The petite brunette looked up from the papers on her desk. "Oh, hey, Liz. I have a new assignment for you."
"Okay. What is it?"
"Okay, brace yourself. You're really gonna hate me for this, but you're a damn good reporter, the only one I trust to write this thing. Besides, everyone else is busy," Jeanine rambled.
Liz groaned. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Would you please tell me what I have to do?"
"Well, the Backstreet Boys are in town this weekend."
Her eyes widened. "No way, Jeanine. You can't make me do that. Not a chance."
"Liz, please? They're coming out with a new album and we've been offered the chance of a lifetime! Backstreet Boys management wants us to hear the Boys record it and review it before it comes out."
"Come on, Jeanine! Can't McConnor do it?"
"McConnor's not half as good as you. Besides, he's on vacation."
"What about that new girl, Sarah something-or-other? Why can't she do it?"
"Yeah, right! Sarah? She's fresh out of college. She can't cover something this important! I'm giving her an easy assignment so she can get some experience."
"But, Jeanine!"
"Please, Liz. You know if I had a choice, I wouldn't make you do it, but it's really important."
Liz took a deep breath. "Fine, I guess I will, but you owe me big time."
"I know I do."
"So when do I have to do this?"
Jeanine shifted her eyes to the floor. "Uh, how does this afternoon and the rest of this week sound?"
"You've got to be frickin' kidding me," Liz said calmly. "I can't do this without warning."
"You have to do it."
"I know. I'll do it, but like I said, you owe me."
"Thank you so much, Liz. You're a great reporter. You know you'll do fine," Jeanine assured her.
An hour later, Liz was walking into the recording studio, knowing she was about to meet her doom. She couldn't possibly face Nick. Surely he still hated her. He wouldn't want her writing anything about the boys, but then, it really wasn't his choice. When she got to where they were recording, she saw that only the Backstreet Boys were in the room, and they were on lunch break. Reminding herself that she had to do this, she took a deep breath and stepped inside.