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Eminem Reviews

[Farm Club 7/25]

First Of all I'm glad that Eminem's new single is "The Way I Am" (Why the hell are all the radio stations playing "Stan" and saying it's his new single? Somebody dun messed up.just tweakin'your fins)

I the "Way I Am" Is my favorite song in the whole wide world. I like to turn that shit up as loud as I can and yell the words to annoy my brother :-D. I loved when they showed Em in the record label meeting room and he was throwing the chair and breaking the records that were hanging on the wall. How cool was that? Makes ya just want to go to a record label meeting room and throw a chair at a wall.

When Em was flexxing and trying to look buff it reminded me of our little JuJu trying to look cool in front of the camera. I also liked when he was flipping off the camera with his brother Nate. If ya don't know Nate is the 14 year old that looks exactly like him. With his dyed blond hair he looks like his little MiniMe. Way. Did you know Eminem backwards is Menime. That's almost MiniMe. Well..anyways. The farmclub logo on Em's middle finger was kinda gay. Talk about shameless promotion. How cute was Eminem trying to talk like a Gangster? That was the best. Farm Club presents Eminem as "Hella Hard"

O.G. Even Eminem wears makeup. "Hey yo. Exzibits here I don't need no makeup" He was wearing a backwards white visor. Reminds me of the one Kim wore in our first music video(be on the lookout for "Last Name")(YEAH "Last Name" rules!!-whore that lives down the street) The one with backstreet boys on it.

I wonder if Em's has BsB on it to."Notice the feet" Good tip Em. Hella hard gangstas always have their toes pointed out. Here's for the slow fans: Eminem's Crew is called : The Illogical Mathematical Hypothetical Numerical Lyrical Crew and no they do not have a demo but he can spit a rhyme for you.

Eminem's freestyle was cute. That whole "hit you in your eyebrows" kinda freaked me out though but I liked it. I think that chick that was writing on Em's shirt(he claimed she was writing gangsta)was Kim. She looked pretty happy for someone who tryed to kill herself. Kidding! I kid cause I love.

My favorite part of the whole appearance was "Eminem's Rhyme Book" If you didn't see it,it was a little notebook with Britney Spears on it and he started kissing it and licking it. He wiggled his eyebrows and held it to his chest. I watched that part so much there is a permanent line in the tape.It reminded me of when Capital C asked Em what he would do on a date with Britney Spears and he said he would beat up Justin.

It was a great performance. It really makes you appreciate people who perform live and don't lip sing coughbritneyspearscough. Imagine Eminem lip singing at a performance! That would be hella funny! He should do that! Don't ask me why. The lyric about smiling in the court room was kinda ironic don't ya think?

Finally! I found out what the song was on the SlimShadyWorld website! To bad they had to bleep it. Ok,that Sloppy Meat Eater guy had the same poster of Eminem as me! I recall getting it in a teen magazine. What the hell is he doing buying a teen magazine? I was gonna give this 5 stars but the whole part about the sloppy guy telling Em to watch out cause he might take his women and not playing the SlimShadyWorld song unedited brings it down to a 4.