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  • NeWs

    Heather has left the band. So The Andrews have found two new players. It used to be Carl on drums, Ray on bass, and Heather on guitar. The NEW line-up is; Carl on drums still, Ray now on rhythem guitar, Chris D. on bass, and Desi E. on lead guitar.

    We are ready to play and are booking shows. We hope to see you all around!

    TAkE Care and GOd BleSs!



  • 1/21/01

  • The Andrews have completed their set of songs and are booking shows and are ready to get out there and rOcK&rOLL!


  • 3/3/01

  • The Andrews have found two new players for the band due to the loss of their old guitar player Heather.

    "Oh hey, Have you guys met JimbO"?