Past Updates/Notes:
~BLAMO!!~ more Bassez action going on in the FICTION area. it's called Shopping Spree, and i wrote it with Evelyn! so watch out! wacked out funness!
there is also a new cool page. :D MB nsync fiction she rocks!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!!!!!!! i'm proud of you! 31 and still in the "boy band" biz. YOU ROCK!
new Jusin/Wade combo name. that's pretty much all this time
i'm putting together a page of who wrote what. i got tired of trying to remember and having to pull the cd books out all the time. it should be up soon, i wanna make sure it's at least decent b4 i put it up. ah heck, just go look at it! Check me out! if i missed anything PLEASE tell me and i'll fix it/put it up. i think i'm gonna start fiction info/help-ish pages. you know, where you can find stuff you may need to make a story more accurate and stuff. i already have the combos page and this new one, so why not! any suggestions? e-mail me if you have some.
combos page updated. new section: *N SYNC/Other. JC/Tony Lucca added. e-mail me with any more suggestions and i'll put them on!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL THE PEOPLE I MISSED IN AUGUST!! (18:ALLYSON!! 19:LAREINA!! 26:JC!!!!) but yeah any way. LOOK! a new layout! go me! i finally figured out how to make an image map :) we now have TWO, yes i said TWO, Bassez stories! wow, TWO! I actually finished something! i probably updated the combos page. you think i would know that. hope you enjoy your stay!

7-28-02: hmm...still need to get that layout up...but yeah i added a new rec story! go check it out! and i think i added a few more combo names....
6-1-02: ok. i need a new layout... but i added two more combo names! go check 'um all out... oh! DUH! There is FINALLY a Bassez story on the site!!! check it out: Something About You
5-4-02: HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY LANCE!!! not much done, changed the proof page a little...not real important though...yet...
5-2-02: More combos added
5-1-02: NEW PAGE!! I've put together a list of all the combo name's i've come across or made up. Here Ya Go! yeah...i think that's all i did...
4-26-02: HAPPY 14thBIRTHDAY BAILEY! i'm still working on the look a little, but it's comming along. and i you didn't notice, the version is pretty much based on the main picture on the front page. just thought you might like to know that. new picture added in the pics section (the best damn JC/Lance pic i've ever seen. gawd it's
4-20-02: HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY BILLY! oh guess what! i am FINALLY changing the layout! weeeeeee!
3-26-02: HAPPY 19thBIRTHDAY RACHEL! yeah... i added a new link, and i'm trying to figure out what all the new format-y stuff for the next version will be... i already have the main graphic. now it i knew more about formats... wow, 2 months old...i am pathetic to only have this much....gah
3-22-02: ohmygodohmygodohmygod! :)))))))) my friends and i just got back from dallas, what were we doing 300 miles away from home you ask, that's easy...*NSYNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wowwowwowwowwowwowwowwow ok so our seat's weren't the best (we were behind the stage and some of the lights were in the way) but hey look at the bright side 1. BIG ASS SCREEN right in front of us (please let those pics work!) 2. FULL ASS-AL VIEW (what could be better) 3. HELL, it's *N SYNC for crying out loud! i was so mad b/c i was watching for the 'look' like the entire time and missed taking pictures EVERY TIME!! (like 3 times that could have been photo-ed from our seats) i think i ended u pwith alot of JC and Lance pics, lots of Joey too (those three were messing with each other, kickn' and pushn' and just being SO CUTE!!!) ~sigh~ I WANT MY PICTURES!!!!
3-12-02: changed little miniscule stuff. i don't remember what else i did, something... oh yeah, the disclaimer at the beginning! i changed it around some. yeah...musical went great for those who care, after 'party' was great too. heehee... AND *N SYNC IS STAYING TOGETHER!!! YES!!!! (i heard some bad rumors, scary!)
3-07-02: YEA!!! Angelfire is working agian!!! I changed the links a little. might put up some other site links later. i gotta run and get ready for the school musical. :) ah, the joy of being a small interchaingable part. joy. (i really am having fun!)
2-03-02: Amber is added to the fiction list! and i got a Guest book! Feel free to SIGN IT!
1-29-02: So I return for the day. Got the fiction links up. yee-haw...
1-29-02: Put up a few more links, nothing vital to the site itself. I hope to get my graphics on this page soon, and also some pic's of the day. I really need to finish my stories...
1-26-02: I got accepted into the JC/Lance Writers Guild! wow!