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It Makes Me Ill

Aight manwhores. A lot of shit pisses me off so heres where i'm gonna tell ya what's pissing me off at the moment.

[August 8] Hey manwhores! I'm not really pissed right now...I won the Kiwibox Pearl thingy dingy so I'm happy :D It's JC's birthday. He's getting old...and stuff...j/k But I am pissed at two things. First I'm pissed at VH1. I saw the Pop Up Video for "Bye Bye Bye" today and I just have to say that it sucked. Almost all of the info I already knew from MTV's "Making The Video",plus they said that *NSYNC is the product of a "bubble gum factory" in Orlando. How many times do they have to explain that they put themselves together until people believe them? They said that *NSYNC was taught how to act and were each given a personality. JC is the "Jock". Sense when is JC the "jock" lat time I checked the only member close to that is Chris or Justin. JC likes to sleep. LOL Anyways...I might write an angry letter to VH1 but I'm lazy. Oh well...I hope JC"I wanna chasez him"Chasez has a good birthday and dumps that skank of a girlfriend he has :D Let's all hope. Now go look at the pictures of the chasezable one touching himself! LoL. Don't forget to send hatemail to the whore that lives down the street from me.

[July 29] Aight. Right now I'm pissed cause me and Kims didn't win on the KiwiBox "Q-Book" contest. I mean we made a lot of Q-Books and I made hella lot of fake sn's. It was a complete waste of time. Also i'm pissed cause this whore that lives down the street from me had an "Anti PYT" site (which we hate PYT) and then she decided to turn it into a "PYT Humor" site. What the hell is wrong with her. So send hatemail to her here. Click on the little mailbox. Call her a whore and shit like that.