YDWYHTD Ch. 74 - The End by: Tee & Dani this chappie written by us both standard death threats apply for stealing **************************************** "Where are we going, Kev?" "Just be patient, Nick. You'll know soon enough." "Hey, I'm part of this honeymoon too. I have a right to know where we're going." "Nick, you will know soon. I promise. Here have a drink. It'll come your nerves." Kev snagged a drink off the passing stewardess and handed it to me. He said to her, "Can you please have about 4 more ready to go for him? He hates flying." She smiled sweetly at him and told him she'd take care of it. "You're trying to get me drunk aren't you?" "Yes. It's for your own good. That way you won't worry about the plane ride." "And if I'm drunk then I won't bug you about where we're going, right?" He grinned at me and wiggled his eyebrows. I took a sip of my drink and pouted. "Fine, be that way, eyebrow man. I won't be putting out any tonight then." Kevin suddenly lost the grin and raised an eyebrow questioningly at me. Suddenly the pilot's voice came on the loudspeaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Captain Burge and I'd like to welcome you to TWA Flight 210 heading for Sydney, Australia. It's going to be a long flight folks but we'll do our best to make it a comfortable one." I turned to Kevin and just stared at him. My mouth opened wide. Holy shit. We were going to Australia. Kevin ran his finger over my wedding band and smiled, "I promised you we'd go there and make love from one end of the country to the other." Oh wow. We WERE going to Australia. I never dreamed we'd actually ever go there and on our honeymoon none the less. Oh wow! ***************** "Ok Bri, let's do it. Put it on speakerphone." Brian grinned and switched on the speakerphone as it rang in LA at The Firm's offices. "Hello?" Brian choked down the grin that was on his face, "Hi, this is Brian Littrell. You've been trying to reach us?" The voice on the other end had relief flooding through it, "Where have all of you been? We've been trying to reach Kevin for two days now!" Brian smacked AJ when he started to snicker, "Well, he's not available right now. You'll have to make due with only me, AJ and Howie. Kevin's on his honeymoon right now and will be for the next two weeks." Silence. Complete and total silence on the other end. The three of them were all practically in the fetal position trying not to laugh and the best part is they knew they had not sprung the other half on them yet. "He's M..m..married?!" AJ managed to get himself together the fastest, "Yeah, we just got back from the wedding last night." "o...Okay. It would have been nice to know this. I take it that this was a last minute thing?" Howie grinned evilly, "Nope, it's been planned for a while. It was all top secret. Beautiful wedding." More silence. "What about Nick? We haven't been able to reach him either and you made no mention of him being with you." Brian grinned, "Oh, he's with Kevin." "But I thought Kevin was on his honey....oh sweet Jesus." Brian, Howie and AJ could practically hear the pieces fall into place and it was funny as hell to them. Brian grinned and walked to the phone, hearing the PR guy breathing pretty irregularly on the other end, "Well, I think that's all we had to go over with you. Whatever you were calling all of us about, the answer is no. We're on vacation. We'll see you in Europe in two weeks. Bye now!" Brian clicked off the phone while the PR guy stuttered and argued on the other end. "Ready?" Brian looked at AJ and nodded. "On my mark." "1" "2" "3" All of their cell phones rang at the same time and the three of them grinned as they turned them off at the same time and dropped them into a duffel bag on the table in front of them and Brian threw the bag into the safe in his office and locked it. "Who's in the mood for an celebratory egg mc muffin?" AJ sprang to his feet, "Now you're talking my language!" The three of them laughed all the way out of the door. Revenge to the PR Department was sweet indeed. The End