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Title: Life Sucks, but Love’s Great

Author: Hergerbabe

Fandom: Xena, kinda

Pairing: A/J, C/S, E/At, um maybe more

Rating: NC-17

Category: total AU, first times

Archive: AJCS

Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly, but the idea is so nur!

WARNINGS: Um, I think underage sex, but I’m not sure, also child abuse (physical) and some violence

NOTES: This is a complete AU, no godliness involved, not even Greek, this is set in an American highschool, ‘k?

Okay, I don’t know what anyone is going to think of this, so FB would be hugely appreciated. It’s completely different from anything I’ve seen on these lists, and it’s kinda my baby, so please don’t be mean!

Choccy covered Strife to Christine :) thanks babe


Life Sucks, but Love’s Great


Joxer adjusted his glasses and straightened his shirt, staring nervously at the table where the most popular kids in school sat.


Cupid sat slightly apart from the other four, he tended to watch everything that went on, but never said anything. He was the strong, silent type and had most of the girls in school swooning after him.


With him, sat Hercules and Iolaus. Hercules was captain of the football team and Iolaus was his best friend. Opposite them, was the head cheerleader, Xena and her best friend, Gabrielle, giggling about something.


Taking a deep breath, Joxer approached the table. “Uh, h-hi g-guys,” he stuttered. Four faces stared blankly at him, but he got a genuine, if brief, smile from Cupid.


“What do you want, freak?” Hercules glared at him.


“Other than Gabrielle,” Iolaus muttered quietly. The two boys snickered as Joxer flushed bright red.


“Euw! Shut up, ‘Laus!” Gabrielle exclaimed. “That would be, like, *so* gross!” she said to Xena, who pulled a face and nodded.


Joxer went an even darker shade of red. “I, uh, I h-have the h-history n-notes for you.” He pulled a notebook from his bag and gave it to Hercules.


“Good, now bu-bu-bug off loser!”


Joxer blinked back tears. Before he turned away, he caught a flicker of sympathy in Cupid’s eyes. He sighed and walked away, shoulders slumped. He didn’t see the foot stuck out to trip him.


Joxer went flying, books and papers scattered everywhere. Joxer squeezed his eyes shut for a moment amidst the laughter, then he pushed himself to his knees and started to collect his things together.


Frowning, he looked round for his glasses, starting to panic when he couldn’t find them.


“Lost something?” a deep, amused sounding voice asked him. Joxer gulped nervously and looked up slowly. Standing in front of him, dressed in black leather and looking as dangerous as he was reputed to be, was Ares. Ares was flanked by his sister, Eris, and his cousin, Strife, who were smirking at him.


“M-my g-glasses,” Joxer whispered.


Ares lifted his hand. “Would this be them?”


Joxer blinked and nodded. “Please, c-can I h-h-h…” Joxer stopped and took a deep breath, “Have them?” he said in a rush.


Ares stared at him for a moment, then bent down and patted his cheek. “As ya asked so nicely.” Ares dropped the glasses on the floor and walked away. Strife and Eris exchanged glances, smiled and followed him.


Joxer picked up his glasses and put them on. He stared after the three in confusion. He didn’t cross paths with them very often, but for some reason he just couldn’t fathom, they never treated him as nastily as they did everyone else.


“Damn, Ares is *hot*!” Joxer looked up, Xena and Gabrielle were drooling after the muscular bad boy.


“Yeah, but he’s also, like, a complete dick,” Gabrielle snorted. “Out of the way, geekboy!” she sneered at Joxer. Joxer scrambled out of her way.




Joxer stared at his assignment, trying to concentrate, but he just couldn’t. The day hadn’t been too bad considering. It was hard for him at the new school; he was skinny, geeky and had a stammer. Not only that, at 16 he was two years younger than everyone else in his grade.


Hercules, Iolaus, Xena and Gabrielle deigned to speak to him, but only so they could use his notes. He basically had no friends and everyone treated him like a dork.


Everyone except Cupid, who never said anything, and Ares and his gang, who seemed to find him mildly amusing, but never teased, insulted or beat him up. Hercules and Iolaus occasionally pounded the crap out of him, but funnily enough, never when Cupid was around.


Joxer put his homework away and went to sit on his bed. He stared at the picture on his bedside table. It showed three young, identical boys, laughing happily. Joxer swallowed and tried not to cry, wishing his brothers still lived with them.


Nobody had bullied him at his old school, not with Jett around to protect him and Jace. They’d always stuck together, the three of them against the world. But now Joxer was alone. No protection against his father, no protection against the people at school, and a hopeless crush that would probably get the shit kicked out of him.


He lay back with a sigh and reached down to stroke his cock gently. He jumped when he heard the door slam and scrambled up to switch off his lights and then dived under his covers.


He held his breath fearfully, listening to his father stumbling around below. Then he heard a thud which was followed by silence. Joxer slowly let himself breathe again. His father was drinking more and more, but at least that meant he was passing out more often than he was taking it out on him.


With a sigh, Joxer turned over and went to sleep.


Part 2


Joxer walked into school the next morning, cheerfully. Until he saw what was happening just inside the gates. Ares and Hercules stood nose to nose, glaring at each other.


“Aw, what’s the matter ‘bro’? Your mommy not want you?” Hercules sneered.


“Your mother may have married my father, *Herc*, but you know nothing about my family!” Ares hissed through gritted teeth.


“I know your mom’s a whore!”


“ARGH!” Ares lashed out and Hercules went flying.


“Hey, back off asshole!” Iolaus shouted.


“What’s going on here?!” Ares, Eris and Strife backed off as the principal jogged over. “Hercules, are you okay?” Hercules nodded, holding his dripping nose. Principal Jones smiled at him. “Go to the nurse. And *you*!” She swung round and glared at Ares, “My office, NOW!”


Ares glared back, then stalked off towards the school buildings. Strife and Eris followed, but not before Joxer spotted Cupid and Strife exchange glances. He frowned thoughtfully.


“Got the homework, freak?”


Joxer jumped, “Uh, s-sure, G-Gabrielle.” He handed over his homework to the small blonde and she walked off with Xena without a backwards glance. Joxer looked round and met Cupid’s eyes briefly, flinching when he saw pity. He hurried into school.




The day went downhill from there. Hercules and his group insulted everyone who wasn’t popular and *everyone* kept a wide berth from Ares and his gang. Joxer spent most of the day avoiding everyone as best he could. Until, that was, he tripped in the cafeteria and spilt his juice all over Hercules.


“You stupid fuckwit!” Hercules fumed. Joxer gaped, then when Hercules stood up, he turned and ran… smack bang into Ares.


He backed away, gulping in terror. Looking behind him, he saw Hercules coming for him and somehow, he managed to duck past Ares, who was reaching for him.


He ran for the safest place he knew, the library. It was a pretty quiet place anyway, but there was a small, almost hidden section right at the back where no one *ever* went.


Once inside the library, he headed there silently. As he slipped through the bookshelves, he heard a low moan and stopped.


“Oh, Cupe, please.”


Joxer’s eyes widened. Cupid wouldn’t hurt anyone, would he? He peered around one shelf and bit back a gasp.


Leaning back against a stack with his eyes shut, head flung back, hands tightly gripping the shelf behind his head, was Strife. And on his knees in front of him, head bobbing, hands running up and down Strife’s slim legs, was Cupid!


Joxer ducked back behind the shelf blinking rapidly. Holy shit! Holy shit! Strife and Cupid? *Cupid* and Strife? Well, that explained the look between the two boys earlier.


Wow, wow, *Cupid* was giving Strife a blow job. And…


“Oh, oh, yeah!”


…by the sounds of it, a damn good one. If only he could… Joxer shook his head, it was pointless even dreaming about it.


“Oh Cupe, that was awesome.”


Joxer couldn’t resist peeking round the shelf again. Strife was drawing Cupid to his feet. Joxer could see Cupid’s pants were undone and his hard cock jutted out. The two boys kissed lovingly and Strife wrapped his fingers round Cupid’s cock, bringing off his lover with long, smooth strokes. Cupid moaned and dropped his head on Strife’s shoulder.


“Can you get away tonight?” Strife whispered. Cupid nodded. “Good, I *need* you inside me.” Cupid moaned again. He straightened and gently pulled Strife’s boxers up and did up his pants. Strife grinned at him and kissed him, returning the favour by cleaning Cupid up, and doing his pants up.


“I love you, man,” Strife whispered.


“I love you too, Strife.” Cupid leaned in for another kiss.


Joxer blinked again. He wasn’t sure, but that may have been the first time he’d ever heard Cupid’s voice. No wonder Cupid was so much nicer than the others, what a terrible situation to be in. Joxer felt sorry for them, but mostly, he felt envious.


He snuck away and bumped straight into Eris. He jumped and backed away.


“You saw them, didn’t you?” she growled, her eyes narrowing.


Joxer nodded. “I w-wouldn’t t-tell any-o-one,” he stuttered nervously.


She stared at him contemplatively. “You wouldn’t, would you?” she said with a look of surprise. “Why not?”


“B-because it’s n-none of m-my busi-n-ness and they s-seem happy,” Joxer explained.


Eris smiled fondly. “They are. They’ve been together for two years, ya know?”


Joxer swallowed and frowned. Eris was making conversation… with him! “R-really?”


“Uh-huh. They make such a cute couple, dontcha think?” she grinned. Joxer nodded. “’Course, no one knows ‘cept me and ‘Res, and now you.” Joxer just stared at her. “Oh yeah!” she said suddenly, “You okay? ‘Res was worried, said he saw Jerkules after you.”


Joxer gaped, “A-Ares, was w-worried? About *m-me*?!”


“Yeah sure, he thinks you’re a nice guy.”


“O-o-o-o-k-k-k-kay.” Joxer flushed as he struggled to get the word out.


Eris smiled kindly. “By the way,” she started. “He’s too pig-headed to ask, but ‘Res really needs tutoring in Biology. If he flunks, he’s out, can ya help?”


Joxer closed his eyes for a second. He knew from long experience not to bother trying to reply, so he just nodded.


“Can ya come tonight?” He nodded again in reply. “Okay, cool. You know where Herc’s place is, right?” Joxer nodded, still unable to speak. “Good, me an’ ‘Res live in the guesthouse round the back. So, see ya ‘round eight?”


“S-s-sure,” Joxer stammered. She clapped him on the back with a grin and left him standing in a daze. What in God’s name was he going to do now?


Part 3


Joxer shifted his books in his arms and stared at the door. He really wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but he’d said he’d be there at eight, so there he was. The door opened before he could knock and Eris grinned at him.


“You came!” she exclaimed. “Come in. ‘Res has just gone to get some pizza, then he’s all yours.”


Joxer swallowed hard and let himself be pushed into the lounge, where Cupid and Strife were making out on the couch. They jumped apart when they saw him.


“Um, I, um,” Strife started.


“It’s okay, guys, he knows. He’s totally cool with it!” Eris followed him into the room.


“Really?” Cupid asked quietly. Joxer nodded and smiled nervously.


“How’d ya, like, know?” Strife asked curiously, allowing himself to be pulled back into Cupid’s arms.


“I, uh, I, s-s-saw you,” Joxer stuttered quietly.


“What, today?” Strife asked. Joxer nodded and watched Strife turn a deep red.


“They get real physical allll the time, ya don’t mind do ya, Jox?” Eris asked.


“’Ris!” Cupid exclaimed.


“I d-don’t mind at all,” Joxer interjected quickly. “It m-m-must be hard f-for you.”


“Yeah,” said Strife quietly.


The roar of a motorcycle interrupted them.


“Pizza time!” Eris grinned.


“Cool,” Strife sat up. “Come on Jox, dude, sit down, relax.”


Joxer put his books down and perched nervously on the edge of an armchair. Ares strode into the room carrying several boxes. He put them down on the table and peeled off his leather jacket. With hard muscles bulging out of a tight t-shirt and a goatee, he looked much older than his eighteen years.


“Hi guys, sis,” he said quietly, “Joxer.” Joxer smiled shyly. “You like pizza?” Ares asked him.


“S-sure,” Joxer stammered.


Ares grinned. “Cool, I got you a veggie one. You’re vegetarian, right?”


Joxer blinked and nodded. How the hell did Ares know that?


“Wow, how d’ya manage that?” Strife asked him. “I love my meat.” He glanced at Cupid and nudged him. “Don’t I, lover?” he leered.


Cupid snorted, “Yeah.”


Ares frowned and glanced at Joxer, then at his cousin.


“Oh, it’s cool ‘Res, he knows,” Strife grinned at his cousin. Ares raised his eyebrows at Joxer, who nodded and smiled again.


Ares shrugged, “Cool.” He plonked himself down on the arm of Joxer’s chair. Joxer gulped, staring at him nervously. “Dig in.”


“Who wants beer?” Eris asked.


“Yup,” Ares replied. Cupid and Strife raised their hands, their mouths already full of pizza.


“Jox?” Eris turned to him.


“Uh, n-no thanks,” he said quietly.


“Coke?” she offered.


“P-please,” he smiled gratefully at her.


Ares leaned forward and opened a couple of the boxes. He pulled one forward. “Here ya go, man.” Joxer took a piece and sat back, nibbling at it.


“You get in much trouble today, ‘Res?” Cupid asked.


“Don’t speak with your mouth full, we have a guest,” Ares snapped jokingly.


“Whatever,” Cupid grinned at Joxer.


“Just the usual bullshit from Jones and detention, again!” Ares answered Cupid’s question.


“Ah, man, I was hopin’ you’d be free Saturday,” Strife pouted. Cupid reached out and stroked his lip gently. Strife caught his hand and grinned at him.


Eris handed everyone a drink and sat down, grabbing a slice of pizza. “Why?” she asked. “And since when did ‘Res ever have a Saturday free?” Ares kicked her foot. “What?!” she scowled at her twin.


“*Because*,” Strife interrupted the sibling moment. “I wanted to get the jerk and the himbo back.”


Ares smiled, “How?”


“Well, Cupie reckons they want to get into each other’s pants…” Joxer choked. Ares took his drink and slapped him on the back.


“You okay, man?” Ares asked, handing him back the coke. Joxer took a deep gulp and nodded.


Strife chuckled at him, “Yeah, it’s a bit of a shock, huh?” Joxer nodded, still coughing slightly.


“I love when you mess with that lot,” Ares grinned at his cousin. “You got a plan?”


Strife grinned wickedly, “What do you think?”


Ares nodded, “Cool.”


“You got plans tonight ‘Ris?” Cupid asked quietly.


“Yeah, I’m going out with Auto, and yes,” she pre-empted the question, “You can use my room. Just remember to change the sheets this time!”


“Thanks cuz,” Strife blew her a kiss and Eris snorted. There was a knock at the door. Eris and Ares stared at each other.


“Beer!” they exclaimed together. The bottles were hidden under the table and Eris answered the door.


“Dad.” They heard her say through the door. Ares groaned and stood up. An older, grey haired man entered the room and looked round.


“Strife, Cupid,” he nodded at the pair. He stared at Joxer. “Who’s this then?”


“This is Joxer, Joxer this is my father,” Ares said quietly.


“N-nice to m-meet you, M-mister K-k-king,” Joxer said politely. He jumped when Ares reached over and squeezed his shoulder briefly.


“What do you want, Zeus?” Ares asked.


“Don’t take that tone with me, young man!” Mr King snapped. “I got yet another phone call from your principal.”


“So?” Ares sat down again.


“She tells me you’ve been fighting again,” Mr King sighed. “Why can’t you be more like Hercules?” Joxer winced sympathetically as Ares flinched. “If you flunk out of school, you won’t get into college!”


“That’s why Joxer is here, father,” said Eris quietly, “He’s helping Ares out.”


“Oh, okay. Well that’s good, good. Well,” Mr King looked round at the stony faces. “I’ll be off then.”


Ares stared after his father, clenching his fists convulsively.


“’Res, calm down,” Eris said, hands fluttering nervously.


“Calm down?!” Ares leapt to his feet. “Why the *fuck* should I calm down?!” Joxer flinched as Ares threw a bottle across the room. “He ignores us most of the time, and when he does *deign* to make an appearance it’s to criticise. Why can’t I be more like Hercules?! Fucking hell!”


Joxer shrank back in his chair, trying not to intrude. Ares glanced at him and grimaced ruefully. “Sorry Joxer, parents, ya know?” Joxer swallowed and nodded.


“Yeah, ‘Res isn’t usually such a dick,” Strife giggled. Ares growled at him and Joxer caught his breath.


“Strife,” said Eris warningly. He grinned unrepentantly. “Anyway,” she continued, “I’m off!” She leaned up and kissed her brother on the cheek. “See you guys at school. Strife, Cupid behave, ‘Res be nice to Joxer.”


Ares rolled his eyes. “I promise I won’t bite him.” Eris shook her head and left. Joxer gulped at the gleam in Ares’ eyes and Strife snorted, getting an elbow in the stomach from Cupid.


“Hey!” he exclaimed and leapt on Cupid, tickling the blond boy mercilessly. The couple wrestled on the couch until Strife managed to straddle Cupid and pin his arms back. He leaned down and kissed Cupid, hard. Cupid moaned and thrust up against him.


“Uh guys? Company,” Ares said pointedly. Joxer tore his eyes away from the couple, blushing hotly. He squirmed in his chair, trying to adjust himself surreptitiously.


Cupid and Strife parted reluctantly. Strife stood up and held out his hand, Cupid took it and stood up. He grabbed Strife and half carried him to the door as they both laughed. Ares stared after them and Joxer wondered at the longing and envy he thought he saw in his eyes.


“Sorry about that,” Ares grinned at Joxer. “They don’t get a whole lot of time alone, ya know?”


Joxer nodded, “I d-don’t mind, r-really.”


“Yeah, well, if I hadn’t said anything, they’d have started fucking right there!”


Joxer gaped, “W-wow.”


Ares grinned at him, “Yeah believe me, it’s quite a show!” Joxer’s eyes widened and Ares looked away, clearing his throat. “Um, yes well, biology?”


Joxer smiled and nodded.


Part 4


Joxer walked home in a happy daze. Ares was so nice and funny! They’d even managed to get some studying done, despite the amount of noise coming from Eris’ room.


Joxer couldn’t quite believe how long Cupid and Strife had kept going and he sighed enviously. They weren’t in the best situation, but they had each other, and they had extremely supportive friends.


Joxer opened his front door and froze. The TV was blaring, which meant his father was home. As quietly as he could, he hung up his coat and toed off his shoes. He was half way up the stairs when the lounge door opened.


“And where the fuck have you been?” his father slurred.


“J-j-just at a f-f-friend’s,” Joxer whispered.


“Ha! You haven’t got any friends, you little liar.” His father lurched towards him. “Come here.” Joxer descended the stairs slowly. His father reached out and backhanded him across the face. “Where were you?” he repeated.


“T-t-tutoring,” Joxer stammered quietly.


“Fucking hell!” his father yelled. Joxer flinched. “Why me? How did I end up with such loser sons?” He smacked Joxer hard, and he fell, cracking his head on the wall. “Get out of my sight!”


Joxer pulled himself up shakily and fled up to his room, trying to hold back tears. He sat down and stared in the mirror. He sighed, there was a nasty gash on his cheek, where his father’s ring had caught him, and he had a knot developing on the back of his head.


He dabbed some witchhazel onto them and pulled out a strip of butterfly stitches for his face. Wincing slightly, he placed them over the gash with the ease of long practise.




The next morning he didn’t bother to look in the mirror before he headed to school, he knew what he looked like.


School turned out to be a little better than usual. He got a conspiratorial grin and wink from Strife and a small smile from Cupid. Hercules and the rest couldn’t be bothered with him at all and he’d managed to avoid awkward questions about his face.


Joxer was sitting in the senior common room when Ares sat down next to him.


“H-hi, Ares,” he stuttered.


“Hi,” Ares frowned suddenly. “What happened to you?”


“Oh, n-nothing, f-f-fell,” Joxer lied quietly.


Ares nodded, but continued to frown for a moment. Joxer stared at him curiously. “Oh, right,” Ares coughed. “Um, we got a test coming up right?” Joxer nodded. “Well, would you, I mean, can you keep helping me?”


“S-sure,” Joxer replied.


Ares smiled, “Thanks man. Um,” he paused.


“Wh-what is it?” Joxer asked.


“Do ya mind if I come to yours tonight?” Ares looked away. “’Ris is, uh, ‘entertaining’ tonight and I said Strife and you know who could borrow my room.”


Joxer nodded. “Y-yeah, n-no problem,” he stuttered.


Ares squeezed his shoulder again, “Thanks, what time?”


“Uh, ei-eight?”


Ares nodded. “Cool.”




Joxer looked round his room one last time, checking that he’d cleared away everything that needed to be hidden and then hurried downstairs to check on the dinner. He hoped Ares wouldn’t mind vegetarian lasagne.


Hearing the roar of a motorcycle stop outside the house, he ran to the hallway. He glanced at himself in the mirror and sighed. His cheek was a nasty blue/purple colour. He smoothed his hair and then jumped when the doorbell rang.


Joxer opened the door and smiled. Ares looked, well he looked nervous. Joxer stepped aside and ushered him in.


“Thanks,” Ares grinned at him. “Have you got somewhere I can put this?” He held out his helmet.


“S-sure.” Joxer took it and put it in the hall closet. “I m-made din-n-ner,” he said quietly.


“Thanks, you didn’t have to go to any trouble.” Ares smiled at him. “Oh, here, I brought ice cream.” He thrust a bag at Joxer.


Joxer grinned, starting to relax. “C-can I t-take your coat?” he asked.


“Oh yeah, thanks.” Ares slipped off his jacket, revealing the hard muscles underneath. Joxer tried hard not to stare. He led the way to the kitchen and gestured at a chair. Ares sat down while he pulled the lasagne out of the oven and put it on the table. He divided it into three and served a portion to Ares.


“Is that for your mom?” Ares nodded at the third piece.


“M-my d-d-d-d-,” Joxer stopped and squeezed his eyes shut, “F-father.”


Ares stared at him, a small crease between his brows. “Is your mom gone too?”


“Y-yeah,” Joxer whispered, “Sh-she d-d-d-“ he stopped abruptly and looked away.


“Sorry, didn’t mean to upset you,” Ares said quietly. Joxer smiled sadly at him. They ate in silence for a while. “Did you make this yourself?” Ares asked. Joxer nodded. “Wow, it’s really good.”


Joxer smiled. “Th-thanks.”


After dinner, Ares insisted on washing up and Joxer put the dishes away, smiling to himself.


“So,” said Ares, “Where to? Can I see your room?”


Part 5


Joxer nodded, “Yeah, m-my stuff’s all up th-there.”


Ares grinned and followed him up the stairs after Joxer grabbed the ice cream and a couple of spoons. Ares looked round curiously.


“Sorry, I’m really nosy.”


“G-go ahead,” said Joxer. There wasn’t a lot in his room anyway. A large bed in one corner, closet, desk and a large, squashy armchair. The walls were bare. Ares sat down on the bed and picked up the picture on the bedside table.


He glanced at Joxer in surprise. “You’re a triplet?” Joxer nodded. “Wow, cool. Where are the other two?” Joxer’s face fell. “I’m sorry,” Ares said, standing up again to pat Joxer’s shoulder awkwardly.


“It’s okay,” Joxer whispered, “J-Jett’s in j-juvey, he was in s-s-some t-trouble. J-Jace, well, d-d-d-dad had him c-c-committed.”


“What?!” Ares exclaimed, “Why?”


“H-he liked to w-wear d-dresses.” Joxer smiled sadly.


Ares frowned, “So?”


Joxer shrugged, “D-d-dad likes men to b-be m-m-men.”


“What do *you* like?” Ares asked quietly.


“W-w-what?” Joxer flushed. What did Ares mean?


“Nothing, never mind.” Ares sat down again and patted the bed. “You want to study?”


Joxer nodded in relief and sat down. The whole night had felt oddly date-like to him, too much for his peace of mind.




A couple of hours later, Ares got ready to leave.


“Thanks, Jox. You’re a great teacher, you know?”


“Y-you’re f-fun to teach,” Joxer grinned at him.


“Uh, we’re uh, watching videos tomorrow night, do you want to come over?” Ares looked slightly flustered. “It’ll just be Eris and Auto, Strife and Cupid and you and er, me.”


Joxer blushed, he was almost certain he’d just been asked on a date. “Um, y-yeah, I’d l-love to.”


Ares smiled broadly. “Cool, the only thing is, Cupid and Strife tend to get a bit, um, carried away.”


“R-really, I d-don’t mind,” Joxer smiled shyly.


“Great,” Ares squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll probably see you at school, but come over around seven. You can stay over if you like, we usually all crash out.”


“M-maybe, b-but I don’t think m-my f-f-f-father would like it,” Joxer replied quietly.


“Well, the offer’s there, anyway.”


Joxer nodded and waved goodbye.




Joxer got undressed in a dream and lay down on top of his bed. He closed his eyes and slid his hand down his chest and stomach, slipping it under his shorts. Gasping slightly, he gripped his erection tightly and stroked slowly.


He tried to tease himself, but the smell and memory of Ares in his room was too much for him and he pumped himself roughly. He bent his knees and reached between his legs with his other hand to press a finger against the entrance to his body.


He came with a muffled cry as his finger breached his passage, and he bit his lip, wishing it was Ares.




Joxer spent most of the next day in a daze. A very happy, if somewhat nervous, daze. Nothing affected him. Not the insults, teasing and definitely not the smack he got from Hercules, who was in a bad mood.


He was still debating with himself whether or not he dared risk staying over at Ares’. His father most likely wouldn’t notice, especially if he didn’t even come home like some nights. Maybe… maybe he would.


The day dragged and he checked his watch every couple of minutes. He occasionally spotted Ares or one of his gang and they grinned at him, or in Ares’ case smiled warmly, then looked flustered.


Finally the day was over and he hurried home. He showered and looked for something not geeky to wear. He felt a bit of an idiot dressing for a date. It wasn’t a real date, not really. But it was nice to pretend, even just for a little while.


Flitting round the house impatiently, he sighed at the occasional glimpses he caught of himself in the mirror. The bruise on his face was now a bluey-yellow, and the cut was healing, but he still looked like shit.


When it was finally time to leave, he picked up the chocolates he’d bought, the video he’d decided to take and his overnight bag, and he hurried out of the house.


Part 6


Once again, he stood in front of the door, wondering what the hell he was doing there. And again, the door opened before he could knock. But this time, he faced Ares.


“H-hi,” he stuttered nervously.


Ares grinned at him. “Hi, come in.”


“Th-thanks.” Joxer squeezed past him, sighing quietly as he caught the scent of freshly washed skin and musky deodorant.


“Jox, dude, come in and take a load off!” Strife yelled through the door. Ares grinned again and followed him into the lounge.


“Hey,” Ares nudged Strife with his foot. “Off the couch. You and Cupe can take an armchair this time.” Strife pouted but got up with Cupid and plonked himself in his lover’s lap.


“Ooof, gently Strife, babe,” Cupid groaned, “You aren’t that light!” Strife poked out his tongue, and Cupid captured it with his mouth. Strife moaned and gripped Cupid’s head, kissing him hard. Ares rolled his eyes and gently guided Joxer over to the couch.


“Whatcha got there, Jox?” Strife asked, when he eventually pulled away.


“Ch-chocolates and a v-video,” Joxer stammered.


“Oooh, what vid did ya bring?”


“E-evil D-d-dead two.”


“Really?” Strife exclaimed, “You dark horse, you!” Joxer grinned at him.


“That’s one of Auto’s favourites, good choice,” Ares chuckled.


“Are they going to be long?” Cupid asked.


Ares shook his head. “’Ris and Auto are getting vids and food now,” he explained to Joxer, who nodded and smiled.


“Hey, you staying over, Jox?” Strife asked with a grin.


“I-if that’s o-okay?” Joxer nodded.


“Yeah, great,” Ares nodded and smiled broadly. The front door opened and slammed, and a giggling Eris bundled through the door with a slim, dark haired man.


“Oh hey, Jox, you made it!” Eris grinned at him. “Auto, *this* is Joxer. Joxer, this is my man, Auto.”


Auto smiled at him. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Joxer’s eyes widened in surprise. “Nice to finally meet you.”


“L-likew-wise,” Joxer smiled shyly.


“Guess what Jox brought?” Strife bounced in Cupid’s lap.


“Strife! Sit still if you want all parts in working order!” Cupid yelped.


“Ooops,” Strife froze, “Wouldn’t wanna break anything!”


“What did you bring, Joxer?” Eris asked kindly, as she and Auto settled themselves in the other armchair.


“The video, Jox, tell ‘em what vid you brought!” Strife giggled.


“Let the man speak!” Ares exclaimed. Joxer smiled gratefully. He felt a little overwhelmed by the warm, friendly atmosphere.


“E-evil Dead t-two.” He grinned at Auto’s whoop of excitement.


“Excellent! That Bruce Campbell guy is the shit!” Auto enthused.


Bowls of food and bottles of beer and cola were placed on the table.


“Just help yourself,” Ares said to Joxer. The lights were switched off and they settled back to watch the inane tale of demonic possession.


Joxer was slightly uncomfortable. The couch was a two seater, and it dipped in the middle, so he kept trying not to lean against Ares.


“Just relax, I don’t mind if you want to flake out,” Ares whispered. He put his arm round Joxer’s shoulders and shifted so they stretched out, Joxer lying against Ares. “This okay?” Ares asked softly.


“Yeah,” Joxer sighed. He resisted the urge to snuggle though. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Cupid and Strife were no longer watching the film. They were far too occupied with each other.


With a small start, he realised Cupid’s hand was down the front of Strife’s pants, moving rhythmically. Strife started to make whimpering noises into Cupid’s mouth, and he wriggled on Cupid’s lap. Joxer looked up, the others didn’t even blink when Strife slipped off Cupid’s lap, pulled his lover’s pants open and swallowed his cock.


Ares picked up the remote and turned the film up slightly. Joxer continued to watch the couple in fascination. After a couple of minutes, Cupid pulled Strife up again and undid his pants, pulling them down. He turned Strife round, and pulled him back down onto his lap.


“Ares!” Cupid gasped. Joxer sucked in a surprised breath, but Ares just leaned forward and picked up a small tube, handing it to Strife, who opened it and hurriedly squeezed some gel onto his hand. He lifted up and reached behind himself, stroking the gel onto Cupid’s shaft. Then he sat down slowly, both boys moaning loudly. Cupid reached round Strife and grasped his cock again as Strife rode him. Joxer realised that if he shifted his head slightly, he could see Cupid’s cock inside Strife.


His eyes widened and he blushed again. He looked away briefly. He was so hard he thought he might burst, but he couldn’t resist watching the exhibitionist couple. Strife had flung his head back and Cupid was sucking on his neck. Their movements were frantic now, and the chair squeaked ominously. Strife bucked suddenly and his come jetted in short spurts.


“Oh, Strife,” Cupid moaned quietly, thrusting up hard. The two boys collapsed back against the chair, panting harshly. They didn’t bother to cover themselves, or clean up, they just curled up together, sharing soft kisses.


Joxer sighed enviously, but he eventually managed to look away and after a while, he even managed to mentally wrestle his erection into submission. Towards the end of the movie, he was so relaxed and happy, he dropped off to sleep.


Part 7


When he woke up, Joxer realised he was lying in Ares’ lap. Before he moved, he felt Ares stroking his hair, and he kept his eyes closed, wanting to enjoy the feeling as much as possible.


“He’s cute, are ya going to keep him?” He heard Auto whisper.


“He’s not a puppy!” Ares snapped, then he sighed. “I don’t know, he’s only sixteen, you know?”


“So? He obviously likes you,” Eris whispered.


“Maybe,” Ares said quietly.


Joxer waited a few more minutes, trying to process what he’d just heard, his brain refused to acknowledge it. Then he shifted, as if he was only just waking up.


“Oh, hey there, sleepy-head,” Ares chuckled.


Joxer yawned and sat up. “S-sorry, didn’t r-realise I was so t-tired.” He looked round. Eris and Auto were smiling at him, and Cupid and Strife were nowhere to be seen.


“Wh-where’d they go?” Joxer asked. Ares held a finger to his lips and made a ‘listen’ gesture. Joxer listened and flushed lightly when he realised he could hear squeaking and moaning. “Oh, s-silly question,” he laughed. Ares smiled delightedly at him.


“Shall we stick another film on?” Auto asked.


“Yeah, I want to watch something soppy,” Eris grinned.


“You got a chick flick?” Ares groaned.


“Yes, I got a chick flick! I’m a chick, occasionally I get to choose a chick flick!” she snapped jokingly.


“Okay, okay,” Ares sighed in mock defeat. “What did you get anyway?”


“Love Story,” Eris grinned.


Joxer allowed himself to be pulled back against Ares, and settled comfortably in the solid embrace. He loved romantic movies, and relaxed again as they watched in silence. A little way into the film, they were rejoined by Cupid and Strife who were both dressed in t-shirts and shorts. They snuggled up together in an armchair, grinning at Joxer and Ares.


Much to his embarrassment, Joxer started to cry at a sad part, and he tried to hide it. But when Ares shifted to look at him, the older boy just smiled gently and hugged Joxer closer.




When Joxer woke in the morning, he found himself lying on top of Ares, on the couch, their legs entangled and Ares’ arms wrapped round him. He pulled away carefully, so he didn’t wake him, and hurried to the bathroom. He definitely didn’t want Ares feeling his erection pressed against him!


After relieving himself and brushing his teeth, Joxer stared into the mirror. He was still uncertain about the conversation he’d overheard the night before. Ares couldn’t really like *him*, could he? Not in *that* way?!


He shook his head, and pushed a finger against his cheek experimentally. He winced. Even though it had faded quite a lot, it still hurt, and there was a tender spot on the back of his head from the bump he’d gotten.


A knock at the door startled him. “Jox?” It was Ares.




“If you want to take a shower, there’s towels in the cupboard under the sink.”


“Th-thank you,” Joxer replied.


“I’m making breakfast, eggs okay?”


“Yes, l-lovely thanks,” Joxer smiled to himself, he hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. He hurried to take a shower and get ready for school. It was still early, but there were five other people in the house and he didn’t want to hog the bathroom.




Hesitantly, he poked his head round the door to the kitchen and grinned at Ares who was scrambling eggs. He was dancing, badly, to the radio. Ares spotted him and came to an abrupt halt, smiling ruefully.


“Not one word!” he waggled a finger at Joxer.


Joxer chuckled and held up his hands, “W-would I?”


Ares raised an eyebrow at him and smiled. “Probably not. You’re too nice, you know that?”


Joxer shrugged, “I d-don’t know about that.”


Ares frowned slightly, then he smiled softly. “Sit down,” he gestured at the small breakfast table.


“How c-come you and Eris l-live down here?” Joxer asked quietly.


Ares sighed. “Because we don’t get along with our stepmother, and besides, it’s better than living with Hercules, you know?”


“I c-can imagine,” Joxer snorted softly.


Ares chuckled at him. “Here ya go.” He set a plate of eggs and toast in front of Joxer. “You want some juice?”


“Please,” Joxer nodded. “Wh-where are the others?” he asked as Ares joined him at the table.


“Bed. Whether they’re actually still asleep is another matter of course,” Ares snickered rudely.


“You guys are r-really good to Cupid and S-Strife,” Joxer commented quietly.


Ares sobered. “Yeah well, they’re in love you know?” Joxer nodded. “It’s hard enough for Cupid having to hang with Jerkules and the jock squad, if anyone found out he was gay, well…” he shrugged.


“Yeah,” Joxer whispered.


“So, when they’re here, we’re happy to let them do whatever,” Ares finished.


“What about y-you?” Joxer asked quietly.


Ares looked taken aback. “What about me?”


“Are you with anyone?”


“Oh,” Ares sounded almost disappointed, “No, I guess not.” Joxer frowned, wondering at the strange answer. “My reputation is somewhat exaggerated, you know?” Ares smiled ruefully. “I don’t fuck anything with a pulse, I don’t do drugs, hell, I don’t even smoke!”


Joxer chuckled, “I think I’d g-guessed that.”


Ares sighed and smiled at him. He stood up, “I’m just going to get the other’s up, do you want a ride to school?”


Joxer blinked in surprise, “R-really?”


Ares’ brow wrinkled, but he smiled, “Yeah, ‘course. What, you think I give a crap what anyone at school thinks?” Joxer shrugged. “Well I don’t, okay?” Joxer smiled happily and nodded. “Good, now finish your breakfast.”


Part 8


Arriving at school on the back of Ares’ motorbike was an interesting experience. It got Joxer a hell of a lot of curious stares for a start.


“Do you want to come over and study tonight?” Ares asked him at the lockers before they parted for their respective classes.


Joxer grinned and nodded, “Yeah, what t-time?”


“Eight okay?” Joxer nodded. “Cool, see you later then.” Ares patted his shoulder. Joxer stared after him with a smile.


A shove to his back sent him flying into the lockers.


“What was that?” Hercules sneered. “Loser’s convention?”


Joxer picked up his books. “I-I’m j-j-just t-tutoring h-h-him,” Joxer stuttered, looking down under the force of four glares.


“Well, there’s a surprise,” Gabrielle laughed, “The jerk’s an idiot.”


“N-no, h-h-he isn’t,” Joxer said quietly.


Hercules frowned. “Are you arguing with the lady, dork?”


Joxer blanched, then he looked up with a sigh of relief. “H-hi Ms Jones,” he said to the principal.


“Hello Joxer. Ah Xena, Hercules, I wanted to talk to you about the spring dance.” Joxer made his escape quickly.




Joxer got home with a sigh of relief. Hercules had been on the warpath all day and Joxer had been hard pushed to avoid him and the others. He walked through his front door, straight into his father’s fist. Joxer collapsed to the floor, clutching his nose as the door slammed shut.


“Where were you, you little shit?!” his father roared, kicking Joxer in the stomach. Joxer curled up on the floor wrapping his arms around his head, struggling for breath.


“T-t-t-tutoring,” he gasped.


“All fucking night?!” His father aimed a kick at his back.


Joxer cried out. “P-p-please do-don’t,” he begged.


“Shut the fuck up!” his father sneered at him. “Go to your room, I don’t want to see your ugly face again tonight, you got that?”


Joxer nodded. He dragged himself to his feet and staggered up the stairs, holding back sobs until he got to his room. He didn’t want to risk pissing his father off even more.


Wincing in pain, he pulled off his shirt and sat down carefully. Ignoring the tears pouring down his face, he dug in his drawer for his comfrey ointment and witchhazel. He rubbed the ointment into his back and stomach. Soaking a dressing in the witchhazel he wiped his lip, before taping it to his nose.


Then he reached for his school diary and looked up Ares’ number. Taking a deep breath, he dialled.




“Ares? I-it’s J-Joxer,” he started.


“Oh hi,” Ares said warmly, “We still on for tonight?”


“Um, n-n-no. S-sorry, m-my f-f-f-f-f-“ his voice cracked on a sob.


“Jox?” Ares sounded concerned, “Are you okay?”


Joxer’s breath hitched, “I-I’m f-fine, j-j-just h-he g-g-got r-really m-m-mad.” There was a moment of silence. “A-Ares? I’m r-r-really s-sorry.” Joxer squeezed his eyes shut, he should have known it couldn’t last.


“Jox, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” Ares sighed. “I’m sorry if I got you into trouble.”


“I-it w-wasn’t your f-fault,” Joxer said quietly, feeling calmer now he knew Ares wasn’t angry.


“You sure you’re okay?”


Joxer sniffed and smiled at the gentle concern in Ares’ voice. “Y-yeah, thanks.”


“I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”


“Yeah, o-okay.”


“Bye then, take care, Joxer.”


“Bye,” Joxer whispered. He put the phone down and curled up on his bed.




“Joxer, wait up!”


Joxer swallowed nervously and let Ares catch up with him. Ares clapped him on the back and he hissed in pain.


“Oh shit!” Ares spun him round. “What the hell happened to you?” Ares gasped, lifting Joxer’s face to look at his slightly swollen nose and split lip.


Joxer flinched and pulled away. “I f-f-fell.” He turned away.


“Joxer,” Ares said softly, putting his hand on Joxer’s shoulder to turn him back round. “Are you okay, really?” Joxer felt his eyes fill with tears and blinked rapidly, nodding silently.


Ares didn’t look convinced. “If you say so.” He paused, “Are you grounded tonight?”


“M-my f-f-f-father’s away t-tonight, you could c-come round if you like, stay over,” Joxer suggested quietly.


“Yeah. Yeah, I would like,” Ares smiled gently.


Joxer licked his lips nervously and smiled back, “O-okay, seven?”


Ares’ grip tightened momentarily, then he nodded, “Seven.”


Part 9


“Hey dork!” Joxer was slapped hard on the back and he bit back a cry of pain. Hercules and Iolaus sat down on either side of him. “Getting a bit friendly with the dope brigade, aren’t we?”


“Th-they’re n-n-not d-dopeheads,” Joxer stuttered.


Hercules’ eyes narrowed. “I don’t like your attitude geekboy. I think they’re having a bad influence on you, what do you think, Iolaus?” Iolaus nodded, glaring at Joxer. “I think you need to make it up to us,” Hercules continued.


“Wh-what do y-you w-want?” Joxer sighed in resignation.


Hercules put a pile of papers on the table in front of him. “We’re going to be busy this weekend, so you can do our English assignments for us, Xena’s and Gabrielle’s too.”


Joxer swallowed and closed his eyes, nodding. “O-okay.”


“Good boy.” Hercules patted his shoulder patronisingly.


Joxer dropped his head onto his arms with a groan.


“Hey dude!”


Joxer looked up as Strife sat next to him. “Hi St-Strife.”


“Hey, listen, oooh, what happened to your face, man?” Strife peered at him.


“The s-stairs,” Joxer replied quietly.


“Ouch! Anyway, I was gonna say, I hope me and uh,” he looked round and leaned closer, “Cupe’s performance the other night didn’t put ya off, you know, comin’ round.”


“Oh,” Joxer shook his head. “N-no, not at all. It w-was um, enl-lightening.”


Strife chuckled, “Thanks, I think. So, you coming round tonight? Ares was a real dick last night when you cancelled.”


Joxer frowned in surprise, then shook his head, “H-he’s staying at m-mine.”


Strife grinned, “Cool, maybe me an’ my honey can use his room then.”


“*You*? You have a girlfriend?”


Joxer and Strife looked round. Gabrielle and Xena were sneering at them.


“Yeah, what about it?!” Strife snapped, getting to his feet.


“I’ll bet she’s a skank, or desperate,” Xena smirked.


“Or both,” Gabrielle snickered. Strife snarled at them and stepped forward menacingly. Xena and Gabrielle looked round nervously and backed away. Before anything else could happen, Cupid appeared in front of Strife.


Joxer swallowed hard, wondering what would happen. Cupid put his hand on Strife’s shoulder and pushed him back onto the chair. Then he leaned forward, against the table. Only Strife and Joxer could hear his whisper.


“Don’t let them get to you, babe. Library at three.” Then Cupid backed up and walked away with the two girls, who were snickering.


Joxer looked at Strife. “Are y-you okay?”


Strife nodded. “Yeah, it’s just hard,” he sighed. “Worth it though.”


Joxer smiled, “Have fun.”


“Oh, I will!” Strife snickered.




Joxer stared in dismay at the state of the house. His father had left empty bottles and rubbish everywhere. A couple of chairs were broken and he’d puked in the kitchen sink.


Joxer closed his eyes and his hands clenched convulsively. “Damn him, fuck!” He threw a bottle across the room then slammed his fists over and over onto the table as he screamed. He collapsed onto the floor and curled up, sobbing helplessly.


After a few minutes, he sat up again and wiped his face. With a determined look, he rolled up his sleeves and started to clean up.




The doorbell made him jump and he looked up at the clock in dismay. He’d only just finished cleaning up. He quickly washed his hands and tried to pat his hair into place, hurrying to the door.


“Hi,” Ares grinned. “Jox? You look exhausted, what have you been doing?”


Joxer stepped aside and Ares walked into the hall. “I h-had to c-clean up,” Joxer muttered.


“What, the whole house?” Ares said jokingly. Joxer blushed. “The whole house?!” Ares exclaimed. “Not all for me I hope?”


Joxer smiled, “B-believe me, it needed d-doing. I n-need to w-wash up though.”


“Look,” Ares said, “Why don’t you do whatever you need to do, and I’ll go ahead and make dinner.”


“Oh n-no, you don’t…”


“I insist,” Ares said firmly.


“Okay, thank you,” Joxer smiled. Joxer hurried upstairs and took a quick shower. As he came out of his room, pulling on his shirt, he could smell something cooking.


He walked into the kitchen and stopped in stunned amazement. The table had been set and a couple of candles burned in the centre. Ares was just pouring some juice and he looked up and smiled.


“What? H-how?” Joxer blinked in confusion.


“Just thought you deserved a little looking after. Sit down,” Ares replied gently. Joxer nodded dumbly and sat down. “Hey, let me just…” Ares reached out. Joxer’s breath caught in his throat as Ares smoothed his hair back from his forehead.


“Th-thanks,” Joxer whispered.


Ares sat down opposite him and shrugged. “Strife said he spoke to you today.”


“Yeah, h-he did. How come y-you trust me?” Joxer asked suddenly.


“Huh? What do you mean?” Ares frowned.


“W-well you know, knowing about Cupid and Strife, and l-letting me see what you’re r-really like,” Joxer expanded.


Ares stared at him quietly. “Like I said before,” he said finally, “I think you’re a… I like you. Besides, you saw Strife and Cupid together and didn’t say anything.”


Joxer bit his lip and nodded. “I wouldn’t.”


“You see,” Ares tilted his head and smiled. Joxer flushed. “Oh shit!” Ares leapt to his feet. “Dinner!”


Joxer started to smile, then he laughed, watching Ares rush around trying to rescue the food.


Part 10


After dinner, Joxer picked up the plates and took them to the sink.


“Let me,” Ares said.


“No,” Joxer shook his head and turned on the faucet. Ares reached round him to try and help and Joxer slapped his hand, accidentally splashing him with water. Ares spluttered and shook his head, Joxer chuckled at him.


“Hey!” Ares pouted and splashed him back. Joxer gasped and then the two boys were struggling with each other, water flying everywhere as they laughed hysterically. Ares managed to pin Joxer’s hands behind his back and flicked water into his face.


Joxer struggled, giggling, until he realised Ares was pressed up against him. He swallowed hard and stared up at Ares, licking his lips nervously. Ares sobered and stared at him. He lifted his hand and wiped water from Joxer’s cheek.


Joxer sucked in a breath and leaned into the soft touch hopefully. Ares groaned and moved forward, kissing him gently. Joxer leaned in with a small whimper, hoping he wouldn’t wake up from this wonderful dream.


Suddenly Ares pulled back with a gasp. “Oh God, I’m so sorry, so sorry,” he whispered.


“A-Ares,” Joxer started, reaching out, but Ares shook his head, turned and ran. When he heard the door slam, Joxer slid to the floor, mouth open, struggling to breathe as he choked on tears. He’d ruined everything, now he was going to lose his new friends, but worst of all, Ares would hate him.




The phone woke Joxer with a start. He was still lying on the floor in the kitchen and he was stiff and cold. He got up and hurried into the lounge to get the phone.




“Jox? What the hell happened?” Strife started. “Ares just got home and threw us out! Man, he was pissed!” Joxer couldn’t speak. “Jox? You there? Are you okay?”


“I, uh, h-he k-k-kissed me,” Joxer stammered.


“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Strife asked quietly.


“Oh, I-it was a g-g-good thing, at l-least I th-thought so,” Joxer’s breath hitched.


“Okay, he kissed you, and you were happy with that, so what was the problem?” Strife asked.


“I d-d-don’t know, h-he ran a-w-way,” Joxer sobbed.


“Oh shit! The stupid idiot. Jox, you do know he’s been wanting to kiss you all week, don’t you?”


“H-he has?” Joxer was confused.


“Hell yeah. He’s liked you for ages, but he’s hung up on your age, and he doesn’t think you like him like that, God knows why. I mean… you do, don’t you?” Strife sounded worried.


“Yeah, I d-do,” Joxer whispered.


“Well, ya know, he’s got detention all day tomorrow, he can’t run away there,” Strife said quietly.


Joxer took a deep breath, “Yeah, th-thanks, Strife.”


“Hey no probs, maybe I’ll see ya tomorrow night, if all goes well?” Strife asked.


“Yeah, okay,” Joxer felt a little more hopeful when he put the phone down.




“H-hello, Ms. P-Porter.”


“Why, hello Joxer. Don’t tell me you’ve got detention? You’re not on my list,” Ms. Porter smiled kindly at him.


“N-no, I j-just have a l-l-lot of w-work. Is it o-k-kay if I use the l-library?” Joxer asked.


“Of course it is, go on in.”


“Th-thanks.” Joxer pushed open the door and peeked in. Two kids he didn’t know sat opposite each other at the desks nearest the door. Ares was sitting, head on his arms, furthest away from the door. Joxer took a deep breath and went to sit opposite him.


“Get lost.” Ares lifted his head, “Joxer?” He looked round as if trying to find an escape route. “What are you doing here?”


“I’ve c-come to s-see you,” Joxer whispered.




“St-Strife rang l-last night,” Joxer started. Ares groaned and rubbed his face. “Wh-why did you r-r-run away? Did I d-d-do something wr-wrong?”


Ares’ eyes widened, “No! God, no. I’m sorry, it should never have happened.”


“Why n-n-not?”


“Because,” Ares stopped, “Shit, Joxer, we can’t talk about this here.”


“L-let’s go th-then,” said Joxer, determined to make Ares talk to him.


“What? Where?” Ares frowned.


“Just, p-please c-c-come,” Joxer stood up, then raised his voice slightly. “I’ll show you wh-where you c-can find it.”


Ares stood up hesitantly and followed him to the back of the library. “I didn’t even know this was here,” Ares whispered.


“Wh-why d-did you l-l-leave last n-night?” Joxer asked.


Ares sighed and sat down, leaning against a stack. “I shouldn’t have kissed you, I’m sorry, I…”


“B-but I w-w-wanted you to,” Joxer confessed quietly.


“You did?” Ares looked surprised.


“D-d-duh!” Joxer sat down next to Ares, shaking his head.


“But Joxer, you’re sixteen, I…”


“Sh-shut up!” Joxer interrupted him, surprising them both. “H-how old were C-Cupid and Strife wh-when they s-started out?”


“Sixteen,” Ares whispered, “But…”


“B-but what?” Joxer frowned in distress. “I-if you d-d-d-d-don’t l-like me, j-j-just say. But I w-w-want to be with y-y-you.”


Part 11


“Oh Jox, I do, I like you a lot. I just, I feel like I’m pushing this onto you,” Ares whispered.


Joxer got up onto his knees and leaned forward, quickly kissing Ares. Then he sat back on his heels, holding his breath. Ares touched his mouth and sucked in a breath. He reached up and cupped Joxer’s cheek, drawing the younger boy forward again.


Their lips touched and Joxer sighed happily. Ares moaned and pressed his mouth harder against Joxer’s. Joxer opened his lips under the gentle pressure and Ares slowly slipped his tongue between them, flicking gently against Joxer’s, inviting him to join in.


Joxer shifted closer and suddenly, he found himself in Ares’ arms, in his lap, as the older boy explored his mouth. Joxer joined in enthusiastically, tasting Ares’ warm mouth and sucking on his tongue.


Ares moaned again and gripped the back of Joxer’s neck, kneading lightly. Joxer slowly became aware of something digging into his thigh, and he reached between their bodies to feel. His eyes widened in surprise. Ares was hard, *he’d* made Ares hard! He pressed his hand against the firm length.


Ares gasped and pulled his hand away. “No, Jox,” he panted, “Not here.”


Joxer swallowed nervously and pulled his hand from Ares’ grasp, replacing it at his crotch, rubbing gently.


Ares groaned. “Oh, Christ,” he whispered. “Jox, what are you doing?”


“P-please, I w-want to,” Joxer stopped, unsure of exactly what he wanted.


“Oh God,” Ares groaned, thrusting against his hand. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”


Joxer moistened his lips. “D-do you w-want to?” he whispered.


“God, yes.” Ares kissed him hard. Joxer started to undo Ares’ pants. Ares pulled back again. “What? Oh!” he gasped as Joxer slipped his hand inside his boxers and wrapped his fingers round his cock. “No, I…”


“P-please, l-let me,” Joxer whispered. He stroked slowly, getting used to the feel of a someone else’s cock in his hand, the same yet different. Ares nodded, unable to speak.


Joxer leaned into Ares’ arms as he pumped the thick length. He tipped his head back so he could see Ares’ face. Ares met his eyes and smiled, panting hard. Joxer gasped when Ares cupped his groin and pressed lightly.


“Can I?” Ares whispered.


“P-p-please, ‘Res,” Joxer groaned. Nimble fingers slipped into his pants and gripped his aching erection. “Oh G-God!”


Their eyes locked and they watched each other as they slowly stroked each other towards completion. Joxer started to shudder, his eyes slid closed and his lips parted. Ares leaned forward to capture his mouth and swallow his cry as he came.


As Joxer recovered, he kissed back hard and tightened his grip. Ares gasped and Joxer moaned as he felt Ares jerk against him and the warmth of his seed on his hand. Ares crushed him to his chest and devoured his mouth passionately.


“Ares King!”


Ares and Joxer pulled apart with a gasp. “Quick!” Ares whispered urgently. They leapt to their feet, Joxer dug out a tissue hurriedly and cleaned them both up. Ares did his pants up as Joxer straightened his clothes.


“Ares,” Ms. Porter came round the corner. “What do you think you are doing?”


“S-sorry Ms. P-Porter, it’s m-my fault, I w-w-was showing h-him a couple of b-b-books,” Joxer flushed.


“Well… all right, but Ares, I want you back at that desk now,” Ms. Porter said, mollified.


“Yes ma’am,” Ares said quietly. They followed her back through the stacks, Ares stroking Joxer’s ass gently until they reached the desks.


The new couple sat close together and Joxer got his work out. He helped Ares study for the biology test, while he completed the English assignments. They talked softly, leaning close, hands lingering whenever they touched. They ignored and were ignored by the other two kids.


Joxer was having a hard time concentrating, Ares’ hand was on his thigh under the table, squeezing gently. Joxer was hard again and he desperately wanted to kiss his boyfriend. His eyes widened suddenly and he gasped.


“What? What is it?” Ares whispered, frowning in concern.


“You’re my b-boyfriend,” Joxer started to grin, “*I* h-have a boyfriend!”


Ares laughed at his delighted expression, getting curious looks from the other two kids. Ares glared at them and they looked away hurriedly. With a quick glance round, Joxer dived in to give Ares a quick kiss. Ares made a strange noise and clutched Joxer’s knee painfully.


“Ares?” Joxer suddenly felt scared, maybe he’d spoken too soon, maybe he’d pushed too much.


“It’s okay, Jox, don’t look so worried,” Ares whispered, loosening his grip on Joxer’s leg. “I just want to kiss you so badly.”


“Oh, *oh*!” Joxer grinned happily.


Ms. Porter stuck her head round the door, “Okay kids, you can go now.”


They gathered their books together and headed for the door. Joxer was about to follow the others out of the door, when Ares grabbed him, turned him round, gripped his shirt and yanked him forward. Joxer was kissed to within an inch of his life.


Ares let him go, straightened his clothes and patted his cheek gently. “Okay, we can go now.” Joxer took a deep breath and nodded, trying not to shake.


They walked straight into a very unimpressed-looking Ms. Porter.


Part 12


 Joxer swallowed nervously and backed up to lean against Ares, who put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.


“My office now, please.”


The two boys sat down opposite the librarian nervously. “Joxer, are you okay?” she started.


Joxer frowned, “Of c-c-course, wh-why?”


“That little display I just witnessed was…”


“Fully consensual,” Ares growled, interrupting her. She raised an eyebrow at him and he clenched his jaw tightly. Joxer put a hand on his arm and squeezed gently. Ares relaxed visibly.


Joxer looked up at Ms. Porter who was frowning thoughtfully. “W-we’re together, Ms. P-Porter, I w-w-wanted him t-to kiss m-me.”


She sat back in her chair and breathed out heavily, “Well, you have to understand, Joxer, you’re younger than Ares. It looked a little rough, and with the way you’ve been looking this week, well…”


Ares frowned at her words, “Are you implying I’d hurt him?”


“I have to think of his safety, you do have a reputation, Ares,” Ms. Porter said quietly.


“W-w-e only just got to-g-gether, Ms. Porter. I’m j-just real cl-clumsy,” Joxer said quietly.


Ms. Porter stared at them for a long moment, then unexpectedly, she smiled. “Well, then I guess there’s nothing more to be said. Good luck boys, I won’t say anything. But try to be a bit more careful, others might not understand.”


Ares looked stunned and nodded dumbly.


“Th-thank you,” Joxer smiled shyly. He stood up. Ares was still staring at Ms. Porter. Joxer touched his cheek, “’Res?”


“Hmm?” Ares looked up. “Oh, yeah, right, sorry.” He stood up hurriedly and Joxer smiled at him. Ares sucked in a breath and leaned toward him, then he caught himself and glanced at Ms. Porter, pulling back.


She smiled, “Go ahead, don’t mind me.”


Ares smiled gratefully. He cupped Joxer’s face and drew the younger boy into a soft kiss. When they pulled apart, she was smiling gently. They smiled back and then hurried out. Joxer slipped his hand into Ares’ as they walked through the empty corridors.


“You coming back to mine?” Ares asked quietly.


Joxer grinned and nodded, “My d-d-dad won’t be home till tomorrow night, if then.”


Ares frowned, “Does he do that a lot?”


“Do wh-what?” Joxer asked cautiously.


“Go away and leave you on your own?”


“M-most weekends, sometimes d-during the week he’ll stay out all night.” At Ares’ expression, Joxer continued defensively. “Hey, I’m n-not a kid, I c-can manage f-fine.”


“Yeah, but how long have you been ‘managing’?” Ares snapped.


Joxer stopped. “P-please Ares, d-d-d-don’t.” Ares opened his mouth to speak. “P-p-please,” Joxer repeated.


Ares clenched his jaw for a moment. “Okay, I’ll leave it… for now.”


“Th-thank you.” Joxer sighed in relief.




“Oh God! Fuck me, Strife! Harder!”


Ares and Joxer stood outside the lounge door, listening to Cupid and Strife.


“Um, shall we leave them to it?” Ares suggested.


Joxer nodded. “I h-haven’t seen your r-room yet,” he hinted. Ares grinned and dragged Joxer down the hall.


“Oh, wait a minute,” Ares stopped. “Let me check it first, I don’t know what the two lovebirds have been up to today.”


Joxer smiled and waited for him outside. He heard the sound of things being shifted around, then the door opened. He walked past Ares and looked around curiously.


Ares’ room was quite plain, and very dark, he had the odd poster up, but it was the massive bookcase that drew Joxer’s attention. It was filled to bursting with volume upon volume.


He caught Ares’ eyes and grinned. “B-being nosy.”


“Nose away,” Ares sat on his bed. Joxer eyed him and bit his lip, he felt a little awkward. Ares smiled at him and patted the bed. Joxer sat next to him and stared at the floor, gripping the edge of the bed nervously. He felt very, very shy all of a sudden.


Part 13


“Hey,” Ares bumped shoulders with him gently. He looked up and caught his breath at the look in Ares’ eyes. Ares reached up and stroked the side of his neck. Joxer leaned into the touch, following Ares’ hand as it pulled back, until he was in Ares’ arms again.


Joxer’s heart was pounding and his groin tightened uncomfortably. Ares leaned closer and gently licked Joxer’s lips.


“Oh!” Joxer gasped. Ares stroked his neck again and tilted his head back. Then he leaned in again and took Joxer’s lips in a softly possessive kiss that took Joxer’s breath away. Joxer shifted and climbed onto Ares’ lap. Ares’ strong embrace didn’t just make him feel breathless and horny, it made him feel safe and he loved it.


Ares delved his tongue into Joxer’s mouth slowly, exploring deeply. Joxer moaned and clutched at Ares, sucking, his own tongue joining in to explore. Ares lifted Joxer up, round and down onto the bed and crawled on top of him, still devouring his mouth.


Joxer whimpered and wrapped his arms round Ares’ neck dragging his full weight down on top of him. Ares thrust against him and Joxer gasped into his mouth. Ares’ hand slipped down his body and pulled his leg up round his waist. Joxer could feel Ares’ hard cock pressed against his and he thrust upwards.


Ares groaned and lifted his head, staring breathlessly down at Joxer as they rocked together. Joxer worked his hands under Ares’ t-shirt, running them over smooth skin and hard muscle.


“Oh God,” Ares moaned. He rolled them over so that Joxer sprawled over him. Joxer was panting hard, Ares’ hands were all over him. Then one arm wrapped round his neck, pulling him down for a kiss, and Ares’ other hand slipped into his pants and grasped his ass.


Joxer gasped into the warm cavern of Ares’ mouth, rocking harder against his larger lover. Suddenly, an exploratory finger grazed his asshole. Joxer jerked, making a keening noise as he came.


Ares stared at him. “Oh shit!” he gasped, “What am I doing? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…”


Joxer recovered enough to realise Ares was trying to pull away. With panicked determination, Joxer reached between them and palmed Ares’ groin. Ares made a strangled noise and his head dropped back.


“Stop s-saying that, I w-want this with you,” Joxer whispered.


“But, oooh,” Ares gasped. Joxer had unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. Joxer stroked him gently and moved down his body. “Wha…?” Ares started.


“P-please ‘Res, I want to t-taste you,” Joxer said hesitantly.


“Oh fuck,” Ares groaned.


“Please,” Joxer breathed, licking his lips.


Ares’ breath hitched, “Oh God, yes.”


Joxer settled down between Ares’ legs and pulled his pants down slightly. He continued to pump lightly as he stared at Ares’ thick, leaking cock. Leaning forward, he licked off the pearl of liquid at the top.


“Fuck!” Ares gasped.


Joxer pulled back, “Sorry.”


“No, s’good,” Ares panted. Joxer sighed in relief and moved forward again. He licked the length of Ares’ cock, lapping gently. Ares groaned when Joxer slowly wrapped his lips round the head. Joxer hesitated, unsure if he was doing it right.


“Good, don’t stop,” Ares whispered reassuringly, gripping the back of his neck. Joxer took more into his mouth, keeping his teeth covered and flicking with his tongue.


“Jesus!” Ares lifted his head and Joxer looked up, meeting his eyes. He was surprised by the lust and tenderness he could see there. Joxer moved his head slowly, letting Ares’ length slide in and out of his mouth.


“Jox, Jox, more, please,” Ares gasped, writhing beneath him. Ecstatic at the effect he was having on the older boy, Joxer moved faster, sucking harder. Suddenly Ares pulled him away and gripped his cock, pulling once. Joxer watched in awe as jets of hot come spurted onto Ares’ stomach.


Out of curiosity, Joxer dipped his fingers into the liquid and then tasted it, sucking his fingers clean. Ares groaned loudly. Joxer looked up and found himself dragged back on top of his lover and into a searing kiss. Joxer lay flopped on top of Ares for a while, as they both recovered.


“So, I d-did okay?” Joxer mumbled against Ares’ chest. There was a rumble under him from Ares’ chuckle.


“Hell yeah,” Ares whispered, kissing the top of his head.


“Can we d-do it again?” Joxer lifted his head and grinned mischievously.


Ares groaned, “Oh yeah!” Their stomachs growled suddenly. “How about a break for food?”


“Umm, sounds good,” Joxer replied. He didn’t move.


Ares chuckled again, “We have to get up to get food.”


“Oh. Good p-point, let’s l-leave it then,” Joxer snuggled closer.


Ares laughed, “Come on, you.” He poked Joxer in the ribs. Joxer yelped and squirmed. “Oh ho, ticklish, are we?” Ares grinned. He rolled them over and dug his fingers into Joxer’s sides, tickling the younger boy mercilessly. Joxer squirmed and struggled, laughing hysterically.


“I g-give,” Joxer gasped, “I’ll get up.”


Ares stopped tickling him and stared down at him. He smoothed Joxer’s hair back gently and dropped a soft kiss onto his lips. Then he got up on his knees and reached over to the table to grab a couple of tissues. He wiped himself off and did up his pants.


Gently, Ares undid Joxer’s pants and pulled down his shorts to wipe him clean. Joxer watched him, eyes wide with awe at the tender act. He felt himself harden again and blushed, but Ares smiled.


“Well, maybe we won’t get up just yet,” Ares whispered, lowering his head.


Joxer held his breath, watching Ares’ mouth get closer to his cock. At the first touch of Ares’ tongue, Joxer gasped and his head dropped back in shock. Ares lapped his length thoroughly, lightly stroking his balls.


“Oh my God, ‘Res!” Joxer screamed, as his cock was engulfed in wet heat. Nothing had prepared him for the sensations coursing through him. He felt Ares grasp his hips and hold him down, and he realised he’d been thrusting wildly.


Ares swallowed and Joxer screamed again. “’Res, gonna, oh!” He came violently and Ares sucked until he stopped bucking. Ares did up his pants and shifted up to lie beside him, propping himself up on one elbow.


“I’ll take it you enjoyed that,” Ares said with a smug look. Joxer just nodded, not quite able to form words. Ares kissed him and Joxer realised he could taste himself in Ares’ mouth. He pulled Ares closer, plunging his tongue into the older boy’s mouth, to taste more. Ares moaned and gripped his neck tightly, kissing deeper.


Then he pulled back and grinned. “Come on, now I’m really hungry.”


Part 14


Joxer nodded and got up shakily. Ares wrapped an arm round him and guided him back to the lounge, which was now quiet. Cupid and Strife were lounging on the couch and they smirked at the pair. Joxer blushed, and Ares pulled a face at them.


“Go sit down,” he said to Joxer. “You guys hungry?” he asked the other couple.


“Yeah, thanks,” said Strife, Cupid nodded. Ares went to make some sandwiches for them, leaving Joxer sitting nervously with the snickering couple.


“So,” Strife started, “’Res being a good host?” Joxer choked and blushed again, nodding.


“Hey, no teasing,” Ares came back into the room and shook a finger at Strife. He put the food down and went to sit with Joxer. He pulled the younger boy out of the chair, sat down and dragged Joxer into his lap.


“So, what have you two been up to today?” Ares asked with a small snicker. Strife grinned and nudged Cupid, who started to laugh. “That good, huh?” Ares grinned.


“Just Strife’s usual brand of mischief and mayhem,” Cupid snickered.


“Oh, do tell,” Ares invited, wrapping his arms round Joxer. Cupid and Strife grinned at the pair.


“Oh man, it was totally rad!” Strife started. “We were playing the Wildcats, right? Perfect opportunity, oh God!” he bounced with glee. Cupid chuckled and rubbed his arm gently. Strife smiled at him and sat back. “Okay, first thing we did, was put itching powder in Herc’s and Iolaus’ jock straps, oh man, they were squirming all through the match! Then when they were in the showers after, I put Herc’s boxers in Iolaus’ bag, like real obvious.”


“Yeah, that caused a lot of spluttering and blushing from ‘Laus!” Cupid chipped in.


“Oh but the best, was Gabby!” Strife giggled, “I mean, nice ass, but God what a bitch!”


“Hey!” Cupid elbowed him.


“Sorry, sorry,” Strife grinned unrepentantly, “You know your ass is the only one I’m interested in!” Cupid frowned and his eyes shone suspiciously. “Aw now, babe,” Strife stroked his cheek and leaned forward to kiss him gently. “I love you, you know that.”


Cupid looked away, then he bit his lip and looked back. “I know,” he whispered, “I’m sorry.”


Strife shook his head, “No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”


Joxer looked at Ares curiously. Ares sighed. “Strife’s bi, he used to have a crush on Gabrielle,” he whispered. At Joxer’s look of surprise, Ares continued, “Oh, we’re talking way, way back.”


Strife and Cupid were holding each other tightly, Strife whispering quietly into Cupid’s ear. Eventually, Cupid nodded and smiled at him. Strife grinned and kissed him hard.


“So,” Ares said quietly, seeing the crisis was over, “What did you do to the Gabster?”


Strife turned back to Ares and Joxer and smirked. “Oh man, okay. You know those panty things they wear under those little skirts?” Ares and Joxer nodded. “Well, I got ‘Ris to attach one of those fake blood capsules to Gabrielle’s. By the time they were doing the cheers, it was all over the panties.” Strife collapsed against the couch, laughing hysterically.


Joxer’s lips were twitching and Ares was laughing quietly.


“Let’s just say, everyone, except Gabrielle, knew she had a little visitor,” Cupid snickered, “Until some wiseguy,” he clipped the back of Strife’s head, “Started making catcalls.”


Strife snorted, “It was amazing! I’ve never seen anyone go that shade of red before.”


“They had to bundle her off the field in hysterics,” Cupid laughed. Ares roared with laughter and Joxer tried to hold in his own unsuccessfully.


“So, so,” Ares wiped tears from his eyes, “What did you do to Xena?”


“Left a picture of Ms. Jones in her locker,” Strife bit his cheeks so he could speak. The four of them collapsed, laughing hysterically.


“Can we join the party?” Eris and Auto stood at the door watching them with small smiles.


“Oh, sis,” Ares smiled at her, “Strife was just telling us about today.”


Eris snorted, “Pretty good day, huh?” She tilted her head and smiled at Joxer. “Good day for you too, Jox?” Joxer blushed furiously and nodded. “Good. ‘Res?” she continued, “Happy now?”


“Yeah,” Ares said softly.


“Good,” she repeated with a nod and sat down.


“So, you got the lowdown from ‘Ris, Auto?” Strife asked.


“Oh yeah! Wish I’d been there, man,” Auto chuckled. He squished himself onto the chair next to Eris and reached for a sandwich. “Want one, baby?”


“No, thanks,” Eris grinned and he kissed her.


“So, any plans for tonight?” Ares asked. Everyone shrugged. “Oh come on! It’s Saturday night.”


“Well, what do you want to uh, ‘do’? Eris raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Joxer. Joxer looked down shyly, but chuckled.


Ares hugged him. “Good point,” he laughed, “I’m happy staying in.”


“Cinema?” Strife asked. “They’re showing old horror reruns at Duke’s.”


“Ever made out in the back row of the cinema, Joxer?” Auto grinned.


Joxer shook his head. “Sounds fun,” he said quietly.


“Oh, it is,” Ares whispered into his ear and kissed his neck. Joxer turned his head and Ares kissed him, gently sliding his tongue into his mouth. Joxer cupped Ares’ face and deepened the kiss.


“Woohoo, go Jox!” Strife snickered. Joxer pulled away and flushed.


“Hey!” Ares peered round Joxer and glared at Strife. “I wasn’t done.” He slipped a hand round Joxer’s neck and pulled him into a soft, slow kiss that took Joxer’s breath away.


“Can, w-we stay in?” Joxer panted quietly.


Ares chuckled, “Sure.”


Part 15


Joxer dressed slowly, thoughtfully. The last week had been one of the best of his life. School was pretty normal, but it just didn’t affect him anymore, not when he knew he’d be at Ares’ afterwards. They’d spent every evening together, they’d even made it to the cinema and made out, which he’d thoroughly enjoyed.


He’d avoided his father completely, which was a relief, as Ares loved to get him naked, and there were only so many times he could ‘fall’.


He and Ares had spent a lot of time naked, especially once Joxer had gotten over his insecurities a little. Ares’ constant touches, kisses and soft words reassured him that he was attractive.


Of course, all that time spent naked had been put to good use; exploring each other’s bodies, bringing each other off with hands and mouths or just humping frantically, as they kissed hungrily.


Only the fact that after that first day together, Ares had not touched his ass again, frustrated Joxer. He desperately wanted Ares to make love to him, to take him, but he just didn’t have the nerve to ask.


The Spring Dance was sure to be interesting. Officially dateless, Ares and Joxer would at least be together. Strife and Cupid would have to spend the evening apart, although they were also going without dates. Of their little group, only Eris would be able to be open with her lover.


His father was away again, so he would at least be able to stay over at Ares’ afterwards.


Joxer pulled at his collar, tuxes irritated him, but he was looking forward to seeing Ares in his. The familiar roar of Ares’ motorbike brought a little smile to his face and he hurried to the door. He let Ares in, hurriedly shutting the door behind him, before turning to his boyfriend.


Ares was shaking out his dark curls from the helmet, his strong body framed perfectly by the tux. Joxer’s breath hitched audibly and Ares looked up. They stared at each other for a second, then Joxer found himself backed up against the wall, his mouth being consumed passionately.


He wrapped his arms round Ares’ neck and pressed his body up to his strong lover. Ares pulled back and rested his forehead against Joxer’s, breathing heavily.


“Damn, you look edible,” Ares whispered huskily.


Joxer smiled shyly. “You look gorgeous,” he whispered back. “You’ll be f-fighting them off with a stick.”


Ares laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure!” Joxer grinned and kissed him again. “Shall we go then?” Ares whispered, releasing his lips reluctantly. Joxer nodded.




The gym was crowded, filled with tables and seniors in tuxes and long dresses. At one end was the dance floor, where an appallingly bad band, played appallingly bad music. Not that anyone seemed to care, the dance floor was full.


Ares and Joxer made their way to a table where Strife was sitting on his own, looking thoroughly uncomfortable.


“Hey guys!” Strife looked up at them, smiling in relief.


“Hey,” Ares sat down and Joxer sat next to him, shifting his chair closer. “Where’s ‘Ris and Auto?”


“Smooching on the dance floor already,” Strife looked morose.


“Come on Cuz, it’s not that bad,” Ares said gently.


“Really?!” Strife snapped, “At least you can sit with your date, I can’t go near mine!” He stared longingly at Cupid’s table. Cupid met his eyes briefly and smiled sadly. Strife sighed and dropped his head onto his arms.


“Oh look, Gabrielle, it’s the adopt-a-loser table.” The three looked round at Xena and Gabrielle, who were sneering at them. “Oh wait, that’s right, you’re all losers!”


“Hey Xena, you seen Ms. Jones yet?” Strife glared at her. Xena flushed hotly, and the two girls backed away before Strife could really get going. “Bitches!” Strife spat vehemently.


“You okay, babe?” Ares had slipped his hand under the table cloth to stroke Joxer’s leg gently.


“Yeah, ‘course.” Joxer smiled. Strife sat back and crossed his arms, frowning. “Sorry, Strife, you want us t-to tone it down?” Joxer asked quietly.


Strife sighed and shook his head, “Nah, s’okay.”


They chatted quietly, Strife making an effort to cheer up. Eris and Auto rejoined them until a slow song started. Eris dragged Auto back onto the dance floor.


Ares sighed. “I want to dance with you,” he whispered to Joxer.


“Really?” Joxer asked.


“Yeah, ‘course.”


“Ares, Joxer, may I speak to you please?”


Joxer looked up. “Ms. Porter? Is s-something wrong?”


She smiled at the pair, “Just come with me please.”


“Strife, you’ll be okay?” Ares asked his cousin.


“Yeah sure, whatever.” Strife was watching Cupid dancing with a cheerleader, his eyes shining slightly.


Joxer and Ares followed Ms. Porter to a small office just outside the gym, the band’s music was being piped into the room.


“What do you want?” Ares asked suspiciously.


“Nothing, I just thought you might want a dance,” she laughed at his look, “No, not with me!”


“Oh,” Ares flushed. “Thank you.” Gently, he pulled Joxer into his arms as she left them alone. Joxer wrapped his arms round Ares’ neck and Ares slid one arm around his waist, pulling him close. As they moved slowly, they rested their foreheads together and gazed into each other’s eyes.


Ares stroked the back of Joxer’s neck and Joxer tilted his head back. Their lips met softly and they stopped dancing. Ares pulled Joxer even closer and Joxer whimpered softly, pressing himself up to Ares’ body. Their lips and tongues took over the dance, moving just as slowly, savouring each other.


“Uh, boys?” They jumped apart and Ms. Porter smiled kindly at them. “The song’s over.”


Ares and Joxer nodded dumbly and followed her back.


Part 16


“We’ll finish this later,” Ares promised. Joxer grinned and shivered in anticipation. Strife had his head in his arms again. Ares squeezed his shoulder as he sat down. “Strife?”


“Leave me alone,” Strife mumbled, sniffing loudly.


Ares sighed, “Just remember, he’s going home with you, Strife.”


“Yeah, whatever.” Strife lifted his head and quickly wiped his eyes. Cupid was on the dance floor again, this time with Xena.


“Hey guys?” Eris leaned on the table. “We’re leaving, I’m going back to Auto’s, so you can have my room, Strife.” Strife stared at her blankly. “Just think of tonight,” she said gently, stroking his hair back. Strife managed a small smile.


Joxer looked over at Cupid, who was sitting back down, and although he was talking to Hercules, his eyes flicked to Strife continuously. Another slow song came on and Strife groaned, especially when he saw Gabrielle tug at Cupid’s arm.


Ares tried to comfort his cousin, talking quietly, but Joxer continued to watch. Cupid looked over at them and took a deep breath. Ignoring Gabrielle, Cupid shoved his hands into his pockets and, with hunched shoulders, walked over to their table.


Joxer patted Ares’ arm and his lover looked up in surprise. Cupid stopped next to his boyfriend.


“Strife,” he said quietly, “May I have this dance?”


Strife’s head shot up in shock and he stared at his lover. “But, but, Cupe…”


“May I have this dance?” Cupid repeated firmly.


“Are you sure about this?” Strife whispered. Cupid nodded and held out his hand. Strife smiled and took it, allowing Cupid to lead him to the dance floor.


“Oh my God,” Ares whispered. At each table the couple passed, everyone stopped talking and stared at them. They stopped in the centre and wrapped their arms around each other. Cupid stroked Strife’s face as they moved slowly together.


Joxer smiled at Ares who grinned back at him. Most of the other couples had stopped dancing and all attention was focussed on the oblivious Cupid and Strife. Cupid leaned forward and gently kissed Strife. There were some catcalls and wolf whistles, and a smattering of applause.


“Oh shit, here’s trouble,” said Ares suddenly. A thunderous looking Hercules was making his way to the dance floor with Iolaus in tow. “Come on.”


Ares and Joxer hurried over as Hercules grabbed Strife’s shoulder and yanked him back.


“What the hell are you doing, you fucking fag?!” Hercules yelled.


“Hey!” Cupid shoved Hercules back. “Not that it’s any of your business, Strife’s bi, *I’m* the ‘fag’.”


“All of a sudden you’re gay?!” Gabrielle screeched.


“No, actually, tonight is our second anniversary,” Cupid snapped.


Joxer raised his eyebrows in surprise, only now realising why Strife had been quite *so* depressed.


Cupid and Strife faced Hercules and Iolaus, Xena and Gabrielle. Ares squeezed Joxer’s shoulder and went to stand behind his cousin, glaring menacingly at his stepbrother.


Strife snickered and leaned against Cupid. “Got a problem with that, Jerkules?” he smirked.


All hell broke loose. Hercules leapt at Strife, punching wildly. Cupid dragged Hercules back and smacked him. Ares stepped in front of Iolaus to stop him from helping, but two more of the football team jumped him from behind. Joxer ran forward to help.


“Enough!” The Principal glowered at the group of teenagers, who jumped apart. “Cupid, Strife and Ares, get out! I will see you in my office first thing Monday morning.”


“But,” Joxer started.


“And Joxer, I’m surprised at you,” she continued, “You should know better.”


“But H-Hercules s-s-started it,” Joxer protested.


“Joxer’s right,” Ms. Porter walked over and crossed her arms over her chest.


“I will *not* have such disgusting displays in my school!” Ms. Jones thundered.


“Really?” Ms. Porter muttered quietly, “We’ll see about that.”


Cupid and Strife helped each other up and walked out of the gym without a backward glance. Joxer knelt beside Ares.


“’Res? Y-you o-k-kay?”


Ares groaned, “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”


Part 17


Joxer was a little worried about Ares, who seemed a bit dazed. So when they finally got back to Ares’, he shepherded his lover into his room, slipped off his shoes, jacket and tie, and lay him down. He sat on the bed and with gentle fingers, searched Ares’ head for bumps.


“I’m okay,” Ares took his hand and kissed it.


“Please let me,” Joxer said quietly. Ares sighed and let his hand go. Joxer found a large, shallow cut that had been hidden by Ares’ hair and went to the kitchen to find a cloth and some water. He went into the bathroom on his way back and found some antiseptic and cotton wool.


Ares was sitting up and he smiled at Joxer. Joxer perched on the edge of the bed and put the water and antiseptic down on the bedside table. Carefully he cleaned the cut and wiped away the blood that had dripped down the back of Ares’ neck.


“This is going to sting,” he said quietly, soaking the cotton wool with antiseptic. He dabbed the cut gently and Ares hissed. Joxer gripped his head and continued to wipe carefully until he was sure it was clean. “I don’t think it needs stitches,” he whispered.


Joxer put the cotton wool down and dropped his head on Ares’ shoulder, trying not to cry as his emotions suddenly threatened to overwhelm him. Ares stroked the back of his neck, then lifted his head back up.


“Thank you,” Ares whispered.


Joxer sniffed and gave him a small smile. “I was worried,” he whispered back.


“I know, it’s kind of a new thing for me,” Ares confided quietly. Joxer frowned sadly and stroked his cheek. Ares caught his hand and kissed it again. Then he drew Joxer into his arms and bent his head, dropping a soft kiss onto Joxer’s lips.


Joxer clutched his face and leaned into Ares with a small whimper. His mouth opened and Ares’ tongue dipped gently between his lips. The kiss deepened, but stayed soft and slow as Ares pulled Joxer fully onto the bed.


He rolled them over so that he lay on top and lifted his head. He smoothed his younger lover’s hair back and stroked his cheek.


“I… I think I’m falling in love with you,” Ares whispered.


Joxer stared up at him with a mixture of shock and soul-deep joy. “Oh ‘Res,” he breathed. He pulled Ares down again and kissed him passionately, trying to convey the feelings he just couldn’t find words for. “Make love to me, Ares,” he whispered.


“Joxer,” Ares shook his head, “I don’t think…”


Joxer put a finger on his lips. “Please,” he whispered, “I want to be part of you.”


Ares groaned, “Oh God, Jox, I want you so much.”


Joxer sat up, pushing Ares back gently. He started to unbutton Ares’ shirt, stroking his lover’s throat and lightly haired chest as it was revealed. Ares yanked his shirt off and pulled Joxer closer.


He trailed small, nibbling kisses down Joxer’s neck, and pulled his shirt out of his pants, sliding his hand underneath to run up and down his back. Joxer’s hands roamed freely over his lover’s hard body.


Ares pulled Joxer’s shirt open and slipped it off. He continued to kiss Joxer’s neck and throat, stopping to suck occasionally, leaving small passion marks on his lover’s pale skin, and his hands wandered down to undo Joxer’s pants.


Ares pushed Joxer back down and stood up to take off his pants and shorts. Then he crawled over Joxer and hitched his pants and underwear down. Joxer lifted his hips so that Ares could pull them off.


Ares lay down on his side, half on top of Joxer and ran his hand down his lover’s chest and stomach, smiling at the small quiver that ran through the younger boy’s body.


He reached over and opened the drawer in his bedside table, digging around till he took out a small tube, which he put on top of the table. Then he turned his full attention back to Joxer.


They explored each other’s bodies with hands and mouths, searching out sensitive spots discovered in the past week and finding new ones. Joxer was panting helplessly by the time Ares settled between his legs. Ares wrapped his fingers round Joxer’s slim cock and stroked it slowly, reaching for the tube with his other hand.


He pulled back briefly, and Joxer watched his lover squeeze clear gel onto his fingers. Ares pushed Joxer’s legs back and further apart and, as he took Joxer’s cock into his mouth, he slipped a finger between firm asscheeks and rubbed gently.


“Oh God,” Joxer gasped, thrusting his hips down. The soft touch set his whole body alight and he whimpered, needing to feel more. Ares ran his lips up and down Joxer’s shaft and slowly pushed his finger inside Joxer’s body.


He lifted his head again. “Jox, you okay?”


“Yes, please, more,” Joxer whispered huskily.


Ares nodded and swallowed him again, working a second finger carefully into his tight passage. Joxer gasped and parted his legs more, rocking between his lover’s hot mouth and careful fingers.


Ares pushed deeper inside him and rubbed the small nub of his prostate. Stars exploded behind his eyes and he came hard into Ares’ mouth. Ares swallowed and continued to pump his fingers, stretching him carefully. A third finger had Joxer bucking under him.


“Please, ‘Res, need you,” Joxer groaned.


Ares knelt between his legs and stroked his hip gently. Then he reached over to the table for more lube, rubbing it over his shaft. Joxer watched him breathlessly. Ares lay on top of him and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to his body.


“Stay still and relax for me, Jox,” Ares whispered, “Breathe deeply.”


His lover’s thick cock pressed slowly inside him and Joxer breathed out heavily. “Oh,” he groaned.


Ares stopped and stroked his hair. “Shh, relax,” he whispered.


Joxer shook his head. “Need more,” he managed to say. Ares bent his head and kissed him gently as he slid further inside his younger lover. Joxer sucked in a breath at the feeling of completion, of Ares filling him, stretching him.


Ares stopped again, gasping. He looked a little strained.


“’Res?” Joxer stroked his face, “Are you okay?”


“God, yes!” Ares groaned, “You feel so good.”


“So do you,” Joxer whispered, shifting his hips so he could feel the stretch. Ares moaned and started to pull out slowly. Joxer sighed happily and wrapped his legs round Ares’ hips. Ares buried himself again, angling himself to hit Joxer’s prostate.


Joxer cried out at the shockwaves of pleasure coursing through him. Ares began a slow rhythm and they rocked together, hands clasped tightly, their eyes locked on each other’s face. Joxer shuddered as his renewed erection rubbed between their stomachs.


“’Res, need more,” he gasped.


Ares dropped onto his elbows and dipped his head to claim Joxer’s lips as he plunged harder into his lover. Joxer whimpered and clutched at him, thrusting his hips down.


Ares’ strokes speeded up and he buried himself deeper and deeper until Joxer was incapable of anything but meeting each stroke with a moan. He started to shudder uncontrollably and he pulled away from Ares’ mouth to scream as his hot seed splashed onto their bellies. His muscles clamped down on Ares’ cock and he felt his lover jerk against him.


“Oh God,” Ares groaned and thrust deep and hard, before collapsing on top of Joxer, small tremors racking his body. Joxer held his lover close, stroking his back softly. Ares rubbed his face against Joxer’s neck and kissed him. He started to pull back but Joxer held on tightly.


“No, stay,” Joxer whispered, he wanted Ares inside him for as long as possible.


Ares lifted his head and smiled at him gently. “Thank you,” he whispered.


Joxer touched his face. “What for?”


“Giving yourself to me,” Ares kissed him softly.


“I… I’m falling in love with you too,” Joxer said quietly.


“Oh, Joxer,” Ares breathed against his mouth. He rolled them over carefully so that he remained inside Joxer, but his lover now sprawled over him. As he softened and slipped out of Joxer’s body, Ares pulled the covers over them.


Joxer listened to Ares’ heartbeat until he fell asleep.


Part 18


When Joxer woke up, he found himself still lying on top of his lover’s body. He lifted his head and stared down at Ares with a gentle smile.


Very carefully, he slipped off Ares and out of bed. He put his pants on, grabbed his bag and headed for the bathroom, nearly walking into Strife.


“Oh hey, Jox,” Strife greeted him with a broad smile.


Joxer grinned at him, “Hi, you’re up early.”


“Yeah, had to pee.” Strife raised an eyebrow at him, “So, ‘mister hickey’, good night?”


Joxer blushed furiously and nodded, “Yeah, very.”


“Same here,” Strife smirked, “Time for another round, I think, see ya.”


Joxer chuckled and shook his head. When he got back to Ares’ room, his lover was still asleep. Joxer stood and stared at him for a moment, still a little unable to believe that Ares was *his* boyfriend, his *lover*!


He shook himself and took off his pants, crawling back into bed next to Ares. Ares mumbled in his sleep and pulled Joxer into his arms. Joxer sighed happily and snuggled in, soon dropping off again in the warm, safe embrace.




The next time Joxer woke, his head was in Ares’ now clothed lap and his hair was being gently stroked. Joxer lay quietly, simply enjoying the feeling of being cared for.


He turned so his head was facing Ares’ crotch, maintaining the pretence of sleep, although he was hard pushed not to smile at Ares’ sharp intake of breath. He nuzzled gently against his lover’s growing erection.


“You’d better be awake, Joxer,” Ares groaned. Joxer chuckled and wrapped his arms round Ares’ waist, opening his mouth to breathe warmly on the older boy’s groin. Ares’ hands slipped into his hair, tangling up.


Joxer nibbled up the length of the confined cock, softly massaging Ares’ shaft with his lips. He unzipped and unbuttoned Ares’ pants and carefully pulled out his cock. Joxer wrapped his mouth round the hard length and suckled languorously.


“Mmmm,” Ares moaned. One hand detached itself from Joxer’s hair and slid slowly down his back to his ass and squeezed gently. Then it slipped between Joxer’s legs and cupped his balls. It was Joxer’s turn to moan and he parted his legs wantonly, continuing to gently suck Ares’ cock.


Ares chuckled and took Joxer’s cock in a loose grip, pumping lazily. After a few minutes of gentle, slow loving, Joxer came with a quiet intensity and his moan pushed Ares into a long, shuddering climax.


Joxer continued to suckle until Ares gently pulled his head away. He sat up and shifted into Ares’ arms, tilting his head back to smile at his lover.


“Good morning,” he whispered.


“I’ll say,” Ares smiled at him, “What a way to start the day!” Joxer leant forward for a kiss and Ares obliged eagerly. “I wish you could stay over more often,” Ares whispered, nuzzling his ear.


“So do I,” Joxer said quietly. “At least m-my d-d-dad’s away at the weekends though.”


Ares frowned at him. “Yeah,” he said quietly. Joxer kissed him quickly, hoping to distract him from the touchy subject. When he pulled away, they were both breathing raggedly.


“Time to shift that beautiful butt, I’m hungry,” Ares grinned at him. Joxer shivered, feeling Ares’ fingers ghost over his asscheeks and dip briefly between them. Then he sighed and got up reluctantly. Ares handed him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.


“Shower?” Joxer asked.


Ares shook his head, “Not yet, I like smelling you on me.”


Joxer grinned, “Yeah, I like smelling me on you, too.”


Ares laughed and caught him in a hug, sniffing his neck. “’Course, you smell pretty damn good too,” he chuckled.


“That’s because I smell like you,” Joxer grinned.


“That’s true,” Ares smiled smugly. Joxer chuckled. Ares pulled Joxer up against his body for one more kiss, before they finally left the room.


In the kitchen, Strife was having his breakfast… Cupid.


“Jesus, don’t you guys *ever* stop?” Ares laughed.


“No!” Cupid gasped, clutching convulsively at Strife’s hair. Strife just continued to suck, gripping Cupid’s hips tighter. Joxer smiled and sat down, watching the couple avidly. Ares chuckled at him, stroked his hair back and went to the fridge.


“Oh God!” Cupid groaned. He jerked and shuddered, and Strife moaned, swallowing noisily. Strife knelt back on his heels and smiled up at Cupid, who leaned forward to kiss him, then pull him to his feet.


“Hi,” he grinned at Ares and Joxer. Joxer grinned back.


“You guys want fruit salad?” Ares asked.


“Sounds good.”






“So, Jox,” Strife sat down in Cupid’s lap. “You need a cushion or anything?” Joxer blushed and gaped.


Cupid clipped the back of Strife’s head lightly. “Don’t tease the poor boy,” he admonished. Strife chuckled and Joxer grinned at him.


“Be nice, children,” Ares said mock-sternly. He put a large bowl of fruit on the table and sat down next to Joxer. Joxer shifted closer and hooked a leg over Ares’ knee.


“You guys okay?” Ares asked Cupid and Strife.


“Yeah, fine,” Cupid smiled.


“Better than fine,” Strife smiled happily and kissed Cupid.


“What’s going to happen at school?” Joxer asked quietly.


“I don’t know, but we’ll get no support from Ms. Jones,” Cupid frowned.


“You can always go to Ms. Porter though,” Ares suggested.


“Really? How do you know?” Strife asked.


“She knows about me and Jox,” Ares flushed lightly, and Joxer nudged him with a grin.


“Oh?” Cupid raised an eyebrow.


“Saw us kissing,” Ares explained, “She’s cool though.” Cupid and Strife nodded.


Each of them fed their respective partners bits of fruit as they talked. Joxer tried to pretend he didn’t have to go home soon. After breakfast, they all took quick showers, and Joxer and Ares went back to Ares’ room. Ares sat on his bed and watched Joxer get dressed.


“Do you want a lift, or are you going to walk?” Ares asked him quietly.


“I think I might walk,” Joxer said quietly.


Ares lay back with a sigh, “So your father doesn’t see me?”


“N-n-no!” Joxer protested.


“Babe, you know your stutter gets worse when you lie?” Ares said quietly. Joxer’s eyes widened. “It also gets worse when you’re under pressure or you talk about your dad.”


“H-he’s j-j-just real st-strict,” Joxer whispered, wrapping his arms around himself.


“You shouldn’t be scared of him,” Ares sat up and gently urged Joxer down next to him. He put his arm round Joxer’s hunched shoulders.


“C-can we not t-talk about this n-now?” Joxer mumbled, burying his face in the crook of Ares’ neck.


Ares sighed, “Okay. But you know you can talk to me about anything, don’t you?”


Joxer felt his heart clench with a mixture of happiness and sadness and he nodded. “I know,” he whispered. Ares held him tightly and he clung to his strong lover, not wanting to ever leave the safety of his embrace.


“I have to go,” he whispered, “I never know what time he’ll get back on a Sunday.”


“Okay. Look, I don’t know what’s going to happen at school tomorrow, will you come round after in case I don’t see you?” Ares asked.


“Yeah, normal time?” Joxer asked. Ares nodded.


Ares walked him to the door and gave him a lung-bursting kiss before reluctantly letting him go. Joxer walked home slowly, enjoying the slight burn in his ass. It felt like Ares was still inside him. He was hoping his father wouldn’t be home yet, some quiet time to relive the weekend would be nice.




Joxer was sitting on the couch watching TV when his father lurched in. He perched nervously on the edge of his seat, wondering what sort of mood he’d be in.


His father snarled at him. “Get off the fucking couch!” he snapped, grabbing Joxer’s collar to yank him up. Joxer half dangled from his father’s grasp, heart pounding fearfully.


“What the fuck is that?” his father demanded suddenly.


Joxer blinked in confusion, “Wh-what?”


“Those marks on your neck?”


Joxer flushed and swallowed nervously, he didn’t know how to explain those. “Um, n-n-nothing, j-j-just b-b-bruises,” Joxer stuttered painfully.


“Bullshit!” his father exclaimed, “You’re a fucking, dirty, little, whore-son liar!” His father took a better grip of his collar and punched him in the stomach. Joxer gasped in pain, and struggled to breathe. “What are you?” his father asked, punching him again.


Joxer sagged, tears starting to flow soundlessly. “A l-l-l-liar.”


“That’s right! And liars get punished!” His father shoved him face down over the couch. Joxer flinched when he heard the sound of leather sliding across denim, and he shoved his fist into his mouth.


The first blow took him by surprise, because it hit him across the back. He bit down on his fist, his hoarse scream muffled. After the first few blows he was close to passing out, but his father liked to make sure his kids were conscious when he was punishing them, so he had no respite.


Finally, when he couldn’t scream any longer and he’d bitten through the skin of his fist, his father stopped.


“Stop bleeding on my carpet, you little shit. Get to your room!” his father yelled.


Joxer forced himself to his feet, holding on to the tatters of his pants. He made it upstairs to his bed, and passed out.


Part 19


The phone ringing woke him up. Fighting against the pain, he reached for the handset.


“H-he-hello?” he whispered.


“Joxer? It’s Ares, where are you?”


Joxer frowned, “What?”


“It’s half past eight, Jox are you okay?” Ares sounded worried.


“It’s Monday?” Joxer realised with horror that he’d been unconscious for a whole day.


“Joxer?! What do you mean ‘It’s Monday?’?” Ares’ voice was full of concern.


Joxer panicked, racking his brain for an excuse. “It’s ok-kay, I w-w-wasn’t f-feeling well, I m-m-must have s-slept r-right th-th-through.” He winced at how badly he was stuttering.


“I’m coming over,” Ares said.


“No!” Joxer took a deep breath, “No, p-please, m-my f-f-f-father’s home.”




“P-please, ‘Res. It’s a b-bad time, I’m f-f-fine, r-really,” Joxer pleaded. There was a moment of silence.


“Will you come round tomorrow? We’ve been suspended, I won’t see you at school,” Ares said quietly.


“I d-don’t think I c-can, d-d-dad grounded me,” Joxer whispered. He tried to think how long it would be before his ass healed decently.


“When will I see you then?” Ares whispered. Joxer bit his lip, frowning in distress, trying not to cry. “Joxer?”


“I d-don’t know. I w-want to see you ‘Res, but d-d-d-dad’s in a r-really bad m-m-mood,” Joxer said quietly.


“Jox,” Ares paused, “Are you ill or are you hurt?”


Joxer’s breath hitched. “I uh, I’m okay ‘Res, r-really.”


He heard Ares sigh heavily. “Jox, I hope you’ll talk to me about this sometime, but I’ll wait till you’re ready,” Ares voice was gentle and softly concerned. “Come round when you can, I’ll be here.”


“Okay,” Joxer swallowed against the tears that threatened.


“I’ll miss you, babe,” Ares whispered.


“I’ll miss you too.” Joxer’s voice caught in his throat.


“If you can’t come round, call me, okay?”


“Okay, bye, ‘Res,” Joxer said quietly.


“Bye, Jox.”


Joxer put the phone down and buried his head in his arms, sobbing quietly. He needed more than anything to see Ares, to feel safe again, but he couldn’t, not in the state he was in. He couldn’t bear the thought of Ares seeing him this way, he’d be disgusted.


Joxer levered himself off the bed, hissing with pain. He carefully peeled his clothes off, wincing where the cloth had stuck to his lacerated skin. Several welts started bleeding again and he hobbled to the shower quickly.


He kept the temperature low and used his tea tree soap to carefully wash and disinfect his bruised, gashed skin, tears flowing freely. Joxer lathered on as much comfrey ointment as he could and taped up the worst cuts. Before he could collapse back into bed, he had to change his sheets, which were crusted with dried blood.




He didn’t go to school that week. His father left a note to say he’d rung the school to say he’d be off, as his ‘wussy ass couldn’t take a man’s punishment’.


He spoke to Ares every night, but continued to maintain that he was grounded. And he refused to let Ares come round. He wasn’t ready to see his lover quite yet, no matter how much he wanted to.


The decision was taken away from him though. On Friday night, after his father had left, Joxer was startled by the doorbell ringing. He opened the door and his jaw dropped.


“’Res?” Ares smiled tightly at him. “I d-didn’t hear your bike.”


“I, I was out for a walk, found myself here,” Ares bit his lip, “I uh, Jox, can I come in?”


“Oh, y-yeah, sorry.” Joxer stood aside and let Ares in, closing the door behind him. He hugged his arms around his chest and led Ares up to his room. He tried not to shake with the nervousness and happiness and apprehension he was feeling. He sat down quickly. “Wh-why did you come? If m-my d-d-d-dad caught you…”


“I needed to see you,” Ares sat next to him and reached out towards him. Joxer closed his eyes, waiting for the touch, but it didn’t come. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, before opening one cautiously.


“’Res?” Ares was staring at the floor, hands clasped tightly in his lap.


“I need to ask you something,” Ares whispered. Joxer’s chest tightened painfully, and he couldn’t breathe. “Jox, are we… still together?”


Joxer breathed out in relief. “Oh God yes, ‘Res, yes!”


Ares looked up and smiled, he reached out and cupped Joxer’s cheek gently. Joxer sighed and leaned in.


“I can’t believe how much I’ve missed you,” Ares whispered, “I was going nuts.”


Joxer whimpered and crawled into Ares’ arms, needing desperately to feel safe again. Ares held him tightly, rubbing his back soothingly.


Joxer lifted his head, “I’ve missed you too.”


“Show me,” Ares breathed. Joxer licked his lips and leaned forward, hesitantly brushing his mouth against Ares’.


Ares moaned, his hand slid up Joxer’s back and gripped his neck, pulling him closer. Joxer opened his mouth to the insistent pressure of Ares’ tongue. He shifted to straddle Ares’ lap and wrapped his legs around his waist as he sucked hungrily on his lover’s tongue.


Five days apart had taken their toll and they rocked together frantically  as they devoured each other’s mouths. Ares pulled away and dropped his head onto Joxer’s shoulder. His fingers dug into Joxer’s hips and he thrust hard against Joxer’s groin.


Joxer didn’t feel any pain, he was too far gone. “Oh God, ‘Res!” Joxer gasped, his back arched and he came hard, Ares following him quickly with a cry.


“Fuck, babe,” Ares panted harshly. He lifted his head and stared at Joxer, who was flushed and breathing hard. “Kiss me.”


Joxer groaned and leaned forward again, sucking gently on Ares’ bottom lip. He dipped his tongue into Ares’ mouth, tasting his lover, exploring thoroughly. Ares lifted him up and lay him down on the bed, returning the kiss slowly.


They curled up together and Joxer pulled away to bury his face in Ares’ neck. Ares stroked his hair gently.


Part 20


“How long are you suspended?” Joxer whispered.


“Another week,” Ares replied. “Why haven’t you been in school?”


Joxer sighed, “How’d you know?”


“Eris told me. Are you okay?” Ares asked quietly.


“I am now,” Joxer sighed, snuggling closer.


Ares gave a quiet laugh and hugged him. “What happened on Sunday, Joxer?”


Joxer went quiet. “N-nothing.”


Ares sighed, “You’re not going to tell me are you?”


Joxer lifted his head and stared at Ares sadly. “It’s n-nothing, p-please ‘Res.”


Ares met his eyes and frowned slightly, “Okay, I said I’d wait till you were ready, so I will.”


Joxer smiled tightly, “Th-thank you.”


Ares stroked his face, “Don’t look so sad.” Joxer sighed. “Something else is wrong, isn’t it?” Ares asked.


“Jett’s got visiting hours tomorrow, but d-d-d-dad said no. It’s out of county so I can’t get there,” Joxer whispered.


“You really miss your brothers, don’t you?” Joxer nodded. “I’ll take you babe, you know that.”


Joxer smiled and kissed him, “Thank you.”


Ares grinned and pulled him down for another kiss. Joxer lay on top of Ares and framed his head with his hands, leaning down and gently licking his lover’s mouth.


Ares’ fingers wove into his hair and urged him closer to encourage a deeper kiss. Joxer moaned at the way Ares was sensuously tongue-fucking his mouth. His pants tightened uncomfortably and he bucked against his lover.


Ares groaned again and a gentle hand slid down Joxer’s back to grasp his ass. It burned slightly, but Joxer didn’t care, he was too lost in the sensation of Ares’ tongue claiming his mouth, and his hard cock pressed against his own erection.


He sat up and ripped his t-shirt off. Ares sighed in satisfaction and reached up to stroke soft, pink nipples. Joxer’s breath hitched and he moaned, arching into the firm touch. Ares sat up and wrapped his arms round Joxer, dipping his head to suck one pert nub into his mouth.


“Mmmm, God!” Joxer gasped, hips jerking convulsively. Strong fingers massaged their way down his back to his hips, gripping tightly. Joxer pulled at Ares’ shirt and the older boy sat back slightly so he could tug it off. Joxer’s fingers ran over smooth, tanned skin of their own accord. Ares crushed him to his chest and kissed him passionately as their hips rolled in a slow rhythm.


“’Res, oh God, I need you,” Joxer gasped desperately. It suddenly didn’t matter that Ares might see the marks on his ass, he needed to have his lover inside him, claiming and completing him, then he could feel safe again. “Please.”


Ares nodded wordlessly and kissed him again briefly. He gently lay Joxer back down on the bed and got up to strip the rest of his clothes off. Joxer watched his lover’s strong body revealed to his greedy gaze, and licked his lips unconsciously at the sight of Ares’ hard cock jutting from his groin. Joxer quickly pulled off his sweatpants and shorts.


Ares sighed and slowly ran a hand down Joxer’s body, before lying down again. Joxer wrapped himself round Ares’ body, making small whimpering noises in the back of his throat.


“Shhh, Jox, I’m here, we’re taking this slow, okay?” Ares whispered, stroking his back. Joxer froze when Ares’ hand finally came into contact with his naked ass. Ares stopped moving. “What’s that?”


Ares rolled him over and his breath hitched audibly. Gentle fingers traced Joxer’s still healing skin. “The bastard,” Ares whispered, “I’ll kill him.”


Joxer turned onto his side and took Ares’ hand, “Leave it ‘Res, please. J-just love me… make it better.” He put Ares’ hand on his hip and drew the older boy closer until they were sharing breath.


“Oh God, Joxer,” Ares kissed him desperately. Joxer pulled him back down on top of him, the weight of his lover felt reassuring. He wrapped his legs round Ares’ waist and thrust up. Ares breathed out raggedly. “You don’t know what you do to me,” he gasped.


Joxer reached over to his bedside table and found some cream, he handed it to Ares. “Make love to me, I need you to be inside me,” Joxer whispered. Ares kissed him again gently, before coating his fingers with the cream. He carefully and slowly prepared him. Joxer thrust impatiently, but Ares refused to hurry.


When he eventually withdrew his fingers, Joxer pushed him back slightly and turned over onto his hands and knees.


“Oh Christ,” Ares’ voice sounded strangled. Joxer twisted his head and stared at his lover. Ares was gazing at him with a mixture of lust and sorrow.


“Ares,” Joxer whispered hoarsely. Ares met his eyes. “Take me.”


Ares choked and quickly gripped Joxer’s hips, pushing his cock against the entrance to Joxer’s body. Joxer breathed out in ecstasy as he was filled and stretched slowly until he felt Ares’ balls resting against him. Ares pulled out again just as slowly, and Joxer shuddered with pleasure and happiness.


Then without warning, Ares slammed hard into him. Joxer gasped, his balls tightened and he nearly came. Ares paused for a second.


“More,” Joxer panted through gritted teeth as he forced his body back under control. Ares pulled back quickly and plunged into him balls deep. This time, there was no pause and Joxer dropped his head onto his forearms under the beautifully hard onslaught. “Harder, please, take me.”


“Fuck, Jox,” Ares gasped as he pounded into his young lover. “You feel so good.”  Ares gripped Joxer’s hips and plunged faster. He leaned over Joxer’s body to kiss his neck. “I love to be inside you, Joxer, it’s not me who takes you, it’s you who takes me,” he whispered softly, reaching under them to roughly stroke Joxer’s cock. Joxer gasped and came with a body wrenching jerk. He felt Ares shudder over him and the warmth of Ares’ seed filling him, and tears came. He collapsed on to the bed, crying.


Ares rolled Joxer over into his arms. “Shh, Jox, it’s going to be okay. I love you, I love you, shh.”


Joxer lifted his head, blinking away tears, and he smiled tremulously. “I love you.”


Part 21


Joxer woke up in Ares’ arms and smiled, then panicked. What if his father had come home during the night? He got up quietly and pulled on his sweatpants. He snuck through the house checking all the rooms, including the garage, where he’d once found his father passed out, but to his relief the house was empty.


He made his way back to his room, where he found Ares sitting up, staring at the picture of him and his brothers. Ares looked up and smiled at him.


“Morning, babe.” Ares patted the bed and Joxer curled up next to him. Ares hugged him and gave him a small kiss. Joxer touched the picture. “Are you and Jett much alike?” Ares asked.


Joxer shook his head, “Not really, I love him, but he can be real mean, not to me or Jace, but he is scary.”


“At sixteen?” Ares asked, raising an eyebrow.


Joxer nodded sadly. “It was his way of dealing with things, he got into fighting and weapons and stuff. He used to pound the crap out of anyone who tried to bully me or Jace. We were the only ones he didn’t ever hurt. Even d-d-dad was scared of him, that’s why he won’t visit.”


“Why’s he in juvey?” Ares stroked Joxer’s arm soothingly.


“At-t-tempted m-murder,” Joxer whispered.


“Fuck, you’re kidding?!” Ares exclaimed. Joxer shook his head. “Wow,” Ares breathed, “Who?”


“The doctor wh-who helped d-d-d-dad commit Jace,” Joxer said quietly.


“Oh,” Ares’ breath came out in a whoosh, “I guess, I can kind of understand that.” Joxer gripped him fearfully. “No, I just mean I’d want to kill someone who hurt someone I loved. And we will talk about your father, Joxer, soon.”


Joxer nodded, looking away worriedly. Ares lifted his chin gently and kissed him. “Hey, I promise I won’t kill him, how’s that?”


Joxer couldn’t help the small smile and he nodded. Ares grinned at him and kissed him again.




They took their first shower together, clinging to each other, exchanging soft kisses as they stroked each other to completion. Ares washed Joxer tenderly, paying special attention to the still healing skin of his ass.


Joxer cooked them breakfast before they walked back to Ares’ to get his bike. Joxer hated not being able to touch his lover for that brief time.


They were unfortunate enough to run into Hercules as he came out of the main house.


“Oh look,” Hercules sneered, “The big loser and his pet tutor.”


Ares’ hands clenched into fists and he snarled at his stepbrother. “Fuck off, jerk,” he growled.


Hercules frowned, “What do you need a tutor for, dickwad? You’re gonna flunk out of school anyway, and suspension’s gonna look real good on your permanent record.”


Ares took a step towards Hercules.


“Hey, back off, asshole. Wouldn’t want to have to tell your daddy you let a couple of fags use your place, for whatever it is they do,” Hercules smirked triumphantly. His smirk faded somewhat when Ares smiled suddenly.


Ares’ hand shot out to grip Hercules’ throat. “While I’m sure you know exactly what ‘*fags*’ get up to, dad already knows, so go stick it up your ass!” He shoved Hercules back. “Come on, Jox.”


Joxer couldn’t help grinning, and he followed Ares to the guest house, Hercules staring after them dumbfounded. As they moved out of view of the main house, Ares slipped an arm round his waist and squeezed him.


“Does your dad really know?” Joxer asked.


“Oh yeah. He was surprisingly understanding actually, never told anyone when they were keeping it a secret. ‘Course he didn’t exactly know what they got up to, I doubt if he ever really thought about it,” Ares grinned at him. He held open the door for Joxer and followed him in.


Eris was lounging on an armchair watching TV, while Cupid and Strife were making out on the couch, as usual.


“Joxer!” Eris exclaimed, beaming at him. Strife and Cupid looked up.


“Well, thank God!” Strife grinned at Joxer, “You have *no* idea what an asshole Ares has been this week!”


“Hey! Quiet you,” Ares glared at his cousin, who just smirked at him.


Joxer had to laugh, then he blinked innocently when Ares turned his glare onto him. Ares snorted and pouted until Joxer gave him a quick kiss. Suitably mollified, Ares gently pushed Joxer towards the free chair.


“I’ll just change my clothes and put together some lunch, then we can go if you like?” Ares suggested. Joxer smiled and nodded.


“Go where? Can we come?” Strife bounced excitedly.


Joxer glanced at Ares, who shrugged. “It’s not my place to tell them, babe, it’s up to you.”


“Sounds ominous,” said Cupid with a small frown.


Joxer shook his head, “We’re going to visit my brother.”


“Oh cool, meeting the in-laws already, ‘Res?” Strife chuckled. “I didn’t realise you had any brothers or sisters, is he older or something?” Strife looked curious.


Joxer shook his head, “No, we’re triplets.”


“Oh rad!” Strife exclaimed excitedly, “I bet you can really fuck with people’s heads.”


Joxer chuckled, “Yeah, we used to when we were kids.” Ares sat on the arm of the chair and squeezed his shoulder.


“So, where is he?” Cupid asked.


“Uh, M-Melville’s,” Joxer said hesitantly. Strife and Cupid looked blank.


Eris frowned, “Isn’t that… oh.”


“What?” Strife asked, a little impatiently.


Joxer cleared his throat, “It’s a m-maximum sec-security juvenile d-d-detention centre,” he stuttered quietly.


“Oh.” There was an awkward silence, before Strife grinned at him. “Well, aren’t you the man of mystery!”


Joxer chuckled in relief. Ares bent down and kissed him, then he got up. “I won’t be long,” he said. Joxer nodded.


“So, you’re the nice one, your Melville connection’s the naughty one, you got the other one locked up in a nuthouse or something?” Strife chuckled jokingly. Joxer blanched and looked away. “Oh shit. You’re kidding? I’m sorry, man, I didn’t mean anything.” Strife looked mortified.


Joxer smiled tightly. “It’s okay. If my d-d-dad knew I w-was g-g-gay, I’d be j-joining him.”


Strife, Cupid and Eris gaped at him.


“Wow, no offence, man, but your father sounds like a dick!” Strife said quietly.


“Yeah,” Joxer whispered.


“I’m glad you and ‘Res are okay,” Eris said with a gentle smile.


“So am I,” Joxer smiled back at her.


Ares came into the room and frowned at the tense atmosphere. “Strife, what did you say?” he asked angrily.


“Hey, what ya blaming me for?” Strife exclaimed defensively.


“It’s okay, ‘Res, he didn’t say anything,”  Joxer said quietly.


“Sorry,” Ares muttered in Strife’s general direction.


“Yeah, well, whatever,” Strife pouted. He sat back against Cupid, who wrapped his arms around him comfortingly.


Ares held out a hand to Joxer and pulled him to his feet and into a quick hug. “We’ll see you guys later.”


Part 22


“So, Melville’s?” Ares handed Joxer the spare helmet. Joxer nodded. He got on the bike behind Ares and wrapped his arms tightly round his lover. He loved riding on the bike, it gave him a valid excuse for touching Ares.


It took them just over an hour and by the time they got there, Joxer was feeling very nervous. As they walked to the front office, Ares slipped a hand under his jacket and stroked his back soothingly. Joxer smiled at him gratefully.


A very bored looking guard barely looked up at them. “Who are you visiting?”


“J-Jett C-C-Corinth,” Joxer winced at his stutter.


“Relationship to offender?” the guard barely stifled a yawn.


“Brother and c-c-cousin.”


“You want me to come in?” Ares whispered.


“Please, ‘Res,” Joxer nodded, looking pleadingly at his lover.


Ares smiled at him and gently touched his cheek, “Okay.”


The guard raised an eyebrow at them, “Cousins, huh?” Ares glared at him. The guard cleared his throat nervously, “Yes, well, if you’ll just sign here, you can go on through.”


“Come on, babe,” Ares said quietly, with a final glare at the guard.


Joxer paced nervously in the small room, until Ares got up and made him sit down, rubbing his shoulders gently.


“How long has it been, Jox?” Ares spoke softly.


“Six months,” Joxer sighed, “Longer for Jace, we’re not allowed to visit him at all.”


Ares crouched next to him and looked up. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.” He cupped Joxer’s face and Joxer leaned down to share a soft kiss.


“Bringing your fella to meet the psycho brother?” They jumped apart in surprise. “You sure that’s a good idea?”




A longer-haired version of Joxer, dressed in a blue boiler suit, stood in the doorway with a smirk on his face. Joxer smiled and stepped forward. His brother picked him up into a bear hug.


Joxer laughed. “Put me down, J,” he exclaimed.


“So, J,” Jett started, putting his brother back down, “You gonna introduce me?” He stared at Ares, eyes narrowing slightly. Joxer glanced at Ares, who was sitting back down looking completely relaxed. Joxer gave him a small smile and Ares smiled back reassuringly.


“This is Ares,” Joxer walked over to his lover, “My boyfriend.”


Jett smiled, “Well that’s obvious.” He walked over to the opposite side of the table and leaned over it, staring at Ares. Ares met his gaze calmly.


“How old are you?”




“You gay?”


“Yes, I am.”


“First boyfriend?”




“You top?”


“Jett!” Joxer exclaimed, “That’s enough!”


Ares touched his arm gently. “It’s okay, babe,” he said quietly, squeezing his arm gently.


“Well,” Jett sniffed, “You seem okay.” He leaned forward threateningly, “Hurt him and I’ll kill you.”


Ares sat forward and frowned at Jett. “That’s not something you have to worry about,” he said with quiet menace.


“Can we stop with the alpha male posturing please?!” Joxer glared at them both. “J, no threatening my boyfriend please, okay? And Ares, don’t be so defensive, I know you won’t hurt me.”


Ares looked apologetic and Joxer sat in his lap, patting his cheek gently. Then he raised an eyebrow at his brother. Jett pouted slightly, but sat down.


“Okay, J, what’s the old man been up to?” Jett asked quietly.


“Wh-what do you m-mean?” Joxer asked. Jett tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. Joxer flushed. “How’d you know?”


“The way you’re moving and sitting, even though he’s got to be a heck of a lot more comfortable than these fucking chairs!” Jett exclaimed.


“It wasn’t bad,” Joxer said quietly.


“Not bad?!” Ares gaped, “Babe, you had to take a week off school! Those two ‘falls’ were him too, weren’t they?” Joxer nodded, squeezing his eyes shut, burying his face in Ares’ neck. His breath hitched and Ares lifted his head. “Oh, Jox, I’m sorry.” Ares gently kissed away the tears that had escaped. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”


“He used the belt, didn’t he?” Jett asked quietly. Joxer nodded. “Oh, I’m *so* gonna enjoy killing him!” Jett growled.


Joxer half laughed, “You got five more years in here, J.”


“And?” Jett smirked.


“And?! That was for *attempted* murder!” Joxer exclaimed, “He’s not worth life!”


“Relax, J,” Jett said quietly, “Who said anything about murder? Accidents happen all the time.”


Joxer shook his head and sighed, “J…”


“So,” Jett interrupted him, “Heard anything from J lately?”


“No,” Joxer frowned, “Still can’t visit and I don’t think he’s getting my letters.”


“Damn, that doctor’s vindictive,” Jett’s eyes narrowed.


“Well, you did try to kill him, J,” Joxer said quietly. Ares was stroking his back again and it helped him stay relaxed.


Jett snorted, “He wanted to use electroshock therapy for fuck’s sake. Christ, J’s only a transvestite. That quack’d have a field day with you, ‘the gay one’” Jett made quotations marks with his fingers.


“Yeah, thanks a whole lot, J,” Joxer glared at his brother.


Jett sat back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Anyway, what’s the story with you two, huh?” Jett raised an inquiring eyebrow at Ares, “What’s my bro got?”


Joxer flushed, “*J*!”


Ares tilted Joxer’s chin up, “Would you like to know?” he whispered. Joxer swallowed and nodded. Ares turned back to Jett. “Well, first, I was curious, you know? I mean, a sixteen year old senior and all. So I watched him. I thought he was cute,” Joxer flushed again and Ares grinned at him, “And sweet and I liked the shyness. And then, well, I couldn’t stop watching, and I found out that he is kind and funny and brilliant, and that I had a massive crush on him.”


“’Res,” Joxer whispered. Ares smiled at him and Joxer kissed him with soft urgency.


“Ah geez, if you weren’t making my brother so happy, I think I’d puke!” Jett groaned at the tender display. Joxer pulled a face at him. “So, I take it Ares is the amazing guy you didn’t have a ‘cat in hell’s chance’ with?”


Joxer nodded. Jett leaned forward and winked conspiratorially, “You boinked yet?” he whispered.


“Jett!” Joxer went bright red and shifted uncomfortably.


“You have?!” Jett looked slightly shocked, “Well shit, J, I’m impressed.”


There was a knock at the door and a guard came in. Jett and Joxer stood up.


“Well, I guess it’s time, bro,” Jett looked regretful. Joxer nodded and pulled his brother into a hug. Jett squeezed him briefly, then he held his hand out to Ares. “Look after him,” he said quietly.


Ares shook his hand and nodded, “Count on it.”


“Ah, come on, ya breakin ma heart here,” the guard sneered at them. The combined glare of Jett and Ares made the guard blanch and back away.


“I might be able to get down next month, if ‘Res can bring me,” Joxer glanced at his boyfriend, who nodded.


“Cool, see ya J, and don’t forget to write,” Jett grinned.


“I’m not the one who forgets,” Joxer said pointedly.


“Yeah, yeah,” Jett snickered and followed the guard out of the room.


Part 23


Ares turned Joxer around and hugged him. “You okay?” he asked.


Joxer nodded, burying his face in the comforting warmth of Ares’ chest. Ares guided him gently out of the building and back to the bike.


“Do you want to stop somewhere and eat?” Ares asked. Joxer nodded and gave him a small smile. “I’m sure we can find somewhere nice and quiet.”


Joxer climbed onto the bike behind his lover and clung on tightly. He felt both happy and sad at seeing his brother after so long. At least he’d have more opportunity to see him in future.


Ares turned down a country road and pulled off into a small, deserted picnic area. He carried his bag over to a tree and sat down, leaning against it. He grinned up at Joxer and patted the ground between his legs. Joxer sat down, side on, draping his legs over one of Ares’ and leaning against his lover.


“Thank you,” he said, smiling up at Ares.


Ares dropped a kiss on his lips, “You’re more than welcome.” He pulled the bag closer and dug out some sandwiches. “Now, eat, you’re looking a little skinny, babe.”


Joxer rolled his eyes, “Yes, dear.” Ares chuckled and stuffed a sandwich into his mouth. “Wtowngtdst,” Joxer mumbled.


“Pardon?” Ares chuckled.


Joxer carefully chewed and swallowed, “I said, watch it or you won’t get dessert.”


Ares looked momentarily confused, then he grinned, “Oh really, what’s for dessert?”


Joxer smiled shyly, “Me.”


Ares’ sandwich disappeared in a matter of seconds. “So,” Ares whispered huskily, “Is it time for dessert yet?”


Joxer chuckled and Ares pounced. Joxer found himself flat on his back, being tickled half to death, screaming and laughing hysterically. He managed to capture his lover’s head between his hands and pulled Ares down for a heart stopping kiss.


Ares moaned and lifted Joxer back up, into his lap, pulling him close. Joxer gasped and bucked when his lover’s hands appeared at his crotch and pulled open his pants, releasing his confined erection. Ares tugged his own pants open and pressed their cocks together.


“Oh God,” Joxer moaned. Ares took Joxer’s hand and wrapped it round their cocks before clasping his own around them. Joxer dropped his head onto Ares’ shoulder, shuddering as they stroked together. Ares guided their pace, slowly speeding up. Joxer was overwhelmed with sensation and when Ares gently nibbled his neck, he cried out, jerking helplessly as he came.


“Oh God, Jox,” Ares moaned, clutching him tightly. Joxer felt Ares’ come spurting against his hand and groin and he smiled against his lover’s shoulder.


After a couple of minutes holding each other, Ares pulled back. “Don’t suppose you’ve got some tissue?” he asked.


Joxer laughed and nodded. Ares took the proffered tissue from him and carefully wiped them both clean. He did up their pants and got up.


“Can you stand?” he asked with a small smirk.


Joxer laughed again, “Yes, I think I can manage.”  Ares pulled him to his feet and hugged him.




Back at Ares’, Eris was out and Strife and Cupid were curled up, half naked, asleep on the couch.


“Don’t they ever go out?” Joxer whispered.


“Are you kidding?” Ares chuckled. “Actually, the last couple of weeks have been quite unusual. Mostly Cupe can’t go out, but his parents are away and his grandfather doesn’t care what he does, so he’s kinda moved in for the duration.”


“What about Strife’s parents?” Joxer asked.


Ares wrapped his arms round Joxer and stared at his cousin, sighing quietly. “They’re dead. Dad’s officially his guardian, but he pretty much lives down here with us.”


“Oh,” Joxer dropped his head back onto Ares’ shoulder and looked up at his lover, “Let’s not disturb them.”


Ares smiled and nodded. They quietly left the other couple to their peaceful slumber and went to Ares’ room, where they curled up on the bed.


“You’re staying tonight, right?” Ares asked quietly.


“Mmmm, yes please,” Joxer rested his head on Ares’ chest, listening to the slow, steady heartbeat. He tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn and Ares sighed.


“You haven’t had much sleep this week, have you?” Ares asked quietly.


“No,” Joxer mumbled.


Ares stroked his hair. “Sleep now, love.”




When Joxer woke up, the light was fading. He was still curled up on Ares and he smiled happily.


“You awake?” Ares whispered. Joxer nodded and Ares kissed the top of his head. “Wanna get up?”


“Okay,” Joxer lifted his head, blinking sleep out of his eyes. Ares smiled at him and ruffled his hair. Joxer sat up and poked his tongue out at his lover.


“Hey, no gratuitous use of tongue unless my mouth is involved!” Ares chuckled.


Joxer tilted his head and grinned wickedly, “Only your mouth?”


“Ooh, baby,” Ares licked his lips, “You can show me more gratuitous use of your tongue later.”


Joxer laughed, “I promise.”


Ares heaved them off the bed and they went back to the lounge. The four occupants looked up at them in surprise.


“Hey, didn’t know you were in,” Eris grinned.


“Sleeping,” said Ares, sitting down with Joxer.


“Uh huh,” Strife leered at them.


Ares chuckled. “So, what are we doing?” he asked.


“*We* are going bowling, wanna come?” Cupid smiled.


“Jox?” Ares asked.


“Um, okay,” Joxer smiled, he hadn’t been bowling for a while.


“Cool, even numbers for a change,” Auto grinned, “Usually, it’s me and Cupe against these three hustlers.”


“Ah, the team of King, King and Payne kick ass, I gotta warn ya, Jox,” Strife chuckled.


“Hey,” Cupid elbowed his lover, “Tonight Love, Voleur and Corinth are taking the crown!”


“Wanna bet?” Strife smirked.


“Hell yeah!” Cupid grinned, “Winner gets blow jobs on demand for a week.”


“You are on!” Strife sealed the bet with a long kiss. The other four chuckled at them.


“Come on, we can take my truck,” Auto suggested.


Part 24


Of course, what the others didn’t know, was that Joxer was an excellent bowler, former champion of his old school in fact. Not that he was going to tell them.


“You ever been to E20?” Strife asked him. Strife, Joxer and Ares were sitting in the back and Cupid was squashed into the front with Eris and Auto. Joxer shook his head. “You’ll love it, *very* gay friendly.”


“A gay bowling alley?” Joxer raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah, one of the few places me an’ Cupe have been able to go out together,” Strife smiled fondly at his lover who was talking animatedly with Eris and Auto. He leaned forward and gently stroked Cupid’s neck.


Cupid stopped talking and turned his head. “Baby,” he whispered.


Strife bent over the back of the chair and kissed his blond lover’s neck. “I love you,” he whispered.


Cupid reached back and touched Strife’s cheek. “I love you too.”


Joxer watched the pair, smiling happily. Ares hugged him closer and nuzzled his neck. “They’re lovely to watch, aren’t they?” he whispered. Joxer leaned into him and nodded. “I used to be envious of what they have,” Ares continued quietly.


Joxer turned his head slightly and looked up at him. “Used to be?” he whispered.


“Yeah, used to be,” Ares kissed him gently. When they looked up again, it was Strife and Cupid smiling fondly at them. Ares and Joxer grinned back.


“Okay guys, nuff of the mutual appreciation society, we’re here,” Auto snickered.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Strife muttered.


Inside, Joxer was pleasantly surprised at the warm, friendly atmosphere and the mix of gay and straight couples and groups.


“Time to kick some booty!” Strife rubbed his hands together in glee.


“That’s fighting talk,” Auto laughed. “You can bowl, can’t you, Jox?”


“A little,” Joxer gave Auto and Cupid a sneaky wink.


“Ahahaha! Better get your throat warmed up, baby,” Strife cackled.


Cupid slapped his arm, “That’s gross!”


“Come on children,” Eris gave a melodramatic sigh.


Joxer went up first.


“Do you want some help, babe?” Ares asked him.


“Um, yeah, maybe,” Joxer swallowed a smile. Ares picked up a medium weight ball and handed it to Joxer. Then he wrapped his arms round his lover’s slim frame.


“Okay, hold it like this, and give it good swing and follow through.”


“Okay, like this?” Joxer stepped forward and stuck the ball straight down the centre, getting the strike. “That’s good, right?” he hid a smirk.


Strife and Ares looked stunned. “Uh, yeah. Well done, babe,” Ares pecked his cheek.




By the end of the night, the team of Love, Voleur and Corinth had wiped the floor with King, King, and Payne.


Strife dropped his head onto his hands and groaned, “I don’t fucking believe it! Out-hustled by the newbie!” Cupid stood up and held out his hand to his boyfriend. “Huh?” Strife looked up.


“Time to make good on our bet, baby,” Cupid smirked.


Strife gave a mock sigh. “Ah shit, cos, like, that’s gonna be such a hardship,” he laughed. The couple disappeared in the direction of the bathroom, giggling.


Ares sat down and put an arm round Joxer’s shoulders. “So, mister, got something you wanna share?”


Joxer smirked, “I can bowl?” Ares laughed and kissed him hard.


“That was very cool,” Auto chuckled, “Thanks Jox, they’ll never live this one down.” Eris pouted. “Ah, come on,” Auto leaned towards her, “Gimme some sugar, baby.” Eris grinned and kissed him. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Auto licked his lips. “I vote we go as soon as the lovebirds get back.”


“I second that,” Ares nodded in agreement, leering at Joxer.


“Well, well, I thought I’d find you here.”


Ares froze. Joxer frowned and looked round. He gasped at the sheer beauty of the blond man standing behind them, but something about the way he was looking at Ares, made Joxer’s skin crawl.


“Apollo,” Ares said tightly, “We were just leaving.” He looked round for Cupid and Strife who were making their way over, and appeared to hurry when they saw the newcomer.


“Pity,” Apollo pouted, “I’m sure we’ll get a chance to… ‘catch up’ soon.” He gave Joxer a derisive sneer that made him frown in confusion.


Ares put an arm back round Joxer’s shoulders. “Let’s go, love.”


Apollo sniffed and Joxer could feel his eyes on them as they walked away.


“I don’t fucking believe that guy!” Strife exclaimed when they got outside.


“We’re not going to talk about it,” Ares muttered through gritted teeth.




“Not a word!” Ares snapped. Joxer frowned again and touched Ares’ arm. Ares sighed and hugged him close. “He’s just someone I used to know.”


Joxer nodded, but he felt uneasy. The journey back was tense and silent and Joxer was really worried about Ares. Eris and Auto dropped them off and Cupid and Strife quickly disappeared into her room.


Part 25


“You hungry, babe?” Ares asked Joxer distractedly.


Joxer wrapped his arms round his lover and looked deep into dark, brown eyes, “Only for you,” he whispered.


Ares smiled for the first time since leaving the bowling alley, and picked him up. Joxer hooked his legs round Ares’ hips and his strong lover carried him to the bedroom.


“Joxer, I need to be inside you,” Ares whispered, sounding a little desperate.


Joxer ran his fingers through thick, dark curls. “Good, cause I need you inside me,” he whispered back. Joxer wriggled out of Ares’ arms and started to take his clothes off. He stopped when he realised Ares was just staring at him.


“’Res?” he whispered.


Ares met his eyes and blinked slowly. “Did you know that you’re beautiful?”


“Ares,” Joxer smiled shyly and stepped forward to gently kiss his lover. Ares pulled him closer, and urged his mouth open with his tongue, dipping in to explore. Joxer moaned quietly, cupping Ares’ cheek and sucking gently. Then he pulled back, gasping for breath.


“Get undressed,” Joxer whispered. Ares nodded and tugged his clothes off hurriedly. “Lie down.”


Ares lay down and watched him expectantly. Joxer took the rest of his clothes off and climbed onto the bed to straddle Ares’ hips. Their cocks pressed together and Joxer bent down to capture Ares’ gasp with his mouth.


Joxer reached over to the table and picked up the lube, spreading a generous amount on his fingers.




“Shh,” Joxer gave Ares a small kiss, “Let me love you.”


Ares smiled and nodded. “Please,” he whispered.


Joxer bent down to kiss his lover again as he reached round and prepared himself carefully. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he stroked lube onto Ares’ cock. He felt a shiver pass through the older boy and petted his chest soothingly.


“Please,” Ares whispered again. Joxer smiled gently and sat down, slowly impaling himself on Ares’ thick length.


“Oh, God,” Joxer gasped. He loved the way Ares felt inside him, stretching him almost to the point of discomfort, until they started to move together and there was nothing but sheer pleasure.


Once Ares was buried balls deep inside him, Joxer stopped, panting slightly. Ares sat up and they wrapped their arms around each other. They shared small, urgent kisses as Joxer rocked more and more frantically against Ares.


Ares reached between them and pulled quickly on Joxer’s cock. Joxer moaned softly into Ares’ mouth, coming with blinding intensity. He could almost feel Ares’ cock pulsing inside him when his muscles clamped down tightly.


“Jox, oh baby,” Ares gasped. He drew Joxer into a deep, soft kiss, before lying down and pulling the younger boy on top of him. Joxer snuggled happily.


A sudden cry of, “Oh God, yes, Strife!” made them both giggle. Ares hugged Joxer. “Thank you,” he whispered. Joxer looked up and smiled.




Joxer rested his head on Ares’ shoulder with a sigh.


“I don’t want you to go,” Ares whispered.


“I don’t want to go, but I have to be home before m-my f-f-father,” Joxer whispered back.


Ares’ grip tightened. “If he lays so much as a finger on you…”


“’Res, I’ll be okay, I promise,” Joxer said softly. They shared a few small, soft, nibbling kisses before Ares reluctantly let Joxer go.


“Don’t forget, Duke’s tomorrow night,” Ares said quickly.


“I know,” Joxer grinned, “Friday the 13th night on a Monday, makes a lot of sense!”


“Yeah, well, be early, or I’ll worry.” Ares gave him a last kiss.


“I will.”


Part 26


Monday couldn’t go fast enough for him. To his relief he hadn’t seen his father at all and had managed to catch up on the work he’d missed. He avoided Hercules and the others as best he could, but several glares and whispered comments were directed his way. He hurried home afterwards to get ready to go out. As soon as he heard his father leave, Joxer walked into town.


At the cinema, he could see Ares through the doors, and grinned, until he opened them and saw Apollo pressed up against his lover. To his horror, Apollo pulled Ares into a passionate kiss.


Joxer’s eyes blurred with tears and his chest clenched painfully as the bottom dropped out of his world, and he turned and ran. He didn’t stop until he got home, where he locked himself in his room, throwing himself onto his bed, his whole body racked with sobs.


A short while later, the doorbell rang and Joxer froze. It rang again, then again, followed by pounding on the door.


“Joxer?!” Joxer whimpered. “Jox, please!”


Joxer pressed his hands against his ears and curled up into a tight ball, shaking. It seemed like forever, but Ares finally left, and Joxer cried himself into a fitful sleep.




Joxer wandered around school in a daze the next day, so quiet and pale, that several teachers asked him if he was okay. Joxer just nodded mutely each time he was asked.


During a study period, Ms. Porter asked to see him. Joxer went to her office, still too out of it to wonder what she might want. She smiled kindly at him and told him to sit down.


“Well, Joxer,” she started, “Would you like to talk about it?”


Joxer stared blankly at her. “Talk about what?”


“About whatever’s got you so upset.” Ms. Porter sat on her desk in front of him.


Joxer’s eyes filled with tears suddenly. “I, uh…” His breath hitched painfully.


“It’s okay, Joxer. You can talk to me in total confidence, about anything,” she said quietly.


“I s-saw Ares k-k-k-kissing an-nother g-guy,” Joxer whispered, stuttering painfully.


“Why don’t you tell me exactly what happened,” she suggested.


“Wh-why?” Joxer sobbed quietly.


“Because I don’t think that someone who looks at you, the way Ares does, would cheat on you.”


Joxer blinked at her in surprise. “I w-went to meet him at th-the c-cinema, and wh-when I g-got there, I saw Apollo, the g-g-guy, with him, and th-they kissed.”


“Ares was waiting for you?” Joxer nodded. “And who actually initiated the kiss?”




She nodded, “And what happened then?”


“I d-don’t know,” Joxer whispered, “I r-ran home.”


“Did Ares come after you?” she asked. Joxer nodded. “It sounds like a misunderstanding to me, Joxer. Maybe you should hear him out, or at least find out what happened after you left. What do you think?” Joxer nodded hesitantly.


“Is there someone you can talk to, or call, you can use my phone if you like,” she smiled gently at him. Joxer blinked away fresh tears and nodded. Ms Porter handed him the phone and he dialled quickly.






“Joxer? Oh, thank God! Ares is a mess, are you okay? Shit, it *so* wasn’t what it looked like!” Strife babbled.


“Wh-what happened?” Joxer asked quietly.


Strife took a deep breath. “’Kay, Apollo was Ares’ first boyfriend a couple of years ago and he seems to think they can just pick up where they left off. ‘Pol was pissed cos ‘Res told him where to stick it, so when he saw you, he kissed ‘Res.


“You missed ‘Res shoving him away and then punching his lights out when he insulted you,” Strife stopped suddenly. “Jox?” he whispered. “Please, he’s beside himself. I’ve never seen him like this before.”


“I j-just need a little t-time to th-think,” Joxer whispered.


Strife sighed, “Okay. But remember, he loves you.”


“Yeah,” Joxer breathed, “Thanks, Strife.” He put the phone down and squeezed his eyes shut.


“Joxer?” Ms Porter said quietly, “Is everything all right?”


“I th-think so,” Joxer whispered.


She patted his shoulder gently. “Good.”


“Thank you, Ms P-Porter,” Joxer smiled gratefully at her.


“You can call me ‘Dite,” she winked conspiratorially.


Joxer couldn’t help laughing. “Th-thank you ‘Dite.”




Joxer walked home slowly, lost in thought. He knew Strife had told him the truth, but there were still things that were worrying him.


He stopped on the path to his front door. Ares was sitting on the steps, his head on his knees, hands gripping his hair. Joxer walked quietly to the door and touched Ares’ hair.


“’Res?” Ares looked up. His eyes were red and he looked pale. Joxer sighed. “You can come in.”


Ares followed Joxer into the house and up to his room silently. They sat down on Joxer’s bed. Ares started to speak, but Joxer shook his head.


“Strife told me what happened,” he said quietly.


Ares sighed. “Why do I get the feeling that’s not the only problem,” he whispered.


“I, ‘Res, I just…”


“What? Love, please, what is it?” Ares’ brow wrinkled worriedly.


“’Res, you, you have a history w-with him. He w-was your f-f-first love, he’s gorgeous and o-older. H-how can I compete w-w-with that?” Joxer whispered as tears started to flow freely.


Ares took a deep hitching breath. “Oh, Jox. Apollo hurt me, but he didn’t break my heart. He was my first lover, but *you* are my first love. Nothing we once shared, nothing he could do or say or try, could make me risk losing, or hurting you,” Ares cupped Joxer’s cheek, gently wiping away tears. “Do you understand now? I love you.”


Joxer nodded and threw himself into Ares’ arms. Ares held him tightly and lay them both down on the bed, wrapping himself round Joxer’s slim frame. They lay there together, just holding each other until they fell asleep.


Part 27


When Joxer woke up, he found himself spooned up with Ares, almost completely enfolded by his larger lover. He was clasped to Ares’ chest, both strong arms wrapped round him. Ares’ chin was hooked over his shoulder so they lay cheek to cheek. Ares’ leg was curled over his and Joxer could feel his lover’s erection pressed against his ass.


“’Res?” he whispered. No reaction. “’Res,” he said a little louder. Ares snuffled, grunted and went back to sleep. Joxer reached back and wriggled his hand between their bodies. “’Res!” he said loudly at the same as he squeezed Ares’ groin.


Ares jumped. “Jesus!” he exclaimed.


“I thought that might get your attention,” Joxer said softly, continuing to squeeze gently.


“I, um, ooh, Jox,” Ares gasped incoherently.


“Fuck me, ‘Res,” Joxer said quietly.


“I… what?” Ares whispered in shock.


“Fuck me,” Joxer repeated.


“But, I…”


Joxer twisted round in Ares’ arms and silenced him with a kiss. “I need you. I need to be part of you. I want you to take me, ‘Res, I want you to take me so hard I can feel it for the rest of the week, so that I can feel a part of you, even when we’re apart.”


“Oh God, Jox,” Ares gasped. “I love you.”


“Good,” Joxer smiled, “I love you too. Now,” Joxer got on his knees and pulled his pants and shorts down and bent over to rest on his elbows, “Fuck me.”


Ares groaned. He reached for the cream on the bedside table and quickly prepared Joxer. He tugged open his pants and pulled out his cock, as Joxer watched him. Quickly, Ares rubbed cream over his erection and pushed inside Joxer’s body without hesitation.


“Oh, yes,” Joxer moaned. His head dropped onto his forearms as Ares pulled back straight away, then buried himself again in one smooth, hard thrust. Ares fucked him, but with long, slow, hard strokes, that left Joxer panting for more. “’Res, faster, please, need you,” Joxer begged.


“Need you too, love,” Ares whispered. His thrusts became faster and more erratic as they both approached their climaxes.


“What the hell?!”


Joxer froze. His eyes widened fearfully and he turned his head slowly. Leaning against the door, looking completely horrified, was his father.


“Oh shit, oh shit,” Joxer whispered. Ares pulled out of him and he gasped. His father snapped out of his shock and walked into the room.


“Get off my son,” he said quietly to Ares. Ares sat back and did up his pants, staring warily at him. “Get out of my house before I call the police,” Joxer’s father continued quietly.


“Joxer?” Ares turned to his lover.


Joxer shook his head, “You’d b-better go.”




“Please, ‘Res.” Ares stared at him for a moment, then sighed and reluctantly walked out. Joxer and his father stared at each other until the front door slammed. Joxer cowered under his father’s hate-filled gaze.


“Tidy yourself up,” his father snapped. Joxer pulled his pants up. “Get up!” Joxer stood hesitantly. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, he’d never seen his father like this.


“Well, it figures you’d be a fag, a little girlyboy like you!” his father growled menacingly. “But a fucking whore too, under my fucking roof?!”


His father’s fist connected with his jaw with such force, that Joxer flew back, his head hitting the wall hard. Joxer slumped to the floor semiconscious, barely able to cover his head as his father started to kick the shit out of him.


Just before he passed out, Joxer saw Ares run into the room, drag his father back and hit him.




Joxer floated in and out of consciousness, vaguely aware of people talking in worried tones, and being wheeled around on a trolley. But through it all, Ares was there, and Joxer was happy.


Part 28


Joxer woke up slowly. He couldn’t open his eyes or speak, or move for that matter.


“So, how’s it looking doc?” he heard Ares ask.


“Well, the extent of his injuries was fairly severe, but he appears to be a fighter. He’s lucky you found him when you did,” the doctor replied.


“The extent of his injuries?” Ares asked quietly.


“He has four broken ribs and a bruised jaw. We’ve had to remove his spleen which had ruptured. Luckily, there was no other internal bleeding, although his kidneys are badly bruised. It’s the fracture to his skull that concerned us most, but it appears that there is little damage to the brain, so we’re optimistic.”


Joxer heard Ares’ breath hitch and struggled to wake up properly so he could reassure his lover.


“You should know however, it is possible he was raped as well,” the doctor continued.


“No,” said Ares quietly.


“I’m afraid there were signs of…”


“He wasn’t raped,” Ares said firmly. There was a pregnant pause.


“Oh, I see,” the doctor said quietly.


“’Res,” Joxer at last managed to make his voice work.


“Joxer!” Ares was at his side in an instant, gripping his hand tightly. Joxer smiled weakly. “Oh Joxer, I’m so sorry, I should never have left you alone with him, I…”


“Shh,” Joxer whispered.


“Mr Corinth, welcome back.” Joxer looked over at the doctor, Ares had been talking to and smiled again. “How are we feeling?” The doctor walked over and peeled one eyelid back, shining a torch in his eye a couple of times, then repeating the gesture with his other eye.


Joxer blinked. “My head h-hurts,” he whispered.


“Oh God,” Ares groaned.


“’Res, it wasn’t your f-fault,” Joxer whispered firmly.


“But, I…”


“No,” Joxer said a little louder.


“Mister King, you’ll have to leave if you upset the patient,” the doctor said.


“No!” Joxer clutched fearfully at Ares.


The doctor stared between the two and cleared his throat. “Okay, he can stay. The police want to talk to you, but I’ve told them they have to wait till tomorrow.”


“The police?” Joxer looked confused.


“You were severely assaulted,” the doctor raised an eyebrow, “And from the scars, I’d say this wasn’t the first time either.” Joxer flinched and Ares gently squeezed his hand. “Right, if you get any dizziness or nausea, call a nurse. I’ll be back to see you later.”


Joxer closed his eyes and sighed. “’Res?”


“Yes, babe?”


“What d-did you do to m-my f-f-father?”


Ares cleared his throat, “I uh, I hit him. Not much though, I was more concerned about getting you out of there.”


A tiny smile pulled at Joxer’s lips and he opened his eyes again. “Stay with me?”


“You know you don’t have to ask me that,” Ares replied. “Eris is bringing me some stuff today, I already stayed over last night.”


“It’s Thursday?” Joxer whispered.


“Yeah.” Ares dropped his head onto Joxer’s hand. “God, I was so scared, Jox.”


“I’m okay, ‘Res, just about,” Joxer smiled weakly.


“I want you to move in with me,” Ares said quietly.




“Please, love,” Ares interrupted, “You can’t go back there, you can’t.”


“But, the others?”


“All agree. You’re not safe with him,” Ares kissed his hand.


Joxer sighed, “ I know. Okay.” Ares smiled. “What about my stuff?”


“I’ll take care of it,” Ares whispered.


Joxer nodded and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. Ares stroked his brow gently.


“Rest and get well, love,” Ares whispered.




When Joxer woke up again he felt slightly better, but his head still hurt. He opened his eyes and smiled. Ares had shifted his chair closer and he had his head on the pillow next to his. One hand still clutched his and the other was across the top of the bed, touching his head. Joxer leaned forward so he could kiss his lover gently.


“Joxer,” Ares sighed. His eyes opened and he smiled. “How are you feeling?”


Joxer smiled, “I think your neck must hurt worse than my head.”


Ares chuckled, “Actually, I’m surprisingly comfortable.”


“Good, you can kiss me then.”


“Happy to,” Ares grinned and captured his lips softly, taking care of his bruised jaw. Joxer moaned quietly and parted his lips, encouraging gentle exploration.


A cough made them pull apart and they looked up. Doctor Asclepius was staring at them, and behind him, stood two very uncomfortable looking men. Ares calmly gave Joxer another kiss before he sat up, but he kept a tight hold of Joxer’s hand.


“Mr Corinth, you’re looking better.” Dr Asclepius smiled at him.


“I f-feel better,” Joxer replied, smiling at the grin he got from Ares.


“Up to talking to the detectives here?”


“Sure,” Joxer smiled at the two men.


“Detectives Hephaestus and Hermes, Joxer Corinth.” The two detectives nodded at Joxer and sat down.


“Would you like to tell us what happened, sir,” Hermes started politely.


“Well, uh, Wednesday m-morning, m-m-my f-f-f-father c-caught us, m-me and Ares, um, m-m-making out. H-h-he threw Ares out and th-then,” Joxer stopped and blinked rapidly.


“Then his father beat the crap out of him, which I stopped when I went back,” Ares continued for him.


“And why did you go back?” Hephaestus asked.


“Because I guessed something like this might happen,” Ares replied.




“It’s happened before, Joxer had to take last week off school from a beating he got.” Joxer made a small noise. “I’m sorry, love, but I don’t want him hurting you anymore,” Ares whispered, gently stroking Joxer’s cheek.


Hermes cleared his throat. “What happened when you found Mister Corinth beating his son?”


“I dragged him away, and when he tried to start on me, I hit him. Then I got Joxer out of there.”


“You say he went for you before you hit him?” Hephaestus asked suddenly.


Ares frowned, “Yes, why?”


“Well, we have Mister Corinth in custody and he wants you arrested and charged with rape and assault,” explained Hermes.


“What?!” Ares exclaimed.


“Rape?” Joxer asked in confusion.


“Mister Corinth alleges that he caught you having sex, and while he admits to, uh, punishing you, Mister King’s attack on him was unprovoked,” Hermes said quietly.


“What a crock!” Ares fumed.


“You weren’t having sex?” Hephaestus asked.


“That’s none of your business,” Ares snapped.


“I’m afraid it is,” Hermes said with an apologetic grimace, “Joxer’s sixteen, that makes it statutory rape.”


“We w-w-were m-making out,” Joxer said firmly.


Ares leaned over to Joxer. “What are you doing?” he whispered.


“It’s our word against his. I’m not h-having you arrested because some uptight idiots don’t think I’m old enough to think for myself.”


“I have told you how much I love you, haven’t I?” Ares smiled softly. Joxer grinned and nodded, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend. There was a lot of throat clearing, coughing and shuffling noises, but the couple took their time until they were happy. They grinned at each other and Ares rubbed his nose gently against Joxer’s before he sat back again.


“We w-were m-m-making out,” Joxer repeated, “And I w-was s-still conscious wh-when ‘Res came b-back for me. M-my f-f-f-father attacked him f-first.”


“Are you sure?” Hephaestus asked.


“Yes.” Joxer nodded.


“Right, well, we’ll just need you both to write and sign statements and we will charge your father with aggravated assault.” Hermes smiled kindly.


When they were finally left alone, Ares sighed and lay his head back onto the pillow. “You okay, love?”


“Tired,” Joxer whispered.


Ares wiped hair back from his brow gently. “What do you want me to tell school?” Ares asked.


“I don’t know. Tell them most of the truth, that I was assaulted and I’m in the hospital,” Joxer shrugged.


“Okay. The guys asked about you,” Ares smiled as Joxer perked up.


“Say hi for me,” Joxer smiled, “When can I have visitors?”


“Doc said next week,” Ares replied.


“How come you managed to stay?” Joxer asked curiously.


“I, uh, ‘insisted’,” Ares raised an eyebrow and grinned, “Besides, you got extremely agitated every time they tried to make me go.”


“Really?” Joxer was surprised, but delighted.


“Yeah,” Ares kissed his hand and smiled proudly.


Part 29


Joxer made slow but steady progress and after a week he was able to sit up and have visitors, although he had seen Eris briefly when she’d dropped off more of Ares’ things.


One of the nurses, who thought they were ‘cute’ together, had set up a camp bed for Ares. But unless he was completely exhausted, Ares always slept in the chair with his head on Joxer’s pillow.


As Joxer got better and drips were removed, Nurse Hestia would turn a blind eye to Ares climbing into bed with him, although Nurse Demeter usually threatened to have Ares thrown out if she caught them.


Dr Asclepius however, could see how much Ares was helping with Joxer’s progress and told her to leave them alone.




Joxer woke up comfortably enfolded in Ares’ arms. He sighed when he felt the hard erection of his lover, nestled between his buttocks, wishing he was well enough that they could make love.


He was hard too. Joxer tilted his head back to stare at Ares, hoping he would wake up. With a small grin, Joxer decided he couldn’t wait any longer, and started to rock back against Ares’ cock.


“Mmmm,” Ares nuzzled his neck. The hand clasped to Joxer’s chest slid down, under his pyjamas and took a loose grip on his cock. Joxer sighed happily as Ares stroked him lazily, gently thrusting against his ass.


“Morning, lover,” Ares whispered.


“Mm, yeah,” Joxer moaned quietly. Ares tightened his grip after a couple of minutes and pumped a little faster, still taking care not to hurt his injured lover.


Joxer tipped his head back again and met Ares’ eyes. They kissed softly as Joxer felt the slow burn of his orgasm building up. Ares held him firmly when he started to shudder and he came quietly, moaning into Ares’ mouth. Ares groaned and Joxer felt the warm wetness of Ares’ climax hit his ass.


“Oh, baby,” Ares whispered, kissing Joxer again.


“Can we wake up like this every morning?” Joxer asked quietly.


Ares chuckled, “I’m counting on it, love.”


“Good,” Joxer grinned and kissed his lover hard.


“Boys!” They jumped and looked up a little guiltily at Nurse Hestia, but she couldn’t quite hide the smile tugging at her lips, and they grinned at her. “You’d better get cleaned up, Doctor Asclepius is coming to see you this morning.”


Ares eased Joxer out of his arms and got up to fetch a washcloth, tenderly cleaning Joxer up before he went to take a quick shower. Joxer waited slightly impatiently for Ares to return and the doctor to arrive. He wanted to get out of the hospital as soon as possible.


Ares was first and he perched on the edge of the bed, drawing Joxer into a gentle hug.


“Cupid and Strife are coming by after school,” Ares said with a grin. Joxer frowned suddenly. “What?”


“How come you’re not in school? You’re not suspended anymore,” Joxer asked.


“Well, I wasn’t about to leave you on your own, was I?” Ares pulled a face at Joxer’s look. “Oh come on, love, don’t be like that, you’re more important than school.”


Joxer sighed, “I don’t want you to flunk out.”


“I won’t, I spoke with Ms Porter, it’s fine. We can make up time together, okay?” Ares raised an eyebrow.


“Okay, but I’m gonna kick your ass over this.” Joxer waggled a finger at Ares warningly.


Ares grabbed at his finger. “Well, okay then. No way I’m gonna flunk out with you behind me!” He kissed Joxer’s finger, gently sucking the tip into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue. Joxer moaned.


“Ahem, gentlemen?”


Joxer pulled his hand away and flushed lightly.


“Hey Doc,” Ares greeted Dr Asclepius.


“Hello Ares, Joxer. How are we this morning?”


“Good, wh-when can I go?” Joxer asked.




“’Res, I w-want to g-go home… with you.”


“And I want you well,” Ares said softly.


Joxer sighed. “I know.”


Dr Asclepius smiled at the pair. “Well, I think with all the loving care you’ll be getting, you’ll be fine to leave tomorrow.”


“Really?” Joxer grinned delightedly.


“Well, as long as Ares is willing and able to take care of you,” Dr Asclepius smiled at the older boy.


“You know it.”


“I thought so,” Dr Asclepius nodded, “You’ve got a keeper there, Joxer.”


“I know,” Joxer said quietly. Both he and Ares blushed.


“Okay, good. You’ll need to spend at least another week in bed though, and not *too* much exertion, hmmm?” Dr Asclepius raised an eyebrow at Ares, who flushed again.


“Yes, sir,” Ares mumbled. The doctor grinned at them and left.


“Happy now?” Ares whispered, ruffling Joxer’s hair.


“Yeah,” Joxer leant his head on Ares’ shoulder and smiled.




“Dude!” Strife grinned at Joxer as he walked into the room. Cupid was right behind him. Cupid sat down and Strife plonked himself in his lap.


“Hi guys,” Joxer grinned back enthusiastically, “Ooh, Strife, what happened to your face?”


Strife snorted, “Hercules’ fist!”


Ares frowned, “Oh, he is *so* dead!”


“Dude, you so don’t need to worry ‘bout it,” Strife grinned.


“Yeah,” Cupid interjected, “Ms Porter saw him do it and phoned your dad. Jerkules is in sooo much trouble!”


“Good,” Ares nodded.


“What about the others though?” Joxer asked quietly.


“Actually, it’s not too bad. I don’t know what Ms Porter said to Ms Jones, but the old bag is falling over herself to make sure we’re okay, and not being bullied and shit. She even gave Herc detention for hitting me!” Strife laughed.


“Most of the guys are just avoiding us,” Cupid said quietly. “The girls are really cool about it, a couple of em even said they’d threatened their boyfriends if they came after us. It’s only Xena’s lot that are being cunts.”


“Cool,” said Ares with a nod. “Where’s ‘Ris? I thought she was coming round today.”


“She’s waiting for Auto, so they’ll be a little late,” Cupid explained.


“So, Jox man, how you doin’? ‘Res driving you crazy yet?” Strife laughed at his cousin’s expression of mock hurt.


“Yeah,” Joxer laughed, “But only because he’s treating me like a china doll.”


“Well ‘scuse me all to hell,” Ares huffed. Joxer chuckled and kissed the pout away. Strife and Cupid laughed at them.


“It’s weird you guys not being in school,” Cupid commented.


“Well, Jox is coming home tomorrow, so that’s a start,” said Ares.


“Really? Cool!” Strife grinned.


“Yeah. ‘Nother week of bed rest though,” Joxer pulled a face.


“Sounds good ta me,” Strife leered at them.


“Yeah, yeah,” Ares laughed.


“Hey!” They  all looked up.


“Hi ‘Ris, Auto!”


“Hi,” Eris grinned at them all. Auto waved and sat down, pulling Eris into his lap. “We just finished moving all your stuff in, Jox,” Eris smiled at him.


“Oh, thank you,” Joxer smiled shyly.


“Good timing, sis. We’re out of here tomorrow,” Ares said, giving Joxer a small squeeze.


“Cool!” Auto said. “Bit more privacy, huh?” he smirked.


“Yeah, you could say that,” Ares laughed. Joxer flushed lightly.


“How are you, sweetie?” Eris asked Joxer.


Joxer smiled, “A lot better, thanks.”


“’Res not being too much of a mother hen?”


“Hey, what’s with all the stick?” Ares exclaimed.


“What stick? It’s friendly teasing, bro. ‘Sides I know how you get when you’re worried about someone you love,” Eris said gently.


Joxer patted Ares’ arm gently. “He’s been amazing,” he said quietly. Ares smiled and kissed him.


“Geez, you guys are mushier than Cupe and Strife!” Auto said with a fake grimace.


Ares laughed, “Is that possible?”


“Oh, I don’t know, you’re definitely on the cards as world’s mushiest couple!” Strife grinned.


“There goes my rep,” Ares gave a melodramatic sigh.


“’Scuse me?” Strife snorted, “You have a rep?” He started to laugh. Ares tried to look stern, but Strife’s laughter was infectious and soon they were all laughing.


“Sorry to break up the party, kids,” Nurse Hestia stood in the doorway grinning at them, “But visiting hours are over.”


“Okay, thanks Hestie,” Joxer grinned at the jovial nurse. She smiled and left them to say their goodbyes.


“Well, we’ll see ya tomorrow when we get in from school then,” Strife said.


“Yep, see ya guys,” Ares waved.


Eris leaned over the bed and gave Joxer and Ares a kiss. “Later.”


Joxer sighed and Ares hugged him. “Not long now, love.”


“Yeah,” Joxer smiled.


Part 30


Joxer lay back in Ares’ arms, and contemplated his life as his lover snored quietly. The last couple of weeks had been quite hard. First, Ares’ father had gone apeshit when he’d found them in bed together on one of his rare visits to his children.


Ares and his father had screamed at each other until Strife and Eris had managed to calm them down enough to explain to Mr King what had happened.


Mr King had finally relented and graciously ‘allowed’ him to stay, although they weren’t supposed to be sharing a bed. They kept a mattress on the floor for appearance.


Then, to his horror, Joxer’s father had been released on a technicality and was making life very difficult for them. He’d been to Mr King to complain about Ares. It was lucky Mr King *had* found out about them and what had happened to Joxer, as Mr King told Mr Corinth Sr. exactly what he thought of him and had him escorted from the property by the gardener.


Of course, Hercules now knew about them and had told everyone at school. That hadn’t affected them yet as Joxer still wasn’t well enough to go back.


But Joxer’s father wouldn’t leave them alone, following them if they ever left the house, making threatening phone calls, even going to the school to try and withdraw Joxer as a student there. Luckily, Ms Porter had managed to stop that and Joxer was still registered with the school, now under his new address.


And finally, last, but definitely not least, even though as loving as ever, despite the strain, Ares refused to make love with him. While Joxer loved Ares’ hands and mouth, and loved to touch and suck his lover, he was getting desperate to feel Ares inside him.


He listened to Cupid and Strife in the lounge, moaning, the couch squeaking. That and Ares’ cock pressing against his ass had him hard and determined. A curse from Cupid, demanding that Strife fuck him and fuck him now, made Joxer chuckle and Ares’ grip on him tightened.


“’Res, you awake?” Joxer whispered.


“Yeah, baby,” Ares replied.


“Sounds like fun.” Joxer slipped his hand back to slide between their bodies and take a light hold of Ares’ erection. Ares groaned, burying his face in the crook of Joxer’s neck, thrusting into his hand. Ares’ hand skimmed over his hips to cup his balls gently.


“Oh, no, no, no, lover,” Joxer said quietly, letting go of Ares to reach for the bedside table.


“No, Joxer,” Ares said quietly.




“No,” Ares repeated firmly. Joxer flinched and he blinked back tears. He pulled out of Ares’ arms and got up, pulling on some sweatpants. Ares sighed, “Where are you going?”


“Away from you!” Joxer snapped.




“Save it, ‘Res.”


“You’re not well enough.”


“Yeah, you keep s-saying that,” Joxer glared at Ares, who flinched. “Well, guess what? It d-doesn’t fly anymore! I’ll be in the kitchen if you d-decide you want to tell me the real reason why you w-won’t m-make love to m-me anymore.”




Joxer walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him. He stalked to the kitchen angry and upset. They’d come close to arguing about this already,  but Joxer had finally reached his limit. There was only so much rejection he could take.


With a sigh he sat down at the table and buried his face in his arms, trying not to cry. He tensed at a gentle touch to his head.


“I’m sorry,” Ares whispered.


Joxer lifted his head and looked at Ares through tear blurred eyes. He allowed Ares to turn his chair so the older boy was crouched between his legs. Joxer leaned forward and rested his forehead on Ares’ shoulder.


“I just… I didn’t want anything bad associated with making love, for you. I didn’t want there to be any bad memories coming between us. That’s why I was waiting, until you don’t wince if you move too fast, until you stop getting headaches. I love you, I wanted us making love to be special and just us,” Ares explained quietly.


“Oh ‘Res, it is. Don’t you understand? When we’re together, nothing else matters. But when you’re inside me… I’m part of you, you’re all that exists to me.”


“God, Joxer!” Ares’ breath hitched. Joxer lifted his head, sliding off the chair into Ares’ arms. He clasped his lover’s face between his hands and gently kissed him with all the love he could.


When he pulled away, Joxer stared into Ares’ eyes. “I need you, Ares, please.”


Ares picked him up and carried him back to the bedroom, laying him on the bed. Joxer took off his sweatpants, watching Ares’ pull his off before crawling onto the bed and on top of him.


They shared gentle, sucking kisses as they rocked slowly together, Joxer’s hands sweeping up and down Ares’ broad back, his legs wrapped round Ares’ hips.


Ares raised himself up slightly, so that he could start to explore Joxer’s body with mouth and hands. Joxer sighed and moaned as Ares’ lips travelled over his chest, kissing every inch of skin, lingering over his nipples until they were hard and sensitive. He laughed when gentle fingers softly tickled his stomach.


Joxer let his hands roam wherever they could reach until they could only caress Ares’ thick hair. Ares buried his face in Joxer’s groin, gently nuzzling balls and cock with his nose and mouth. Joxer whimpered slightly, hips lifting for more contact.


“Shh,” Ares whispered, stroking his leg soothingly.


“Ares,” Joxer sighed. Ares continued to kiss Joxer’s cock as he reached over to the bedside table for the lube. Joxer bent his knees and spread his legs, mutely begging Ares to touch him more intimately. Joxer’s eyelids fluttered shut and his breath hitched, when Ares finally pushed a slick finger inside him.


“Joxer?” Ares lifted his head.


“More,” Joxer managed to breathe.


Ares kissed his hip. “Yes, love.”


With two fingers now buried inside him, Joxer gently started thrusting against them. Ares reached deeper, rubbing against his prostate.


“Oh!” Joxer gasped, “Ares, now, need you now, please.”


Ares crawled back over his body and pushed his legs back, sinking slowly inside him. “I love you, Joxer,” Ares breathed.


Joxer wrapped his legs round Ares’ hips and arched his back, pulling Ares deeper into his body. “Love you too,” he gasped.


They moved together slowly, sinuously, holding each other close as they kissed softly and sweetly. Joxer moaned with every thrust, Ares making sure to hit his prostate each time. Ares lifted slightly and reached between them to grasp Joxer’s cock, stroking firmly.


“Look at me, love,” Ares whispered. Joxer forced his eyes open and locked them on Ares’ face. “I want to see your eyes when you come.”


“Oh!” Joxer gasped, his back arched again and he thrust his hips down urgently.


“So beautiful,” Ares said softly as he plunged deep. Joxer’s eyelids fluttered, but he kept his eyes locked with Ares’ as he came, his ass tightening possessively round Ares’ cock. Ares groaned. “Oh God, Jox!”


Joxer felt his ass flooded with warmth and Ares collapsed onto him. Quickly, Ares lifted himself up again. “Are you okay, love?” he asked.


Joxer reached up and touched Ares’ cheek, “Perfect, ‘Res.”


Ares carefully lay himself back on top of Joxer and kissed him. They held each other tightly, exchanging reaffirming kisses and soft words.


Part 31


Joxer was curled up on the couch watching TV. He was really bored. Cupid, Strife and Eris were at school and Ares had gone to see Ms Porter about taking some work home for them to start studying.


In the back of his mind was a twinge of worry about Ares as his father was still hassling them. He jumped when he heard the door slam, wondering who it could be. He was startled when Ares limped in.


“Ares!” Joxer leapt off the couch and hurried over. Ares was dusty and standing stiffly. There was a large rip in his leather trousers and Joxer could see blood. “Oh God, what happened?”


He gently urged his lover towards the bathroom, where he began to strip Ares’ clothes off.


“Bike’s totalled,” Ares mumbled.


“Oh shit!” Joxer exclaimed, “Why aren’t you at the hospital?”


“Had to come back for you.”


“Ares! I’m fine.” Joxer carefully washed the gash on Ares’ leg. “What were you thinking?” Quickly, he put comfrey ointment on the cut and bound it efficiently.




“No, you’re not. Look at you, you’re all woozy.” Joxer stared at Ares in concern, “Did you hit your head?”




Joxer swore under his breath. He led Ares to the bedroom and helped him put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Sit.”


Ares sat down on the bed and dazedly watched him. Joxer phoned for a cab.


“Come on, ‘Res,” Joxer led Ares out to the cab. “Hospital, please,” he said to the driver.


“Tired, Jox,” Ares leant against him.


“You’ve got to stay awake, okay, ‘Res, for me?” Joxer frowned worriedly.


“Anything for you, love,” Ares mumbled.


The cab driver muttered something derogatory under his breath and Joxer glared at him. “If you expect a t-t-tip, sh-shut up and drive,” he snapped.


At the hospital, Joxer helped Ares into the lobby.




Joxer looked round, “Hestie?” He smiled in relief.


“What’s happened?”


“B-bike accident, I th-think he’s g-got a concussion,” Joxer explained.


“Hi Hestie,” Ares smiled.


Hestia raised an eyebrow, “Come on let’s get him admitted, I’ll see if Dr Asclepius is around.”


“Thanks,” Joxer sighed in relief.




Not too long after, Ares was admitted with a moderate concussion. Joxer left a message at the house so that the others wouldn’t worry, before he went to see Ares.


“Hey,” he said quietly. Ares smiled up at him. “How you feeling?”


“Better, thanks love,” Ares said quietly.


“You scared me,” Joxer whispered, sitting on the bed.


Ares took his hand. “I know, I’m sorry.”


“What happened?” Joxer asked. Ares bit his lip and looked down. “’Res, what happened?”


“I was driven off the road,” Ares whispered.


Joxer frowned, “It was my father, wasn’t it?!” Ares nodded. “Damn it. Damn him!” Joxer’s face crumpled suddenly and Ares pulled him down onto the bed, holding him close as he cried.


“It’s okay, I’m okay,” Ares stroked his back gently.


“It’s not okay,” Joxer sobbed, “He could have killed you!”


“Don’t let him get to you, Jox, please,” Ares whispered.


Joxer slid his arms round Ares’ waist and snuggled close. “He’s gone too far, ‘Res, it’s got to stop.”


“Don’t do anything rash, love,” Ares nuzzled his neck.


“I won’t,” Joxer whispered.




“Get out of that bed, you little…” Joxer was woken by being shaken roughly.


“Hey!” Ares’ arm shot out and he grabbed the strange doctor by the collar, twisting it. “Get the fuck off him!”


The doctor made a strangled noise and let go of Joxer. Ares released his grip and the man backed away, coughing and pulling at his collar.


“I’m going to report you, and have *you*,” he glared at Joxer, “Thrown out of the hospital.”


“What for exactly?” Ares snarled, “You were the one attacking my boyfriend.”


“Boyfriend?!” the doctor sneered, “You pervert, he looks about fourteen.”


“He’s sixteen, not that it’s any of your business, asshole! Now, get the fuck out and don’t come back,” Ares growled menacingly. He pressed the call button. “You okay, love?”


Joxer blinked, “Um, yeah, just a bit surprised.”


“Yeah, tell me about it!”


The door opened and Hestia poked her head in the room, “What’s up?”


“Some doctor just attacked Joxer, then threatened and insulted us,” Ares said quietly.


“Damn, sorry boys, I didn’t realise, Dr Poseidon was on duty tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll have a word with him,” Hestia grimaced. “How are you both doing?”


“Fine thanks, Hestie,” said Ares. Joxer nodded.


“Good, you two go back to sleep, I’ll be back to wake you in a couple of hours, Ares,” she smiled. Ares nodded and she left them alone again.


Ares wrapped himself round Joxer again and sighed, “What a jerk.” Joxer snorted. “Jox?” Joxer started laughing. “Joxer? What’s so funny?”


“I don’t… I don’t really look fourteen, do I?” Joxer giggled.


Ares chuckled, “No, lover, you definitely don’t!”




Part 32


“Okay, boys, you can go,” Dr Asclepius smiled at them.


“Thanks, Doc,” Ares grinned.


“You can thank Joxer, the job he did on your leg was very professional, and it was a good thing he brought you in,” Dr Asclepius smiled at Joxer.


“Oh, don’t worry, Doc, I’ll be thanking him later!”


Joxer flushed and elbowed him. Ares just laughed and hugged him. Dr Asclepius and Hestia smiled fondly at them.


“Try not to do too much with that leg, I don’t want to have to stitch it up again,” Dr Asclepius said as they left.


“I’ll try, Doc,” Ares laughed.




“Stay in bed.”




“Stay in bed, I won’t be long,” Joxer insisted.


Ares sighed, “Okay, okay. Just be careful, please.”


Joxer leaned over the bed and kissed him. “I’ll be fine.”


“You’d better be,” Ares pouted.


Joxer laughed, “See you later.”


Joxer was the one going to school to get their work this time and he had a couple of things to do, he didn’t want Ares to know about just yet. His father was going to pay for hurting his lover, and he knew just what to do. His father wouldn’t know what had hit him.




When Joxer got home, Ares wasn’t there.


“Hey Strife, Cupid, where’s ‘Res?” he asked the couple.


“Isn’t he with you?” Strife frowned, “He said he was going to find you, cos you were taking too long.”


“I didn’t see him,” Joxer grimaced, he hadn’t been at the school long, Ares would have missed him if he’d gone there.


The phone rang and Strife picked it up. “Yeah? ‘Res? Where are you, man?” Strife went pale, “What?”


“Strife? What is it?” Joxer asked frantically. Wordlessly, Strife handed him the phone. “’Res?”


“Hi, Jox.” Ares sounded subdued.


“Where are you? What’s wrong?” Joxer whispered.


“In jail.”


“What?!” Joxer sat down heavily, “What for?”


“Killing your father,” Ares said quietly.


Joxer squeaked, “I… I don’t understand.”


“Everything’s going to be fine, Joxer, I’ll take care of it.”


“What? What do you mean, Ares?”


“Joxer, I have to go now, don’t worry, okay?”




“I love you.”


Joxer listened to the tone in shock until Strife gently took the phone from his hand.


“Jox?” Strife said softly.


“He didn’t do it, I know he didn’t, he promised,” Joxer whispered.


“Do what, Joxer?” Cupid asked quietly.


“Kill my father.”


“Oh shit!” Strife gasped.


“Strife, I have to s-see him, f-find out what he meant by t-taking care of it,” Joxer blinked back tears. He saw Cupid and Strife exchange concerned glances. “Please, Strife, Cupid, I h-have to go,” he begged.


Strife nodded, “Come on.”


They drove to the police station and managed to get Joxer some time with Ares. Joxer flew into the small room he was shown to and hugged his lover. Ares held him tightly.


“You shouldn’t have come, love,” Ares whispered.


“Ares, what’s going on? I don’t understand,” Joxer said quietly. “I know you didn’t kill him.”


“No, but I saw you love. I did what I had to,” Ares replied.


“What do you mean, you saw me?” Joxer frowned in confusion.


“I got worried when you took so long, so I went to your dad’s place,” Ares started, “I saw you running away, so I went in to tell him to leave you alone, that’s when I found him.”


“’Res, the sergeant said you were holding the knife and you were covered in blood,” Joxer whispered.


“I did what I had to,” Ares repeated.


“’Res, it wasn’t me,” Joxer said quietly. “How could you think…”


“Jox, if I hadn’t seen you, I would never think that!” Ares exclaimed.


“It wasn’t me, ‘Res,” Joxer repeated, “I was talking to the IRS about d-dad’s affairs.”


“But, then who…?”


Joxer frowned, “Oh God!”




“Jett,” Joxer whispered.


“But he’s at Melville’s,” Ares frowned.


“He’s escaped before,” Joxer said quietly.


“Oh Jox, I’m so sorry,” Ares sat down heavily, “I’ve messed everything up.”


Joxer sighed, “I’ll take care of it, ‘Res. I promise. You always take care of me, now it’s my turn.” He bent over and kissed Ares gently, “I’ll get you out of here.”


“Time’s up… whoa!” the sergeant exclaimed, he cleared his throat, “Let’s go, kid.” He stared at the pair and Ares glared at him. “I’m not saying anything,”  the sergeant raised his hands pacifyingly.


“I’ll sort it, ‘Res,” Joxer quickly kissed him again. “I love you,” he whispered.


Ares nodded mutely, touching his cheek gently.


Part 33


“Well?” Strife asked him in the car.


“He thought I did it, he thought he was protecting me,” Joxer whispered.


“Why would he think you’d do something like that?!” Cupid exclaimed.


“Because he thought he saw me,” Joxer replied, “I have to make a phone call, but I think it was my brother.”


“Oh shit,” Strife breathed.


“Yeah,” Joxer said quietly.




“Yeah, thanks,” Joxer put down the phone down. “Jett escaped last night,” he said quietly.


“Well, at least we know for sure now,” Strife sighed.


Joxer nodded, “I just have to find him and ask him to give himself up.”


“Why would I want to do that, J?”


Joxer looked up in shock, “Jett?!” His brother was standing at the french windows. “Why did you do it?”


“You have to ask? After what he did to you?!” Jett exclaimed.


“J, Ares is in jail because he saw you and thought you were me!” Joxer whispered.


“Oh,” Jett came in and sat down. “Well, shit!” He shook his head, “I did it so you’d be happy, and maybe give J a chance of getting out of that nuthouse. I guess you’re not going to be happy if Ares is in jail, are you?” Joxer shook his head. “Damn,” said Jett quietly.


“Strife, Cupid, this is my brother, Jett,” Joxer made belated introductions.


“Hi,” said Jett. Cupid and Strife nodded at him. “So, you live here now, J?”


“Yeah, after d-dad put me in hospital,” Joxer answered quietly.


Jett’s face darkened, “Yeah, Ares contacted me about that, that’s why I decided to do it now.”


Joxer looked down. “I don’t know how you could just kill him, J,” he said quietly.


“He was a lousy piece of shit, that didn’t deserve to live,” Jett scowled.


“What are you going to do, J?”


“One night of freedom, bro, that’s all I ask. I’ll go to the cops tomorrow, is that okay?” Jett asked.


Joxer squeezed his eyes shut for a second and nodded, “Yeah.”


“Thanks, bro.” Jett stood and gave Joxer a hug, “Love ya, J.”


“I love you too, J.”




Joxer paced anxiously.


“Jox, dude, sit down,” said Strife quietly.


Joxer glanced at the couple watching him from the couch and sighed, “Sorry, I’m just worried.”


“We all are, sweetie,” Eris got up and pushed him over to a chair, “But it’s going to be fine.”


“What if they don’t believe him,” Joxer frowned worriedly.


“They will once Ares tells them the truth,” Cupid said with an encouraging smile.


Joxer tried to cheer up but then another thought occurred to him, “He’ll get into trouble for lying, won’t he?”


“I got a warning, love.”


“Ares!” Joxer flew across the room into his lover’s arms. “Oh, thank God!”


Ares lifted him up into a tight hug. “Miss me?” he asked.


“You know I did, you idiot!” Joxer exclaimed. He swatted Ares’ arm. “Don’t ever do something like that again!”


“I’m sorry,” Ares whispered, nuzzling his neck. “Want me to make it up to you?” he whispered.


“You better,” Joxer sighed, rubbing against him.


Ares smirked at the others, “Later.”


“Later, ‘Res, good to see you back,” Strife grinned. Cupid and Eris just laughed as Joxer dragged Ares out of the room.


When they reached the bedroom, Ares grabbed Joxer and threw him on the bed.


“Oooh, baby,” Joxer chuckled. Ares crawled over him and wrenched his pants open, pulling out his cock. “Oh baby!” Joxer gasped. Ares grinned at Joxer, stroking his shaft firmly. “Oh, please,” Joxer moaned.


“Yes, love,” Ares whispered. Joxer’s breath hitched when hot, wet lips encompassed his cock, his lover’s tongue flickering across the tip. Watching in ecstatic awe, as Ares lowered his head and his cock disappeared between full lips, Joxer panted hard.


Ares sucked and swallowed, then raised his head again, slowly. His eyes flicked up to meet Joxer’s. Joxer whimpered with need and Ares sucked his shaft back into his mouth burying his nose in Joxer’s groin.


“Yes!” Joxer gasped. His head dropped back and his hands clutched convulsively in Ares’ hair. Ares swallowed, his throat muscles rippling round Joxer’s cock, his tongue working the length and Joxer came, his whole body stiffening as his hot seed shot down Ares’ throat. “Oh God, ‘Res,” Joxer panted.


Ares kissed his limp cock and looked up, “Forgiven?”


Joxer grinned, “Nope.”


Ares raised an eyebrow, chuckling when Joxer passed him the lube. “I guess I’m just gonna have to make it up to you more, aren’t I?”


“Yup,” Joxer breathed. Ares sat up, hitching Joxer’s pants down while Joxer unbuttoned his shirt. Joxer sat up too and began to tug at Ares’ t-shirt, muttering in frustration. Ares chuckled and quickly pulled his shirt over his head.


“Mmm,” Joxer pounced, pushing Ares back onto the bed, dipping his head to lick his lover’s chest.


“Oh God, that’s good, baby,” Ares gasped. Joxer sucked a nipple into his mouth. “Ooooh!” Joxer straddled Ares’ thighs so he could pull his pants open and continue to suck and lick Ares’ chest. His hand wriggled into the tight leather and stroked Ares’ cock as his other hand reached for the lube Ares was still holding.


“What are you… oh sweet Jesus!” Ares gasped. Joxer had worked Ares’ cock out and was busy coating it with lube.


Joxer looked up at his boyfriend and grinned, “Helping you make it up to me.”


Ares growled and rolled them over so he was on top of his slim, naked lover. “Really?” he whispered, sliding his cock over Joxer’s belly.


Joxer groaned. “Yes,” he whispered, suddenly more serious, “Cos I need you. Ares, I need you.”


Ares sucked in a breath. He lowered his head and gently kissed Joxer. He lifted his ass slightly and moved to push into Joxer’s body. Joxer pulled his legs back and lifted his hips to get Ares deeper inside him.


“Oh God, love!” Ares gasped. He quickly pulled back and then thrust smoothly inside the tight passage.


“Yes, oh Ares, more,” Joxer screamed. Ares pounded into him with long, slow, hard strokes, but it wasn’t quite enough, so Joxer started to shove his hips down, faster. Ares groaned and kissed him again. Joxer sucked his tongue into his mouth.


They moved together, hips rocking rhythmically, tongues dancing, hands wandering, until Ares suddenly plunged jerkily, hard inside him. Joxer rode Ares’ orgasm, clutching tightly at his lover, clenching his ass round Ares’ cock as it filled him with wet heat.


Ares’ hand found it’s way to his cock and quickly stroked him to his second climax. “Ares!” Joxer shouted.


Ares dropped on top of him, stroking his hip gently. “Baby,” he sighed. Joxer smiled and hugged him.




Joxer was in the common room, sitting cross-legged on a table, waiting for his lover. Things had finally been going really well for them. His dad was gone, and he truly didn’t miss him. Jett was given his original sentence and was due for parole when he turned twenty one after Joxer’s testimony as to what it had been like for them growing up.


Not only that, with the help of Mr King, he’d managed to get Jace’s case reviewed and it looked as though his other brother would finally be free. Joxer smiled, he hadn’t seen Jace in nearly a year. He wondered what his brother would think of Ares.


Joxer looked up at the clock with a frown, surely it was time? He bit his lip thoughtfully, not sure whether to be worried that Ares was taking so long. He didn’t want his lover getting anxious and paranoid, why couldn’t he see how intelligent he was? Joxer sighed and continued waiting.


He jumped when he was poked in the ribs. “What the…?” Strong arms wrapped round him and he sighed happily, leaning his head back for a kiss.


“Oh, do you have to fucking do that?!” Iolaus grimaced at them.


“Fuck off, Hunter, just cos you’re jealous,” Ares snapped.


Iolaus flushed and muttered something before quickly leaving the room. Ares glanced round at the other occupants of the room, who either were determinedly not looking, or looked away quickly. With a smirk, Ares turned Joxer round and kissed him thoroughly.


“How’d it go?” Joxer asked anxiously, when Ares finally released his lips.


“It was good,” Ares grinned, “Thanks to you, love.”


Joxer made a rude noise, “Idiot, I just helped you study.”


“Whatever you say, baby,” Ares grinned. “So, did it come?” Joxer smiled and nodded. “Well? Come on, tell me!”


“I got it!” Joxer laughed as Ares whooped and hugged him tightly. “Full scholarship to Washington, wow,” Joxer sighed. “Do you think we’ll be able to get a room together?”


“I haven’t gotten in yet, babe,” Ares said quietly.


“You will,” said Joxer confidently, “I know you’ll get the SAT scores they want.”


“Thank you, Joxer,” Ares whispered, giving him a soft kiss.


Joxer smiled and stroked his cheek, “I love you,” he said simply.


“I love you too.”


The End?