Title: Invasion
Author: Kisses
Rating: R, i guess, for implied sex and language (it not that bad
Pairing: Monkey-ness
Summary: the title tells enough so :P~
Disclaimer: I, obviously, do not own, *N SYNC, Joey, JC, or
Lance. :P~ I have no control over their sexuality. (how
unfortunate) :P~ this is fiction yall; if ya don't like it, get a


Lance was scowling at Joey when he FINALLY opened the door.

"Took ya long enough, Lance-man. How's it hanging?"

"It's not at the moment, standing nicely actually. What the fuck do you need?"

Joey brushed past Lance, not even really hearing his comment, "I was out and got bored, was close by here so came by to see if you wanted to hang out.

"Joey, do I look like I wanna 'hang out' with you right now?"

He took a moment to stop his movements into the house to turn and look at Lance. He didn't have a shirt on, his jeans were barely thrown on, and Joey could tell that was all he was wearing. Lance's face seemed flushed and it looked like his hair was just starting to stick to his forehead.

"Oh shit Lance, do you have somebody over? You should have told me you were entert...."

"Joey! Go the fucking shit away already! Lance get your ass back in here!"

Joey's mouth gaped open as the voice rang out from Lance's bedroom.

Lance smirked and looked right at Joey as he called back, "Just a sec Josh baby, gotta show Joey out." 

Joey was out the door, waving an apology, before Lance even moved.

