You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Authors' Note:

"Oh, man, that smells devine!", I exclaimed as I walked into the living room area of our hotel room. "What did you order, Kev?"

"Chicken Cacciatore, complete with garlic bread, salad, Ice Tea, and cheesecake for dessert."

I let out a low whistle, "Damn, Bumpkin. I always heard a way to a guy's heart was through his stomach. You feed me all that and you very well can have your own way with me tonight."

Kevin glanced at me and walked up to me. He gently brushed his lips across mine and then patted my cheek, "All in good time, Nickers. All in good time."

I sighed as he took me by the hand and led me over to the sofa. He sat me down and served me my food and drink. After he fixed his own plate, he sat down beside me and hit the remote, turning the tv on.

Kev flipped through the channels, finally stopping on HBO just as "Steel Magnolias" came on.

I groaned, "Oh, lord, Kev, this is a chick flick."

He smirked at me, "This is not a chick flick. This is a beautiful, touching movie, Nick. It's a classic."

I said, "Um-hmm. Like I said, it's a chick flick."

Kevin looked at me and asked, "And what exactly is wrong with "chick" flicks, Nick? It gives one a chance to cuddle with the one he loves, holding him close. Nuzzling his neck. Perhaps nibbling on his earlobe."

My eyes widened as I gazed at Kevin, our eyes locking. He honestly had no idea what he did to me. Kev winked at me and said, "Eat, Nick, before it gets cold."

He seemed to turn his attention fully to the movie then, his hands moving on automatic-pilot between his plate and his mouth.

I continued to watch him as I ate, diverting my attention between him and the movie. Kevin fascinated me. Here he was flirting with me one moment and the next moment he was fussing over me like a mother hen, worrying about whether or not I was eating cold food. I wanted to study him, memorize everything about him.

I sat my plate down on the coffee table. Kevin glanced over and said, "You're not done eating, Nickers."

I stared back at him, "I'm full and content, Kev. Very, very content."

He smiled and sat his own plate down. I lay back against the corner of the sofa, pulling Kevin back against me. His back against my chest, my arms around his waist - we lay there and finished watching the movie.


Brian drove around for awhile after leaving Howie's. He had a lot on his mind and was having trouble sorting through it all. It was just so much he felt like he was suffocating.

He didn't know what to honestly think about Kevin and Nick. Deep down, he thought Howie was right but the thought of his little "brother" and his cousin that he absolutely whorshipped being together was just wild!

Brian knew he had to talk to someone - an outsider who could help him sort all this out. He picked up his car phone and dialed a number he knew by heart.

"Suz, it's Brian. I was wondering if you had some free time. I really need to talk to you."

"Come on over, Brian. I'm down in the office. My last scheduled appointment just cancelled on me. I'll be waiting for you."

Brian pulled up at his therapist office 10 minutes later. Suzanne greeted him at the door and led him into her office.

Brian said, "You know, Suz, this place has become a safe haven for me. Just walking in here and seeing you and everything I'm comfortable with makes me feel better."

Suz took the chair next to Brian and smiled, "I'm glad to hear that, Brian. So what is going on with you? You sounded kinda stressed on the phone."

Brian sighed, "It's a long story, Suz."

"I have all the time in the world, Brian."

Brian had started seeing Suzanne when it became apparent he was going to have to have open heart surgery. He was just so stressed about that and about keeping the band together he sought professional help in dealing with things. Noone knew he saw a therapist but Brian knew if it had not been for Suz he very well might not be here right now.

He told her all about what had happened with Nick, Kevin, and Stefanie and the bit of terror Stefanie had regin down on him, AJ, and Howie as well before she was killed. He explained how him, AJ, and Howie had gone on and started the tour preparations while Nick and Kevin had gone off to do some recouperating by themselves. He told her what had happened with the fire at the arena and how Nick and Kevin had run off and were hold up in a hotel across town now and how they had asked Howie to help them find a house together.

Brian grew quiet and Suzanne took that opportunity to speak, "Brian, do you believe that Nick and Kevin are gay?"

"I don't know, Suz. There has never been any indication before now that they were. Hell, Kev has practically raised Nick."

"Would it really bother you if they came to you and said that they were gay and that they were in love with one another?"

Brian was quiet for a long time before he finally spoke, "It would take some getting use to but it wouldn't bother me, Suz. What I'm concerned about is do they really love one another or are they together like this because of the hell they went through and they feel like they can only trust one another now?"

Suz nodded her head, "You have a very valid point there, Brian. They were abused by a woman. Their common senses is telling them that all women are not like Stefanie but in their heads and hearts they very well could see all women like Stefanine and they have decided never again will they put themselves in a position to be hurt like that again."

Brian nodded his head that he agreed with what Suz was saying and she continued, "Statistics also show that all people. It doesn't matter what sex or what race they are have homosexual thoughts and tendencies at some point in their life. Most never act on them but some do. Nick and Kevin obviously have a bond because of what they've been through together. They could be clinging to each other as they work their way through this, possibly mistakening feelings of concern and friendship for something more. Or they could have discovered they really love one another, Brian, once they saw how quickly life can be gone with a blink of the eye."

Brian sighed, "So what do we do to help them, Suz. I want to help them not hurt them. But I dont' want to sit by and watch them do something that is gonna hurt them and the group in the long run if it's just "misguided" emotions."

"The best advise I can give you, Brian, is to be there for them. Don't confront them but make it known that you are there for them. Honestly, I think Nick and Kevin should have some time apart. That would give them a better chance of sorting through their feelings and finding the truth of what's going on with their relationship."

Brian stood up and shook Suz's hand, "Thanks, Suz. You've given me something to think about. I'll keep you posted."
