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My Experience and Encounters at the All That Music and More Festival in Charlotte, NC 7-22-00

The All That Music and More Festial was great and a lot of fun! I mainly went to see Sammie and LFO because I love them!

I heard Take 5 and Sammie were going to be signing autogrpahs, so of course I went and got in line to meet them!

Here is what Take 5 autogrpahed for me! They were so sweet and cute!

There is my hottie performing!

There they are shaking it off!

Sammie autographed my CD single! He was so cute and adorable! He is so talented!

There he is signing my CD single cover...He said "Thanks so much for supporting me." It was so cute!

He's a wonderful little performer!

I just adore Brad and he is the cutest thing I've ever seen! He had his shirt off...OH MY GOD! He is gorgeous! Anyway...I got to talk with Brad from the stage..he kept standing on the side and he was looking right at me, so I waved and blew him a kiss...he did the same back! I love him!