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Here's where we review the latest *NSYNC Appearances aight manwhores? Well who cares what you think?
[All Access:Making The Tour]

Finally Chris gets to introduce himself first. He gets some respect. But of course the backround music has to be Justin singing a song that he co-wrote. Pretty soon it's just gonna be Justin introducing himself and you hear "and were nsync" in the backround with the camera on Justin the whole time.

And they show Justin in his really nice car. Or as he says,his"ride". Look at his face in the picture when he's looking back in his car. It looks like someone said "Hey! It's Nick Carter!"

So the compound is surrounded by swamp. Don't want fans to get in eh? I see how it is. We spend all this money on your worthless merchandise and you have enclose yourself in some secret "compound" just to rehearse. Like fans are gonna come up to the windows or something?

Justin's hat looks like he made it out of his grandma's sweater. Sorry. It had to be said.When they're putting together the set list do not. I repeat. Do not look at Joey. He does not have facial hair and that's freaky. Sorry Joe. We're still your #1 fans. Just make sure not to shave when we meet you.:) And tell JC to shave."I don't think we should do Bye Bye Bye because nobody likes it" Yeah,that was a funny joke. I could almost hear all two fans laughing.(Not really but you know) Well I could hear JC laughing. I swear,that laugh freaks me out.

Johhny's role is soups to nuts? =o WTF? Remind me not to watch a show with *NSYNC when Johhny is featured. That part where they were rehearsing cherography and Joey kinda walked away with a sad look on his face. It looked like a scene from a soap opera where they play that sad piano music. Makes ya just want to give Joe Joe a big hug. The picture of Jc laying on the floor gave me a few ideas. Ideas about writing about how that picture gave me a few ideas on my website.

They usually forget "a lot of the steps" That part reminded me of the deleted scene on the Austin Powers 2 DVD. Called "Secrets" I was the first to use "air quotes" or so I "think".

My favorite part of the whole appearance was when they showed JC riding around on bikes and scooters. He looked so innocent when he'd riding around on a bike in that red shirt. Don't believe his smile. It's a lie! A lie I say! JC's Not That Innocent

Once again they show Joey wearing a tight strawberry short cake shirt*shiver*(It's gonna be making the video)That's just wrong.He's got money.Why shop at the girls section of Millers Outpost? Whatever floats your boat Joe.

What was up with everyone yelling at the Joester during rehearsal? Made me wanna just go up there and slap Justin and that Wade fag. I can just see Justin screaming "Ow! You slapped me! Cathy,every since I've known you you have slapped me and I cry myself to sweep everwynight" And me saying "What the fuck? How the hell did you know my name?How do you know Garrett?"

And the sercurity taking me away.I have the answer to *NSYNC's choreography problem...Just let Justin dance. He's the only one on camera. Just have Justin dancing with the camera on his and the JC,Joey,Chris,and Lance in the backround dressed in black with no light on them.Johhny has a *NSYNC necklace. I wonder if he wears a *NSYNC necklace when he's with *NSYNC and a Britney neckalace when he's with Britney. Advice for the "Slug" Chick:

  1. Don't go to a *NSYNC concert if you don't have tickets. Nobody likes those people that walk around asking people if they have extra tickets
  2. Eating a slug=Just Wrong
I bet there was a shot where Justin was in the "*NSYNC Toy Room* and the people behind him wouldn't shut up so he turned around and yelled "Hey! I'm Justin Fucking Timberlake!" but of course they edited out. The only parts of what the people behind him were talking about that I could understand were"Why are you wet?" and "He just squirted me!" =o

And they show *NSYNC in their hobo outfits playing hackey sack proving that they have no cordination at all. The performance was good. Finally Joey got some time on camera. I was gonna give it 4 stars because of that Wade fag yelling at Joey but JC looked really hot so I give it 5.

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