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Heading to NYPD Pizza, The Dorough's House, A.J.'s House, and Hanging in Florida

I had the most amazing time of my life! I've got lots to tell ya about and lots of pictures to show you! We took off for Orlando at 5:00am on Saturday and finally at 3:00pm we arrived in O-Town! We quickly checked into our hotel and got ready to head out to NYPD Pizza. This is the Pizza place owned by Lou Pearlman that many of the groups in Orlando hang out at. The place was pretty cool with lots of pictures of all the bands and lots of pictures of The Backstreet Boys.

It was crowded with Backstreet Fans...a Mom and daughter that were in there we knew from the Johnny Suede concert...we sat next to them in line for 7hrs. Isn't that wierd? After we ate we decided to head out to find Howie's House. It is so hard to find. We got lost a lot, but finally found it. It didn't look like anyone was home, but it was the cutest little house.

It was neat to see where Howie grew up. I got some more news on the house and info. about the Dorough family'll have to keep reading to find out about that. After heading to the Dorough's house we made our way to go find A.J.'s house. When we arrived there we saw the gate and we knew we probably couldn't get in, but we talked to the security guard anyway. He said we would have to come back with a realator to look at houses. So, we couldn't get in, but I took some pics and we passed the area where his house is.

It is a cute little neighborhood and the houses aren't that big. It is a new place and a few months ago they didn't have the gated area up yet, so you could get in.

Someone was driving into the neighborhood right before we got there in the same car A.J. has...who knows it could have been him. After heading to A.J.'s we made our way to Down Town Disney to do some shopping and eat there later that night.

A.J.'s fav place! :)

As usual we ate at my fav place...The Rainforrest Cafe! We were out there until about 11:00pm and headed back to the hotel.