She flung the door open and looked back at the mirror. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m going out to dinner at a fancy place tonight.” She cursed under her breath as she fussed with a few strands of her long dark brown hair. “My hair has to go nuts tonight of all nights.”
“It looks all right to me,” he stated. “I’m guessing you’re going out with Brad?”
“Who the hell else would I be going out with?” she demanded as she pulled at another lock of hair.
“God, are you always this bitchy or is it your time of the month? I’m hoping the latter because then maybe I can deal with living with you,” he muttered.
“Well, it doesn’t matter because I’m gonna get a new apartment. I didn’t find anything today, but I will.”
“There are barely any apartment buildings in Ruskin, so you’re gonna have a hell of a time.”
“I’ll have to find something. I can’t handle living with you for any longer than I absolutely have to.”
“Why don’t you move back in with your mom? I don’t think I can stand having you here while you search.”
“I’m not moving back in with her. There’s a reason I’m living in Ruskin, you know. Brad’s here.”
“Move in with him, then.”
She sighed and reached for her makeup bag. “He doesn’t have an extra bedroom in his apartment.”
“So? Stay in his bedroom or sleep on the couch or something,” Nick suggested.
“He doesn’t want a roommate.”
“You think I do?”
“That’s what your mom told my mom. She said you were looking for a roommate.”
“I was thinking along the lines of someone nice, someone I could get along with. Someone I could actually hang out with.”
“Well, you think I really want you as a roommate?”
“I don’t think you’re in any position to complain. You’re living here rent-free and I don’t even like you.”
“God, are you always such an arrogant bastard?”
“You never answered me when I asked if you were always such a bitch. Have fun on your date.”
He stormed down the stairs, unable to deal with her anymore. Just as he got to the bottom, the doorbell rang. “Nick, could you get that for me? It’s Brad!” Michelle called from upstairs.
Sighing, he reached for the doorknob and smiled politely at Brad. “She’ll be down in a few minutes. You know how long girls take getting ready.”
“I know. The other night, I was waiting for an hour.”
“When was this? Did you go to visit Michelle in Atlanta?”
“No, this was another girl I’ve been seeing.” He winked.
Confused, Nick opened his mouth to reply, but realized he needed to stay out of it. They were probably both seeing other people.