Chris and Justin froze mid-fight.  Fists in hair, arms behind backs, legs in the air, the whole works.  They turned and stared at each other wide-eyed before untangling themselves and trying to hide.

Justin ran towards the bathroom, trying frantically to get the door open. Lance let out a shrill shriek from within and started sobbing again, this time out of fear.

Chris had made his way towards the bus doors.  Unfortunately for him, Joey was crouching in the stair well in front of the doors.

Jo: Get away, get away, get AWAY!!!!

Justin and Chris ended up running into each other right where they had started.  They backed their way onto the couch and sat huddled together cowering.


Jc: WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST TELL YOU?!? he stood over them, his eyes    

      appeared to be burning bright red why must you do this to me? You had to go and 

      get me worked up before the show. If you guys would stop being so ANNOYING, I

      wouldn’t get so pissed off.

Chris wasn’t thinking

Ch: Man JC, what happened to your eyes?

Jc: WHAT?! Don’t change the subject!

Justin wasn’t either

Ju: He ain’t trippin’ man. youz eyez iz all reddish.

Jc: What? What do you mean? They can’t be!

JC ran towards the bathroom, only to find it still locked

Jc: sounding scared Lance! Lance, open the door! Come on! Open the FREAKING 


La: Will you hurt me?


Lance tried to open it slowly, but failed as he JC flew past, pushing him up against the wall

Jc: examining his eyes in mirror NOOO! Not on a show day!! trying to be calm It’s ok, it

     will go away. All is good.  he tried to smile it away

Ch: If you weren’t addicted to crack it wouldn’t happen at all.


Ch: Yeah, sure. That is such a lie.

Jc: Prove it then fool!

Ch: Fine. Justin, if you would.

Chris pointed towards the back room, and Justin ran in

Ch: JC, we know all about your problem.

Jc: I have no ‘problem’ man! Get away from me! This is my private life!

Ch: We have no private life!

Ju: running up and handing a bag to Chris He has like three drawers full.

Ch: So your not addicted you say?

Jc: i…I don’t use it everyday. Just when you guys piss me off, or I get stressed out.

     unheard to JC, Chris whispered “everyday” to Justin That is not addicted.

Ch: In your case, yes it is! If you would get off this crap, you wouldn’t be so piss-offable.

Jc stood there in silence; he scanned the scene around him.  Lance was peeking out from behind the door, Justin was looking disappointed at him, Chris was holding the bag out at him, and Joey was…where was Joey?

Jc: It doesn’t matter guys. I’m sure that as soon as the tours over, I won’t be using it as

     much. Has anyone seen Joey?

Ch: Now you’re changing the subject! But your right where is Joey? Last I saw him he

      was by the door. We can talk about you later JC.

Jc: whatever.

They all went to look for Joey, and found him still in the stair well.  Although, he had digressed to sucking his thumb and silently sobbing

La: Oh Joey, You poor thing.  he sat down beside him Did you get scared?  Joey nodded

       yes without removing his thumb  Well, don’t worry anymore. We figured out what

       was wrong with JC.

Jc: There ain’t nothing wrong with me!

Ju: slapping the back of JC’s head Shhh!

La: You wanna come back up into the bus and get ready Joey?

Jo: removing his thumb and looking up at JC No!

La: Ok then. Hey Chris, come here. whispering in his ear Go call the pizza place, that  

       should get him out.

Ch: Ok… if you say so…

Chris went off to call for a pizza, glancing back at Lance with confusion on his face.  Justin and JC looked at each other in horror

And so, once again, the life on the *N SYNC tour bus, is about to be screwed up by another pizza.

