What's Wrong With These Pictures??

Ok take a good look at these 2 pictures and see if u can see the problem the answer is at the bottom.

pic #1

pic #2

pic #2

ok, go up and take a good look at his shirts, i'll wait. ........looking?......... ok. here's what's wrong with them: Long ago in about Febuary 2000, my friend Allyson and I were out shopping. we stoped by Millers Outpost and found the perfect shirt for my now boy friend. it was a black and silver Super Pimp shirt.(just like Joey's but diffrent colors) Now at the time we didn't know Joey had this shirt. It was not until I got a magazine with pictures of Joey wearing it that we found out. We then decided never to let my boyfriend see those pictures, he still hasn't. Well months have gone by since we dicided to get the shirt, and we still hadn't got it. then the problem came, Millers Outpost didn't have any left! Luckly Teezers had some, but only the red and blue ones. So we come to that faithful day when we get him a shirt. We stop by Sam Goodie to check out the *N SYNC stuff and end up looking at shirts too, we find one to get just in case we can't find the Super Pimp Shirt. We check out the 2 stores, no luck in Millers Outpost, and only red and blue at Teezers. So we go and buy the other shirt. I give it to him a couple days later and he LOVES it! The shirt said Boy Bands Suck. Once I got the e-mail from Allyson telling me Joey had a shirt like that, I was totaly freaked! Why was Joey wearing the shirts!(not that they look bad or anything) It was just too wierd. And of course my boyfriend will never see the other pic. So thank u for reading my story!
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