Chapter Thirteen
J-'Wot's with Nick?' B-'I like 2 kno 2. . .I'll get it out of him. Give me a litte time'. Every1 was worn out by the events of the night and decided 2 hit the sack. Brian knocked on Nick's door. There was no reply. He turned the handle and gingerly looked inside. Nick had buried his face in his hands and Brian heard him sniff. He quietly closed the door and went up2 Nick. He placed his hands on Nick's sholder and softly said,'Nick?' Nick looked up at Brian. His face was wet with tears. He stood up and wrapped Brian in2 a hug and broke down crying. Brian tried 2 console him by patting his back, but in vain. Nick wudn't calm down. In fact, he cried even harder. Brian pulled out of the hug knowing that Nick wudn't stop crying otherwise. Brian sat Nick down on his bed and sat next 2 him. He pulled out his hankerchief and gave it 2 Nick. B-'Wot happened?' N-'It's over. . . ~sniff~. . *****'s never gonna believe me'. B-'About wot?' N-'Wen the party started, I asked ***** 2 get me a glass of water. Wen I went in2 my dressing room, that wretch, Sarah jumped on me and . . . . I don't kno where she got that superhuman stength from, coz I cudn't get her off me. . .' B-'Sarah is yor ex-girlfr. . .' N-'Yeah. . . I don't kno y she keeps comin back 2 me. . .She pushed me on a chair and started 2 kiss me. . . I cudn't push her off - she was so strong. . . It looked like we were. .y'kno. . .' Brian nodded. N-'And 2 make things worse, ***** walked in'. He put the hankerchief 2 his face and tried 2 control himself. B-'So that's wot upset u?' Nick nodded. N-'She just turned around and ran away. . . She didn't let me explain. . .' His voice cracked and he broke down crying. Brian hugged him and consolingly told him,'Don't worry, it'll b ok'. *~WHERE U WERE - ON THE BEACH~* U had enuf 2 clear yor mind and decided 2 go back up. U took yor keys from the receptionist and just as u approached yor room, u heard faint voices coming from inside. U were gripped with fear. Cautiousy, u opened the door. The voices were coming from the next room. Now that u were inside, u cud hear wot they were saying. 1st voice-'So, we have 2 get her now?' 2nd voice-'No bozo tomorrow. . Yeah now!' 1v-'Let me call Vixon'. 2v-'4 wot?' 1v-'I have 2 ask him something'. U picked up a peice of paper and a pen which was next 2 the fone and wrote 'Vixon'. Then u heard the man dial the number by calling out the digits. 1v-'3. .4. .7. .9. .2. .3. .6. . .' As he called out, u wrote. Suddenly, the pen slipped out of yor hand and clattered 2 the floor. The men rushed into the room. 'Grab her!' the 1st 1 shouted. U turned around and ran, but they cot up with u and put a blindfold on u. They put handuffs on yor wrists and led u down. U cud feel the barrel of a gun digging in2 yor back, so u decided not 2 risk not obeying their instructions. U were thrown in a car and driven somewhere. U had been kidnapped.
*~IN NICK'S ROOM~* Nick turned 2 Brian and said,'I'm gonna go up 2 her room and tell her wot happened'. Brian plainly looked at him. N-'I wan't u 2 come 2'. Brian agreed. Nick gathered himself and went up 2 yor room with Brian. He was surprised 2 see the door wide open. Bewildered, he stepped in. He looked around and called 4 u. '*****!' Nick ran in2 the all the other rooms. U weren't there. He was in yor room wen he heard Brian calling 4 him. He went 2 Brian who was holding a piece of paper. It was the same paper on wich u had written Vixon's fone no. N-'Wot's that?' B-'I don't kno. . .I found it here'. Nick took it from Brian's hand and said,'This is *****'s handwriting. . . Maybe they went 2 this place. . .' B-'Call the police and tell them 2 trace this number'. *~WHERE U WERE~* 1v-'Ok, we're here'. 1 of the guys came out back and took off yor blindfold and thrust the gun 2 yor back and made u go 2 a room in some old looking building. U were thrown in a corner and 1 of the guys stayed on guard. *~BACK AT THE HOTEL~* Police officer-'Ok Mr Carter, we'll get this traced and contact u as soon as something turns up'. Nick was almost reduced 2 tears again. He nodded, unable 2 muster enuf courage 2 say n e thing. Every1 began 2 head back and soon only Brian and Nick were left. Brian began 2 head out wen he turned back and saw Nick standing in the doorway and staring in2 the apartment. Tears were leaking out of his eyes. Brian put his hand on Nick's sholder and softly said,'C'mon, everything will b ok. I'm with u on this. Don't worry'. Reluctantly, Nick turned around and went down with Brian. Wen he reached, Jane was waiting 4 him. Nick turned 2 Brian and said,'I can't face mom. Not like this, not now'. Brian nodded and went in b4 him and wispered something in Jane's ear. Jane looked at Brian with a qwestioning look, who nodded. Jane turned around and went 2 her room without a word. Nick came in and said,'Thanx Bri. . .' B-'Don't mention it'. Brian saw Nick 2 his room. He was worried about Nick. Nick was truly depressed and in this condition, no matter how much he'd say that he'd b ok, he wudn't. Brian asked him if he shud b with Nick 2night. Nick murmered that he'd b ok alone. Brian tho doubtful still, respected Nick's wishes and went back 2 his room. *~2 DAYS LATER~* A police officer knocked on the door at 6:00 in the morning. Nick, who hadn't slept a wink all of the 2 days or night in yor memory, answered the door.
Nick showed the officer in. O-'Sir, we've found this number's source. Now with yor permission, we can take action'. Brian walked in2 the room. Nick found a light of hope. N-'Please officer, get there as fast as possible. I want that guy arrested who kidnapped *****'. O-'Sure thing Mr Carter'. Nick requested the officer if he and Brian cud accompany them. O-'By all means'. Nick and Brian quickly got ready and went with the force 2 the old building u were in. They went outside the door of the room u were in and surounded it. 1 officer wispered,'On 3. . .1. . 2. . 3!' The smashed down the door 2 take the guys by suprise and managed 2 get a hold of all of them. Nick saw u, lying in an unconsious heap in the corner. He ran 2 u and took the handcuff keys from 1 of the officers who had nabbed it from 1 of the crooks. He undid yor hand cuffs and cradled u in his arms. He picked u up and took u 2 the ambulance waiting outside. U hadn't n e thing 2 eat or drink 4 the last 2 days. U were taken 2 the hospital and admitted. Nick waited with Brian in the waiting room. Nick sat restlessly in his chair while Brian tried 2 calm him. N-'Did u see wot care they took of her? She was unconsious!' B-'Nick, cool it. She's ok now. She's in good hands'. Then Brian remembered that they hadn't told anybody wen and where they went. He decided 2 call their hotel room 2 avoid n e misunderstandings. He called and Jane picked up. B-'Hi Mrs Carter'. J-'Brian, where r u and Nick?' B-'We're at the hospital. . .' J-'The HOSPITAL!! Wot happened!!' B-'Mrs Carter, calm down. Nick's ok. His dance partner *****, was kidnapped and she's in need of care, so Nick's here'. J-'Oh. . . . Shud I come there?' B-'I don't think that Nick is in n e condition 2 see u Mrs Carter'. J-'Wot do u mean?' B-'He's depressed. He doesn't even talk 2 me unless I start a conversation, and that also in mono-syllables'. J-'Ok then. Tell me how things work out'. B-'Will do'. Brian went back 2 Nick, who had buried his face in his hands. The doctor had come in2 the room just then. D-'R u here 4 Miss *****?' Nick stood up. Brian said,'Yes'. D-'U can come in now'. He walked in2 the room u were in. Brian walked in and Nick gingerly followed. Then he saw u, unconsious, on the hospital bed, with drips and oxygen tubes. It took him all the strength he cud muster 2 stop himself from crying after seeing u in this health. D-'Right now she's on a liquid diet becoz she's unconsious. Thankfully, she's not in a coma. It seems like she hasn't been given n e food or drink for a few days. She is extremely weak and cannot b disturbed. If n e of u wud like 2 stay and watch over, u r most welcome. But she cannot b disturbed'.
Nick looked at Brian. N-'I'll stay'. B-'U sure?' Nick looked at u. Then he looked back at Brian and nodded firmly. B-'Ok. Fine by me'. Nick stayed all day and all night watching u and praying that u wud come back 2 life. It was around 11:00 at night and Nick took yor (left) hand in his. He noticed the ring u gave him on his finger. It had been there ever since he put it on 4 the 1st time. He took it off and placed in on yor ring finger. Looking at yor hand he thot,'It looks so beautiful on her finger'. He pressed yor hand 2 his cheek. A tear leaked out of his eye and ran down yor hand. By some magical force, the moment the tear touched yor hand, yor eyes opened. Nick hadn't noticed coz he was looking in the opposite direction. Yor vision was blurred 4 a few moments, then everything came in2 focus. U saw how Nick was kissing yor hand. 'Nick', u said in a voice barely above a wisper. He looked at u in amazement. He placed yor hand down and looked over u. N-'I'll call a doctor'. U-'Where am I. .?' Nick turned around and ran out of the room. A few moments l8r, he came back with a doctor and some nurses. 1 of the nurses asked Nick 2 wait outside. He went out and didnt know wot 2 do, so he decided 2 call Brian and tell him. The fone rang at the guys hotel room. Brian picked up. B-'Yeah?' N-'Brian, she's ok'. Brian was glad 2 hear a note of releif in Nick's voice. B-'That's great Nick. . ' N-'Brian, cud u come down here please?' B-'I'm on my way'. He put the fone down and told Jane where he was going and headed out. Once he reached, he found Nick waiting outside, leaning on the frame of the door 2 yor room and watching all the activity going on inside. Brian came and looked inside. U were totally blocked from view with every1 crowding around u. Nick hardly noticed Brian's presence. It was only after Brian tapped Nick on the sholder did Nick look any where else. B-'U ok man?' N-'Yeah. . . I was so worried coz she was unconsious 4 so long. . .' B-'Well now it's over'. Nick was quiet 4 a while. He thot,'Y did this have 2 happen 2 *****? Who cud have done such a thing?' All of the 2 days wen u weren't there, he'd cry himself 2 sleep in yor memory. He wudn't eat. He cudn't think. He was so disturbed. He thot on the last few days. It brought tears 2 his eyes. He cudn't wipe them away b4 they rolled down his face. Brian saw him brush them away and he put his arm around Nick. 'Don't worry. She's gonna b ok'. N-'It's not that'. B-'Then?' N-'She'd probably not want 2 see me wen she remembers the awards night'. Brian looked at Nick's face wich portrayed pure agony. B-'Don't worry. I'll talk 2 her. It'll b ok'.
Chapter Fourteen