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This is dedicated to my best friend, written shortly after he left for boot camp. Yeah I know, I know, it seems as if all I write about is him, but he's made a huge impact on my life, so what can I say. Written December 15, 2001

Hidden Despair
This was written a couple of weeks after my best friend's mom died. I had to go back to school and he had to go back to boot camp, and we didn't have much time to deal, so this is what came out when I sat down and dealt with it. Written February 24, 2001

If Only
I think I should be voted the queen of screw ups, cuz that's what college has been about for me. But anyways, this poem is about how a mistake can screw up things. Written December 15, 2000

To J, my Best Friend
This is a poem i wrote about my best friend, a couple of days after he left for Marine boot camp in December. *Special Note*: This poem will be included in an anthology of poetry to be released in early June. The book will be entitled "The Silence Within". I've decided to dedicate this poem to the memory of his mom, Servia Lorenzo, because she did a lot for me, and I never really said thank you. So it fits that one of my first major accomplishments is dedicated to her. Written December 14, 2000

What do I need to do?
This is one of many poems I've written, it's not complete cuz I wasn't sure where to go with it. Summary:I had a crush on a close guy friend,(not the best friend i tend to write about)and it seemed like some days, I was convinced that I liked him, and others I wasn't so sure. It confused me to say the least. Written February 2, 2001

Will you still be there?
So you could say that I have trust issues, not to mention I'm a commitment phobe, so when I developed a crush on a friend of mine, telling him was out of the question. Written February 2, 2001

Daddy's Little Girl
I've been dealing with a lot of personal demons, and i haven't really told anyone. I sort of told my dad a little of my problems recently, and he sent me an e-mail saying he wanted to be my angel, 'to help me relearn to fly when my wings have forgotten'. My dad and I don't have the best of relationships, so I'm kinda doubtful he really means it. Anyways this is my response to that. Written May 21, 2001

Relearning how to Smile

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Mike's Poems
Here are a collection of poems by my friend Mike. They're really good and you should check them out

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