Ways To Tell You Are Obsessed With *NSYNC

Ok, so all these aren't exactly ways to tell your obsessed. Most of them are stupid things me and my friends did, but hey, who cares. The ones with the '*' are ones I converted from a list 4 the bsb's. If you can think of more e-mail me at popodyssey@excite.com ENJOY! p.s at the moment i have almost 200, so they might take a little while

  1. no matter what your doing you get up and dance/sing out loud when one of the songs comes on
  2. you can't remember what color your walls are
  3. you have a trapper-keeper full of magazines w/ *N SYNC in them
  4. you have a file thing FULL of posters
  5. AT LEAST 70% of your christmas/birthday lists have to do with *N SYNC in some way
  6. you call the radio station at least 2 times a day to request the newest song
  7. you record the "bye, bye, bye" making the video 3 TIMES just to get the Joey and Chris part at the end because it messed up the 1st 2 times
  8. you hate anyone who gets close to them(ex. danelle fishel, kathy griffen, the cheerleaders on the trl superbowl edition, ect..)
  9. you have over 5 *N SYNC cd's
  10. you want a soundtrack just because they sing one song on it
  11. you have had the new cd reserved sence august
  12. you tape everything they are on that you can, no matter how long they are on it. including ads
  13. you have quite a few photo albums
  14. you spend $50 to go to a concert in almost nosebleed seats
  15. you sneek your camera into the concert even though it could be comfanscated and you would never see it agian
  16. you take pictures of pictures of them on the computer
  17. you go to the trouble of peeling a poster off a friends celing just so you can scan it and put it back agian. then have it not work and fall off
  18. you write a letter to a radio station telling them you want to hear more *N SYNC, using the name of every *N SYNC song you can think of
  19. you go to an anti-*N SYNC page and get a bunch of really good pictures
  20. you print pages of pictures off the internet...on your teachers computer
  21. you almost start crying when carson daily and dave holmes on trl just say it's nick's b-day. HELLO! JOEY'S B-DAY TOO!!
  22. you buy a magazine for one or 2 pictures when the rest is total crap
  23. you've at least once a day day dreamed/dreamed about making out with one of them
  24. everyone you know just keeps learning more & more *N SYNC facts
  25. you've seen the 'bye, bye, bye' making the video over 5 times
  26. you have an individual folder for the group, each guy, video pics, videos, and sounds on the computer
  27. when u go on a campout you have at least one picture of them with you
  28. you read your list of ways your obsessed to your friends to see if they can think of anything else
  29. making the list period
  30. when you don't wanna listen to someone, insted of going "lalala i can't hear you!" you go "Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey" over and over w/ your fingers in your ears
  31. you have to sing a song in class so u sing the chorus to "i drive myself crazy" and refuse to stop till your finished
  32. for some reason you started liking superman stuff
  33. you constantly wish you'll get to meet them in person
  34. you sing the love songs on the radio to your posters
  35. you climb on dressers, desks, beds, and piles of stuffed animals just to get all your posters
  36. your favorite stores in the mall ae the ones w/ *N SYNC stuff
  37. your pug dog beani ebaby has been re-named Busta
  38. one of your other ones is renamed Syncs
  39. one of your stuffed animals is wearing the superman pajamas you wore when you were like 3
  40. your bus window id crowded w/ "I <3 Joey"'s
  41. you know most the dance moves to all the songs and your still learning
  42. you and your friends go by J:)EY, *LANCE, and JUSTIN, or T:)NY, *JAMES, and RANDALL
  43. you can play songs on the piano with or without the book
  44. your friends who hate *N SYNC tell you to get a life daily a. batmantis(i don't know my friend wrote it)
  45. a. batmantis(i don't know my friend wrote it) b.you can't see the inside of your locker
  46. your friends sigh when you open your locker and vice versa
  47. your friend from #44 screams and slams your locker shut when she sees the inside
  48. you practice the dance moves in front of company
  49. you sing the songs as tou walk into a restraunt
  50. every other sentence out of your mouth has to do with *N SYNC
  51. you start dressing like them
  52. you know there shoe sizes
  53. you buy everything *N SYNC you can afford
  54. you send them cards for every holiday
  55. you have directions on how to get from your house to "Joey's" house
  56. you would prefer over all to be produced as a singer by Lance, Chris, or Justin's mom
  57. you have at least one *N SYNC wallpaper/screensaver on your computer
  58. even the thought of the bathroom sink makes you think of them (sink/sync)
  59. you preach the word of Joey like you would preach the gospel
  60. you find a way to incorporate Joey into every sentence, or change the topic to Joey
  61. you openly dance to "bye, bye, bye" at school while standing outside waiting for your bus
  62. you and your friend wear matching *N SYNC shirts when you shadow at your fave radio station
  63. you and your friend dance to "bye, bye, bye" while shadowing at the radio station, and the dj dances with you
  64. you constantly are talking to your posters
  65. your friends think you can't be anymore pathetic, but they don't know the half of it
  66. two of your friends have to pull you, yelling and fighting, away from the tv when *N SYNC was on it because you have to go somewhere
  67. you tell your friends from #66 you hate them, continusly for 10 min.
  68. you fight back with "no! it's not *n stink! it's *N SUCK!" cause that's what chris said
  69. you kiss your friends sisters *N SYNC shirt, while your friends sister is wearing it.
  70. these words you typed to a friend "i laramie rose lee, solomly swear that if i do not faint right now, i will marry(or at least go out with) "him" refering to Joey