Nickolas Gene Carter
Born January 28, 1980
"It's A Backstreet Thang"
"I never hang my feet off the end of my bed- I'm afraid little Gremlins will bite my toes! Really!"
"I've Got A Wet Bum!"
"I can't think of any one specific thing, but always try to treat girls with respect. With our schedule, I think.... sometimes just finding time to be with that special person, that's the most romantic thing I can do"
"We are not perfect, and obviously we don't want to be considered as some sort of gods.Or have you ever seen gods with pimples??"
"I trying to be bad, but nobody will let me."
"There was one show where I ripped the back of my pants out. We had done a move, and it felt like it ripped, but I wasn't sure. But then I felt this breeze and I put my hand back there and I could actually touch my whole butt! That was pretty bad."
"Sometimes I shut up cause I'm afraid I don't have anything interesting to tell anyway."
"When I look in the mirror, I just see me. Plain me, I'm not really that special. I'm just like every other joe schmoe! I don't really understand why girls scream for me! I guess because they don't know! *laughs* cause if they did..."
"... I know! But they bunch up when I put these spandex things on!"
"Love Has no Age"
"I last cried when we visted a children's hospital. It made me really, really sad. But I didn't let anyone know I'd cried as I don't like to show my innermost feelings."
"When we recorded the last album, I was going through a...transitional stage. I wasn't impressed with my voice. So I'm really happy with what's come out on this album."
"I'm a lawn gnome."
"When life gives you a lemon, ask for an orange."
"Live Life To The Fullest For The Future Is Scarce"
"Is Norway in Sweden?"