At one point in their life I think EVERY NSYNC fan says "I wanna live in Orlando!" But, a lot of them (like me) are poor, and can't do it. lol.. Well, think again! Here are some possible residences for the poor in Orlando. I would like to give special thanks to Jen and Kate for their help with this section, you guys rock!
The Dr. Phillips High School parking lot - We all know Joey makes visits to the school, so you'll get to see him occasionally. When you get bored, you can always go inside and browse through the old yearbooks, trust me, Janine's shotput picture is PRICELESS! All the day old cafeteria food you can eat, and if you want to go somewhere, you can always hitch a ride from a high school kid!
Share Steve's garage - What could be bettter?!? I'm sure you can convince Stever to roll over on his cot and make some room for you. Phyllis's home cooking is all for you too! I mean seriously, what could be better than living with the FATones?
JC's unlocked car - This one is not recommended, because you will be subject to beatings. But, if worse comes to worse, it's an option, right?
An empty swan at Lake Eola Hey, maybe you'll get luck and Joey will pick YOUR swan next time he brings a date there!
The Santa sleigh that sits on the top of the Fatone house all year round - It's small, but you'll get a birds eye view of the Fatone driveway and always know who's coming and going! When you see Joey pull up, just jump of the roof and say hi!
Go to Transcon, they'll take ANYONE in - Rehearse this line, "Hi Lou! I'm hot, I can sing, and I'm willing to take orders, beatings, and basically let you control my WHOLE life!" You'll be set then.
The shack in the back of JCs house where he stores his bike - Again, anything remotely related to JC makes you subject to beatings.
Justin's hair (when he's home) - Hell, it's big enough! (see photo below) You can even move your family in, and won't have to worry about being homesick from them!
When Justin isn't home, you can just empty out his pool and live in there...
Lance's satellite dish - If you saw the size of this thing, you'd know what I mean. Just curl up into a ball, go to sleep, and interrupt his I Love Lucy.. ahhhh..
Busta and Koreas dog house Knowing the way Chris is with those dogs, it's probably a freaking mansion anyway. And dog food isn't all that bad, is it?
The security office of Justin's gated community - Whenever Justin comes home, you get to see the Benz. What more can a girl want?