Chapter 8

Madeleine buried her face in her pillow to block out the light. This ride from Paris to Brussels, Belgium was getting to be really long, and the fact that she and Brian were so close together the whole time was not helping. Sleep was her only escape from him. She wasn’t too mad at him anymore. In fact, she was even ready to talk things out. She understood his reasons, but she just didn’t agree with them. He and Nick had made up, but he still couldn’t stand to be in the same room with her.

As the ride neared its end, Brian was hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion. In an attempt to get his energy back, he decided to lie down in his bunk, but found Madeleine back there. Trying not to attract her attention, he made a move to leave, but she caught him

“Sit down,” she ordered. “I think we need to give this up and talk to each other.”

He let out an exaggerated sigh. “What is there to talk to each other about, Mattie?”

She rolled her eyes. “Everything, especially what happened with Nick. Why are you willing to forgive him and not your own sister?”

“Because you insisted on making this so hard for me!” he exclaimed.

“What did I make so hard for you?”

He pondered for a moment, but couldn’t come up with a valid answer. “I don’t know. You’re just so stubborn! You can’t deal with the fact that you can’t be with Nick.”

Madeleine made an impulsive decision. “I think we should just drop the whole damned thing, Brian. I won’t do anything else with Nick if you’ll talk to me and let me stay on tour. It will basically be like nothing happened.”

“Okay, I guess,” Brian grumbled. “That sounds pretty fair.” They shook hands, and then he walked away to go lie down.

Chapter 9