She looked around. This was the first time she actually saw Nick’s room. She hadn’t exactly been paying attention the night before. To her surprise, it was quite clean. All the clothes were in his suitcase, and his suitcase was zipped up… “Oh, my God, I forgot!” she exclaimed, bolting upright.
Nick’s eyes fluttered open and then squinted shut due to the sunlight that filtered in. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“You’re leaving today! It slipped my mind.”
“What??? Oh, yeah, that’s right!” He slid out of bed with nothing on, and then suddenly realized he was naked. Embarrassed, he covered himself and searched frantically for his boxers before finding them hanging over the lamp. Wow…they really must have had fun last night… His memory was rather blurry after Lila’s confrontation with Hillary. He looked back at Lila. “You and I…did we…you know?”
“Yeah, we did. We were so drunk, Nick. We had no idea what was going on,” she replied.
As everything flooded back to him, he closed his eyes. He remembered vividly how beautiful she had been, and how she seemed to take it so seriously, and how good her touch felt, every curve and crevice in her body… He also remembered telling her he loved her, and her saying it back. “This was just a one-night thing, right?” he asked. “I mean, it wasn’t anything serious?”
Tears tried to spring to her eyes, but Lila forced them back. She didn’t fail to remember him using the L-word, but she also didn’t want to admit that she used it back. “Yeah, right. It was nothing. We were drunk,” she lied. “I’m gonna go take a shower. Do you have some clothes I could wear back to my room? Mine are kinda dirty…” She held up her shirt and pointed to her shorts, which had gotten in the way on her way to the bathroom.
“Yeah, sure.” He opened his suitcase and pulled out a clean pair of boxers and a tee for her to wear. As she went into the bathroom, he couldn’t help but feel somewhat disappointed that she didn’t want anything to come from this, but he was too much of a wimp to say anything about it to her, so he left it alone.