Title: Un-Crushed

Author: Laramie Ó 8-16-2002

Rating: G I guess…there are like two little kisses.

Pairing: SPACEKITTEN!! (I love that!)  yeah, not expecting much other than bassez outta me.

Summary: uh…between songs during POL tour. Stuff, like, happens. kinda fluffy. sappy happy. ya know.

Disclaimer: I, obviously, do not own, *N SYNC, JC, or Lance. :P~ I have no control over their sexuality. :P~ this is fiction yall; if ya don’t like it, get a life.




He can’t do this. Go out and perform the songs that mean so much to him, to them. The same ones he poured his heart into singing, into writing even. It’s really hard to put your heart into something so meaningful when it feels crushed. And boy, is he feeling crushed. He can’t believe they still aren’t talking to each other. They have been fighting since after the show two days ago. He still hasn’t figured out if it was a good or bad thing that they were on different buses all day yesterday. He can’t even remember what caused the argument; he just knows it got pretty bad pretty fast. Sighing, he finishes changing. Forty more seconds to wallow in self pity, and then he has go out and act like all is well in his little world.

            Out of no where, hands are on his waist, turning him around and pushing him not too forcefully against one of the beams under the stage. Before he can respond, a pair of lips are pressed desperately against his. Once he finally realizes what happened, they pull back, and he gazes into the beautiful eyes he missed so much. He’s slightly confused, but very happy.

            “I’m sorry,” Lance finally spoke, gazing back into the eyes he realized he couldn’t live with out.

            “It’s Ok baby. I’m sorry too,” JC replied smiling as he pulled Lance close, “I missed you so much.”

            “I missed you too JC. And you know what?”


            Lance smiled up at him, happy that everything was going to be right, “I love you.”

            “I love you too Lance,” JC smiled back before placing a soft kiss on Lance’s lips. “Come on babe, we’ve got a crowd waiting,” He pulled Lance into another hug, “I can perform now, I got my heart back.”

            Lance smiles at that, and gives JC a kiss on the cheek. They pull apart and run towards the stage, hand in hand as long as possible.

Fictions Box --- JLC