Chapter Three
The next thing u knew. . His watch beeped. It was 9:30. U-'I guess we should better get b4 they start looking 4 us.' N-'Yeah, we better get back'. There was a trace of disappointment in his voice. He looked away. U 2 walked back in silence. U met the rest of the guys and gals in the lobby and went 2 the same place u went yesterday. *~IN THE BSB'S LIMO~* Brian looked at Nick with that wicked smile again. N-'Brian, stop it will u?' Brian laughs. B-'Admit it Nick, u do like her'. N-'Brian, what has gotten into u? Y do u think that i like *****?' B-'Nothin's gotten into ME, Nick, it's gotten into U. U've been actin real weird ever since ***** came along and u know it'. N-'Name 1 think that I've done that's weird'. B-'Well. . u didn't laugh when we cracked that joke on substituting toothpaste 4 shaving cream the other day, and u normally can't stop laughing at it'. N-'That doesn't prove n e thing' B-'Oh yeah? Then how come u looked so embarrassed when u came into the lobby with ***** this morning?' N-'I . .ah. . . I did NOT look embarrassed.' Nick turned slightly pink and Brian caught that. B-'Get real Nick. U like her and u know it.' N-'Fine. I like her. Now r u happy?' B-'U don't sound very convincing though'. Nick gave him THE LOOK. B-'Chill Nick, chill.'
*~AT THE PRACTICE PLACE~* After each massage, Nick didn't smile very much. He just thanked u and went back. After u guys reached the hotel, u decided 2 get back 2 your room as quick as possible. Nick's 'not smiling' at u made u feel kind of low. Just as u took your keys from the receptionist Michelle came upto u and said, '*****, Nick wants 2 talk 2 u'. 'Now what cud he possibly want?' U thought as u walked over 2 him. When u reached him, he smiled. N-'Listen *****, i'm sorry i've been so ungrateful back at the practice place. It's just that Brian has some weird ideas of something. So when do i pick u up for tonight's outing?' U had totally 4gotten about his free night. U-'Um. . ' U looked at your watch. It showed 6:20. U-'Howz 7:00 sound?' N-'That'd b great'. He gave u one of his best smiles b4 joining Kevin and going back 2wards the elevator. *~IN THE ELEVATOR~* K-'So, Nick, how do u like *****?' Nick became exasperated. N-'First Brian, now u! What is up with everybody 2day!?' Kevin looked taken aback. K-'Sorry man. I didn't think u'd get so worked up'. They were silent for the rest of the journey in the elevator. Nick was looking in the opposite direction of where Kevin was with an angry expression. Once they entered the apartment, Nick stormed into his room and slammed the door. Brian, who was in the apartment b4 n e 1 else, winced. He turned 2 Kevin, who just entered. B-'Did u ask Frack if he liked *****?' Kevin guilty expression gave him away, which Brian interpreted. At that moment AJ and Howie had also stepped into the apartment. B-'Look guys, Nick lost his gf in a real hard way. And we're teasing him about liking another girl. I think we should just lay off 4 a while. He deserves to have the choice of who he wud like 2 b with.' The others murmured in agreement.Leaning behind the closed door of his room, Nick had listened 2 the whole thing. He sighed. He decided 2 start getting ready. *~IN YOUR ROOM~* Your last meeting with Nick lifted your spirits up pretty high. U were ecstatic. U sat down 2 think how u got so happy when he just SMILED at u. U imagined him smiling at u. A chill ran down your spine. 'What's wrong with me?' U thought. U were falling 4 him and coudn't figure out y.
*~IN NICK'S ROOM~* He was standing at his balcony. From his position, he saw the railing over looking the ocean. A rush of memories came into mind. He remembered how close he had gotten 2 u, how beautiful u looked 2 him. He checked his watch.'15 mins 2 7:00' he said. He decided 2 go down to pick u up. He took 1 last look at the railing. Somehow, he felt his heart melt. He shook his head as if 2 brush off that feeling, and went down. *~IN THE LOBBY~* U went down 10 mins early becoz u really wanted 2 see Nick again. There u met Sandy and AJ. Sandy came up 2 u and looked really excited. S-'He kissed me!' she squealed. U couldn't believe it. U-'Wow! that's great Sandy! U r really lucky!' At that moment Nick exited the elevator and came 2 where u were standing. He flashed u his smile and said, '*****, ready 2 blow this place?' U-'Ready as ever'. U guys got into Nick camero and he drove u all over 2 a club which had a dancing floor and a few shops where u cud buy some cool stuff 4 your friends. U guys got off and went inside.
Chapter Four