My friend and I are very dirty-minded people. Look at this, one comment and ~BLAMO!~ instant spur of the moment slash. Dirty, dirty, FUN!!!


basez_happiness: [praying] please let JC and lance be having wild [monkey] sex

js_teddy_bear: lmfao :D

basez_happiness: heehee

js_teddy_bear: I bet they are right now!

basez_happiness: YEA!!!!

basez_happiness: [does a dance]


That’s what started this madness. Hope you enjoy it. I know we did.


Title: Shopping Spree

Author: Hugs and Kisses

Rating: NC-17 gosh. This is all PWP. Short, sweet, and to the point.

Pairing: KittenFish don’t expect much other than bassez outta us.

Summary: PWP. Wild monkey sex. It was a spur of the moment thing we wrote back and forth. We are crazy.

Disclaimer: We, obviously, do not own, *N SYNC, JC, or Lance. :P~ We have no control over their sexuality. (how unfortunate) :P~ this is fiction yall; if ya don’t like it, get a life.

Special Thanks Goes To: Ath, Natalie, and Becca for looking over it, making it pretty, and telling us that it didn’t know what we mean. :)






“All that astronaut training has made you so buff baby. I love the ripples of your abs."


“I've always loved yours JC. You have no idea how much I missed licking them.”


“But I’m here now, and I’m yours.”


“So let me show you just how much I’ve missed you.” Lance proceeded to do so by licking down JC's stomach.


JC grabbed a fistful of Lance's hair, “Boy, you better go further down than that...we’ve been apart far too long for you to tease.”


Lance stopped right above JC’s waistband. “Oh really? What if I just stop here? What are you gonna do then?” Then he licked back up JC’s body - slowly.


JC grinned evilly. “Then I may just have to tease you back.” He flipped Lance over and straddled him. He slowly and deeply ground himself against Lance.


“Shit, JC!” Lance exclaimed as he grabbed JC’s thighs, “How ‘bout we, oh god, make a deal. I don't don't tease. Shit!” Lance slammed his head back into the pillow and ground his hips back up into JC’s.


“That's what I thought,” JC grinned before he leaned down and kissed Lance roughly while unfastening his belt. Lance's hands instantly went to JC’s hair, gripping the curls tightly, while he groaned into the kiss. He threw his head even farther back into the bed and arched his back to gain more contact with JC's busy hands. Deep groans escaped Lance's mouth as he enjoyed his lover's touch. He can't believe he lived without this for the past four months. He couldn’t control his body as it shook and jerked, and he almost squealed when he felt JC's hot breath on his....




“SHIT!” JC yelled as he jerked up. He snatched up the phone, never taking his body fully off of Lance. “What?!” he asked sternly into the phone.


“Oh, hey Jace.” Justin's voice timidly replied, “Uh, I thought you were still in LA. Is Lance there?”


"Yeah, hold on," JC shoved the phone into Lance's hand and rolled his eyes.


"Hello?" Lance asked in a deeper than normal voice, "Uh yeah...duh...nah nah...why would I want to sex up my incredibly sexy boyfriend after four months of getting none?...That’s what I thought...yeah I’ll call you back...bye."


“I really hope he's smart enough not to wait for the call tonight,” JC said grinning again, “Cause baby I’m gonna keep you DAMN busy!” He started licking and kissing his way back down Lance's chest making sure not to miss an inch. He paused at Lance's nipples, toying with each of them until Lance was squirming under him.


“Jace,” Lance breathed, “Jace, no teasing! I’m horny, you’re horny. COME ON!!”


"Okay baby I’m sorry." JC glided down in a cat-like manner and quickly took Lance into his mouth. Lance groaned, "oh god" and bucked his hips in time to JC's mouth, "So good Jace.”


JC took Lance in as far as he could, humming happily around Lance. "Damn it, Josh!" Lance once again gripped JC’s hair, “Oh close." JC hummed again knowing it would finally set Lance off.


"JOSH!" Lance yelled as his body stiffened and he let go into JC’s waiting mouth. JC swallowed and grinned up at Lance, licking his lips.


"God you have an incredible mouth Jace.”


“Nah, I'm just very motivated,” JC said as he slid up next to Lance on the bed. ”I can't believe we did all this in JC Penny's and no one caught us!”


Lance chuckled, “I know, but do you really think I wanted my first time seeing you in four months to be spent picking out a present for your grandma?”


JC just grinned and gave Lance a light kiss.


“Besides,” Lance continued, “We have all these towel racks and shower curtains to hide us.”


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