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JC's Birthday!

In Honor Of JC's birthday,we hunted him down and made him do an interview with us. Enjoy!

Me: Hey….How’s it going?

JC: It’s going very well.And yourself?

Me: I’m aight.

JC: That’s good.

Me: So…JC…today’s your 24th birthday. I just have to say you look like you did ten years a go.

JC: Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you.

Me: No…seriously.. you look exactly like you did ten years a go. I have to ask. Did Disney give you some sort of growth stunting pills that would made you look like you were young for the rest of your life so you would fit their "image"?

JC: How did you kno….er….I mean….of course not. What are you talking about?

Me: Come on JC…you can tell me…We’ll keep it on the DL.

Me: We here at Eminem-BSB-Justin, JC, And Those Three Other Guys are going to grant to some birthday wishes. Anything you want.

JC: Who are those three other guys? I’ve been wondering…well….anything?

Me: Anything.

JC: Ok…..let’s see…I could use some more crack….er…..jacks….yeah….some cracker jacks.

Me: You want cracker jacks???Were gonna give you anything you want and you want cracker jacks?You're crazy.

JC: I'm not crazy! Yeah….that’s it.

Me: Ok….

JC: Second….I want all the fans to like me more then Justin.

Me: Done.

JC: REALLY?!??! Oh my god!! This is the best birthday ever! Except for that one birthday when I was alone and Joey-

Me: STOP! We don’t want to know.

JC: Fine…be that way. I thought you fans wanted to know this stuff.

Me: No…we don’t want to know anything about you.

JC: Who’s you favorite member of *NSYNC then?

Me: Joey.

JC: What the fuck? Someone actually likes Joey? When did this happen.

Me: Didn’t you see me and Kim at his fan club meeting. We were the one’s stealing your stuff….er….I mean…..we were the one’s that made Joey that giant cookie. We had to put it in an airplane hanger because it was so big.

JC: Oh yeah….Joey ate that in one minute.

Me: So, what’s you next wish?

JC: Well….when I was in third grade there was this bully that use to make fun of my nose.

Me: So you want us to find him and show him that your famous and make him apologize kinda like a Jenny Jones kinda thing?

JC: No….I’m just saying that when I was in third grade there was a bully that use to make fun of my nose.

Me: Righ…….t

JC: But….sense you mentioned it…I want him dead.

Me: What the fuck? Were not just gonna kill someone because they made fun of you nose like 17 years a go.

JC: Why not? That’s one of my wishes.

Me: Fine! We’ll kill that guy for you. We’ll send Manwhore after him.

JC: Wow! You know Manwhore? How’s he been?

Me: Um….how do you know manwhore? Good….I guess.

JC: Man….we go way back…it’s a long story.

Me: All right…..Just give us another wish.

JC: OK…well….sometimes when I’m performing or I have to do an interview I’m really tired because that night I stayed up all night getting high…er…um….writing music….yeah….well…anyway… I wish that you could clone me and my clone could do some of the stuff I have to do for me.

Me: Ok….JC Chasez…..Here’s you clone!!

JC’s Clone: Hi.

JC: He’s so good looking!

Me: Yeah…that he is…

JC’s Clone: I like rice.

JC: What?

Me: Sorry….well ya see.. we don’t really have a lot of money and cloning is still experimental so he can only say "Hi" and "I like rice" oh….and sometimes if he’s in a good mood he’ll say "Just Tweakin’ your Fins". The scientist’s made him after watching some episodes of the MMC.

JC: How will he perform and do interviews then?

Me: Personally…I don’t think anyone will notice a difference…I mean…I heard you don’t talk when you sign autographs….or smile…and in interviews Justin does all the talking….and Justin can do all the singing….I mean….it wouldn’t be much of a change….I bet no one will even notice.

JC: Yeah….your right… Me: How about another wish?

JC: Ok....I want everyone to know that my name is pronounced Shayzay.

Me: Done.

JC: Good. Cause it really gets on my nerves when people don't know how to say my last name.

Me: We have time for one more wish.

JC: Well…I’m sure everyone wants this…I want the war in France to end.

Me: ……..there is no war in France.

JC: Woohoo!!! We did it! The war’s over!

Me: There was no war…. Screw that.. get out of my house.

JC: I thought we were at my house….

Me: No….. Just leave

JC: Don’t I get one more wish?

Me: Fine…if it’ll get you to leave.

JC: Yay! I want all my debts to Jerome paid.

Me: Fine….we’ll pay your dealer.

JC: Woohoo!!!!

Note: We may not have actually talked to JC.

JC's Birthday!