroom and strutted out like I was on a catwalk, doing a spin and doing my best "I'm too sexy" pose. Brian and AJ cracked up and I heard two new voices join them. I stopped mid spin and saw Tim and Jerald there. I grinned and bowed, "Thank you! Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" Tim and Jerald shook their heads and came over to hug me and pound me on the back a few times. "You going to take care of our baby brother?" I nodded, "Forever." They both grinned and Tim handed me the box I had been waiting for. I looked inside and carefully shut the box. "Thank you. Are you sure?" They both nodded, "Completely." I gave them both a hug and Tim went out to grab Dylan out of Kevin's room to bring him up on deck with them. Tim brought the little guy in my room first, Aaron trailing after the two of them. Dylan ran for me and gave me a big hug telling me how "bootiful" I looked and I ruffled his hair, "You look so grown up in your tux, Dylan. You are gonna break all the ladies' hearts out there." He giggled and ran to Aaron, burying his face in my brother's leg. Aaron grinned at me and walked over to me the best he could with Dylan on his leg. "Nick, I just came to say I love you and I'm so happy for you!" I bit my lip to keep from bawling at how excited he was for me. I opened my arms and when Tim took Dylan into his arms, Aaron shot at me and buried his face in my chest and hugged the breath right out of me. I hugged him back just as hard. Tim and Jerald stood beside Brian and AJ, "I see Nick has the same problem as Kevin." AJ and Brian looked at them, "What problem?" Tim chuckled, "Perma grin, little mary sunshine disease. Good, they are both so happy and peppy it's disgusting!" They all laughed and Brian shook his head, "God yeah, Nick actually KISSED us this morning. We had to stop for cootie shots on the way to lunch or we would have been infected with this disease too." Tim and Jerald were nearly in tears laughing, "Well, we should get back up top. We'll see you at the ceremony. And you both clean up real well." Brian and AJ bowed and did a modified strut as they showed Tim, Jerald, Aaron and Dylan to the door. When it was opened, Jane and Bob were standing there about to knock. Brian and AJ ushered them in and left mentioning something about going to see Kevin. I looked at my mom and dad, putting my arms out to the side and spinning around, "Well?" My mom was on the verge of tears, "You look so grown up!" I smiled, "Don't cry, Momma. You aren't losing me. If anything you are getting another Carter kid. As much as Kevin doesn't let it show, he still needs a mother figure and I know since his own mother turned him away, he looks at you in that way." She smiled, "I love him like one of my own. As much as a shock as it was, I can see that Kevin makes you happy, happier than I have ever seen you, and that's all I ever wanted for you, for both of you." She hugged me and brushed my hair away from my eyes, "Be happy, that's all I want for both of you. Just be happy." I laid my head on her shoulder and squeezed my arms around her, "We are, Momma. We are." "Promise me you'll be happy, Nick" I nodded with a smile, "As long as I have him, I will be." She kissed me on the forehead and wiped the lipstick smudge away before pulling away, "I'm going to pop in on Kevin and we'll see you upstairs." I nodded. "Tell him I love him." She smiled and nodded before slipping out of the door. I turned and looked at my dad. "Hi dad." He smiled, "We did good, didn't we?" I raised an eyebrow, "With what?" He grinned, "Raising you. We did a good job. It's every parents nightmare that they will do something wrong and raise a child that goes into the world to terrorize it. Your mother and I did a good job with you. You are good people, as your grandfather would say." Oh shit, I was going to cry. My dad never mushes. And in the last minute he had mushed more than he had done in my whole life previously. "You did, Dad. You and Mom did a fantastic job. I couldn't have asked for more." He held open his arms and I charged into them. It felt so good to have him hug me, all the nerves that were bundled in my stomach went away and I felt totally calm. "I love you, Nick." I hugged my dad harder, "I love you too, Dad." We pulled away and I saw a stray tear on my dad's cheek. I wiped it away with a chuckle, "Don't you start too. I'm gonna start calling you Mom." He grinned and softly punched my arm, "Stop playing." He straightened my bow tie and patted my shoulder when he was done, "I'll see you on deck." I nodded and held Kevin's ring in my hand tightly, the warm gold reminding me that this was indeed real. ************************* Jane Carter went into Kevin's state room and saw Brian, AJ, Howie, Trey and Melinda all looking nervously at the door to the bathroom. "What's going on?" Melinda looked up with a worried expression on her face, "He went in there five minutes ago and he won't answer when we call for him." Jane nodded, "Can you leave us alone please?" Everyone nodded, deciding to go pay Nick a visit. "Kevin? It's just us in here. Can you come out here please?" She waited for a response and when she got none, she walked to the bathroom door and tried the knob. It was unlocked. She opened the door and found Kevin sitting on the edge of the sink, looking at something in his hands. "Kevin, honey?" Kevin looked up at her, tears streaming down his face, "She didn't even open it." Jane went over to him, "Open what, Sweetie?" Kevin handed her an envelope. She turned it over and saw it addressed to his mother, stamped with Return To Sender, Addressee Rejected. It was the wedding invitation, Jane knew it by the envelope. "Oh Honey." She opened her arms and wrapped them around Kevin, who at that moment looked the image of a six year old that had lost his mother in the department store. She just held him, feeling his shoulder shake as he tried to pull himself together from this latest shun by his own flesh and blood. "She doesn't know what she's doing. I don't understand how she can do this. You are a wonderful, loving, caring son that any mother would give their arm for. Kevin, I may not have given birth to you, but you are my son every bit as much as Nick and Aaron are. I know it will never be the same as what you've lost for being true to yourself, but honey, I'll do everything I can to be there for you, no matter what." Kevin sniffled and raised his tear lined face, "Thank you, Jane. I needed to hear that so badly." He took the envelope and ripped it in half, "Her loss. And one day she will realize all she gave away when she did this, but as of this minute, it's too late. I'm not going to go into a new life with Nick with this hanging over my head. I refuse to start off like that." Jane smiled, "There is the Kevin, I know and love. But sweetie, when the honeymoon is over and life has fallen back into place, take time to mourn this properly. Let yourself grieve for it, it's the only way you are going to be able to truly move on. Promise me you'll take that time for yourself." Kevin nodded, "I promise, Mom." Jane's eyes misted up as she smiled, "You don't have to call me that, Kevin." She saw Kevin's smile falter as he took it the wrong way, "But I would be honored if you did." The smile came back twice as bright as before. Jane and Kevin hugged again and when they pulled away, Jane took a face cloth and wiped Kevin's cheeks free from traces of tears, like she would do with her own when they were small and cupped his face in her hands, kissing his forehead as she had done Nick's. "I made Nick promise me something and I'm going to ask you to do the same. Promise me you'll be happy." Kevin nodded with a smile, "I promise. As long as I have him, I will be. " Jane shook her head with a smile, "That's exactly what Nick said." Kevin's smile got bigger. "That reminds me, he told me to tell you that he loves you." The smile got even bigger. Jane thought it just lit up the room. Kind of like Nick's had been doing all day. She found herself smiling back just as brightly, "I'm going to go upstairs now. I'll see you in a few minutes, ok?" He nodded, gripping the ring in his hand, in his pocket. *********************** Jane came out of Kevin's room and looked at the worried faces, "He's fine. He just needed a Mom." Trey and Howie went back in the room to make sure Kevin was all ready. AJ went into Nick's room and Brian turned to Jane, "Thank you, Jane. He won't let on to anyone how much it hurts him, but I know. So does Nick." Jane nodded with a smile, "I have faith that with his husband and his cousin fighting in his corner with him, he'll be ok. He has more people right there with him than he realizes." Brian gave her a hug and then one of his patented goofy grins, "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Jane nodded, "I'll let Melinda know we are ready to roll." She disappeared above deck and Brian rapped on Kevin's door to let them know everything was ready. ********************** Trey and Howie heard the knock and turned to Kevin. "Ready, man?" Kevin nodded and took a deep breath, "More than ready." Trey gave him a hug and Kevin thumped him on the back, "You know if this ever gets out, you are going to be roasted for being part of this wedding." Trey grinned, "You remember what I said when you first called me to find Nick? My family and friends come first, the job second. This is no different. You are my best friend and I'll be damned if I'm going to be anywhere else but your side today." Kevin grinned and turned to Howie, "D, you realize that you are going to have to be Nicky's nag now right? Being his husband he's automatically going to tune me out." Howie sighed dramatically, "Well, we all have our crosses to bear. But something tells me I'm going to have to be peeling you out of bed in the morning just as much as him." They both laughed and Kevin hugged Howie, "Thank you for standing up with me, D." Howie shook his head, "Don't thank me, it's my honor." They all did one last check of each other and made their way out of the door and up on the deck. ***************** When Brian saw Kevin, Trey and Howie clear the steps and go on deck, he went into my room. "We're ready." AJ looked at me, "Gonna hurl, Nicky?" I rolled my eyes at him, "No, AJ. Now would you quit asking me?" He grinned, "It got your mind off of things though, didn't it?" I laughed, "Yeah, cause all I could think about was that I wanted to duct tape your mouth." AJ laughed and high fived Brian, "The plan worked." Brian looked at me, "So, my little Nicky is going to be a married man. There's a mind bender for you." I laughed, "Yeah, we always thought it would be you married first." He smiled, "Well, we can always look at it this way, I'll be the first to be married to a woman. Damn me and my lesbian tendencies!" I cracked up laughing, "Lesbian tendencies?!" He grinned, "Yeah, I have this awful habit of liking women." AJ was pretty much on the floor laughing, hooting and slapping his leg, "Oh Jesus, now there is something that you would never picture coming out of that boy's mouth!" I laughed and wiped a fake tear from the corner of my eye, I'm so proud. All that smartass training has finally paid off!" Brian cuffed both of us on the back of the head, "Alright, lets go! We have a smartalec to marry off!" I did the turtle dance on the way to the door, "FINALLY!" Brian and AJ laughed at me and pushed me behind them as they walked out of the room and up the stairs to the deck. **************************** Kevin gasped when he went out on the deck. It was beautiful. The boat was lit up with hundreds of white lights and the sunset was a spectacular riot of color on the west side of the boat, blues and purples and pinks spilling a cross the sky. He looked over the crowd and saw almost every member of his family sitting there in a show of support for him. The only the one person he had given up on was missing. He smiled at His aunt Jackie as she snapped a picture of him and waved to other relatives and laughed when he heard Dylan yell, "HI DADDY!!!!" Kevin found his son in Aaron's arms and went over and kissed his forehead, "Hey Pumpkinhead. Be good for Aaron and your Moms during the wedding, ok?" Dylan nodded and gave his dad another hug. Kevin made his way to the front of the rows of chairs where Howie and Trey were waiting. He smiled at the two of them and took a little detour to the side of the boat and pulled the ripped envelope from his breast pocket and ripped it into dozens of pieces and released them into the breeze, watching the pieces hit the water and sink as they got saturated. He turned back around to see Trey looking at him. Kevin smiled, "Just saying goodbye to my old life." Trey nodded and ushered Kevin to the front where the pastor was waiting. She was the same one that had married Sam and Melinda and was trusted to keep this entire ceremony on the down low. Kevin smiled at her and she smiled back, "Ready?" He nodded, "Can't wait." She nodded her head to the stairs that led below deck, "Looks like you won't have to. Here he comes." ******************* Brian and AJ calmed down and both took deep breaths before turning back to me, "This is it, Junior. All ready?" I glared at AJ, "Yes, and cut it out with the Junior huh?" AJ smirked, "Not a chance....Junior." I rolled my eyes and pushed him, "Away with you." He chuckled and started walking to where Kevin, Howie and Trey were waiting. Brian gave one last hug and smiled big, "Remember to smile, you know my mom and yours are going to be taking pictures like breaths." I giggled, "Yeah, I know. Even though we said no cameras." Brian rolled his eyes, "They are moms, they don't apply. Or at least they think they don't." I grinned and pushed his shoulder gently, "Come on, you're holding us up!" He sighed and rolled his eyes, "You just want to get to the honeymoon, you can't fool me." I shook my head with a long suffering sigh, "Bri? That table you ate your breakfast cereal at the morning we left? It was already "honeymooned" upon before you got there." His jaw dropped open and he turned four shades of red. I took that moment to shove him on deck and smirked to myself when I heard the snaps of his moms camera going off. He was going to look like a big tomato! I peeked over the edge and waited for Brian to start walking towards the front, then started up the stairs of the yacht myself. When I finally got to the top, I saw Kevin at the front waiting for me and suddenly there was no one else in the world and the only thing I wanted was to get to him. I don't remember seeing anyone on either side of me, or even walking. I just knew that suddenly I was standing next to him with the biggest smile on my face and my hands being held in his. Kevin smiled at me and squeezed my hands before we both turned to the pastor and she smiled at us. "Welcome Friends and Family Of Kevin and Nick to a celebration of the joining of two lives into one. Two souls into one. Despite the obstacles put in their way, Kevin and Nick have found in each other a love that is strong and true and abiding and they have come together today in our presence to solidify that love into a lasting bond in the eyes of god. Kevin, do you come here today freely and of your own will to give yourself to Nickolas?" Kevin looked at me and smiled, "I do." The pastor turned to me, "Nickolas, do you come here today freely and of your own will to give yourself to Kevin?" I smiled and look right into his amazing green eyes, "I do." The pastor nodded and opened her book, "The joining of two lives, two souls into one is a serious matter for you will be bound under the eyes of god as one person, one soul. This joining is done through vows to each other and to God himself. These vows are not to be taken lightly but said in reverence and with the whole of your truth behind them. Kevin, are you prepared to offer your vow of commitment to Nickolas?" Kevin squeezed my hands and nodded, "I am." She nodded in return, "May I have the ring you have chosen for Nickolas as a physical symbol of your vow of commitment?" Kevin let go of one of my hands and pulled the ring out of his pocket and place it on the bible in front of the pastor. She blessed the ring and handed it to Kevin, "Place this ring on Nickolas' finger and repeat after me... I Kevin Scott Richardson..." "I Kevin Scott Richardson" "take Nickolas Gene Carter" "take Nickolas Gene Carter" "as my chosen life partner from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love, honor and cherish you all the days of my life, forsaking all others." "as my chosen life partner from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love, honor and cherish you all the days of my life, forsaking all others" He slid the ring on my finger and I looked down at it, having one hell of a "wow" moment. I was almost married. Wow. To Kevin. Bigger wow. "Nickolas?" I snapped out of it to see the pastor smiling at me, "With us now?" I blushed and nodded, "Sorry." She grinned as I heard soft laughter from everyone watching. "Happens all the time." Nickolas, are you prepared to offer your vow of commitment to Kevin?" I nodded, "I am." She smiled, "May I have the ring you have chosen for Kevin as a physical symbol of your vow of commitment?" I took the ring out of my pocket and handed it to her and she handed it back after blessing it, "Place this ring on Kevin's finger and repeat after me... I Nickolas Gene Carter..." "I Nickolas Gene Carter" "take Kevin Scott Richardson" "take Kevin Scott Richardson" "as my chosen life partner from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love, honor and cherish you all the days of my life, forsaking all others." "as my chosen life partner from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love, honor and cherish you all the days of my life, forsaking all others" I slid the ring on his finger and heard him gasp. He looked up at me, recognizing the pattern and small dents on the ring as his father's. I smiled and spoke softly to him, "This is the other half of your present. From me and your brothers." Kevin looked up at them, tears now streaming down his face and they knew without a word that Kevin was thanking them from the bottom of his heart. They both smiled at him and nodded at his unspoken question if they were sure they wanted to give the ring to him. Kevin turned back to me and I was just lost in his green, green eyes, "I don't even think there is a word for how much I love you right at this moment." The pastor knew he significance of the ring and spoke up, "There is a word, Kevin. Husband. Which it is my honor to pronounce you as." She put her hand over ours and closed her eyes, "God bless you and keep you from harm. May your life together be as happy and full of love as this day. Amen." Kevin and I both murmured Amen with her and she grinned at us, "You may now seal your commitment with a kiss." I don't know who leaned in first, but our lips met and I swear a jolt of electricity crackled from one end of me to the other. Faintly I could hear the sound of applause around us, but I didn't care, I was right where I wanted to be at that moment and nothing was going to tear me away. I felt Kevin's hand come up and stroke my hair before tangling his fingers in the strands at the nape and running his thumb up the side of my neck. Never, ever again were we going to go this long without kissing. Although I had to admit the abstinence we had made ourselves go through made this kiss the most beautiful, mind-blowing one of my life. I shivered, which broke the kiss, and we came out of our daze enough to hear the cheering around us and looked at all our family and friends who were on their feet clapping and cheering. We both smiled and felt Brian, Howie, AJ and Trey thumping us on the back. Suddenly a voice rang out above all of the others cheering. A voice I knew, A voice I loved. It was Etta, singing like an angel All I am All I'll be Everything in this world All that I'll ever need Is in your eyes Shining at me When you smile I can feel All my passion unfolding Your hand brushes mine And a thousand sensations Seduce me 'cause I I do cherish you for the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still from the depths of my soul it's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much I do In my world before you I lived outside my emotions didn't know where I was going till that day I found you How you opened my life to a new paradise In a world torn by change with all of my heart Till my dying day I do cherish you for the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still >From the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much Well baby I do I do Everyone had fallen silent listening to her sing this beautiful song like a hymn, the ocean her only accompaniment. Kevin held me close and kissed my temple, "This is the other part of your present. This song is exactly how I feel about you." I closed my eyes and willed myself not to melt into a puddle at his feet. This was without a doubt the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. Ever. When Etta finished singing, you could hear a pin drop. I ran to her and hugged her so hard I took her right off the ground. I kissed her and she hugged me tight, "This is how happy you should be always, Young Nick. The love surrounding you today is beautiful." I smiled and nodded, "I feel like it should be illegal to be this happy, this loved." She smiled, "Go be with him, Young Nick. We'll talk later." I nodded and gave her one last hug, "Thank you, Etta. You being here made my everything perfect." She kissed my cheek, "My honor, Nick. Truly my honor." I felt my husband come up behind me. Wow. My husband. The words gave me chills. I had a husband and I was a husband. I couldn't stop the smile on my face. We were surrounded quickly by family and friends and the next hours passed in a blur. The only thing I remember distinctly was when room was cleared for the first dance Kevin and I would do as a married couple. We had picked the song with no trouble at all. It was one that meant so much to both of us. It was a song that soothed and it was a song that was a promise to ourselves and each other. No matter what they tell us No matter what they do No matter they teach us What we believe is true No matter what they call us However they attack No matter where they take us We'll find our own way back I can't deny what I believe I can't be what I'm not I know our love's forever I know no matter what If only tears were laughter If only night was day If only prayers were answered Then we would hear god say No matter what they tell you No matter what they do No matter what they teach you What you believe is true And I will keep you safe and strong And sheltered from the storm No matter where it's barren Our dream is being born No matter who they follow No matter where they lead No matter how they judge us I'll be everyone you need No matter if the sun don't shine Or if the skies are blue No matter what the ending My life began with you I can't deny what I believe I can't be what I'm not I know this love's forever That's all that matters now No matter what No no no matter That's all that matters No no no matter That's all that matters That's all that matters to me I could have just stayed wrapped in his arms like that forever, but before we knew it, the song was over and a hundred conversations and about as many kisses later, we were docking back at the marina and the cars were waiting to take everyone back to the "Best of Maine" hotel they were all staying at. Kevin and I never left each other's side during the night and when the last car was gone, we sat on the gangplank and waited for the limo that was coming to get us, loaded with our suitcases and ready to take us to the airport. I was tucked against his side and we were both staring at our rings. "I can't believe you got my Dad's ring." I smiled up at him, "Actually it was Jerald and Tim's idea. They wanted you to have it." He rubbed it with his finger and smiled, "I love you Nickolas Richardson-Carter" I smiled at my new name. We had decided we would both, privately anyway, have our last names in the same order. "I love you just as much, Kevin Richardson-Carter" Our lips met in a kiss and I found myself not minding at all having to wait for the limo, and even willing it to be even later so I could just sit here and kiss him forever. *songs used I Do (Cherish You) by 98º and No Matter What by Boyzone